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"furious Masturbators" Flash Phuket Expat Motorist In Midday Moment Of Madness

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OMG Amy should have tweeted the world about this insanity. It seems the masturbator police were none to eager to apprehend the swine. Oh well Amy you got to see the show for free feel relieved they did not charge you for it!


Hey give the guys a break. This is not isloated to LOS. When I was working in Hungary a few years ago it was the ladies who stood on the side of the road showing their wares trying to get guys to stop.

It happened to me when taxiing to the runway, outbound from Brazil. Two guys were waving the departing 747 goodbye from along the fence the very same way.

Surprising but no big deal actually. Nobody hurt, no property damaged, maybe just their brain slightly drifting...

I think indeed police has a do-list with somewhat more urgent cases to solve.

Police Sub-Inspector Sutham Sriprasom confirmed the incident was recorded and that a verbal complaint had been made.

A verbal complaint in such a serious matter really isn't worth the paper it's written on. :(


The local police need to pull together on this and come with a solution.

May even require a mass debate to decide so they should stand strong.


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Every society has it's own code of moral conduct. In some countries this woule not be outrageous behavior, In the US, such behavior gets men year in prison and women who do the same are ignored. If one believes statistics, the popular press and Wiki, then women flash much more often than men, yet men are often punished as criminals. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exhibitionism


The local police need to pull together on this and come with a solution.

May even require a mass debate to decide so they should stand strong.


LOL I was hoping to see some more pun-filled posts.

BTW, I understand that these guys aren't the best fishermen in Phuket, but they are master baiters. (Sorry to all. I couldn't resist that bad old joke.)


Happened to my now ex-gf at Kata Beach last year. Also an Asian guy.

A lot of flag wavers go on to commit more serious sexual crimes.

Do they? Where's your evidence for that?

Right here:

"...some experts believe [that] the entire judicial system needs to take a more serious attitude towards exposure. That is because they see it as a "trigger crime" - a minor offence which hints at a propensity to commit more serious acts in future. Jane Monckton-Smith, a former police officer turned criminologist, says its significance is grossly underestimated. "It's a far more dangerous phenomenon than people admit," she said. "It's seen as a bit of a joke, or just something that some men 'do'. "People just laugh it off as the 'dirty old man', even though it's more likely to be younger men or teenagers who do it.

- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/6749015.stm

"The flasher is more likely to be a young man - they start offending in their teens and, unless treated, continue throughout their lives - who may, over time, branch out into more serious contact sex crimes, including rape. Flashers are also highly likely to become involved in crimes against children."

- http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2001/apr/19/gender.uk

"Sex offenders start off by nabbing the easy prey -- committing the so-called "minor" sexual offenses like flashing random women, or the crimes Michael Mele committed. Then, after getting away with it or receiving a slap on the wrist, they become hungrier and develop into full-fledged predators. And it's only when they sink their teeth into their prey that the legal system finally brings down the hammer. But it's too late."

- http://articles.cnn.com/2009-01-13/justice/mitchell.sex.crime_1_offenders-searched-sexual-assault?_s=PM:CRIME

There are plenty more references to this online. When I got my degree's in Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology in the 90's, this was the current thinking.

My knowledge of scientific studies of flashers tells me that these people limit their sexual approaches to strangers to flashing. Rapists are another category altogether. The best response to flashers and salacious tongue-waggers is to laugh at them, not to get in a tizzy and tell the police.

Which scientific studies have you have been reading? So your suggestion to the children that witness this is the same? The correct thing to do is report it to the police.


“It’s not safe to have people like that running around.

Mmm. bit difficult to run and wink at the same time, but I'll give it a bit of a road test.


The local police need to pull together on this and come with a solution.

May even require a mass debate to decide so they should stand strong.


LOL I was hoping to see some more pun-filled posts.

BTW, I understand that these guys aren't the best fishermen in Phuket, but they are master baiters. (Sorry to all. I couldn't resist that bad old joke.)

I don't understand why they don't restrict their activities to their master bed rooms


Funny reading these on a tab. Seeing "furious masturbators" and "scientific studies" on the same page goes a long way in convincing the human race is doomed. Death due to lack of humor. A nasty way to go.


Happened to my now ex-gf at Kata Beach last year. Also an Asian guy.

A lot of flag wavers go on to commit more serious sexual crimes.

Yes, like throwing their soiled undies at passerby or worse, stealing ladies undergarments off the clothesline.....

With all due respect, there is no such evidence in the health literature. These exhibitionists tend to be awkward and inept. Their thrill comes from the deviant act, not from physically assaulting people. In this case, I have a feeling they were high on glue or some chemical concoction and were not sex fiends on the loose.


Well having read all the male replies I feel very angry on behalf of AmyB. What a mob of jerks and male chauvanists you are. It's all a laugh if some guys have a wank in front of you. Pigs arse. What bullshit. Would you be saying the same if it was in front of your wife or daughter. Would you be saying the same if they grabbed your wife or daughter and raped her. Get off your backsides and defend the right of people not to be offended by such acts.

If I pissed into your beer or spewed onto your lap you'd be very upset and offended but AmyB would probably laugh at it just like you laugh at her being offended. Where's the balance just because she's a female.

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If I pissed into your beer or spewed onto your lap you'd be very upset and offended but AmyB would probably laugh at it just like you laugh at her being offended. Where's the balance just because she's a female.

This is correct. Wank all you like, but touching my beer will start WW3.


Well having read all the male replies I feel very angry on behalf of AmyB. What a mob of jerks and male chauvanists you are. It's all a laugh if some guys have a wank in front of you. Pigs arse. What bullshit. Would you be saying the same if it was in front of your wife or daughter. Would you be saying the same if they grabbed your wife or daughter and raped her. Get off your backsides and defend the right of people not to be offended by such acts.

If I pissed into your beer or spewed onto your lap you'd be very upset and offended but AmyB would probably laugh at it just like you laugh at her being offended. Where's the balance just because she's a female.

I think you just took a large portion of logic, diced it on a chopping board, and then scraped the whole lot into a bin.

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