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Son Of Red Bull Executive Arrested For Alleged Fatal Hit-And-Run Against Police

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He said the crash was an accident which occurred due to the boy's car having engine difficulties which caused smoke to spew from the bonnet and obscure his view.

Yeah, there was a goblin on the bonnet smoking a Havana. bah.gif

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He said the crash was an accident which occurred due to the boy's car having engine difficulties which caused smoke to spew from the bonnet and obscure his view.

Yeah, there was a goblin on the bonnet smoking a Havana. bah.gif

Which would explain the bump he felt and the damage to the car


Chaloem Yuwitthaya, the father of the accused driver, appeared at the funeral of the deceased policeman and gave his apologies to the relatives, saying he will pay compensation.

He said the crash was an accident which occurred due to the boy's car having engine difficulties which caused smoke to spew from the bonnet and obscure his view.

The sister-in-law of the dead policeman said that she believed initially when hit he was still alive but the driver tried to escape dragging the body for 200m which killed him.


And this family is the official Ferrari importer, doubt Ferrari will be too happy with them claiming it was the car that caused the accident!


And this family is the official Ferrari importer, doubt Ferrari will be too happy with them claiming it was the car that caused the accident!

Actually, thinking about it, it was kind of vague in the article. It could have also meant the smoke came after the crash and prevented him from seeing he was dragging the bike along.


and where does this exist? the west is littered with similar cases of the rich or famous getting off.... http://www.radaronli...ecca-zahau-died

Sure, these things happen around the world randomly with elite, privileged folks but not to the extent and breadth of every aspect such as in Thailand. Even Shacknai had to pay huge legal bills to mount his case. By the way Shacknai sold his company today for almost 3 billion USD.


And this family is the official Ferrari importer, doubt Ferrari will be too happy with them claiming it was the car that caused the accident!

Be nice to see Ferrari pull the plug so they lose a little face, but I very much doubt that will happen. Too many rich hi-so's here who want their toys and can pay the hugely inflated prices.


This is what happens after drinking too much red bull! The drink should be banned as for the young chap who likked the cop, most probably he will be on the cover of the trash magazine: Thailand Tatler, next month! Really, the masses need to wake up and do something about all this so called hi-sos in thailand.

Khamronwit announced he would quit his position as commander of the Metropolitan Police Bureau if he could not bring to justice the driver responsible for the death of Wichean, 48.

You might just as well quit now mate.

Justice will never be done. A quick pay off and all will be forgotten.


And this family is the official Ferrari importer, doubt Ferrari will be too happy with them claiming it was the car that caused the accident!

Actually, thinking about it, it was kind of vague in the article. It could have also meant the smoke came after the crash and prevented him from seeing he was dragging the bike along.

He said the crash occurred due to engine problems which caused smoke to obscure his view, quite obvious they are claiming that the accident was caused by the smoke.

But even if the police do prosecute the sentencing will be down to a judge, I can see a very light suspended sentence being given by a judge who will leave the court building in a shiny red Ferrari :unsure:

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App


Well it was 5.30AM he could have had a teeny weeny drinky poos and maybe the brakes on the Ferrari were a bit dicky and ready for a service. You cant drive a Ferrari after a drink I know it .. So wasnt his fault then,---- phew I knew there was a way out.

Hey,-- did any one photo the dog that ran across the street?

Give em a couple of days and we will learn the truth, the real truth and nothing but the truth. Well,--- kinda.

Yeah, those carbon brake need a lot of warm up before they really work.


Well it was 5.30AM he could have had a teeny weeny drinky poos and maybe the brakes on the Ferrari were a bit dicky and ready for a service. You cant drive a Ferrari after a drink I know it .. So wasnt his fault then,---- phew I knew there was a way out.

Hey,-- did any one photo the dog that ran across the street?

Give em a couple of days and we will learn the truth, the real truth and nothing but the truth. Well,--- kinda.

Yeah, those carbon brake need a lot of warm up before they really work.


Need to jump them a few times before spirited driving.


The Ferrari car was seen fleeing into Chalerm's house, prompting Kamronwit to RUSH to the house and talk with Chalerm for about an hour.

DId the son of the big man get arrested on the spot? Didn't think so.

For mere mortals like you and me, there would have been a hornet's nest of cops swooping down and arresting us in a Bangkok minute. I witnessed a hill tribe young man who was arrested for thievery. Within minutes of catching him, five Thai cops were standing close around him, taking turns beating his face and body with their fists, and kneeing him in the groin, until he slumped to the ground, unable to stand.

The super priveleged rich - and everyone else. The difference between vultures and cockroaches, in cops' (and society's) perspective.


Well when you start off lieing its easy to continue, as who is going to point out how unbeliievable all the porkies are?

I really liked the plan "blame it on the chaufer??? As if all of the sports car drivers/owners er know have a chaufer to drive them around.


I know for certain many things that were reported on the minibus crash weren't true and pretty much everything regurgitation on this and other websites was complete horse poop, but it made a good rich versus poor story and if you go back to when the reports when the accident happened you'll see things about it were selectively left out when after the rich v poor story got going.

I know nothing of this case the same as everyone else. But go ahead condemn a man when all you know is that he's had a car crash.

its not the car crash that is the problem, it his continuing to drive after the crash dragging the policeman with him, then heading to daddys house, clearly contacting a 'friendly' policeman who helped arrange a fall guy to take the rap, none of this is in dispute as far as I am aware.

As for the cause of the crash, who knows? but one would feel that a wealthy man here would stop and give an explanation if he was not at fault safe in the knowledge that there would be no stitch up by the police.

Do we know that's true?

The last sentence is sarcasm ?

You seem intent on obfuscating the entire issue. You question everything when there is obviously significant evidence that you don't even bother to address in some kind of concession statement. There was a car. It has the marks of having hit a motorcycle on it. The trail of gas leaking out of the car as it fled the scene, led to the house of the (descendants) of the second richest man in Thailand. A police officer has already stepped in to try and redirect blame. He was punished and this all was reported in the media. Yes, perhaps their is some great scheme behind the scenes, and the actual driver was Boss' father (who thought he could lay the blame, selfishly, on his son and then bribe the release to ensure a gentle hand from authorities). It's all plausible, but why should anyone doubt the official report in this case when it's the son of a major, hi-so Thai that allegedly committed the crime? I've watched the Thai police in action. They aren't as surgically precise as they'd like to think. And why would anyone in that family sell out their "precious" son? Have you seen how Thai people coddle their sons?

And since you seem to be so much more eminently knowledgeable than your average TV member, why not indulge with some of the tidbits you supposedly know about the Honda Civic expressway accident?

Agree, especially the last paragraph. And I certainly hope it's not just a rerun of how reckless all minivan drivers are.

I have used the same minivan service numerous times to go from the Tar Pra Canh campus to the Rangsit campus and back, so I have some overall feel for the level of service provided.

Please share your facts.


Amazing how many Forum Members have tried and sentenced Boss, without knowing the details of the accident. Agree it doesn't look good that a cover-up has already been attempted, but it does not say "ipso facto" he is guilty. There just might be other factors that need to be considered in the case. C'mon "peps" engage brain before hitting the keyboard.sad.png

"hit and run n. the crime of a driver of a vehicle who is involved in a collision with another vehicle, property or human being, who knowingly fails to stop to give his/her name, license number, and other information as required by statute to the injured party, a witness, or law enforcement officers."

So he's not guilty of this??


Amazing how many Forum Members have tried and sentenced Boss, without knowing the details of the accident. Agree it doesn't look good that a cover-up has already been attempted, but it does not say "ipso facto" he is guilty. There just might be other factors that need to be considered in the case. C'mon "peps" engage brain before hitting the keyboard.sad.png

"hit and run n. the crime of a driver of a vehicle who is involved in a collision with another vehicle, property or human being, who knowingly fails to stop to give his/her name, license number, and other information as required by statute to the injured party, a witness, or law enforcement officers."

So he's not guilty of this??

In today's BKK Post the driver has admitted guilt and 500,000 baht bail posted

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By the above photo, the bike appears to have travelling in the same direction in the left side of the lane when it got a Ferrari enema.

Only took 5 hours from time of fatal accident until driver reaches police station.


" Metropolitan Police Commissioner Pol Lt Gen Kamronwit Thoopkrajang .................to rush to the house and hold a talk with Chalerm for about an hour."

With enough money you can buy your way out of anything in Thailand. Combine wealth with political power, they'll even change the law for you.

But by God, don't call Thailand a banana-republic otherwise dozens of pink-colored-glasses wearing folks fall over you.

the boy's car having engine difficulties
Worrayuth Yoovidhya, 27

At what age does one become a man in Thailand? sad.png

It all depends how wealthy your family is.

If you are from a poor family, you are a man at 16 and you'd better bring some money back home.

If you are from middle class, 20/21 sounds about right when you graduate and start to work.

When from Hi-so family, you might certainly be a kid until dad is gone, or gives up on you


Chaloem Yuwitthaya, the father of the accused driver, appeared at the funeral of the deceased policeman and gave his apologies to the relatives, saying he will pay compensation.

He said the crash was an accident which occurred due to the boy's car having engine difficulties which caused smoke to spew from the bonnet and obscure his view.

The sister-in-law of the dead policeman said that she believed initially when hit he was still alive but the driver tried to escape dragging the body for 200m which killed him.


Nice face saving maneuver.

I'm sure Ferrari will be calling bullshit on this one. The car looks like a 599 to me and they don't just blow smoke out of the hood.


Chaloem Yuwitthaya, the father of the accused driver, appeared at the funeral of the deceased policeman and gave his apologies to the relatives, saying he will pay compensation.

He said the crash was an accident which occurred due to the boy's car having engine difficulties which caused smoke to spew from the bonnet and obscure his view.

The sister-in-law of the dead policeman said that she believed initially when hit he was still alive but the driver tried to escape dragging the body for 200m which killed him.


Nice face saving maneuver.

I'm sure Ferrari will be calling bullshit on this one. The car looks like a 599 to me and they don't just blow smoke out of the hood.

I seriously doubt that it will be the Ferrari's head office point of view.

When you buy a 20 million + car, you certainly don't see a smoke coming out of the bonnet, unless of course, it is driven by a professional pilot on a circuit.


Amazing how many Forum Members have tried and sentenced Boss, without knowing the details of the accident. Agree it doesn't look good that a cover-up has already been attempted, but it does not say "ipso facto" he is guilty. There just might be other factors that need to be considered in the case. C'mon "peps" engage brain before hitting the keyboard.sad.png

"hit and run n. the crime of a driver of a vehicle who is involved in a collision with another vehicle, property or human being, who knowingly fails to stop to give his/her name, license number, and other information as required by statute to the injured party, a witness, or law enforcement officers."

So he's not guilty of this??

You are making the mistake of quoting factual, logical, reasonable information. There are those on TV that no matter how much logic or reasonable factual information hits them in the face, they will always try and defend those guilty of the crime. There will be those that before the end of the day will say his confession and admission of guilt must have been extracted by torture. I am working on a theory that this is as a result of a genetic mutation that also predisposes people to blindingly believe any and all red propaganda. Perhaps robertson468 should take his own advice:

C'mon "peps" engage brain before hitting the keyboard.sad.png

Something else to consider is that there are a lot of expats in Thailand that enjoy their right to flaunt the lax drink drive regulations and safety regulations. They normally always tend to advocate the type of behaviour the young man has displayed and see nothing wrong with 3 or 4 pints and a drive home. There are even those on TV that admit to drinking whilst driving their cars and having the kids in the back at the same time.


Chaloem Yuwitthaya, the father of the accused driver, appeared at the funeral of the deceased policeman and gave his apologies to the relatives, saying he will pay compensation.

He said the crash was an accident which occurred due to the boy's car having engine difficulties which caused smoke to spew from the bonnet and obscure his view.

The sister-in-law of the dead policeman said that she believed initially when hit he was still alive but the driver tried to escape dragging the body for 200m which killed him.


Nice face saving maneuver.

I'm sure Ferrari will be calling bullshit on this one. The car looks like a 599 to me and they don't just blow smoke out of the hood.

So there will be residue inside the bonnet and on the windscreen then, or no doubt the car is already in the body shop having a clean up and the 'problem with the engine fixed'.


Chaloem Yuwitthaya, the father of the accused driver, appeared at the funeral of the deceased policeman and gave his apologies to the relatives, saying he will pay compensation.

He said the crash was an accident which occurred due to the boy's car having engine difficulties which caused smoke to spew from the bonnet and obscure his view.

The sister-in-law of the dead policeman said that she believed initially when hit he was still alive but the driver tried to escape dragging the body for 200m which killed him.


Nice face saving maneuver.

I'm sure Ferrari will be calling bullshit on this one. The car looks like a 599 to me and they don't just blow smoke out of the hood.

So there will be residue inside the bonnet and on the windscreen then, or no doubt the car is already in the body shop having a clean up and the 'problem with the engine fixed'.

so in one post you are talking about people believing propaganda but then in this one you believe the propaganda that all will be done to help this guy, FYI the car is not in the body shop being cleaned and repaired, it is still sat at Thonglor police station.

ah i get it now, the dig was at red shirts, anything to drag them into it i guess, A hi so has a crash, kills a policeman, there is an attempted cover up, but this is down the red shirts or people believing their propaganda. yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn


Chaloem Yuwitthaya, the father of the accused driver, appeared at the funeral of the deceased policeman and gave his apologies to the relatives, saying he will pay compensation.

He said the crash was an accident which occurred due to the boy's car having engine difficulties which caused smoke to spew from the bonnet and obscure his view.

The sister-in-law of the dead policeman said that she believed initially when hit he was still alive but the driver tried to escape dragging the body for 200m which killed him.


Nice face saving maneuver.

I'm sure Ferrari will be calling bullshit on this one. The car looks like a 599 to me and they don't just blow smoke out of the hood.

I seriously doubt that it will be the Ferrari's head office point of view.

When you buy a 20 million + car, you certainly don't see a smoke coming out of the bonnet, unless of course, it is driven by a professional pilot on a circuit.

There is a waiting list to take delivery of most Ferraris unless you buy one off the showroom floor. And just how many Ferraris are sold in Thailand in the course of a year? Not enough that the production allocated to Thailand could be absorbed with little effort for their existing orders.

I doubt Ferrari will take a a very positive view that one of their products is being used as a scapegoat for vehicular homicide. Especially by the family of the primary importer for their cars. The board room in Maranello is most likely buzzing with Italians waving their hands in the air and speaking in tongues. Then consider that Red Bull is the series sponsor for one of Ferrari's main competitors in Formula 1 and this has the potential for a nice little soap opera.


Also...the guy is 27. I think we can stop calling him a "kid" for chrissakes. He's well into adulthood.

27? Then he is a grown man. All this talk of the boy, the kid and child and I was thinking he was just another teenager with an outgoing personality who made a little mistake like all children do.


In the other paper, it suggests that the accident took place on Sukhumvit proper. If this is the case, there must be a video of what happened from the BTS, security cameras or cameras from the traffic lights. If he wasn't speeding, I don't see that they will be able to successfully convict him of anything more than leaving the scene.

It will be very interesting to see what comes out of the final story.


This kind of event points out several breakdowns in Thai society. The fleeing of the accident, the willingness of police "officials" and "authority to immediately go for a "coverup," the persuading of a driver/staff to take the fall, the willingness of the driver to try to cop a plea for money, the police investigators pursuing the in flight vehicle but not being able to be admitted to the house "because the owner wasn't home," the immediate effort to promise "compensation" and "settle all affairs and more. All in all a great case to illustrate the total breakdown of any moral conscience in this society.

"illustrate the total breakdown of any moral conscience in this society."

Rubbish (no offence)- stop hyperventillating, take a deep breath, and try to understand that these types of thing go on in every society and country. Bad apples are every where.

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