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Unable To Take 'no' As The Answer.


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Nobody likes to see two 75yr olds fighting though

Where does age come into this,or is it just an opportunity for you to voice your predjudiced opinion?

Anyway, he was wrong. Loads of us would enjoy it, two auld fellas going zimmer to zimmer, until they wheeze their false teeth out...


Obviously, I'd win because of my walking stick.

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Nobody likes to see two 75yr olds fighting though

Where does age come into this,or is it just an opportunity for you to voice your predjudiced opinion?

Anyway, he was wrong. Loads of us would enjoy it, two auld fellas going zimmer to zimmer, until they wheeze their false teeth out...


Obviously, I'd win because of my walking stick.

It's not me you should be threatening, it's her boyfriend.

I'll hold your housecoat, if you want


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<removed deleted quote>

the trouble is that we all have our own opinions on that. Whenever I think something's a bit borderline, I post it, to find out which side of the border it falls.

You might enjoy this - the most disappointing video I have yet found on youtube


EDIT: By the way, I can't see what's offensive about suggesting old blokes can fight the same as young ones, nor that their fights should be any less entertaining.

Edited by Tywais
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Unfortunately there are some who believe all Thai women are game and refuse to believe otherwise, sad fact. sad.png Tell her to quietly go to the bathroom so management and others can't see/hear her and make a phone call to the BF. Suspect a few minutes later things could get interesting. wink.png

Nobody likes to see two 75yr olds fighting though

Where does age come into this,or is it just an opportunity for you to voice your predjudiced opinion?

Its a joke you sad old bugger!!!

Edited, next time, and for the gullible............ maybe I should have said 100yr olds?

Edited by travelmann
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But she is not 'that sort of girl'.

I already said she is an unassuming woman who would rather avoid trouble.

But - asked repeatedly by others - does she work in that kind of bar?

You tell us that you drink there occasionally - quiet small place with no music. Don't you know?

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Unfortunately there are some who believe all Thai women are game and refuse to believe otherwise, sad fact. sad.png Tell her to quietly go to the bathroom so management and others can't see/hear her and make a phone call to the BF. Suspect a few minutes later things could get interesting. wink.png

Nobody likes to see two 75yr olds fighting though

Now that was funny! A littl mean...but funny!

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Unfortunately some individuals by virtue of their personalities, cannot accept no for an answer. In these rare circumstances, clubbing them like a baby Seal, always does the trick.

if she is not really bar girl type, she should have clubbed and potted him , with her pool cue ,

the other option , the preferred method of the regular pros , would have been a stilletto heal .

i should know.


Edited by elliss
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If your not the husband then whats this got to do with you?

everybody has an opinion , this being a forum , and My opinion issssss

Personally I think you should leave it for the Thai girls to sort it out. They do a good job , have you ever seen Thai girls round on an unwanted idiot.

Edited by Thongkorn
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Give your bargirl friend the following advice:

Next time the offending customer returns to put the hard word on. Tell your friend to stand up and repeatedly shout loudly:

Do not touch me. Yesterday my friend (insert former bargirl's name who is know to be HIV positive) saw you at the HIV clinic in (insert street).

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what would you advise her to do?

Stop working in a bar where prostitutes are barfined from.

Exactly, thats the first option.

Second option is to inform her boss who will then speak to the guy and tell him to leave her alone of he's barred.

Job done without the need for three pages of waffle. biggrin.png

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But she is not 'that sort of girl'.

I already said she is an unassuming woman who would rather avoid trouble.

According to you, but let's face it your judgment seems a little questionable (IMHO), you're extremely gullible and never can tell a straight bar from a hooker bar. Then you seem to think you can find a respectable girl working in a hooker bar, working girls are your friends, etc., etc.

Quite frankly if I were a working girl and met you in a bar, I would give you the full, "only started here last night, never been with a customer, frightened of the men that come in here, I'm being forced to do this, can you help me" story in the hope of scoring big time.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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what would you advise her to do?

Stop working in a bar where prostitutes are barfined from.

He did say,

Besides that since when has the universal language word "No" changed its meaning depending

on where you work?

By your standard a man can walk into a place like you describe & what?

Go in & maybe force the cook, bartender,cleaning lady, owner? to have some with him due

to the fact ?

Your statement makes no sense to me but is scary in many ways.

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By your standard a man can walk into a place like you describe & what?

Go in & maybe force the cook, bartender,cleaning lady, owner? to have some with him due

to the fact ?

Funnily enough, in one of the bars I frequent, the cook, extremely large 45+ lady, often gets bar-fined for a week at a time.

Some guys must really enjoy a good breakfast. No need to use force, being polite asking nicely usually works.

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By your standard a man can walk into a place like you describe & what?

Go in & maybe force the cook, bartender,cleaning lady, owner? to have some with him due

to the fact ?

Funnily enough, in one of the bars I frequent, the cook, extremely large 45+ lady, often gets bar-fined for a week at a time.

Some guys must really enjoy a good breakfast. No need to use force, being polite asking nicely usually works.

It is not as easy as you think to make good quality sunny side up eggs

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By your standard a man can walk into a place like you describe & what?

Go in & maybe force the cook, bartender,cleaning lady, owner? to have some with him due

to the fact ?

Funnily enough, in one of the bars I frequent, the cook, extremely large 45+ lady, often gets bar-fined for a week at a time.

Some guys must really enjoy a good breakfast. No need to use force, being polite asking nicely usually works.

It is not as easy as you think to make good quality sunny side up eggs

Her chicken and potato yellow curry is also world class.

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But she is not 'that sort of girl'.

I already said she is an unassuming woman who would rather avoid trouble.

According to you, but let's face it your judgment seems a little questionable (IMHO), you're extremely gullible and never can tell a straight bar from a hooker bar. Then you seem to think you can find a respectable girl working in a hooker bar, working girls are your friends, etc., etc.

Quite frankly if I were a working girl and met you in a bar, I would give you the full, "only started here last night, never been with a customer, frightened of the men that come in here, I'm being forced to do this, can you help me" story in the hope of scoring big time.

Head on the nail ! For living in the sticks, you are more streetsmart, than most posters here.thumbsup.gif
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By your standard a man can walk into a place like you describe & what?

Go in & maybe force the cook, bartender,cleaning lady, owner? to have some with him due

to the fact ?

Funnily enough, in one of the bars I frequent, the cook, extremely large 45+ lady, often gets bar-fined for a week at a time.

Some guys must really enjoy a good breakfast. No need to use force, being polite asking nicely usually works.

It is not as easy as you think to make good quality sunny side up eggs

Her chicken and potato yellow curry is also world class.

Worth her weight in som tam by the sounds of it

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So I was at the mall in my little town. There is a coffee shop next to the massage shop. I was having a coffee and the new lady at the massage shop was telling me about leaving Pattaya after only one day because all the women were dangerous there. We were talking for a while and she told me her sad story about her family and children. So I popped for a massage.

I was getting ready to shower still chatting with her but not looking at her. I turned around and I burst out laughing. She said, “well you don't expect me to shower with my clothes on do you?”

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She should work somewhere else, a place that doesn't have bar fines. She is basically working in a take away brothel, there are always going to be guys that are rude because they think she is just playing hard to get to increase the price.
I think it depends if she lead the guy on with accepting drinks and being friendly and playing that she will go and then she said no. Some of these girls are real pieces of work. But why would you want a girl who does not want to go. He may be an ass but she is not exactly an angel if working in a bar that has a bar fine system. If she wants respects she should take a hard look at what and where is works.
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She should work somewhere else, a place that doesn't have bar fines. She is basically working in a take away brothel, there are always going to be guys that are rude because they think she is just playing hard to get to increase the price.
I think it depends if she lead the guy on with accepting drinks and being friendly and playing that she will go and then she said no. Some of these girls are real pieces of work. But why would you want a girl who does not want to go. He may be an ass but she is not exactly an angel if working in a bar that has a bar fine system. If she wants respects she should take a hard look at what and where is works.

The recurring theme throughout this thread is that she doesn't like it, SHE should have to go.

Why should she HAVE to go because of an asshol_e doesn't understand the word NO.

Any customer with a brain cell not attached to his dick can see that.

I am on her side as well as Pattayadingo.

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If your not the husband then whats this got to do with you?

everybody has an opinion , this being a forum , and My opinion issssss

Personally I think you should leave it for the Thai girls to sort it out. They do a good job , have you ever seen Thai girls round on an unwanted idiot.

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Why should she HAVE to go because of an asshol_e doesn't understand the word NO.

Because she is employed as a hooker in a hooker bar.

Or would you normally expect to pay staff who refuse to work?

How do you know that Tommo?

What wording would be on her contract seeing as prostitution has been illegal in Thailand for the last 52 years? Can't see it being on her CV either; I have just added that bit for the ones that think employment into the bar scene is like any other business venture.

You know, throughout this thread (and many, many others) it still astounds my how many people stereotype bars in Pattaya. They see every bargirl employed being available for an 'off' whether they want to or not, They seem to have an image of the mama san slapping the girl about and sending her on her way with the punter. Incredible!

Whereas there are some bars that follow the above protocol, these are not for the tourist or expat. If I was a bar owner again, and bar fines were part of the menu, then for sure I would employ staff who weren't up for the 'take-away'. Nothing quite like a successful bar with no staff as they have been all 'offed' is there?

Opinions are mostly based on experience and IMHO the majority of posters here who stereotype bars must be used to some real dives. Either that or they are basing their observations on 20 year old experiences. Or they believe everything they see and hear from second parties and have never set foot in a Pattaya bar before.

Minor rant over...................wai.gif

As for the bar PD has described, given that he uses it quite regularly and has not seen a bar fine paid in over a year, it pretty much typifies a lot of the smaller bars in Pattaya. The guy described in the OP is an @sshole regardless of any part of the scenario that is missing. The owner of the bar should be informed and he/she should make the choice as to what has to be done. If one of them, the customer or the bargirl, has to go, then it should be based on which will have least impact on their business.

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Why should she HAVE to go because of an asshol_e doesn't understand the word NO.

Because she is employed as a hooker in a hooker bar.

Or would you normally expect to pay staff who refuse to work?

How do you know that Tommo?

What wording would be on her contract seeing as prostitution has been illegal in Thailand for the last 52 years? Can't see it being on her CV either; I have just added that bit for the ones that think employment into the bar scene is like any other business venture.

You know, throughout this thread (and many, many others) it still astounds my how many people stereotype bars in Pattaya. They see every bargirl employed being available for an 'off' whether they want to or not, They seem to have an image of the mama san slapping the girl about and sending her on her way with the punter. Incredible!

Whereas there are some bars that follow the above protocol, these are not for the tourist or expat. If I was a bar owner again, and bar fines were part of the menu, then for sure I would employ staff who weren't up for the 'take-away'. Nothing quite like a successful bar with no staff as they have been all 'offed' is there?

Opinions are mostly based on experience and IMHO the majority of posters here who stereotype bars must be used to some real dives. Either that or they are basing their observations on 20 year old experiences. Or they believe everything they see and hear from second parties and have never set foot in a Pattaya bar before.

Minor rant over...................wai.gif

As for the bar PD has described, given that he uses it quite regularly and has not seen a bar fine paid in over a year, it pretty much typifies a lot of the smaller bars in Pattaya. The guy described in the OP is an @sshole regardless of any part of the scenario that is missing. The owner of the bar should be informed and he/she should make the choice as to what has to be done. If one of them, the customer or the bargirl, has to go, then it should be based on which will have least impact on their business.

Bars in Pattaya that don't have the income of bar fines, hmmmmm. What percent of bars in Pattaya would that be? Restaurants I can see but bars in Pattaya with no bar fines? How many? Not family marts or 7/11 but bars. Hmmmm.

I can't think of any. Farang bars? The large pubs with restaurants sure. But small bars in Pattaya? Does anyone really kow of one?

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Seems like this Guys Ego has taken a beating. Perhaps he has been called Hansome man too many times,and

really believes it. Even so he needs to learn the hard way,that not all Thai women are available,and deserve some

respect,in some western Countries he would be prosecuted for harrassment!

As someone has already pointed out,the Boyfriend could easily sort this out Thai style.

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Whereas there are some bars that follow the above protocol, these are not for the tourist or expat. If I was a bar owner again, and bar fines were part of the menu, then for sure I would employ staff who weren't up for the 'take-away'. Nothing quite like a successful bar with no staff as they have been all 'offed' is there?

You clearly know nothing about farang bars in Pattaya.

Many of these bars don't make profit from selling beer, they make money from collecting bar-fines.

Most of their staff are required to collect 8 bar fines a month and 20 lady drinks (coloured water), else their wages are reduced accordingly. As for no staff left, many of the girls return to work after an hour or so, or have 'booths' upstairs.

Thai bars are entirely different, they sell drinks not girls.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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