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Have I Become A Grouchy Old Man?


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I just got back from a three week work/holiday trip to Indonesia; I took the airport link train and changed to the BTS. At the Siam station, I had to change trains and as I am trying to leave the train, a woman is pushing onto the train - so I pushed back - she looked so surprised and shocked - I wasn't rough just firm. This wasn't even rush hour. How I would have loved to just have a conversation with her to ask why she felt so important that my need to exit were only secondary to her entry.

I am usually pretty calm and not easily riled; however, something just kicked in.

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It happens in elevators too. I think it's some sort of fear that the door will close and the bus/elevator will go without them.

It happens on planes too, though I can't imagine why anyone would think that the plane will suddenly take off.

Oh well TIT, tis a minor thing.

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Sometimes, I think, I'm in a need of a very old steal Volvo, to 'push back' at the roundabouts, every now and then.

Sometimes, I think, this 'me, myself and I first' mentality, without thinking, makes me sick.

But then, after finding a place, to watch it, it makes me smile.

The shock, after everyone went in, but no one can go out, anymore, because every lane is blocked, is great.

And the learning effect is.....................ZERO (or Dead).

And after that, memories entering my brain, how I was acting. When I was a greenhorn on the roads, a novice in Bus/Metro using, boarded my first plane. And I smile a bit more, and my indulgence is with them......, till the next time, I think, I should buy a Volvo


Edited by noob7
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alot of people in this country dont have manners i dont know if its a culture thing or not. Have you ever been at the shop counter and people just push in and speak over you that really annoys me

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I don't think it's a 'me, me me' thing, it' s more a 'duuh, what am I having for dinner tomorrow night' thing. And incidentally, why is that Farang frowning at me, maybe I'll go kill him...

I don't mind standing on peoples' feet/scraping theirankles when they push in front, people look at my kind face and get out of the way.

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I don't think it's a 'me, me me' thing, it' s more a 'duuh, what am I having for dinner tomorrow night' thing. And incidentally, why is that Farang frowning at me, maybe I'll go kill him...

I don't mind standing on peoples' feet/scraping theirankles when they push in front, people look at my kind face and get out of the way.

Your better looking than me then. w00t.gif
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I get grouchy when I wait to hold the door open for some old soul taking her time step by step, then takes off like a hare and not even a nod of gratitude. The pushing still freaks me out a little I don't know if I should come to a complete halt or step aside, if it's a kid I've been known to step on their toes on the BTS.

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alot of people in this country dont have manners i dont know if its a culture thing or not. Have you ever been at the shop counter and people just push in and speak over you that really annoys me

It is a culture thing. I live where there are not that many farang. This action happens all the time so I think it ther way of life and we have to accept it. I find it hard because of what I have been taught. Think what Thai people think of us when we object to their way of life.

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I did the same thing a few times when I was a young man, so I don't think so.

I still do it. If someone wants to be an arrogant prick, I have no problem butting heads with them. Accept of course on TV where the arrogant pricks hide behind a veil of anonymity.

I do it here every day. It is always amazing to me how many people expect another to shut up just because they tell him to. A lot of bullies here.

In the real world normally I am quite calm. One song tau driver gave me a big smirk and told me he didn't have change for a 20 baht note and I snatched the one I had given him out of his hand. He chased me for half a block till a helpful bar girl tripped him.

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alot of people in this country dont have manners i dont know if its a culture thing or not. Have you ever been at the shop counter and people just push in and speak over you that really annoys me

The story from the Buffalo, doing same same at the water hole / manger, is stopping it quickly.

Oh, you need to tell the story loud in Thai, and with a big smile.

And better, you do not look like Denny DeVito. Closer to the other 'Twin'-s appearance is helpful!

And not to older people, you don't want the crowd turns on you!

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I get grouchy when I wait to hold the door open for some old soul taking her time step by step, then takes off like a hare and not even a nod of gratitude. The pushing still freaks me out a little I don't know if I should come to a complete halt or step aside, if it's a kid I've been known to step on their toes on the BTS.

If you;re just holding the door open for the thanks you're going to get, isn't that pretty selfish?

Personally, I think the OP is being too sensitive, and he's paying too much attention if he notices that sort of trivia. For me, its about how I behave, not others.

One time, I was following a doddering old tortoise up the escalator, and as he paused at the top, I nipped past. Tripped over his umbrella, and went arse over tit. I hope he found it as funny as I did, though at the time, I was able to avoid laughing about it.


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I dont think so, i'm fed up with rude people.

I exit the trains now like a bull out of the gate because no one ever leaves a gap for those exiting.

I try to turn sideways so that I can fit between the people boarding. And to present my shoulder to those that don't move a couple of inches to one side or another. I can't say I recall noticing anyone blocking my way.

A winger finds space

A centre makes space

A prop doesn't need space


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I dont think so, i'm fed up with rude people.

I exit the trains now like a bull out of the gate because no one ever leaves a gap for those exiting.

I try to turn sideways so that I can fit between the people boarding. And to present my shoulder to those that don't move a couple of inches to one side or another. I can't say I recall noticing anyone blocking my way.

A winger finds space

A centre makes space

A prop doesn't need space


i do feel bkk is not so bad, australia however. does my head in.

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It's commonsense and etiquette worldwide to let the passengers off the train first so the passengers have space to get on.

OP I'm a grouchy young man if that makes you feel any better, good place to let of steam is here(pardon the pun).

The worst is when you get some little old lady rushing like lightening to push in front of you in a queue then taking an eternity to pay for her items.

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I had a similar experience in Bangkok someone pushing into a lift that was already overly full of people. I said or did nothing until the lift doors closed, then whilst making eye contact with the perpetrator only, I burst out laughing hysterically. The individual lowered there gaze and remained looking at the floor until the next floor, where they sheepishly exited.

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My favorite was the time I held the door for a man that was behind me ... he then looked at me in contempt as if my job was the official door holder. The man then was followed by a little old frail woman who he simply let the door slam on her as she was half in and half out. Very hard to be understanding with these kind of people.

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