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British Consulate In Pattaya To Close


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Yes i heard this a few days ago.

This is absolutely intolerable and totally stupid. Typical bloody UK as like the right wing USA all they think and care about is MONEY not the big word "SERVICE" to the PEOPLE. Keep voting in right wing controlled Governments and you will get more of this type of thing to keep the UK minority wealthy elites in their lives of luxury whilst the rest of us ordinary folk get crapped on time and time again. High time we got rid of bloody Tories in the UK and voted in a pure Lib Dem centre party Government (without them having to bow down in any way to the bloody Tories) as they are at least a party of the people not for the rich greedy elite nor the power crazy extreme socialists either..

Other than that life is good here in LoS I find, and all this crap reminds me that I am so glad I do not now have to put up with the crap and terrible way of life for the ordinary folk in right wing controlled Britain.

It doesn't matter who is in power its always the same people behind the scenes - or haven't you noticed!

Oh dear. Do you wear a tin foil hat too?

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Yes i heard this a few days ago.

This is absolutely intolerable and totally stupid. Typical UK as like the right wing USA all they think and care about is MONEY not the big word "SERVICE" to the PEOPLE. Keep voting in right wing controlled Governments and you will get more of this type of thing to keep the UK minority wealthy elites in their lives of luxury whilst the rest of us ordinary folk get crapped on time and time again. High time we got rid of Tories in the UK and voted in a pure Lib Dem centre party Government (without them having to bow down in any way to the Tories) as they are at least a party of the people not for the rich greedy elite nor the power crazy extreme socialists either..

Why do I pay UK taxes on my pension for what?? At least I felt I was getting some service for my money with the Pattaya Consulate office being there where it is truly needed adn where it offered a pretty good service to the.thousands of UK nationals in the area I reckon there are probably more UK guys living or on holiday in Pattaya than even Bangkok at a guess, so why make the much needed consular service inferior ??? . Hague visiting here, so is it any wonder he wants to save money and sod the UK nationals here .

Come on now ow much do you think that tiny office in Soi 5 Jomtien costs to rent hmm ?? Bugger all I am certain knowing Thai rental costs in areas such as that. Then the cost of one or two at most locally employed staff who they will continue to need anyway to either relocate to Bangkok or replace them up there to deal with the extra workload from Pattaya. The costings really must be very small for sure and money so well spent for the huge benefit it gives to thousands of UK nationals living in Pattaya and the large surrounding areas. If they added say 100 Baht local excess charge to each and every customer paying service then with the amount of customers here that would easily pay their added costs to keep the office open here I am sure. And it would save so many elderly guys for instance a whole day of their remaining lives dragging themselves up to Bangkok each year for their pension letter or whatever they need and still be cheaper than the Bangkok return journey and taxis etc too.


Other than that life is good here in LoS I find, and all this crap reminds me that I am so glad I do not now have to put up with the crap and terrible way of life for the ordinary folk in right wing controlled Britain.

Mr. Kent unfortunately for you doesn't have to justify himself. His job is to piss poeple off, which apparently he is quite good at doing.

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>>What's stopping anyone applying by mail?<<

Nothing at all, but it is more expensive with EMS mail costs is far far less convenient. Ever tried posting a letter here in Thailand and spending hours sometimes for what should be unnecessarily queuing at a Thai post office. The remember that here in Thailand letters and valuable documents DO get lost in transit way too often adn think of the turmoil that causes the poor guy so affected in getting replacement documents.

How can an additional THB 300 (200 plus 100 EMS if paying by bankers draft & applying by mail) be less conveinient than trudging to Bkk?

(A photocopy of Passport would surely suffice re pension letters, given it's ok when applying for a new/replacement passport)

Edited by evadgib
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Yes i heard this a few days ago.

This is absolutely intolerable and totally stupid. Typical UK as like the right wing USA all they think and care about is MONEY not the big word "SERVICE" to the PEOPLE. Keep voting in right wing controlled Governments and you will get more of this type of thing to keep the UK minority wealthy elites in their lives of luxury whilst the rest of us ordinary folk get crapped on time and time again. High time we got rid of Tories in the UK and voted in a pure Lib Dem centre party Government (without them having to bow down in any way to the Tories) as they are at least a party of the people not for the rich greedy elite nor the power crazy extreme socialists either..

Why do I pay UK taxes on my pension for what?? At least I felt I was getting some service for my money with the Pattaya Consulate office being there where it is truly needed adn where it offered a pretty good service to the.thousands of UK nationals in the area I reckon there are probably more UK guys living or on holiday in Pattaya than even Bangkok at a guess, so why make the much needed consular service inferior ??? . Hague visiting here, so is it any wonder he wants to save money and sod the UK nationals here .

Come on now ow much do you think that tiny office in Soi 5 Jomtien costs to rent hmm ?? Bugger all I am certain knowing Thai rental costs in areas such as that. Then the cost of one or two at most locally employed staff who they will continue to need anyway to either relocate to Bangkok or replace them up there to deal with the extra workload from Pattaya. The costings really must be very small for sure and money so well spent for the huge benefit it gives to thousands of UK nationals living in Pattaya and the large surrounding areas. If they added say 100 Baht local excess charge to each and every customer paying service then with the amount of customers here that would easily pay their added costs to keep the office open here I am sure. And it would save so many elderly guys for instance a whole day of their remaining lives dragging themselves up to Bangkok each year for their pension letter or whatever they need and still be cheaper than the Bangkok return journey and taxis etc too.


Other than that life is good here in LoS I find, and all this crap reminds me that I am so glad I do not now have to put up with the crap and terrible way of life for the ordinary folk in right wing controlled Britain.

Here ends the party political broadcast on behalf of the loony left!

Pattaya - Bangkok - motorway. Not exactly a massive distance or difficult journey. The UK, like most other "developed" countries is in deep financial trouble. Doesn't matter which party is in, austerity measures and cuts will be made, the poor will be squeazed, the rich will get richer and the corrupt bankers will keep scamming. Sad, but that's how it is.

Closing this might inconvenience you and mean that you have to travel to the embassy. Always a queue and shut at 11.00 am so go early.

Loony left.??? I think I said Lib Dem Alternative Government of THE CENTRE may help which acknowledges money AND PEOPLE. Where did I say anything about left wing extreme socialist doctrines, or the so called loony left you mentioned??. I am against BOTH the loony left and the intolerable uncaring right wing mate, which is clear if you read what is written before making such inane grossly inaccurate comments which I resent. Jeez it is getting as bad as some non thinking Americans who feel anyone who is not extreme right wing has to somehow be a communist with nothing in between, totally crass and stupid of course. Anyway it IS all very relevant as it is the usual right wing sod the service level cost saving that is behind this move as pointed out, and if you do not realise that then you probably have your head in the sand..

Anyway back to the more direct and immediate problem. Some of us hate Bangkok as much as we do Manchester and London and Birmingham and other noisy, smelly overcrowded tiresome cities and they are the last places we want to waste a day of our remaining lives in. . Sure some love it and that is good too as is anything that makes folk smile a little more. Some of us are getting too old and frail for such tiresome journeys, still okay for me but I know of many who would find it very difficult to make such an unnecessary journey.. So think about others my friend not just about what you personally can and want to do. What is surely also most important is it SHOULD NOT BE NECESSARY.to have to make that journey to Bangkok or risk losing your documents in the post, as we are talking peanuts I am sure to keep the Soi 5 office open.

One positive compromise would be for them to simply collect the needed completed forms and documents from folk daily in Jomtien and courier them safely to and from the UK Bangkok Embassy as I think they did before, and even if for a very small fee like 100 Baht if really needed. Certainly an inferior service and unnecessary kludge but better than folk having to trail up to Bangkok when it really should not be necessary.

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Distgusting !!! Shamefull !!!! Embarrasing To save a few Baht they decide to close the consulate in Pattaya who is next !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now we know what the new ambassador's remit is " Close all the Consulate's " around Thailand !!!!!!!!!!!!

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Yes i heard this a few days ago.

This is absolutely intolerable and totally stupid. Typical UK as like the right wing USA all they think and care about is MONEY not the big word "SERVICE" to the PEOPLE. Keep voting in right wing controlled Governments and you will get more of this type of thing to keep the UK minority wealthy elites in their lives of luxury whilst the rest of us ordinary folk get crapped on time and time again. High time we got rid of Tories in the UK and voted in a pure Lib Dem centre party Government (without them having to bow down in any way to the Tories) as they are at least a party of the people not for the rich greedy elite nor the power crazy extreme socialists either..

Why do I pay UK taxes on my pension for what?? At least I felt I was getting some service for my money with the Pattaya Consulate office being there where it is truly needed adn where it offered a pretty good service to the.thousands of UK nationals in the area I reckon there are probably more UK guys living or on holiday in Pattaya than even Bangkok at a guess, so why make the much needed consular service inferior ??? . Hague visiting here, so is it any wonder he wants to save money and sod the UK nationals here .

Come on now ow much do you think that tiny office in Soi 5 Jomtien costs to rent hmm ?? Bugger all I am certain knowing Thai rental costs in areas such as that. Then the cost of one or two at most locally employed staff who they will continue to need anyway to either relocate to Bangkok or replace them up there to deal with the extra workload from Pattaya. The costings really must be very small for sure and money so well spent for the huge benefit it gives to thousands of UK nationals living in Pattaya and the large surrounding areas. If they added say 100 Baht local excess charge to each and every customer paying service then with the amount of customers here that would easily pay their added costs to keep the office open here I am sure. And it would save so many elderly guys for instance a whole day of their remaining lives dragging themselves up to Bangkok each year for their pension letter or whatever they need and still be cheaper than the Bangkok return journey and taxis etc too.


Other than that life is good here in LoS I find, and all this crap reminds me that I am so glad I do not now have to put up with the crap and terrible way of life for the ordinary folk in right wing controlled Britain.

Here ends the party political broadcast on behalf of the loony left!

Pattaya - Bangkok - motorway. Not exactly a massive distance or difficult journey. The UK, like most other "developed" countries is in deep financial trouble. Doesn't matter which party is in, austerity measures and cuts will be made, the poor will be squeazed, the rich will get richer and the corrupt bankers will keep scamming. Sad, but that's how it is.

Closing this might inconvenience you and mean that you have to travel to the embassy. Always a queue and shut at 11.00 am so go early.

Loony left.??? I think I said Lib Dem Alternative Government of THE CENTRE may help which acknowledges money AND PEOPLE. Where did I say anything about left wing extreme socialist doctrines, or the so called loony left you mentioned??. I am against BOTH the loony left and the intolerable uncaring right wing mate, which is clear if you read what is written before making such inane grossly inaccurate comments which I resent. Jeez it is getting as bad as some non thinking Americans who feel anyone who is not extreme right wing has to somehow be a communist with nothing in between, totally crass and stupid of course. Anyway it IS all very relevant as it is the usual right wing sod the service level cost saving that is behind this move as pointed out, and if you do not realise that then you probably have your head in the sand..

Anyway back to the more direct and immediate problem. Some of us hate Bangkok as much as we do Manchester and London and Birmingham and other noisy, smelly overcrowded tiresome cities and they are the last places we want to waste a day of our remaining lives in. . Sure some love it and that is good too as is anything that makes folk smile a little more. Some of us are getting too old and frail for such tiresome journeys, still okay for me but I know of many who would find it very difficult to make such an unnecessary journey.. So think about others my friend not just about what you personally can and want to do. What is surely also most important is it SHOULD NOT BE NECESSARY.to have to make that journey to Bangkok or risk losing your documents in the post, as we are talking peanuts I am sure to keep the Soi 5 office open.

One positive compromise would be for them to simply collect the needed completed forms and documents from folk daily in Jomtien and courier them safely to and from the UK Bangkok Embassy as I think they did before, and even if for a very small fee like 100 Baht if really needed. Certainly an inferior service and unnecessary kludge but better than folk having to trail up to Bangkok when it really should not be necessary.

Oh dear. Well, the main task for the British Embassy in Bangkok and in any city is not to look after you and other citizens who may have chosen to live in a foreign country. Nor is its purpose to make your lives easier just because you have chosen not to live in your mother country but despite that require to be given every service you may feel suited to your needs in your lives in foreign country that may have some rules for expatriats to follow. Stop whining and grow up!

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Oh dear. Well, the main task for the British Embassy in Bangkok and in any city is not to look after you and other citizens who may have chosen to live in a foreign country. Nor is its purpose to make your lives easier just because you have chosen not to live in your mother country but despite that require to be given every service you may feel suited to your needs in your lives in foreign country that may have some rules for expatriats to follow. Stop whining and grow up!

Perhaps for the benefit of Expats and in the interests of avoiding further confusion the British Embassy could list what its real purposes are?

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so "officials" doubt the closure and/or the timing of this event.

the announcement says the office will close, but the consular services remains ...

looks to me like thai-style Management at a glance.

If it takes as long to close it as it did to open it, they'll be in business for some time yet.....

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May I humbly post a request that as the consul will soon no longer be able to provide income letters,

If information can be made available and updated that include how to apply ect.

Possible a dedicated reference could be pinned in the local Pattaya section and kept current as and when any changes are made.

We can then refer to it prior to getting the required letter along with what we need to get one.

This to include relevant information, required documentation and fees for both postal applications and going to the Embassy.

Is it possible to consider this please Rimmer on behalf of all who require this facility ???

It would be much appreciated by everyone / by most of us, for convenient reference and easy access.


marshbags smile.png


Edited by marshbags
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Yes i heard this a few days ago.

This is absolutely intolerable and totally stupid. Typical bloody UK as like the right wing USA all they think and care about is MONEY not the big word "SERVICE" to the PEOPLE. Keep voting in right wing controlled Governments and you will get more of this type of thing to keep the UK minority wealthy elites in their lives of luxury whilst the rest of us ordinary folk get crapped on time and time again. High time we got rid of bloody Tories in the UK and voted in a pure Lib Dem centre party Government (without them having to bow down in any way to the bloody Tories) as they are at least a party of the people not for the rich greedy elite nor the power crazy extreme socialists either..

Other than that life is good here in LoS I find, and all this crap reminds me that I am so glad I do not now have to put up with the crap and terrible way of life for the ordinary folk in right wing controlled Britain.

It doesn't matter who is in power its always the same people behind the scenes - or haven't you noticed!

Excellent video and indeed I honestly feel too that this is the case, Sure a bit conspiracy theory stuff but here is no smoke without fire sometimes. So sure I realise there is little difference in the end between Labour and Conservative or Republican and Democrat etc, and that was why I stated and always have it is high time we all said ENOUGH and formed a new Peoples' force to be elected into power who will say NO to this top of the pyramid dictatorship. I feel in the UK that the Lib Dem party just MAY be a possible way forward, of course but sure I may be wrong and they turn out just more of the same. But they are already there in place and we have not given them a chance to show their true colours so isn't it about time we said NO to Tories and New Labour and give the Lib Dems one chance at least? What have we to lose as there is currently no feasible alternative that is or could be in place in time for the next election??

Sorry we have appeared to digress from the main topic, but of course as any thinking person should know it is all actually very relevant to this current problem and all boils down to money control and power over ordinary people.

Still comes back to getting a proper answer form Mark Kent as to why he is doing such an unwanted and unpopular move as I am sure it cannot be about money as too little if any would be saved.

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Keep voting in right wing controlled Governments and you will get more of this type of thing to keep the UK minority wealthy elites in their lives of luxury whilst the rest of us ordinary folk get crapped on time and time again. High time we got rid of Tories in the UK and voted in a pure Lib Dem centre party Government (without them having to bow down in any way to the Tories) as they are at least a party of the people not for the rich greedy elite nor the power crazy extreme socialists either..

Sorry to argue with you, but the nastiest treatment of Brits by The Foreign and Commonwealth Office was under a labour Government, not a Tory one.

That odious little toad, Jack Straw, actually was forced to apologise in Parliament for the way in which the FCO treated, or more accurately neglected, victims of the tsunami.

Let's face it, how many politicians across the World, with few exceptions, give a dam_n about the voters. They can only think "ME! ME! ME! ME! ME!" and fill their pockets at our expense. There are as many wealthy self-style elite Left wingers as there are Right wingers.

I am just waiting for the British Embassy to move in its entirety to Hong Kong. Passport renewal im BKK used to be efficient before the new pfritiful send it here, send it there, send it to UK for renewal at twice the UK renewal price. How many TV members have had overstay fines because their passport was not renewed in time under the new system?

One day I will understand why the UK pension is only about 50% of what the Governments considers a legal minimum wage to be. "Let's freeze and starve these bl**dy pensioners to death and save some money!"

Edited by farangbanok
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Yes i heard this a few days ago.

This is absolutely intolerable and totally stupid. Typical UK as like the right wing USA all they think and care about is MONEY not the big word "SERVICE" to the PEOPLE. Keep voting in right wing controlled Governments and you will get more of this type of thing to keep the UK minority wealthy elites in their lives of luxury whilst the rest of us ordinary folk get crapped on time and time again. High time we got rid of Tories in the UK and voted in a pure Lib Dem centre party Government (without them having to bow down in any way to the Tories) as they are at least a party of the people not for the rich greedy elite nor the power crazy extreme socialists either..

Why do I pay UK taxes on my pension for what?? At least I felt I was getting some service for my money with the Pattaya Consulate office being there where it is truly needed adn where it offered a pretty good service to the.thousands of UK nationals in the area I reckon there are probably more UK guys living or on holiday in Pattaya than even Bangkok at a guess, so why make the much needed consular service inferior ??? . Hague visiting here, so is it any wonder he wants to save money and sod the UK nationals here .

Come on now ow much do you think that tiny office in Soi 5 Jomtien costs to rent hmm ?? Bugger all I am certain knowing Thai rental costs in areas such as that. Then the cost of one or two at most locally employed staff who they will continue to need anyway to either relocate to Bangkok or replace them up there to deal with the extra workload from Pattaya. The costings really must be very small for sure and money so well spent for the huge benefit it gives to thousands of UK nationals living in Pattaya and the large surrounding areas. If they added say 100 Baht local excess charge to each and every customer paying service then with the amount of customers here that would easily pay their added costs to keep the office open here I am sure. And it would save so many elderly guys for instance a whole day of their remaining lives dragging themselves up to Bangkok each year for their pension letter or whatever they need and still be cheaper than the Bangkok return journey and taxis etc too.


Other than that life is good here in LoS I find, and all this crap reminds me that I am so glad I do not now have to put up with the crap and terrible way of life for the ordinary folk in right wing controlled Britain.

Right On, Comrade! Of course those right wing extremists are responsible for all the world's problems. NOT!!

Why do you feel you have to kick the USA on a Thai blog discussing a British concern?

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Smells of Thai Immigration - the more they can frustrate, obstruct and hinder farangs the happier they are.

Doubt it: Thai Immigration can hardly dictate where the Embassy chooses to establish consulates? And as many others have said: It's a two hour drive!

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Feel for those with a genuine need who required assistance.

But big difference between need for genuine assistance and lack of convenience, which is what I feel most will complain about.

It's unfortunate but the Uk is hardly a mighty empire anymore.Meaning its no longer requiring or being able to afford outposts everywhere it has a largish scattering of Brits.

Its going skint like the rest of Europe, and sadly pattaya consular offices are just part of the cutbacks being put in place.

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If anyone wishes to organise a petition, or similar protest, purely on the subject of having annual income letters dealt with locally, then I for one will happily sign up.

Why not organize your own.

Personally I am gutted at the thought of there being no consulate in Pattaya, if you are going to start a petition you could try an e-pettition. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/

My advise is just to keep it simple, if you know how many British expats and visitors per annum as a reason for justifying it, forget issues with costs of passports, letters, getting ones sweetheart back to the UK, etc., leave them for other petitions.

As for blaming parties, it is an issue with money, the UK is stony broke, as for sentiments saying vote Lib Dem's next time I really doubt it will make much difference here, (hard saying that as I was for over 40 years a card carrying member of The Young Liberals, The Liberal Party, The SDP, The Liberal Democrats up to 2 years ago).

I have always voted and this election for police commissioner will be the first time I have chosen not to vote, but still wanting to be counted so I have spoilt my ballot paper manly because this appointment should go to the most qualified for the job and not be a job for the boys based on party elegance, just to think the amount of money they are wasting on this election that could be used to finance quit a few consulates.

Edited by Basil B
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The closure of many services of the British Foreign Office were proposed by Rt. Hon.Wiiliam Hauge, First Secretary of State, and Foreign Minister who was once leader of the Tory Party and Prime Minister of England, that is until it was discovered he was not suitable for the job. Now he is near the top of the heap again and equally unaware of the issues and problems British workers and retirees overseas.His immediate boss is David Cameron another Thatcherite that never quite grasped anything. The sooner we can get David Cameron, our failing Prime Minister and William Hague, our previously failed Prime Minister out of office the better.

We British Expats have suffered cuts to benefits, Frozen Pensions, wrecked private pension plans and the ignorance of our Government in respect to the most basic of support expected by ex patriots.WE NEED PROFESSIONAL COLONIAL STYLE CONSULAR SERVICES not the wimpish 2nd Degree pen pushers that struggle to understand our needs.

Now the British Government own the Royal Bank which have cancelled the forwarding our Credit cards and document services to Thailand because of security risks. They tell us that from now on we have to go to our Branch Office in the UK to collect such documents in person.

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Oh dear. Well, the main task for the British Embassy in Bangkok and in any city is not to look after you and other citizens who may have chosen to live in a foreign country. Nor is its purpose to make your lives easier just because you have chosen not to live in your mother country but despite that require to be given every service you may feel suited to your needs in your lives in foreign country that may have some rules for expatriats to follow. Stop whining and grow up!

Perhaps for the benefit of Expats and in the interests of avoiding further confusion the British Embassy could list what its real purposes are?

1. Politics. 2. Espionage.

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Yes i heard this a few days ago.

This is absolutely intolerable and totally stupid. Typical bloody UK as like the right wing USA all they think and care about is MONEY not the big word "SERVICE" to the PEOPLE. Keep voting in right wing controlled Governments and you will get more of this type of thing to keep the UK minority wealthy elites in their lives of luxury whilst the rest of us ordinary folk get crapped on time and time again. High time we got rid of bloody Tories in the UK and voted in a pure Lib Dem centre party Government (without them having to bow down in any way to the bloody Tories) as they are at least a party of the people not for the rich greedy elite nor the power crazy extreme socialists either..

Other than that life is good here in LoS I find, and all this crap reminds me that I am so glad I do not now have to put up with the crap and terrible way of life for the ordinary folk in right wing controlled Britain.

It doesn't matter who is in power its always the same people behind the scenes - or haven't you noticed!

The "secret society bloodline" web.

What a jerk.gif

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