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If You Hate Pattaya So Much Why Read The Forum And Post?


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I can see this thread going downhill fast but 10/10 for putting up a robust defence of the city.

Pattaya is an artificial construct born of the R&R sex needs of US troops during the Vietnam war.....Vegas was an artificial construct born of the Mafia need to have pliable politicians to create a gambling Mecca.

Vegas is now a cleaned up big business premier World tourist attraction.....one of these days a mayor is going to come along and transform Pattaya......just like Vegas though, things may need to get worse before they get better.

Edited by theblether
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I think it's a bit bizarre to read that you don't know anyone that has left because Pattaya is bad, I certainly know many who decided it wasn't for them. That's fine, no place can be everything to all people.

Pattaya has grown a lot over the years and that's not going to change. It is the most convenient resort type place in the country because of it's convenient access to BKK and the airport so it will continue to attract plenty of people.

Yes the beaches are pretty crap and many farang ladies can't handle the sleaziness. True that crime is worse than a sleepier place like Hua Hin but it also means that Pattaya has a greater variety of activities/restaurants/hotels/condos than many other places and at a much better price than Phuket for example. Who wants to pay 200US for a round of golf?

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I can see this thread going downhill fast but 10/10 for putting up a robust defence of the city.

Pattaya is an artificial construct born of the R&R sex needs of US troops during the Vietnam war.....Vegas was an artificial construct born of the Mafia need to have pliable politicians to create a gambling Mecca.

Vegas is now a cleaned up big business premier World tourist attraction.....one of these days a mayor is going to come along and transform Pattaya......just like Vegas though, things may need to get worse before they get better.

A bit narrow minded are we not ? Udon was also born(?) from the large air base the Yanks built, places like Phuket and Samui were born because of the holiday needs of people etc etc

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In response to a previous poster. I can honestly say that in over 5 years of living in Thailand and two and a half years here I have never met anyone who has left because they feel Pattaya is bad. I know of three people who have left here. One, because of ill health and the other two because they had run out of money! Of those two one has returned after working in England for a year to save. To be fair most of the people I know live in Jomtien or on the Dark Side, so maybe that little bit of distance makes all the difference.

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I can see this thread going downhill fast but 10/10 for putting up a robust defence of the city.

Pattaya is an artificial construct born of the R&R sex needs of US troops during the Vietnam war.....Vegas was an artificial construct born of the Mafia need to have pliable politicians to create a gambling Mecca.

Vegas is now a cleaned up big business premier World tourist attraction.....one of these days a mayor is going to come along and transform Pattaya......just like Vegas though, things may need to get worse before they get better.

A bit narrow minded are we not ? Udon was also born(?) from the large air base the Yanks built, places like Phuket and Samui were born because of the holiday needs of people etc etc

Nothing narrow minded about the post. He's not knocking Pattaya he's just saying it as it is.

I quite like Pattaya because i go to the nicer parts. Maybe this is something that the serial Pattaya detractors should try doing

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In the last couple of years, I know three guys who left because they wives couldn't handle it. One for Malaysia, one for Phuket and one back to their home country. One left for Hua Hin because they prefer the beach over there and another went to Chiang Mai because he felt it was cheaper, liked the fresh winter evenings and because he was tired of the scene in Pattaya.

I'm sure that in that time period, far more arrived than those who left...

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In the last couple of years, I know three guys who left because they wives couldn't handle it. One for Malaysia, one for Phuket and one back to their home country. One left for Hua Hin because they prefer the beach over there and another went to Chiang Mai because he felt it was cheaper, liked the fresh winter evenings and because he was tired of the scene in Pattaya.

I'm sure that in that time period, far more arrived than those who left...

I have been here 10 + years and i can't say i know of anyone that has left, moved to the nicer areas in the outskirts yes, but not left, i do know an awful lot that have settled here in the same space of time though.

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In the last couple of years, I know three guys who left because they wives couldn't handle it. One for Malaysia, one for Phuket and one back to their home country. One left for Hua Hin because they prefer the beach over there and another went to Chiang Mai because he felt it was cheaper, liked the fresh winter evenings and because he was tired of the scene in Pattaya.

I'm sure that in that time period, far more arrived than those who left...

I have been here 10 + years and i can't say i know of anyone that has left, moved to the nicer areas in the outskirts yes, but not left, i do know an awful lot that have settled here in the same space of time though.

;;Just cele3brated my 9th year in Pattaya,and still love the place,albeit,i dont go to walking st or soi 6.Plenty of things to do and one doesnt even have to see the seediness if one doesnt want to.Plenty of beautiful beaches within 5 k of pattaya too,and many amazing thai restaraunts with quality food.

Shut the door behind u Pattaya haters,and dont even start me on the beautiful Bangkok ,NOT.

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I've never really understood that people sometimes feel compelled to criticize other places to somehow justify their choices.

I can honestly say I have found redeeming qualities and actually miss some of the things in just about every place I've been including cities like Khartoum and Addis Abbaba.

I like going to Bangkok and have no problems staying there for months and the same goes for Hua Hin, Chiang Mai or Phuket. Can I find things to gripe about like the traffic in BKK? Of course... I can also find plenty of things I enjoy about it.

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Firstly, I'm replying to this as I saw it in the 'new contents' page and was reminded that I used to(years ago) do this kind of thing.

I don't like Pattaya and would never live there, or any place that tourists/sexpats congregate. I used to love Pattaya 15-20 years ago when I was young, alcoholic, party-loving, mongering irresponsible guy. I'm sure it has changed a lot since and there are 'normal', decent people moving there. Surely they would not live in the centre of things. I know some real hi-sos that go to Pattaya regularly and not for the sex. Many Bangkokonians are buying land around Pattaya due to the imminent sinking of Bangkok.

So why do people come to this forum and criticize - it's quite simply self-righteous indignation and or sanctimony. Funny as when pointing the finger at someone else, there are 3 fingers pointing at yourself. I would do this frequently and still do to a lesser extent due to low-self esteem, anger etc at my particular choices and situation in Thailand etc.

Conversely, many that I know in Pattaya are continually trying to paint Pattaya as not being the world's sex capital -using other words when referring to the prostitutes they hire.

Op -don't take them seriously - use them to practice compassion. Accept what you are and what other people are - live and let live. You've got to let people be, just people. Everyone does bad things sometimes, for all sorts of reasons. You've got to at least understand.We all know self-righteous people and if we are honest, many of us will admit to having wallowed in this state ourselves, either occasionally or frequnently. It is a rather 'normal' human condition supported often by messages in mass media. While there are many drawbacks, self-righteousness can also be very addictive. I admit that it often feels good, knowing with subjective certainty that I am right and my opponents are wrong.

Edited by Neeranam
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In the last couple of years, I know three guys who left because they wives couldn't handle it. One for Malaysia, one for Phuket and one back to their home country. One left for Hua Hin because they prefer the beach over there and another went to Chiang Mai because he felt it was cheaper, liked the fresh winter evenings and because he was tired of the scene in Pattaya.

I'm sure that in that time period, far more arrived than those who left...

I have been here 10 + years and i can't say i know of anyone that has left, moved to the nicer areas in the outskirts yes, but not left, i do know an awful lot that have settled here in the same space of time though.

People move to Pattaya because for them it is paradise - why would they want to move? This doesn't mean it is everyones idea of paradise - I know hundreds of guys who visited Pattaya but would never think of moving there.

Personally, in 18 years, I've known many many people move from Pattaya to areas like Khon Kaen, where I live.

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In the last couple of years, I know three guys who left because they wives couldn't handle it. One for Malaysia, one for Phuket and one back to their home country. One left for Hua Hin because they prefer the beach over there and another went to Chiang Mai because he felt it was cheaper, liked the fresh winter evenings and because he was tired of the scene in Pattaya.

I'm sure that in that time period, far more arrived than those who left...

I have been here 10 + years and i can't say i know of anyone that has left, moved to the nicer areas in the outskirts yes, but not left, i do know an awful lot that have settled here in the same space of time though.

Well let me be the first one to take that honour, I left Pattaya some 7 year's ago after living there for over 8 year's. Yes I do go back but only if I have to, 'eg Visit friend's on holiday' I now live in the centre of Thailand.

Why did I leave well, Traffic, fume's, smell from drain's, bar's on every corner noise, etc but the biggest thing of all I didn't want my child to be brought up there.

Yes I know I will get it's a great place to do that but I didn't think so.

There are some very good bit's about Pattaya shopping, choice of restaurant's, the buzz but after several year's of living there it started to drive me mad.

Great for a holiday but to live there full time when there are so many nicer place's to live in Thailand with a better quality of life give it a go some time.

You will always get those that bash every ware so you will have to learn to live with it.

I know load's of peep's that think it's the best thing since sliced bread but I'm not one of them. Everyone to their own as they say.

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but the biggest thing of all I didn't want my child to be brought up there.

Absolutely. Obviously no one would but due to some's circumstances it is unavoidable. At least there are some very good schools there and the kids could be kept well way from all the nonsense and let's face it undesirables/criminals from around the world and Thailand.

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I think the haters suffer from a superiority complex and want everyone to know that they would never or have never set foot in Pattaya. The truth is they are probably staying in some shit hole bungalow in Issan with a wife who even the most desperate Thai man wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. The only way they can get some enjoyment out of life is to try and bring down a city that many people enjoy. I am not saying Pattaya is the greatest place in the world, and a lot of Thai's say they hate the place as well and are only there for the money but it is pretty easy to ignore the Pattaya forum or any thread with Pattaya in it if you hate it so much. Or at least restrain the need to keep bashing the place in every thread.

I agree there are quite a few miserable guys around with let's say not very attractive wives. They made the mistake usually of getting married within the time necessary to learn about Thailand, which in my opinion is 5 years.

The truth? Probably most of the women in Pattaya are Isarnese, and that's including all the ones born and raised there.

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mmm guess few pops at me here i have been here ten years plus do not have a issarn wife but i cant see anything wrong in that good and bad from all over the world.so i feel i have seen quite a few changes and yes there have been a few improvements like makro etc and yes the schools are one of the best you can get apart from bkk but the rubbish is /was my statement and unless people are blind its not to hard to see that there is a major problem no one is bashing thailand or pattaya just putting simple facts forward and it seems a lot of people seem to be in denial

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Many good posts here.

I have a kid and I think the choices of good schools make Pattaya among the top 5 places to live in Thailand and the are many nice places for a family to go to without looking at half naked women.

How can you give your kid a good education if you live out in the sticks?

I have been living on Phuket and in BKK and I prefer Pattaya any day and if you can find one post from me where I bash the 2 first mentioned places I will buy you a free lunch at Hilton.

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I think the haters suffer from a superiority complex and want everyone to know that they would never or have never set foot in Pattaya. The truth is they are probably staying in some shit hole bungalow in Issan with a wife who even the most desperate Thai man wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole. The only way they can get some enjoyment out of life is to try and bring down a city that many people enjoy. I am not saying Pattaya is the greatest place in the world, and a lot of Thai's say they hate the place as well and are only there for the money but it is pretty easy to ignore the Pattaya forum or any thread with Pattaya in it if you hate it so much. Or at least restrain the need to keep bashing the place in every thread.


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My wife (who is not Thai) and I have lived in Thailand, seasonally, for the last 13 years returning to the States each summer for a couple of month to fine tune our business. For the first several years we lived in Bangkok near Asoke and loved it there. I was never much interested in the sex/bar scene being happily married but found plenty of interesting diversion in Bangkok where I met people from all over the world and all walks of life.

In 2007, we had a child and last year, a close friend convinced me that we should move to Pattaya and enroll our child in the same school that his child attends. After living here for the last 7 months I am counting the days until the school term is concluded so that we can leave this awful place.

I avoid Pattaya proper, from Walking Street to Naklua as I realize that this area is geared toward those who come for debaucherous pursuits, but it seems that no matter where you go in this town, you encounter people who tend to be rude, self obsessed and duplicitous. This is true of foreigners and Thais alike. Any veneer of civility is generally pretty thin. Driving here is an absolute nightmare where there is no regard whatsoever for etiquette or respect for the rules of the road.

Pattaya seems to attract the very worst kinds of people and anyone who would choose to raise children here lacks good judgement in my view. This is a town for selfish hedonists. I can't wait to get out of here. It's the worst place I've ever lived.

Could always send your kids to school in the USA where they run the risk of being shot............... Swings and roundabouts.

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My wife (who is not Thai) and I have lived in Thailand, seasonally, for the last 13 years returning to the States each summer for a couple of month to fine tune our business. For the first several years we lived in Bangkok near Asoke and loved it there. I was never much interested in the sex/bar scene being happily married but found plenty of interesting diversion in Bangkok where I met people from all over the world and all walks of life.

In 2007, we had a child and last year, a close friend convinced me that we should move to Pattaya and enroll our child in the same school that his child attends. After living here for the last 7 months I am counting the days until the school term is concluded so that we can leave this awful place.

I avoid Pattaya proper, from Walking Street to Naklua as I realize that this area is geared toward those who come for debaucherous pursuits, but it seems that no matter where you go in this town, you encounter people who tend to be rude, self obsessed and duplicitous. This is true of foreigners and Thais alike. Any veneer of civility is generally pretty thin. Driving here is an absolute nightmare where there is no regard whatsoever for etiquette or respect for the rules of the road.

Pattaya seems to attract the very worst kinds of people and anyone who would choose to raise children here lacks good judgement in my view. This is a town for selfish hedonists. I can't wait to get out of here. It's the worst place I've ever lived.

Great. When you leaving?

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Now if they hate Pattaya so much why do they spend time on a Pattaya forum

They're not.

They click 'View New Content' and whatever pops up.

and why do they feel the need to tell us that Pattaya is so bad?

They're not.

They're probably telling others who may be don't realize how bad it is.

Thus possibly saving them from making a mistake in moving there.

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My wife (who is not Thai) and I have lived in Thailand, seasonally, for the last 13 years returning to the States each summer for a couple of month to fine tune our business. For the first several years we lived in Bangkok near Asoke and loved it there. I was never much interested in the sex/bar scene being happily married but found plenty of interesting diversion in Bangkok where I met people from all over the world and all walks of life.

In 2007, we had a child and last year, a close friend convinced me that we should move to Pattaya and enroll our child in the same school that his child attends. After living here for the last 7 months I am counting the days until the school term is concluded so that we can leave this awful place.

I avoid Pattaya proper, from Walking Street to Naklua as I realize that this area is geared toward those who come for debaucherous pursuits, but it seems that no matter where you go in this town, you encounter people who tend to be rude, self obsessed and duplicitous. This is true of foreigners and Thais alike. Any veneer of civility is generally pretty thin. Driving here is an absolute nightmare where there is no regard whatsoever for etiquette or respect for the rules of the road.

Pattaya seems to attract the very worst kinds of people and anyone who would choose to raise children here lacks good judgement in my view. This is a town for selfish hedonists. I can't wait to get out of here. It's the worst place I've ever lived.

Great. When you leaving?

"I am counting the days until the school term is concluded so that we can leave this awful place."


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