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Night Shots, Outdoor In Thailand

Kan Win

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Thank you Win.....once again you set the bar so high that us mere mortals cannot compete.

Please continue to show us your amazing work.

I have an unfortunate disease......once the sun goes down, and it gets dark, no matter how good a camera I have, my brain cells seem to go on strike for some unknown reason and I find it difficult to take advantage of the amazing surroundings that I can see.


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Thanks Win just gave me an excuse to get out tonight smile.png

This forum already had me up at sunrise, to get some pics of a local swamp for the water post.But on getiing there the light was awful, and the resident buffalo was far from happy to see me and the dog so we had to leg it literally smile.png

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Phuket Vegetarian festival


Ciaran Mc: Better photographers might give better answers. I use a lot of cameras automatic shots. Sometimes abuse the predefined 'Starry sky' settings (15 sec) to take night shots in the night.

Steady camera is a must. I'm thinking of making an baseball size sandbag to lay down the camera for the times I don't wish to take tripod with me.

Sandbag/beanbag is a handy thing to have with you at night. Handy for tops of walls, car doors etc. :)

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geeezzz ... ok dumb question ... what mode and settings do u guys use to get such great shots ??

my night time photos suck even more than my day time photos !!

Nighttime shots are best shot at the "Blue Period" i.e. just before it actually gets to be a black sky there is a window of light that produces a deep blue background or retains detail is the background as in the River Kwai image.

Both my images shot on a tripod at f5.6 and 100 ISO and 4 secs and 1.6 secs respectively

Hope this helps

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