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All the accidents were caused the same way, by a motorbike tailgating a bigger vehicle. Fortunately, they were all at slow speeds and nobody was hurt. A motorcycle was following so close behind a bus that when the bus stopped there was no time for the motorbike rider to react and he just ran into the bus and fell over. I doubt if the bus driver even knew someone had hit the rear of the bus. The bike rider only sustained a few scrapes to his hands an elbow, but fortunately, no head injury, although he was not wearing a helmet.

Another accident on the moat road happened much the same way and the two female riders on the bike fell over and dropped all the parcels they were carrying. Following vehicles all had to stop while the ladies picked up their bike and all the baskets full of clothes.

I think of those type accidents when I see motorcyclists tail gating at highway speeds. In many cases the bikes are so close behind a truck that the vehicle driver could not even see them. One touch of the truck's brakes and the motorbike is splattered on the back of the truck.

Do these motorcyclists even KNOW the risks they are taking? Has anyone ever taught them the principle of safe stopping distances?

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"Has anyone ever taught them the principle of safe stopping distances" - no it's not covered in the license Q&A test

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When a soi dog wanders in the road and gets struck by a car it might get pained, it might sustain more long-term injury, but it learns from experience that the road can cause him grief. He becomes canny and avoids the road altogether or learns to use it with sense.

Some of these motorcycle maniacs cannot possess the intelligence of the average soi dog as they make the same mistakes repeatedly. I know, I've met one of them. I continually refuse his pillion seat with a variety of excuses.

Good analogy.

And, no, I don't equate the OP's drivers with All Thai. Just stupid people in general everywhere.

Of course, some locales have a higher proportion of stupidity than others. whistling.gif

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The actual answer is probably they just don't understand it.

I just drove my TGF's motorbike to a massage place to drop her off for a 2 hour thai massage. I pulled off and stopped because a guy in front of me stopped and opened his door wide open to get out of his car and another person was following me right on my ass. It was potentially ugly. I avoided what could have been an accident. They didn't lose face.

I doubt either one of them did it to be malicious but at the same time both of them probably knew less than the basics of safe driving habits.

I'll always give way to ignorance.


been driving in thailand for 12 years now in my car, mainly in chiang mai,though all over the country,down south and up north,and ive never seen a accident,not even a minor one,i think people should give a bit more respect to thai drivers, especially considering the volume of traffic on the roads at the moment,


been driving in thailand for 12 years now in my car, mainly in chiang mai,though all over the country,down south and up north,and ive never seen a accident,not even a minor one,i think people should give a bit more respect to thai drivers, especially considering the volume of traffic on the roads at the moment,

Well, that's amazing, Stevie Wonder, because I've only been here six years and have seen dozens of accidents, including quite a few as they took place. I can remember at least 6 fatalities amongst them.

Just last month I watched as a pillion rider (third of three late-teens) dragging his flip-flops on the asphalt at 70 kph, caught his foot on one of those homemade metal curb ramps. Wasn't a whole lot left to put back together. The foot, I mean. The ramp didn't budge. The other two guys got pretty good road rash.

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been driving in thailand for 12 years now in my car, mainly in chiang mai,though all over the country,down south and up north,and ive never seen a accident,not even a minor one,i think people should give a bit more respect to thai drivers, especially considering the volume of traffic on the roads at the moment,

I see 2 or 3 indications of accidents per week. I hear 'Blues & twos' at least 8 times per day & I see ambulances every time I hit the road; on an island the size of the Isle of Wight.


been driving in thailand for 12 years now in my car, mainly in chiang mai,though all over the country,down south and up north,and ive never seen a accident,not even a minor one,i think people should give a bit more respect to thai drivers, especially considering the volume of traffic on the roads at the moment,

I see 2 or 3 indications of accidents per week. I hear sirens at least 8 times per day & I see ambulances every time I hit the road-on an island the size of the Isle of Wight.

I saw an ambulance accident once!

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Lets be honest the bulk of drivers here are selfish ignorant and stupid, the result is carnage, witness Mr" Im coming thru flashing my headlights whilst overtaking on a blind bend mova da <deleted>** oiutta my way Buddha will save me" type drivers or the plain stupid "ooh look at that interesting food stall but not the road" type drivers.

You choose, the results always the same EXCEPT many innocent people get killed by these morons, ruining there lives and the lives of their families............ but thats ok because hey " they're gonna come back"

Its the ultimate "get out of jail free" card

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been driving in thailand for 12 years now in my car, mainly in chiang mai,though all over the country,down south and up north,and ive never seen a accident,not even a minor one,i think people should give a bit more respect to thai drivers, especially considering the volume of traffic on the roads at the moment,

WOW, never seen a accident in 12 years. Are you sure? and are you saying when I see a thai driving I should give them respect. WHY because they are driving and breathing air at the same time. <deleted>. Let me guess, you have a thai wife.


been driving in thailand for 12 years now in my car, mainly in chiang mai,though all over the country,down south and up north,and ive never seen a accident,not even a minor one,i think people should give a bit more respect to thai drivers, especially considering the volume of traffic on the roads at the moment,

I'm gobsmacked. Driving between Ranong and Nakhon Sri Thammerat, I have never done the run without seeing the results of an accident each way. I hate going through Surat, listening to the wife repeating Jai Yen Yen.


Maybe I've been here too long (6 months) but I don't notice it any more. I have had different Thais drive for me, they drive like me, expecting people to do stupid things all the time. Imagine what it would be like if Thais blew their horn when they feel crossed.

What disturbs me most is that when you try to resolve a minor blockage by letting someone enter the traffic flow, no one indicates a thank you and they seem to think you are a NINCOMPOOP. Ambulances? Never give way to an ambulance, sign of weakness.



been driving in thailand for 12 years now in my car, mainly in chiang mai,though all over the country,down south and up north,and ive never seen a accident,not even a minor one,i think people should give a bit more respect to thai drivers, especially considering the volume of traffic on the roads at the moment,

I'm gobsmacked. Driving between Ranong and Nakhon Sri Thammerat, I have never done the run without seeing the results of an accident each way. I hate going through Surat, listening to the wife repeating Jai Yen Yen.

Why does she tell you to calm down? Do you shout at the other drivers, I'm guilty of that at times :)

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Its not just Thai people who tailgates or drives recklessly. Personally I prefer the thai driving ettiquette to Singapore's.

Though Singapore traffic is not as crazy as in Thailand, the mentality of most drivers here are !#$/*&. Imagine you signal to change lane, the approaching car which is still quite a distance behind will speed up and refuses to give way. So you don't signal and change lane (with caution of course), yet the driver horns at you. Drivers here basically don't give way, not all but mostly. This is just one example.

Then the pedestrians crossing the road; many look at their handphones while crossing, even came across a few reading newspaper!


3 Minor accidents in 3 days is a worrying trend...

Minor's shouldn't be driving.

Tell that to the parents who let their 10 year old kids ride the scooter into town with 2 or 3 other school kids on the bike at the same time.

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been driving in thailand for 12 years now in my car, mainly in chiang mai,though all over the country,down south and up north,and ive never seen a accident,not even a minor one,i think people should give a bit more respect to thai drivers, especially considering the volume of traffic on the roads at the moment,

I'm gobsmacked. Driving between Ranong and Nakhon Sri Thammerat, I have never done the run without seeing the results of an accident each way. I hate going through Surat, listening to the wife repeating Jai Yen Yen.

Why does she tell you to calm down? Do you shout at the other drivers, I'm guilty of that at times smile.png

Not often exclaiming out loud. More often muttering arsehol_e, and wordor


There was a video posted years back. 2 young men/teens on a bike. Tailgating a wagon carrying plastic pipes. The pillion passenger was talking in the others ear, and the wagon braked. They were impaled on a pipe. Amazingly neither of them died.


I'm pretty sure that sometimes they tailgate big trucks, not only to get sucked along but because its a bit chilly some mornings, warmer air in behind the truck. 3 minor accidents in 3 days, thats about right I reckon, except if you dont go out much.

I witnessed an accident on the highway, not a 4 lane only 2. There was a big slow truck about a km ahead and about 4 or 5 cars lining up and slowing down behind it, then 2 motorbikes about half way between. I passed one but the other started to pull big figure esses in front of me not allowing me to pass. After about three or four of these I had backed off anyway as the traffic ahead had slowed right down. He did not appear to notice and on one of his figure esses he ran at an angle into the back of a pickup at speed. Was wearing a helmet, nerdy looking guy, just no awareness. He wasn't dead and I didn't stop, figuring if he saw farang he might just try and blame me somehow.


been driving in thailand for 12 years now in my car, mainly in chiang mai,though all over the country,down south and up north,and ive never seen a accident,not even a minor one,i think people should give a bit more respect to thai drivers, especially considering the volume of traffic on the roads at the moment,

Well, that is nothing short of amazing. I lived in Pattaya for 4 years and drove every day between Pattaya and Sriracha. I would have seen at least one accident a week on average. If it was raining on the day then an accident on that stretch of highway 7 was guaranteed. Drove many times to Bangkok and I would guess drove past an accident 1 in 3 times.


been driving in thailand for 12 years now in my car, mainly in chiang mai,though all over the country,down south and up north,and ive never seen a accident,not even a minor one,i think people should give a bit more respect to thai drivers, especially considering the volume of traffic on the roads at the moment,

Well, that is nothing short of amazing. I lived in Pattaya for 4 years and drove every day between Pattaya and Sriracha. I would have seen at least one accident a week on average. If it was raining on the day then an accident on that stretch of highway 7 was guaranteed. Drove many times to Bangkok and I would guess drove past an accident 1 in 3 times.

First time I drove to Bangkok from Buriram I saw three accidents that had happened recently on one day.

Driving around locally I regularly see trucks that have driven into the forests or fields near here.


Although I've only ever witnessed a few accidents, I couldn't guess at the amount that I have driven by after they have happened.

Ride 50Km on my m/bike and I will have at least 2 near misses.


been driving in thailand for 12 years now in my car, mainly in chiang mai,though all over the country,down south and up north,and ive never seen a accident,not even a minor one,i think people should give a bit more respect to thai drivers, especially considering the volume of traffic on the roads at the moment,

I'm gobsmacked. Driving between Ranong and Nakhon Sri Thammerat, I have never done the run without seeing the results of an accident each way. I hate going through Surat, listening to the wife repeating Jai Yen Yen.

I always stay calm, but "idiot" is muttered repeatedly while driving in town. GF repeatedly says, "They don't know!"

She's a brilliant woman and very patient with me. And a good driver! (I taught her.)

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They tailgate Buses and trucks to get sucked along, to save fuel....they arent silly!!!!!

Correct, dead people can really save fuel.............after they've been burnt obviously

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