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When a soi dog wanders in the road and gets struck by a car it might get pained, it might sustain more long-term injury, but it learns from experience that the road can cause him grief. He becomes canny and avoids the road altogether or learns to use it with sense.

Some of these motorcycle maniacs cannot possess the intelligence of the average soi dog as they make the same mistakes repeatedly. I know, I've met one of them. I continually refuse his pillion seat with a variety of excuses.

I'm not just talking tail-gating here as there is a whole repertiore of daft tricks that these clowns continually perform.

3 minor accidents is nothing compared to what the accident rate should be.

I constantly see people riding m'bikes one handed while:

shielding their eyes from the sun

carrying an opened umbrella

talking on their phone

and worst of all- while carrying a new baby.

It's not even as though the roads are in good condition either.

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First week I am in Thailand....I am driving a motorbike down the road near a hospital. See two ladies in a cross walk (to get to the hospital) silly me I stop for them so they can cross. Guy on a motorbike comes whistling around me horn beeping straight into the two ladies. Both are hospitalized with multiple injuries but the guy on the bike was thrown over the front of the bike and landed on his head. No helmet. Lived but will never ride a bike or much else again.

First lesson stop driving like in the West...


been driving in thailand for 12 years now in my car, mainly in chiang mai,though all over the country,down south and up north,and ive never seen a accident,not even a minor one,i think people should give a bit more respect to thai drivers, especially considering the volume of traffic on the roads at the moment,

I must admit the same as you, But two years ago I saw two fatal incidents in one day, Both Motor bikes, apparently they where locals, both doing some thing they had been doing for years, The wrong way, One day it caught up with them. its the same in the UK , the most serious incidents and deaths of drivers are within 10 mile of there homes.


First week I am in Thailand....I am driving a motorbike down the road near a hospital. See two ladies in a cross walk (to get to the hospital) silly me I stop for them so they can cross. Guy on a motorbike comes whistling around me horn beeping straight into the two ladies. Both are hospitalized with multiple injuries but the guy on the bike was thrown over the front of the bike and landed on his head. No helmet. Lived but will never ride a bike or much else again.

First lesson stop driving like in the West...

It's a sad fact but true. Driving as you do in the west will cause more accidents rather than make you safer. That's not to say that you should drive the same as the Thai's but you have to be aware of the way they drive and adapt accordingly.

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First week I am in Thailand....I am driving a motorbike down the road near a hospital. See two ladies in a cross walk (to get to the hospital) silly me I stop for them so they can cross. Guy on a motorbike comes whistling around me horn beeping straight into the two ladies. Both are hospitalized with multiple injuries but the guy on the bike was thrown over the front of the bike and landed on his head. No helmet. Lived but will never ride a bike or much else again.

First lesson stop driving like in the West...

It's a sad fact but true. Driving as you do in the west will cause more accidents rather than make you safer. That's not to say that you should drive the same as the Thai's but you have to be aware of the way they drive and adapt accordingly.

maybe that's why Governments spend millions on heath and safety, maybe common sense should prevail, I will drive any where the legal correct way. the rest is up to them.

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Breaking press release : Mee Sillysomuch has just announced that she has discovered that the mirrors on her bike can also be used to see what is behind her so that she will not just pull out or cut off cars, like most Thai's she thought they were simply to look at your complection and pimples when stopped. She also said thet she realized she could use those things that blink to let others know where she wanted to go and not just to use instead of waving at other bike riders she knows. cheesy.gif


You really do take your life in your hands whilst driving here.

I drove from Hau Hin to Phetchabun recently it took eight hours and i witnessed aleast a dozen accidents on route, lorries overturned etc.

Nearly got killed when three children drove in front of us with no lights at night requiring evasive action.

I find the best way to drive on these roads is to drink a couple of changs(when in rome)it actually makes you a better driver here!


The actual answer is probably they just don't understand it.

I just drove my TGF's motorbike to a massage place to drop her off for a 2 hour thai massage. I pulled off and stopped because a guy in front of me stopped and opened his door wide open to get out of his car and another person was following me right on my ass. It was potentially ugly. I avoided what could have been an accident. They didn't lose face.

I doubt either one of them did it to be malicious but at the same time both of them probably knew less than the basics of safe driving habits.

I'll always give way to ignorance.

Then you'd be giving way to more than half the drivers in Thailand.

Over the past month I've been the subject of minor road rage on two separate occasions by young (20's) Thai male drivers. One was tailgateing me at 80klm and got angry that I touched my brakes to warn him that he was far too close (about 2 mtrs) He then sped up and forced his way between me and the car in front even though there was no room to do so.

The other time while crawling along in bumper to bumper traffic the guy to my left decided he was going to instantly move in front of me into my lane. Again, there was no space but he forced his way even nudging (a slight touch) my car and then blameing me for the contact <deleted>. He then weaved all over the road trying to block my path. This was in the middle of 5 lane wide peak hour traffic.He was certifiable, supper aggressive, and downright dangerous...other than that he was a model of Thai youth.

Thailand has more than its fair share of road rage and selfish, aggressive, dangerous drivers.

Personally, I absolutely don't care if they kill themselves. In fact, I'm relieved. As long as they don't take me with them!!!!!

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The actual answer is probably they just don't understand it.

I just drove my TGF's motorbike to a massage place to drop her off for a 2 hour thai massage. I pulled off and stopped because a guy in front of me stopped and opened his door wide open to get out of his car and another person was following me right on my ass. It was potentially ugly. I avoided what could have been an accident. They didn't lose face.

I doubt either one of them did it to be malicious but at the same time both of them probably knew less than the basics of safe driving habits.

I'll always give way to ignorance.

Then you'd be giving way to more than half the drivers in Thailand.

Over the past month I've been the subject of minor road rage on two separate occasions by young (20's) Thai male drivers. One was tailgateing me at 80klm and got angry that I touched my brakes to warn him that he was far too close (about 2 mtrs) He then sped up and forced his way between me and the car in front even though there was no room to do so.

The other time while crawling along in bumper to bumper traffic the guy to my left decided he was going to instantly move in front of me into my lane. Again, there was no space but he forced his way even nudging (a slight touch) my car and then blameing me for the contact <deleted>. He then weaved all over the road trying to block my path. This was in the middle of 5 lane wide peak hour traffic.He was certifiable, supper aggressive, and downright dangerous...other than that he was a model of Thai youth.

Thailand has more than its fair share of road rage and selfish, aggressive, dangerous drivers.

Personally, I absolutely don't care if they kill themselves. In fact, I'm relieved. As long as they don't take me with them!!!!!

I agree. Give way to ignorance and stupidity. You are safer with idiots in front of you than behind.,

It's easier to keep a safe distance in front of you than behind you.


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"Has anyone ever taught them the principle of safe stopping distances" - no it's not covered in the license Q&A test

Most Thai know everything and what they don't know or see doesn't exist, until their own experience tells them otherwise.

It's pretty hard to teach a Thai.


I just presume that I will always be at a disadvantage driving my Honda Wave in Thailand as I cannot see around corners; the Thai riders obviously can.

I have had 3 mishaps in LOS: 2 were when another motorbike tried to pass me on the right as I started to make my right turn (turn signals on of course) and one from being doused with a large bucket of water at point-blank range during SongKran.

You really do take your life in your hands whilst driving here.

I drove from Hau Hin to Phetchabun recently it took eight hours and i witnessed aleast a dozen accidents on route, lorries overturned etc.

Nearly got killed when three children drove in front of us with no lights at night requiring evasive action.

I find the best way to drive on these roads is to drink a couple of changs(when in rome)it actually makes you a better driver here!

Hope it is a joke if not hope they round you up soon. Too much death caused by drunk drivers.


been driving in thailand for 12 years now in my car, mainly in chiang mai,though all over the country,down south and up north,and ive never seen a accident,not even a minor one,i think people should give a bit more respect to thai drivers, especially considering the volume of traffic on the roads at the moment,

I get the just of what you're saying. I rarely witness an accident, but have seen the results of a quite a few, mostly minor fender benders. I'd say that the accident rate here--considering the number of cars and bikes on the road--is comparable to the west. In fact, most westerners would have a difficult time driving here (as demonstrated by the high pitch whining/whinging on this thread) because of the vehicle volume, not to mention road conditions and the like. It takes a lot more in terms of awareness and understanding of the unwritten rules-of-the-road.

I love driving in Thailand. If you consider the lack of enforcement, the Thais do pretty good policing themselves. It'd be carnage in America if there wasn't a freakin cop on every corner, ready to hammer you with massive fines for minor infractions. I'd say I drive much more aggressively than the average Thai, so it may be me that you guys are whining about. And you know what? I could give a sh*t what you wusses think. I've never hurt anybody and I'm usually courteous but not always. So put me alongside the Thais, because I'm 100% sure they will not change their driving habits to accommodate whining farangs. I sure as heck won't . If you have a problem with that, stay off the freakin roads.

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2 were when another motorbike tried to pass me on the right as I started to make my right turn (turn signals on of course)

I was just thinking about this the other day as I wanted to turn right into my drive. Indicator on, start moving right…right…right, now on the yellow line, moving right, moving right. Now a meter into oncoming lane…start my turn, and some idiot is passing me...ON THE RIGHT. He practically drove through my garden area to get around me.


I ride a 110ccm motorcycle since 10 years now and suffered five small accidents so far. One time a scooter driver drove over my frontwheel, another time a lady made a U-turn out of a parking lot at the roadside, and last not least, I was hit three times by cars in the back, while stopping at a zebra to allow the pedestrians to cross the street. I am glad, that I have luggage rack made out of steel mounted on my motorcycle.


"Has anyone ever taught them the principle of safe stopping distances" - no it's not covered in the license Q&A test

They are Thai, and they have Thai mentality, just like riders who come out of a side road on to a main road, how many of them actually look to see if the road is clear? How many of these riders who ride on the wrong side of the road realise they are forcing you out and possibly into the traffic flow? I never move out for anyone coming towards me on the wrong side of the road, I slow down slowly and let them move out, if they get killed, then good, that's one less on the road who could kill you, like I said, they are Thai, stupidity is in their genes. I know it's my fault because I'm a Farang, if I wasn't there it would not have happened.

been driving in thailand for 12 years now in my car, mainly in chiang mai,though all over the country,down south and up north,and ive never seen a accident,not even a minor one,i think people should give a bit more respect to thai drivers, especially considering the volume of traffic on the roads at the moment,

Volume of traffic???? Apart from New year or Songcran, there is no volume of traffic on the road except in cities, large towns or near where traffic lights have been at red for far too long. Although I live up country, I have driven to Bangkok several times.

You really do take your life in your hands whilst driving here.

I drove from Hau Hin to Phetchabun recently it took eight hours and i witnessed aleast a dozen accidents on route, lorries overturned etc.

Nearly got killed when three children drove in front of us with no lights at night requiring evasive action.

I find the best way to drive on these roads is to drink a couple of changs(when in rome)it actually makes you a better driver here!

What??????? Drinking alcohol and driving, even a small amount, will never make you a better driver here or in any country. At first I thought this post was a wind up, but people actually do have this mentality,and not just Thais.

My ex-missus in Chiang Rai came home in a foul mood one day. When I asked her what happened she said a "stupid idiot hospital car knocked her off her bike" next to King Meng Rai monument. Maybe they were trying to drum up business. (All she hurt was her pride, very low speed"

And regarding soi dogs, some of the canines around our soi in Chiang Mai are potential Nobel Prize winners compared to some of the bike riders around town. How I have not collected one pulling left into our condo parking area is beyond me.


I dream of having a pop up machine gun turret on the back. Or maybe just strobe lights to blind the a@#$holes.

Make your dreams come true !Be a man !

Start with the strobe lights......

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First week I am in Thailand....I am driving a motorbike down the road near a hospital. See two ladies in a cross walk (to get to the hospital) silly me I stop for them so they can cross. Guy on a motorbike comes whistling around me horn beeping straight into the two ladies. Both are hospitalized with multiple injuries but the guy on the bike was thrown over the front of the bike and landed on his head. No helmet. Lived but will never ride a bike or much else again.

First lesson stop driving like in the West...

It's a sad fact but true. Driving as you do in the west will cause more accidents rather than make you safer. That's not to say that you should drive the same as the Thai's but you have to be aware of the way they drive and adapt accordingly.

maybe that's why Governments spend millions on heath and safety, maybe common sense should prevail, I will drive any where the legal correct way. the rest is up to them.

The legal correct way will probably get you killed here but at least you'll die knowing you were in the right!

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"Has anyone ever taught them the principle of safe stopping distances" - no it's not covered in the license Q&A test

Most Thai know everything and what they don't know or see doesn't exist, until their own experience tells them otherwise.

It's pretty hard to teach a Thai.

You can always tell a Thai, just can't tell 'em much.

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been driving in thailand for 12 years now in my car, mainly in chiang mai,though all over the country,down south and up north,and ive never seen a accident,not even a minor one,i think people should give a bit more respect to thai drivers, especially considering the volume of traffic on the roads at the moment,

Well, that's amazing, Stevie Wonder, because I've only been here six years and have seen dozens of accidents, including quite a few as they took place. I can remember at least 6 fatalities amongst them.

Just last month I watched as a pillion rider (third of three late-teens) dragging his flip-flops on the asphalt at 70 kph, caught his foot on one of those homemade metal curb ramps. Wasn't a whole lot left to put back together. The foot, I mean. The ramp didn't budge. The other two guys got pretty good road rash.

Know an English guy in Hua Hin who was just walking along soi Bintabaht one evening and a motorbike drove past him with the metal ramp half down and it just sliced the top of his big toe clean off..the bloke never even stopped!


And regarding soi dogs, some of the canines around our soi in Chiang Mai are potential Nobel Prize winners compared to some of the bike riders around town. How I have not collected one pulling left into our condo parking area is beyond me.

Once you understand that EVERYThai village and rural area in Thailand comes complete with dogs sleeping soundly on the pavement on every given road you tend to expect them and look out for them. Only on the busy roads in the cities do the dogs pay a "bit" or attention to passing vehicles.


been driving in thailand for 12 years now in my car, mainly in chiang mai,though all over the country,down south and up north,and ive never seen a accident,not even a minor one,i think people should give a bit more respect to thai drivers, especially considering the volume of traffic on the roads at the moment,

I am sorry, did you say "give respect to thai drivers"? mmmmm55555, hrm. Well either you do not drive yourself or you really need to get new glasses. Or possible you have one of those cars where the windscreen is covered with a film limiting the vision by some 50%. More at night. That is illegal by the way.


3 Minor accidents in 3 days is a worrying trend...

Minor's shouldn't be driving.

maybe they were minis

Miniskirts on bikes can be really lethal. For the onlooker.


3 Minor accidents in 3 days is a worrying trend...

Minor's shouldn't be driving.

maybe they were minis

Miniskirts on bikes can be really lethal. For the onlooker.

That's why I normally drive with my eyes closed, to avoid distraction.

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