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been driving in thailand for 12 years now in my car, mainly in chiang mai,though all over the country,down south and up north,and ive never seen a accident,not even a minor one,i think people should give a bit more respect to thai drivers, especially considering the volume of traffic on the roads at the moment,

Amazing Thailand.....We see what we want to see and we only report what were allowed to report. You've done your job well. As for the rest of us who with a pulse we see accidents on a day to day basis. The news channels also are starting to report on them...not because it's a conspiracy but because it's a fact of life in a country were the education packaged in confusion where people think it's ok to speed through villages like they were in a race and park their cars on the shoulders of roads without shoulders. Where you will see someone changing a tire in the middle of the road. Where when a car has a flat they stop right where they are at instead of pulling off at the nearest and safest place. Where driving without your lights on just because it's dark and you have a black vehicle so no one will notice. After living in Bangsaray Sattahip just off Death Row where we would see bodies at least 3 times a week spread out on the street and accidents is a daily event. Mainly because some people are confused as to where the brake is and constantly step on the gas instead feeling if they are going to hit you they should kill you. When driving through the school parking lot is like an obstacle course switching lanes at high rates of speed and trying over come buses that have stopped to let children out, they do this without slowing down to look and see if a child is going to run out from in front of the car that stopped to let their child out. Speaking about soi dogs on another note, I road as a passenger on a motorbike to the Mor chit bus station on a two lane road, when the cars in front of us stopped the driver went around them as fast as he could. I myself knowing the the cars never stop here for anyone that there was a reason why the traffic was stopped and expected a child to come out from in front of the lead car.....I was wrong it was a very large dog and yes we hit it head on. As the driver laid screaming of an injury it left me with bloody hands and bloody scratched up legs, not to mention my new slacks were torn. Most people would of slowed down or stopped knowing the lead car might of stopped because something was crossing in front of it. In Thailand they never leave any room for doubt, they believe if you meant to get in an accident there isn't anything you can do to prevent it...besides those motorcyclist get paid every time we hit them or they hit us. Bottom line is....I want what your drinking.

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"Has anyone ever taught them the principle of safe stopping distances" - no it's not covered in the license Q&A test

They are Thai, and they have Thai mentality, just like riders who come out of a side road on to a main road, how many of them actually look to see if the road is clear? How many of these riders who ride on the wrong side of the road realise they are forcing you out and possibly into the traffic flow? I never move out for anyone coming towards me on the wrong side of the road, I slow down slowly and let them move out, if they get killed, then good, that's one less on the road who could kill you, like I said, they are Thai, stupidity is in their genes. I know it's my fault because I'm a Farang, if I wasn't there it would not have happened.

Yeah some f-head in a car actually rear-end my bicycle when I was pulling out of the soi to cross to the other side and proceed. I stopped to wait for the traffic to clear and when my side of the road cleared I started to the otherside when this asshat motorcycle just suddenly speeds up and the moron behind me is also trying to overtake me.

Where Thais lack in brain speed they try to make up for it in road speed.


On the topic of accidents I was riding my bicycle and a motorsat (that's what I call them) passes me in the other direction at super high speed. We were on a crap road undergoing repairs with loose gravel spilled everywhere. Sure enough I hear him braking hard as he just passes me, skids and hits something. Meanwhile I'm minding the road ahead of me, so I can't look back to smile at him.


TiT, there is no understanding of cause and effect. It just isn't taught to them as they grow up. Thailand is an entire nation of Sideshow Bobs, constantly walking into rakes.


I don't know Sideshow Bob, but your post was pretty funny even still.

Rakes. Ha, ha!


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TiT, there is no understanding of cause and effect. It just isn't taught to them as they grow up. Thailand is an entire nation of Sideshow Bobs, constantly walking into rakes.


I don't know Sideshow Bob, but your post was pretty funny even still.

Rakes. Ha, ha!


The Simpsons, man


TiT, there is no understanding of cause and effect. It just isn't taught to them as they grow up. Thailand is an entire nation of Sideshow Bobs, constantly walking into rakes.


I don't know Sideshow Bob, but your post was pretty funny even still.

Rakes. Ha, ha!


The Simpsons, man

Ah, well, that's why I don't know him. Can't remember the last time I watched TV.

Anyway, with a name like Sideshow Bob, images in Thailand of some of what I've witnessed do come to mind.

Is there an equivalent character on Thai TV?

Sideshow Somchai?


In the last two weeks I saw-

A cyclist try and pedal directly across 3 lanes of busy 80km/hr+ traffic without looking-he was collected by the second car in front of me. We 3 cars stopped, everyone else weaved around us.

A motorcycle down and the motorcyclist's body in the back f the Hilux that had just hit him.

A nightime incident with a couple of motorcycles lying on the side of the road and a group standing around discussing the accident

A large truck on its side just off the road in a ditch with a group locals discussing the situation

A rear wheel plus stub axle detach from a truck and spin across the road past oncoming vehicles-missing the lot of them.

About par for the course I reckon.


I've never actually witnessed an accident, but seen the aftermath countless times.If you haven't at least seen that much. You must have your eyes closed. How do you pick your lucky numbers for crying out loud.


I had an accident like this a few weeks ago, i didn't even bother to stop, her fault. She was ok anyway. I had to break because the car in front of me stopped to let someone pass on the road and the motorcycle hit me.


In the last two weeks I saw-

A cyclist try and pedal directly across 3 lanes of busy 80km/hr+ traffic without looking-he was collected by the second car in front of me. We 3 cars stopped, everyone else weaved around us.

A motorcycle down and the motorcyclist's body in the back f the Hilux that had just hit him.

A nightime incident with a couple of motorcycles lying on the side of the road and a group standing around discussing the accident

A large truck on its side just off the road in a ditch with a group locals discussing the situation

A rear wheel plus stub axle detach from a truck and spin across the road past oncoming vehicles-missing the lot of them.

About par for the course I reckon.

Me, on a 1600 km back and forth route to Southern Thailand, I managed to see 4 accidents in two days.

- Bike hitting a baht-bus at low speed, both passengers passing over the front;

- Pickup overturned (took a curve at too high a speed;)

- Pickup broken down on the shoulder, in a curve...

- Truck overturned in the central ditch.

And that was just during two days.

On another trip to Hua Hin, I saw a guy on his side car, having got a head wound and lying in the middle of the highway. And I do not count the countless incidences of tailgating-originated accidents (pileups of five pickups because each one of them was tailgating each other in a complex stop and go situation).

Edit: Oh, and a word of warning on the Elevated Boromratchanni road: 3 x on 4, there is a taxi or a van that has broken down on the left lane. It just beats me how there is such a high incidence of mechanical failures on that expressway, but then there it is. Better slow down and not go beyond the speed limit. BTW, I saw a speed cam operating on the northern expressway (the one going towards Ayutthaya) this week-end.

Yes, driving here can be very dangerous.


Lets not forget the poorly maintained roads with dirt and sand all over them. NEVER cleaned where I live.

In my neighbourhood, obviously corrupt contractor built the concrete roads- falling apart now.


I needed to reply to this again, especially to the guy who said he's been living here for years. My first time coming to Thailand back in the late 90"s my wife and I had a really nice 64 volkswagon bug. We took it for a ride to Pattaya by way of the fly over or expressway. Traveling at about 80kl per hour no traffic anywhere except the guy coming up from behind. Never in my life have I been rear ended while driving down the freeway and especially when there wasn't another car around leaving all lanes open. He just up and rear ends up in broad day light.

One other interesting thing happened today in fact, a Thai Trucker going down the freeway in the far right lane. He is going slower than me so I get in his lane, It pissed him off and he started honking his horn at me. Ignored, I eventually left him kilometers behind then came to my exit where I exited the expressway. Like always the traffic comes to an almost complete stall, while waiting there with my window down, I hear a crazy man screaming at me... This guy parked his truck on the freeway and hoped the guard rail walked through congested traffic to scream at me or shoot me I don't know which because just as I realized who he was a small opening opened in front of me and I was able to leave but, my point is, it's not if you will get in an accident of some kinda of altercation it's " When" . The best thing you can do if your trapped if fold your hands and kiss your ass good bye or or pride which ever is easier.


Wow....3 Accidents in 3 days. I'm in the states now and last night we had some snow. By 9am we had over 100 crashes

and over 100 cars in the ditch. Why? ...Because people were driving stupidly. It's that simple. Stupid is a worldwide problem

not just in Thailand. I live on a lakeshore home, in the last month 15 cars/suv/truck have sunk on the frozen lake.

3 Dead. The newspapers and TV news are all warning people to not drive on the lake. There is thin ice warning signs at the lake

access. I'm looking out the window now overlooking the lake and yes there are cars driving out to fish houses.

Like I said...Stupid is worldwide. You cannot fix stupid,but Darwin tries.

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Well having three in a day wow.

One time we were watching a film and out if no place a bike ran into a outdoor table.

Another time I was at a bar in pai and out of no place a bike came full speed and crashed into the parked bikes leaving both on the bike hurt bad.

I saw on very funny one once when a group from israel was trying to show a girl how a bike works and she all of a sudden took off straight into a wall.. it was only funny because nobody hurt and she still had the snack in her hand when she got up lol


I wish I had my camera.

Word must have got around that the cops were pulling over m/cycle riders not wearing helmets.

Along comes a guy wearing a helmet so poorly fitting, that he had to hold one hand on his helmet to stop it falling off his head.

Cops took a look at him as he approached, and let him go through.

Yep. He was wearing it.

There are two types of m/cycle riders. Those who have had a serious accident, and those who haven't yet.


The traffic stats show you this is a very dangerous country to drive at least 10x most western countries. Unsafe .. but much safer than Vietnam or many African countries.

I have to bad of nerves from crashes when young.. I avoid Thai roads when ever I can ... trains, cabs that u know will be safe ... walking ... I won't drive in Thailand


Wow....3 Accidents in 3 days. I'm in the states now and last night we had some snow. By 9am we had over 100 crashes

and over 100 cars in the ditch. Why? ...Because people were driving stupidly. It's that simple. Stupid is a worldwide problem

not just in Thailand. I live on a lakeshore home, in the last month 15 cars/suv/truck have sunk on the frozen lake.

3 Dead. The newspapers and TV news are all warning people to not drive on the lake. There is thin ice warning signs at the lake

access. I'm looking out the window now overlooking the lake and yes there are cars driving out to fish houses.

Like I said...Stupid is worldwide. You cannot fix stupid,but Darwin tries.

Something with apples and oranges

How can you compare 3 accidents witnessed by one person with 100 reported in the news. Here they don't even report it and just look at the song kran reports.


You witnessed three minor accidents in three days. In our university town, we kill at least one student per month (sometimes more) on the public roads.

The "risk factor" computer chip is missing.


Wow....3 Accidents in 3 days. I'm in the states now and last night we had some snow. By 9am we had over 100 crashes

and over 100 cars in the ditch. Why? ...Because people were driving stupidly. It's that simple. Stupid is a worldwide problem

not just in Thailand. I live on a lakeshore home, in the last month 15 cars/suv/truck have sunk on the frozen lake.

3 Dead. The newspapers and TV news are all warning people to not drive on the lake. There is thin ice warning signs at the lake

access. I'm looking out the window now overlooking the lake and yes there are cars driving out to fish houses.

Like I said...Stupid is worldwide. You cannot fix stupid,but Darwin tries.

Agree. It seems certain farangs always want to make this a "Thai thing." There are stupid drivers everywhere, and just as many in the USA where I'm from. Yes, there are stupid drivers in Thailand, Thais and farangs alike. I do believe they are in the minority.


...It seems certain farangs always want to make this a "Thai thing." There are stupid drivers everywhere, and just as many in the USA where I'm from...

There are 14 times as many fatalities per capita in Thailand as there are in the USA.

Don't talk out of the top of your hat until you've at least Googled it, or have done a search of this oft-discussed topic right here on TV. whistling.gif


Its true.. Thailand has very dangerous roads... very true

The worst is drunken cabbies at 4am to the airport that get a kick out of trying to kill you...I still wish I would have smacked they guy but j would be in jail..

Also mini bus drivers texting while driving like maniacs .. one time I go in so much shit for trying to dig out the never been used seatbelt the guy stopped the van to tell me no I couldnt put the seat belt on as I think he meant it lowers the value of the van .. I tried to tell him to stop texting and he pretty much looked like he wanted to kill me.. a while later the whole van started yelling at him to slow down and passing on blind curves while texting... that was the worst driver I have ever seen or imagined. There is lots of jerks but had I had been in my home country I would have punched him in the face...

There is lots of nice people in Thailand and the traffic is kind of neat for tourist for a few days..

Mostly it is just about the worst in the world considered that they have nice roads and cars .. there is something wrong with driving culture there.. and most families will suffer someday somehow


...It seems certain farangs always want to make this a "Thai thing." There are stupid drivers everywhere, and just as many in the USA where I'm from...

There are 14 times as many fatalities per capita in Thailand as there are in the USA.

Don't talk out of the top of your hat until you've at least Googled it, or have done a search of this oft-discussed topic right here on TV. whistling.gif

this is the truth but also injury and how many death not reported ?

...It seems certain farangs always want to make this a "Thai thing." There are stupid drivers everywhere, and just as many in the USA where I'm from...

There are 14 times as many fatalities per capita in Thailand as there are in the USA.

Don't talk out of the top of your hat until you've at least Googled it, or have done a search of this oft-discussed topic right here on TV. whistling.gif

You're right in that my comments are purely anecdotal, based on driving in both the USA and Thailand over 10 yrs+. But you do understand that there are many, many more motorcycles per capita in Thailand than in the USA. Fatalities on motorbikes are much more likely than in cars. Do you have the stats on how many of those fatalities in Thailand involve motorcycles? I'd imagine it'd be in the majority. You shouldn't be quoting stats unless you really understand what they mean.


...It seems certain farangs always want to make this a "Thai thing." There are stupid drivers everywhere, and just as many in the USA where I'm from...

There are 14 times as many fatalities per capita in Thailand as there are in the USA.

Don't talk out of the top of your hat until you've at least Googled it, or have done a search of this oft-discussed topic right here on TV. whistling.gif

You're right in that my comments are purely anecdotal, based on driving in both the USA and Thailand over 10 yrs+. But you do understand that there are many, many more motorcycles per capita in Thailand than in the USA. Fatalities on motorbikes are much more likely than in cars. Do you have the stats on how many of those fatalities in Thailand involve motorcycles? I'd imagine it'd be in the majority. You shouldn't be quoting stats unless you really understand what they mean.

You are just as crazy with imagining things. But even if it 60% on motorcycles then its 5 to 6 times more then in the USA. You should not be opening your mouth without doing a calculation first even at 70% motocycles its still 4 times more then in the USA.

Plus let us not forget how much goes unrecorded over here.


...It seems certain farangs always want to make this a "Thai thing." There are stupid drivers everywhere, and just as many in the USA where I'm from...

There are 14 times as many fatalities per capita in Thailand as there are in the USA.

Don't talk out of the top of your hat until you've at least Googled it, or have done a search of this oft-discussed topic right here on TV. whistling.gif

You're right in that my comments are purely anecdotal, based on driving in both the USA and Thailand over 10 yrs+. But you do understand that there are many, many more motorcycles per capita in Thailand than in the USA. Fatalities on motorbikes are much more likely than in cars. Do you have the stats on how many of those fatalities in Thailand involve motorcycles? I'd imagine it'd be in the majority. You shouldn't be quoting stats unless you really understand what they mean.

You are just as crazy with imagining things. But even if it 60% on motorcycles then its 5 to 6 times more then in the USA. You should not be opening your mouth without doing a calculation first even at 70% motocycles its still 4 times more then in the USA.

Plus let us not forget how much goes unrecorded over here.

A few years ago I went back to the Old Country and hired a car. We raked over the border to England, and one of the things I enjoyed most was the road layout. And signage. Directions were clearly marked, and if one got in the lane one was directed to, one ended up on the desired road. Lovely!

Coincidentally, I bumped into a former colleague from Singapore at a service station on the M6, as well, though I don't think that had any impact on my safety.



There are 14 times as many fatalities per capita in Thailand as there are in the USA.

Don't talk out of the top of your hat until you've at least Googled it, or have done a search of this oft-discussed topic right here on TV. whistling.gif

You're right in that my comments are purely anecdotal, based on driving in both the USA and Thailand over 10 yrs+. But you do understand that there are many, many more motorcycles per capita in Thailand than in the USA. Fatalities on motorbikes are much more likely than in cars. Do you have the stats on how many of those fatalities in Thailand involve motorcycles? I'd imagine it'd be in the majority. You shouldn't be quoting stats unless you really understand what they mean.

You are just as crazy with imagining things. But even if it 60% on motorcycles then its 5 to 6 times more then in the USA. You should not be opening your mouth without doing a calculation first even at 70% motocycles its still 4 times more then in the USA.

Plus let us not forget how much goes unrecorded over here.

A few years ago I went back to the Old Country and hired a car. We raked over the border to England, and one of the things I enjoyed most was the road layout. And signage. Directions were clearly marked, and if one got in the lane one was directed to, one ended up on the desired road. Lovely!

Coincidentally, I bumped into a former colleague from Singapore at a service station on the M6, as well, though I don't think that had any impact on my safety.


Tell me about it love how roads are marked in the Netherlands, Thailand does not even come close. To compare Thailand favourably in road safety with countries like Germany, the Netherlands or UK is ridiculous.

Anyway i still drive here on bikes and with a car and i just adapt try to think ahead and hope i acted correctly.

The majority of the drivers is indeed not bad, but there is a large percentage dangerous idiots much larger as in other countries. Its not driver skill its lack of traffic enforcement and training. Police just prey on the motorcycles, would be so much better if they drove with camera cars in traffic and caught idiots and showed them the error of their way. But there is not enough money in that so it will never be done.


I used to drive down a tortuous mountain road into the valley and then along a busy, overloaded highway to Basel Switzerland most days. In 6 years I think I saw one maybe two, accidents. If I do a similar trip here It's a rare day when I don't see at least a wreck being hauled out of a ditch, truck(s) upside down, smashed motorbikes being loaded onto a truck.


You are just as crazy with imagining things. But even if it 60% on motorcycles then its 5 to 6 times more then in the USA. You should not be opening your mouth without doing a calculation first even at 70% motocycles its still 4 times more then in the USA.

Plus let us not forget how much goes unrecorded over here.

What are you on about? Firstly, you can spout out any sort of number you want. You can piss on the Thai drivers til the cows come home. I simply don't care. I drive in Thailand every single day. Every single day. I don't find it any more dangerous than any other big city I've been in. Obviously, the road conditions, number of vehicles, rules-of-the-road, and so on, is much different here. But even with the lack of enforcement, the Thais generally police themselves pretty well. I'll say again, there are as many stupid drivers in Thailand--both Thai and farang--as anywhere else I've been. So you can keep harping on the Thais with your holier-than-thou attitude, but both you and I know you're full of it.

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