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Is Your Car Registered In Your Name Or The Wife's ?


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if you dont trust your wife enough to have an auto in her name, why are you married to her?

Well, to be fair there are a lot of guys that as soon as they get married they are pressured for a house and a car and then after it's done the marriage breaks down quite fast......you only have to read some of the posts here and elsewhere.

Real trust is something that's built up over time.

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if you dont trust your wife enough to have an auto in her name, why are you married to her?

What a DAFT post. My ex UK wife after 25 years tried to screw me for everything, COME ON, wake up, life is not all candy floss and YOU should watch your back. coffee1.gif
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Paid cash for the vehicles but like everything else in Thailand, I put them in her name. Makes the paperwork easier in my opinion and if anything happens to me she won’t have to go through the courts to prove ownership or sell them. I think of it as preparing for an unforeseen future event.

If I felt the need to have things in my name, I wouldn’t have been married to her for the last 15 years. Everything is ours so who cares what name is on the piece of paper. Your milage may differ.wink.png

Just make sure she has a will, because if she goes before you (i know in most cases unlikely) her family can make claim to it. As far as i know you dont get 100 of the inheritance if its not written like that. (if im wrong please correct me)

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Paid cash for the vehicles but like everything else in Thailand, I put them in her name. Makes the paperwork easier in my opinion and if anything happens to me she won’t have to go through the courts to prove ownership or sell them. I think of it as preparing for an unforeseen future event.

If I felt the need to have things in my name, I wouldn’t have been married to her for the last 15 years. Everything is ours so who cares what name is on the piece of paper. Your milage may differ.wink.png

Just make sure she has a will, because if she goes before you (i know in most cases unlikely) her family can make claim to it. As far as i know you dont get 100 of the inheritance if its not written like that. (if im wrong please correct me)

I am not going to say you are wrong, just that I look at things a little differently. Considering our 20 year age difference I expect to go first but if something were to happen to her I will be okay. I am more worried about her future than mine. Even more worried that I may live too long and make her life miserable in the end.
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your car could only be registered in your name. its not your car when its registered in your wife name

In the UK the documents refer to the registered "keeper" of the vehicle who is not necessarily the owner. Now this is Thailand of course but seems that a lot of these administrative type laws have been borrowed from elsewhere.

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if you dont trust your wife enough to have an auto in her name, why are you married to her?

Well, to be fair there are a lot of guys that as soon as they get married they are pressured for a house and a car and then after it's done the marriage breaks down quite fast......you only have to read some of the posts here and elsewhere.

Real trust is something that's built up over time.

He's right, but last time for me after 25 years my trust was proven worthless.

I'm thinking 50 years of time might be the right length to build up real trust.

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if you dont trust your wife enough to have an auto in her name, why are you married to her?

When we lived in the UK the car was in my name ... same as here ... can't see a problem with that ... house is in her name here ... we each have our own bank accounts ... however still have a joint a/c in the UK.

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When I first came to Thailand, I was talking with some old timers about it being 'so much easier' to register a m/c in the girlfriends name. We were living in a rural location, one guy who had lived in Thailand for more than 20 years said.

"When you split up with your girlfriend, you'll be leaving in a hurry, do you intend to steal her motorcycle when you leave?"

Absolutely something to think about, a 'recent' ex-girlfriend would report you to the police for stealing her transport in an instant.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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I was driving along the road today, on my way to Isaan, when , unbelievably, the car I bought for my wife overtook me, I called her and she said she was at home, I asked is the car. With you, she said , yes !!

I knew it was the car I bought her that went past me, cos the numberplate cost me quite a lot and is very distinctive, so, I followed the car, the car pulled into a gas station

And I watched as a Thai guy got out and went in the 7/11, I had never seen him before.

Called the wife back and told her I would be at the house in ten minutes, in reality I was 200 Kms from the house, again I asked her about the car, again she told me it was with her but her father may borrow it in 5 minutes !!

What do you think I should do ?

By the way, we went out for a meal, when we got home the car was there, she said her father had returned it, I am 72, she is 21, I really love her and would hate to think she is cheating on me, I never mentioned I had seen the car go past me, she said her father had it.

Do you think the Thai guy I saw was her father in disguise ?

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I was driving along the road today, on my way to Isaan, when , unbelievably, the car I bought for my wife overtook me, I called her and she said she was at home, I asked is the car. With you, she said , yes !!

I knew it was the car I bought her that went past me, cos the numberplate cost me quite a lot and is very distinctive, so, I followed the car, the car pulled into a gas station

And I watched as a Thai guy got out and went in the 7/11, I had never seen him before.

Called the wife back and told her I would be at the house in ten minutes, in reality I was 200 Kms from the house, again I asked her about the car, again she told me it was with her but her father may borrow it in 5 minutes !!

What do you think I should do ?

By the way, we went out for a meal, when we got home the car was there, she said her father had returned it, I am 72, she is 21, I really love her and would hate to think she is cheating on me, I never mentioned I had seen the car go past me, she said her father had it.

Do you think the Thai guy I saw was her father in disguise ?

cheesy.gif , come on now, way off topic for a laugh. cheesy.gif
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House is in wife's name and so is the car.

I refused to buy either with cash, she wanted them in her name. So they are in her name as she wanted, and so is the finance I made her take out, although I pay for it all. But if the crap hits the fan,hit-the-fan.gif then she can have both no problem. But she takes over the payments.

Not being a tight arse. Just been scammed already back in the UK with a house and car, and now i am careful. If we split, then I will buy a car for cash.... and drive off into the sunset. thumbsup.gif

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My new pickup is in my wife's name. If I purchase the pickup myself she would have had to co sign and be responsible for payments if something happen to me she would have to pay it off. And with a pickup that wasn't in her name it would make it harder to sell to pay if off. When you leave this world you can't take your blue book with you.

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When I first came to Thailand, I was talking with some old timers about it being 'so much easier' to register a m/c in the girlfriends name. We were living in a rural location, one guy who had lived in Thailand for more than 20 years said.

"When you split up with your girlfriend, you'll be leaving in a hurry, do you intend to steal her motorcycle when you leave?"

Absolutely something to think about, a 'recent' ex-girlfriend would report you to the police for stealing her transport in an instant.

I'll be buying a new pck-up so my lady can take our baby girl to school. Wanting the title in my name has nothing to do with trust. When we were at the dealership looking - the saleslady was puzzled as to why I would want it in my name. They simply take it for granted the foreigner is putting it in her name. I'm trying to break the stereotype.

Now "Tommo" normally your comments give me a laugh BUT this time you're spot on.

Family members are having maritial problems. The husband likes spending time with girlfriend. Wife is getting really pissed (angry) Now the pickup belongs to his father, motorbike to wife as does the house. Now this is in Issan - small village. It's not his village, not his house, not his motorbike and not his pick-up. I asked my lady what will happen if she tells him to leave - up to him.

I don't know about all of you BUT, I like the idea of having a truck in my name. My lady asked me why I want truck in my name and I pointed out the above mentioned husband's dilemma. Oh you think too much. Hahahaaa

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I was driving along the road today, on my way to Isaan, when , unbelievably, the car I bought for my wife overtook me, I called her and she said she was at home, I asked is the car. With you, she said , yes !!

I knew it was the car I bought her that went past me, cos the numberplate cost me quite a lot and is very distinctive, so, I followed the car, the car pulled into a gas station

And I watched as a Thai guy got out and went in the 7/11, I had never seen him before.

Called the wife back and told her I would be at the house in ten minutes, in reality I was 200 Kms from the house, again I asked her about the car, again she told me it was with her but her father may borrow it in 5 minutes !!

What do you think I should do ?

By the way, we went out for a meal, when we got home the car was there, she said her father had returned it, I am 72, she is 21, I really love her and would hate to think she is cheating on me, I never mentioned I had seen the car go past me, she said her father had it.

Do you think the Thai guy I saw was her father in disguise ?

From your post on 25-12-2012.... My Missus wants me to front 150,000 Baht to show at the wedding, I have no problem with that and she has said I will get it straight back, as it is all for show, I know this , I have lived here for nearly 22 years, I would just like some advice from ThaiVisa members who may know better.

I have been with my Missus for nearly 10 years, I bought her a car, The house I built in Loei is obviously in her name, in fact, even the Condo I bought in Wong Amat Pattaya is in her name, I sent her younger sister to university and I love her, by the way, she breezed the degree. I have bought 3 farms , 1 Nissan Pick Up, 5 Motorcycles, 1 Honda City, 1 Toyota Fortuner.

You met her when she was eleven and you were 62 ... some on here would say lucky and other would say something else! Anyway if your wife is 21 and you are 72 just enjoy life while you can ... don't even think about the cost ...thumbsup.gif

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House is in wife's name and so is the car.

I refused to buy either with cash, she wanted them in her name. So they are in her name as she wanted, and so is the finance I made her take out, although I pay for it all. But if the crap hits the fan,hit-the-fan.gif then she can have both no problem. But she takes over the payments.

Not being a tight arse. Just been scammed already back in the UK with a house and car, and now i am careful. If we split, then I will buy a car for cash.... and drive off into the sunset. thumbsup.gif

Just watch your back when they are both paid for eh. laugh.png
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Sorry guys but no need to wonder why so many of you get cheated, the truth is that you just derserve it !

Why would anyone with a brain put in a girlfriend or wife name anything when it is not 100% necessary ?

Oh yes,, love... :-) .... or maybe LAUGH !

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Sorry guys but no need to wonder why so many of you get cheated, the truth is that you just derserve it !

Why would anyone with a brain put in a girlfriend or wife name anything when it is not 100% necessary ?

Oh yes,, love... :-) .... or maybe LAUGH !

But why get married in the first place if this is your perspective?

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My car is in the wife's name (the hassle I had selling my first car by not having the same work permit did it for me) and her car is in her sister's name! dam_n you government rebate :-P

If she runs away and takes it, well it cost me a MU7 to find out she's a wrong un! Back to Bangkok living and taxis would be the least of my worries.

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