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Bangkok Police Checking Youtube Clips Of Thai Girl Beatings


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it not as if they can go to the police. here in Pattaya the locals despise the police, have no respect for them and avoid them at all costs, and for good reason

Except they did go to the police. Perhaps after finding there was a Youtube video supporting them. wink.png

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my misses just explained what its all about apparently the two girls had a problem with the owner of a camera shop there the camera shop owner didnt want to talk about it and offered all the others money to beat the two girls.

disgusting pure pack mentality i would like to call them animals but think that is an insult to animals ,animals are better behaved than this.

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Pack animals - noted how all the 'hero' Thai men came in and started beating u on the girls, then the second vid, the hero fat bastard kicks and shoves women. What a hero. Thai cowards all.

Strange thing recently i saw similar things on a Dutch program "opsporing verzocht" but they weren't Thais that did it. Seems there are also farang cowards. Guys there are idiots everywhere this is not a Thai thing. You will see it in the UK, US, Netherlands.

The only question is will this be taken seriously and will the get those guys.

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IMHO who ever is supporting ( by watching) those kind of clips is almost same guilty as the culprits who has beaten the girls.just don't watch it: no demand- no supply

I disagree. It is clips just like this that garner attention and force action. Unless people know about it, nothing can happen. If this wasn't on video, there would be no discussion, and the entire thing would be forgotten.

While not a video of the crime, the media attention on the poor girl in India who was gang-raped and later died of her injuries has become a catalyst for change there. I am not saying that this video will h ave the same impact, but it could be one more straw on the camel's back.

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i can only hope the 2 women were thieves on the first video and did not want to give back the stolen merchandize...

than i could understand the angry mob

but in this case ...coward pack animal mentality that deserves jail time

right ?

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IMHO who ever is supporting ( by watching) those kind of clips is almost same guilty as the culprits who has beaten the girls.just don't watch it: no demand- no supply

I disagree. It is clips just like this that garner attention and force action. Unless people know about it, nothing can happen. If this wasn't on video, there would be no discussion, and the entire thing would be forgotten.

While not a video of the crime, the media attention on the poor girl in India who was gang-raped and later died of her injuries has become a catalyst for change there. I am not saying that this video will h ave the same impact, but it could be one more straw on the camel's back.

Right you are and the more often these videos are taken and published the better. I'm sure this is only the tip of the iceburg of violence against women here.

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IMHO who ever is supporting ( by watching) those kind of clips is almost same guilty as the culprits who has beaten the girls.just don't watch it: no demand- no supply

And your attitude is exactly why people perpetrating this sort of act get away with it - because no one does anything. Well I am glad some people in Thai society care enough about it to start exposing this sort of thing because maybe - just maybe - there will be sufficient groundswell to effect some change which is sorely needed in the justice system

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@robblok - Of course it is not just Thais who behave like this. The people still need to be gathered up and punished and in Thailand we all know that so often crime goes unpunished - especially where someone can pay! Therein lies the difference and maybe the Thai people are getting fed up enough to forget their nationalism and fear of appearing anything other than perfect and actually start exposing all this criminality - because it is the only way anything will change - there has to be a catalyst.

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Do you Know that this woman is % months pregnant? and the men and woman all punch, elbow and kicked her for a chance at 20,000 baht,

and the BIB have alredy been paid not to find any crime, WHAT THE,

One of the most digusting, sickerning things to be done to anyone woman or man, BLOODY COWARDS be showen for what they are in news and in papers, also they should all pay her 20,000 baht each to this woman and then cop the same beating and then a nice holiday in Bangkok Hilton...sad.png

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I don't suppose they are interested in investigating this video. No didn't think so. It's only a policeman beating up on two ladies.

This was shown on narional news the other night. Seemingly the man was in the right, as the two woman had blocked the road to his house with their van. He was, reportedly, simply asking them to move it.

Jasas [as someone said earlier

Edited by Scott
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I don't suppose they are interested in investigating this video. No didn't think so. It's only a policeman beating up on two ladies.

This was shown on narional news the other night. Seemingly the man was in the right, as the two woman had blocked the road to his house with their van. He was, reportedly, simply asking them to move it.

Jasas [as someone said earlier

Isn't it great when pictures say more than words?

Guess that's where the saying came from....................."A picture is worth more than a thousand words"

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@robblok - Of course it is not just Thais who behave like this. The people still need to be gathered up and punished and in Thailand we all know that so often crime goes unpunished - especially where someone can pay! Therein lies the difference and maybe the Thai people are getting fed up enough to forget their nationalism and fear of appearing anything other than perfect and actually start exposing all this criminality - because it is the only way anything will change - there has to be a catalyst.

Sure i agree its discusting how crime goes unpunished here if you can pay.

But I was just a bit fed up with everyone attributing this violence to being Thai, i have seen enough of this in any country. But somehow it seems that most guys here love to put down Thai guys almost as if they fear them or have to feel superior.

What these guys did is disgusting but calling it a Thai trait is just crazy. I hope they will do something against it and that probably wont happen and that is something Thai paying people off. Maybe not only Thai but more 3rd world stuff.

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I don't suppose they are interested in investigating this video. No didn't think so. It's only a policeman beating up on two ladies.

This was shown on narional news the other night. Seemingly the man was in the right, as the two woman had blocked the road to his house with their van. He was, reportedly, simply asking them to move it.

Jasas [as someone said earlier

And if you watch the video, they back up about 300 metres

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I don't suppose they are interested in investigating this video. No didn't think so. It's only a policeman beating up on two ladies.

Like investigate the woman for driving the wrong way up a one way street.

Edited by Scott
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I wonder why the women did not report to the police after the attack. Perhaps, there is something more than the surface of this video.

In my opinion that's no matter what happened there before beating... There is no reason for beating someone like that... And I can't even imagine how man can do this... Few men was hitting this woman like she was some kind of great threat which need to be eliminated... Horrible story :(

Idiots know no bounds. Besides, if it's 'sanuuk' why not?

*rolls eyes*

Such a shame how these lowlifes help tarnish the image of males in Thailand. Such a shame their fathers didn't aim for the mouth instead.

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I wonder why the women did not report to the police after the attack. Perhaps, there is something more than the surface of this video.

In my opinion that's no matter what happened there before beating... There is no reason for beating someone like that... And I can't even imagine how man can do this... Few men was hitting this woman like she was some kind of great threat which need to be eliminated... Horrible story :(
Idiots know no bounds. Besides, if it's 'sanuuk' why not?

*rolls eyes*

Such a shame how these lowlifes help tarnish the image of males in Thailand. Such a shame their fathers didn't aim for the mouth instead.

Which image was this one that got tarnished?

Call the culture ministry, they will claim it's western influence and ask for an apology.

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IMHO who ever is supporting ( by watching) those kind of clips is almost same guilty as the culprits who has beaten the girls.just don't watch it: no demand- no supply

So what you are saying is, if you can't see it happening, it didn't happen.. very astute.. except of course the persons it happened to.. Edited by khaowong1
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and no one even attempted to help any of the women, pathetic bastards. Thai men are all low lifes, no wonder the women want ferang husbands and not the local drunken woman beaters.

Bit of a blanket statement there, Chet. ALL Thai men are low lifes? and all farangs are rich and smell bad? I know plenty of decent Thai men, but amongst those who are demon seeds, there is an ethic that it is perfectly okay to hit a woman.

I should have said a lot of thai men are low lifes, I know some pretty good guys over here but I also have seen a lot that are just like those in the video. Unfortunately they are raised to think their sh*t dont stink and that they can do as they please, they have no respect for women at all. This is why so many women will not have anything to do with them and want to be with a ferang. Until the kids are taught respect for others this will keep happening, they need to be told that they are not special, maybe then they will change their attitudes. The guys in this video are just the tip of the iceberg, look at how easily they layed into the women, in over 50 years I have seen nothing like it, it was totally pathetic. By thew way, I am not rich and I dont smell bad, maybe you just think it is every one elses stink when its really your own, you know the fox always smells his own scent bit.

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I don't see 10+ men beating 2 women one of whom maybe pregnant happening in many civilised countries

But then we see civilized countries bombing 'uncivilized' countries and killing millions. Torturing thousands including children (pretty little girls included), sexually assaulting large sections of the local population ......

Yes, we are all so so civilized, aren't we just? Just a thought

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I don't see 10+ men beating 2 women one of whom maybe pregnant happening in many civilised countries

But then we see civilized countries bombing 'uncivilized' countries and killing millions. Torturing thousands including children (pretty little girls included), sexually assaulting large sections of the local population ......

Yes, we are all so so civilized, aren't we just? Just a thought


Justifying global international politics versus public space interaction are miles away from each other.

Shall i smack a woman in a hajib and justify it as "the global war on terror"?

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and no one even attempted to help any of the women, pathetic bastards. Thai men are all low lifes, no wonder the women want ferang husbands and not the local drunken woman beaters.

Bit of a blanket statement there, Chet. ALL Thai men are low lifes? and all farangs are rich and smell bad? I know plenty of decent Thai men, but amongst those who are demon seeds, there is an ethic that it is perfectly okay to hit a woman.

What concerns most western viewers is this pack-like attack, like a pack of wolves, with apparent by-standers joining in. I suspect, it is the "many against one" irrespective of gender, which is more disturbing, rather than the man v. woman aggression.

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This was shown on narional news the other night. Seemingly the man was in the right, as the two woman had blocked the road to his house with their van. He was, reportedly, simply asking them to move it.

Can't determine whether the soi was one way, but clearly all the man had to do was back up a few meters to let the ladies out while the ladies had to back up quite a distance. Regardless, the man's actions were not in the right and his behavior was, needless to say, unbecoming of an adult.

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IMHO who ever is supporting ( by watching) those kind of clips is almost same guilty as the culprits who has beaten the girls.just don't watch it: no demand- no supply

no mate u r the problem ..things like this should be put out otherwise no one would see or hear it ,,,understand .....

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re: the discussion on whether or not Thailand is civilized.

Perhaps civilized is too plastic a term to use, as it can mean nearly anything, but there is a different set of ethics and judgement when it comes to laying a beat down on whomever.

I can't imagine a shop owner in Canada managing to get 10 neighbors to beat up two women over a dispute which was none of their concern - for any dollar amount. Perhaps for really big money he could get some underworld types to do a hit, but it could never ever happen with everyday folks in a mall like we see here.

But here when you hear about someone getting beat up, you already know that the fight was at least three to one before you hear the details. Unequal assaults are the standard here. Back home you assume the fight was one on one.

In a fight situation in Canada if someone else joins the fight then someone else will jump in and restrain or take on the extra attacker. If you want to see how it is done, watch some hockey fights. If the fight is between a man and a woman, it will almost certainly be stopped or at least people will do their best to get between them. Although once we saw a lady cop beat up a male cop, and no one stopped that one, at least not right away.

But the main point is that in Thailand and some other places, people don't operate from the same set of ethics. Here it is OK to join in a beatdown, even if you don't know the reason. Here it is OK to take a flying kick at someone who is restrained by someone else. Here the only punch you throw is the one they can't see coming (called a sucker punch where I come from). Here the fight standards are all cowardly; and this is one of the most undignified and shocking aspects of this culture, second perhaps only to the utter contempt for the law shown by people in enforcement.

Thailand is a lovely country and had many good points, but there are a few things that are revolting.

Edited by canuckamuck
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