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Anti-government Rally Thread 13-25 March

Jai Dee

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PAD schedule "last major rally" on Saturday

The People's Alliance for Democracy scheduled the "last" massive rally against Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra on Saturday at an intersection near Government House.

Chamlong Srimuang, a decision maker of the PAD, said the rally would be held at 2 pm at the Makkhawan Rangsan Bridge, which is a city block away from the Misakawan Intersection where the PAD has been holding rallies outside Government House since March 14.

"The March 25 will be the last massive rally so I would like to invite the people to join," Chamlong said.

"The PAD will file a petition seeking a royally-appointed prime minister by invoking Article 7 of the Constituton."

Source: The Nation - Breaking News - 21 Mar 2006

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I've always thought and still think that Thaksin not "politically fit" to be a prominent face in these celebrations.

Tak Bai, drug-killings, Shin controversy, Somchai's disappearance, media censorship...

I wouldn't want him shaking my hand if I was a visiting monarch from abroad.

" Oh, yes, you're the guy"

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=Thais march on Singapore embassy in thousands=

By Ed Cropley

BANGKOK, March 21 (Reuters) - Around 5,000 Thais marched on

the Singapore embassy in Bangkok on Tuesday to press a campaign

to oust Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra as the Election

Commission said it could not postpone an April 2 snap election.

"Thaksin, get out," the crowd chanted as its leaders called

on Singapore and its state-owned investment arm, Temasek, to

reverse the tax-free, $1.9 billion purchase from Thaksin's

relatives of Shin Corp, the telecommunications empire he


"On behalf of the Thai people, we politely request you stop

colluding with Thaksin Shinawatra in raping the assets of

Thailand," campaign leader Sondhi Limthongkul said through

loudspeakers aimed at the grey embassy compound.

Singapore has shrugged off two previous, smaller

demonstrations spawned by the middle-class metropolitan street

campaign to kick out Thaksin and said they would not affect

ties between the two southeast Asian nations.

"With ministers, with prime ministers, we've always had

good relationships," the city state's foreign minister George

Yeo said at the weekend after anti-Thaksin protesters launched

a bocyott of all things Singaporean.

"This will continue so I'm not too worried about these

various demonstrations. We're just being used by various

parties to hit at each other," Yeo said.

The boycott appears to be having little impact on

consumers, but Singaporean investors have delayed property

investment projects.

About 65,000 visitors, most of them Chinese or

Sinagaporean, had cancelled trips because of the political

crisis, Thai newspapers reported.

Around 30 police blocked the entrance to the downtown

Bangkok embassy, although the crowd was good-natured and

well-marshalled -- despite its anger at Thaksin.

Hundreds of "Wanted, Dead or Alive" posters depicted

Thaksin, who stands alone in Thailand's coup-prone history as

the only elected leader to complete a full term in office, as

Adolf Hitler, with a black swastika on his forehead.

"He cheats, he's corrupt, he doesn't pay taxes -- unlike

the rest of us," said 39-year-old beautician Lek Udomsak.

Thaksin, who was in the northern province of Chiang Rai

campaigning for the snap poll he called on April 2, said he had

no problem with protests as long as they did not trouble

others. "Law enforcers are supposed to keep law and order. As

long as their rallies are done democratically and do not cause

trouble to anybody, that should be fine," he told reporters.

The three main opposition parties, who accuse Thaksin of

corruption, cronyism and abuse of power, are boycotting the

poll, a move which makes it highly unlikely the result will be

able to satisfy the constitution and allow a new government to

be formed.

However, Election Commission chairman Wassana Permlap, who

had promised a decision this week on whether to postpone a poll

called three years early, said such a ruling was not within his


"The law doesn't allow me to set the election date,"

Wassana told a Bangkok radio station, adding only Thaksin could

make that decision.

(Additional reporting by Panarat Thepgumpanat)


210715 Mrz 06


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'Subscriber' demo at 'The Nation'

About 100 people, including 30 motorcycle taxi drivers, staged a protest in front of The Nation office Tuesday afternoon, demanding that the paper stop what they called distortion of the news.

The protesters arrived at The Nation in an airconditioned bus while the motorcycle taxi drivers rode their own bikes.

"We want to call on The Nation to report only the truth, no more distorting of news and stories, for the sake of the country," shouted one protester through a loudฌspeaker.

The crowd displayed banners reading: "The Nation should cease reporting inaccurate news" and "The Nation betrays the principles of journalism".

People in the crowd said they were from Samut Prakan and claimed to be subscribers of the Englishlanguage newspaper.

Some were interviewed by The Nation reporters and could not give examples of news stories that they said were distorted. One young female protester told reporters that she received Bt200.

The protesters presented a wreath and an effigy to represenฌtatives of the paper. At first, they planned to burn the effigy but later changed their minds.

After half an hour, a leader picked up his loudspeaker and told the protesters to leave.

The group departed The Nation compound on board the airconฌditioned bus.

The Nation



I doubt whether any of them can read those two words atop every taxi in Bangkok.....moreover read The Nation.

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Prolonged protests will affect the Social Security Fund's investment management, said secretary-general

Secretary-General of the Social Security Fund (SSF) Pairoj Suksamrit (ไพโรจน์ สุขสัมฤทธิ์) indicated that prolonged protests will affect the SSF’s investment management, adding that the SSF still has shares in AIS worth more than 1.1 billion baht.

Mr. Pairoj revealed that the current political situation will definitely affect the SSF’s investment management as well as the expansion of protection for laborers outside the system. He said that he wanted the elections to proceed rather than prolonged protests. Commenting on accusations that the SSF’s work is not transparent, he insisted that the SSF has declared all work with the Auditor-general Office, the parliament, and the Council of Employees. He added that the investment is made based on decision-making structure with professional analysis and auditing system.

The Secretary-General said that the SSF still has shares in Advanced Info Service Company worth more than 1.1 billion baht. He explained that the SSF believes that the shares have long-term security and good profits, which will boost potential of the SSF.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 22 March 2006

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The Caravan of the Poor will support P-net in monitoring election fraud.

Secretary-general of the Caravan of the Poor Kamta Kanboonchan (คำตา แคนบุญจันทร์) indicated that the caravan will help P-net in monitoring election fraud.

Mr. Kamta said that 100 more members of the caravan from the Northeastern region went to meet representatives of P-net at Ban Manangkasila (บ้านมนังคศิลา) yesterday, adding that the group coordinated with the police to lead the group so that they can avoid facing the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) at Government House. He said that the group wanted to exchange ideas with P-net on monitoring election fraud, adding that the caravan of the poor is ready to campaign against election fraud with the P-net.

Some members of the group met Bangkok governor Apirak Kosayothin (อภิรักษ์ โกษะโยธิน) yesterday to submit a letter asking for permission to use the Chatuchak (จตุจักร) park. Officials from the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration have provided mobile toilets and medical tents for the demonstrators at the park.

However, a small incident occurred yesterday as Boonchuay Fongnuan (บุญช่วย ฟองนวล) went to rip a book signed by the premier supporters. He was brought to Bang Sue (บางซื่อ) police and will face charges.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 22 March 2006

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DPM Chidchai followed the demonstration closely to prevent any possible chaotic situation.

Deputy Prime Minister Chidchai Wannasatit (ชิดชัย วรรณสถิตย์) still followed the demonstrations of the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) closely to prevent any possible chaotic situation.

General Chidchai, charged with overseeing security, said that the PAD is distributing protestors in many locations, adding that the officials are still following the situation closely as they know what the PAD wants. He said that the officials will ensure that there is no chaotic situation. General Chidchai also commented on the government protestors and supporters’ use of the same strategy that the government cannot force them.

As for the possibility that the demonstrations can prolong until the Thai Red Cross Fair, the deputy Prime Minister said that the officials are negotiating with demonstrators. He said that the police have given assurances for the organizers that they can construct booths in the area. However, there are still concerns about the use of speakers that can affect the fair. However, he said that officials have not prohibited the demonstration for fear of confrontation, adding that negotiation is the best approach to solve problems.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 22 March 2006

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PAD has marched to the Government's Public Relations Department

The People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) has marched to the Government's Public Relations Department at Aree (อารีย์) Alley.

This morning, the PAD has gathered at the Government's PRD, and the officials have been mobilized to look after the demonstration. However, the entrance and the exit of the PRD will not be closed.

In the meantime, Deputy Director-General of the Government's PRD, Mr. Atchara Hasabumrer (อัจฉรา หัศบำเรอ), disclosed that the PRD will not obstruct the demonstrators, and they will be facilitated as well.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 23 March 2006

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Anti-Thaksin demonstrators deplore the Finance Minister's roles in the Baht floatation

The anti-Thaksin demonstrators led by the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) are gathering in front of the Finance Ministry, in Soi Aree Samphan (ซอยอารีย์สัมพันธ์) on Rama VI Rd.

Mr. Sondhi Limthongkul (สนธิ ลิ้มทองกุล), a leading PAD member and media activist has verbally attacked the five-year-performance of Finance Minister Thanong Bidaya (ทนง พิทยะ). He said that Mr. Thanong had a role in the flotation of the Baht and the stock manipulations including intervention in the work of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), causing damage to the country.

Mr. Sondhi has also condemned Revenue officials, who do not implement their work in a transparent manner and who had helped Shin Corp owners to avoid tax payment on their income earned from share distribution.

He affirmed that the demonstration had nothing to do with his personal interests, but is done to protect the benefits of the country.

While the PAD is staying in front of the Finance Ministry, Mr. Thanong is giving a special lecture to students at National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA). Commuters are now advised to avoid using roads around the Finance Ministry, to prevent severe traffic congestion.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 23 March 2006

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The Finance Minister has asserted that he was not involved with the flotation of the Baht currency in 1997

Finance Minister Thanong Bidaya (ทนง พิทยะ) has asserted that he had no parts in the flotation of the Baht currency, saying that the problem had occurred before he was appointed to be Finance Minister.

Mr. Sondhi Limthongkul (สนธิ ลิ้มทองกุล), a leader in the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), has alleged that Mr. Thanong was involved with the floatation of the Baht currency during the administration of General Chavalit Yongchaiyuth (ชวลิต ยงใจยุทธ). Mr. Thanong said that the country’s financial crisis had occurred one year before he was appointed Finance Minister. Besides, when he took the position, he and the Bank of Thailand (BOT) had jointly investigated the problem to find out whether someone had illegally transferred the money. However, the result of investigations showed no wrongdoings.

As for the closing down of many financial institutes, he said that the action was an order of the government that followed, in which he had no portfolio. He said that personally, he disagreed with the closure because it would cause a lack of investment liquidity.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 23 March 2006

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DPM Chitchai insists he will not adjust security measures for PAD’s demonstration

Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Minister Chitchai Wannasathit (ชิดชัย วรรณสถิตย์) insisted that the authorities will not adjust the security measures for the demonstration of the People’s Alliance of Democracy (PAD), which will take place this Saturday. He expects few people will join the rally due to the weather condition and the fear of possible violence. He has affirmed that there will be no announcement over the implementation of the Emergency Decree.

Deputy Prime Minister Chitchai had a meeting with concerned agencies to evaluate the situation and the security related matters. He has instructed the officials to be patient when dealing with the situation.

Gen. Chitchai reiterated that the authorities will not impose Emergency Order following the deadline proposed by the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) for Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to resign from his post.

He believes a minority of people would want to stir chaos while most people would like to see peace and harmony in the society. In regard to the demonstration of the PAD on the 25th of March, he said that the rally will proceed in a peaceful manner, and thus, the plans have not been adjusted. He confirmed that no more officials will be dispatched to take care of the situation.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 23 March 2006

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Anti-Thaksin escalation announcement tonight

Anti-Thaksin campaigners led by the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) will propose a package of measures against caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra if he continues to ignore their ultimatum to resign by this evening.

The PAD-led demonstrators demanded Tuesday evening that Mr. Thaksin resign within 48 hours, or face a decisive action to be ousted of office.

PAD coordinator Suriyasai Katasila said the coalition's core members had already prepared the package of measures.

They will be put to a vote of coalition members at the planned mass opposition rally on Saturday at the Makhawan Bridge before an agreed action to pressure for Mr. Thaksin's resignation would be taken.

Mr Suriyasai denied to give further details of the package, saying the coalition would announce it Thursday night after the deadline.

The People's Network for Elections (P-Net), Thailand's wellknown election watchdog, is still trying to broker the three conflicting parties-- the caretaker government, the former opposition bloc and the PAD--for direct talks to end the current political turmoil but P-Net's chances of a breakthrough appear bleak.


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Some recent photographs from The Nation:


Banners outside Government House mock caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra for steering clear of the anti-PM rally there.


EX-BOXER Ratanapol Sor Worapin gives haircuts to members of the Caravan of Poor People at Chatuchak Park yesterday.


A boy joins the People’s Alliance for Democracy rally at the Election Commission’s head office yesterday. The group says the commission has failed to bring Thaksin to task over vote-buying. It also claims the EC colluded with the Thai Rak Thai Party to print fake ballot papers.

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PAD called for a major rally on March 25, asking for the royally-installed prime minister.

Protest leader Sondhi Limthongkul (สนธิ ลิ้มทองกุล) called for a major demonstration tomorrow to ask for the royally-appointed Prime Minister according to Article 7 of the Constitution to begin the second political reforms.

After the 10 p.m. deadline set by the People’s Alliance for Democracy (PAD) for the Prime Minister to step down expired last night, the PAD led by Mr. Sondhi issued a declaration calling for a major rally on March 25, beginning at 2PM in front of the Makkhawan Rangsan (มัฆวานรังสรรค์) bridge on Outer Rajadamnoen (ราชดำเนินนอก) road. The PAD urged the people in the provinces to gather at each province’s enters to demonstrate their intention asking for His Majesty the King’s help by installing the caretaker Prime Minister according to Article 7 of the Constitution, so that the second round of political reforms with real people participation can begin.

Mr. Sondhi also urged the Prime Minister to demonstrate the responsibility after the Supreme Administrative court ordered the cancellation of the privatization of EGAT Public Company Limited. Mr. Sondhi added that the case demonstrates that the people can exercise their rights specified in the Constitution. He said the Prime Minister should step down today.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 24 March 2006

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The Democrat Party will hold a major rally at Sanamluang ground this evening.

The Democrat Party has insisted that it would hold a grand rally at Sanam Luang (สนามหลวง) ground this evening, but said that the rally is not related to the major demonstration planed by the People’s Allaince for Democracy (PAD) which is scheduled tomorrow.

Democrat Party spokesperson Ong_art Khlamphaiboon (องอาจ คล้ามไพบูลย์) said that the party never denied proposals by any organizations for solving the nation’s problems together, but the proposals must be practical and legitimate.

He said that today, the party’s leader Abhisit Vejjajiva (อภิสิทธิ์ เวชชาชีวะ) will declare the party’s political stance before giving speeches at Sanam Luang (สนามหลวง) ceremonial ground. He said that the rally today is not related to the PAD’s planned demonstration for tomorrow.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 24 March 2006

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The Caravan of the Poor will continue their demonstrations in support for the PM.

Leaders of the Caravan of the Poor insisted that they will continue their demonstrations in support for the Prime Minister, while urging all related parties to reconcile and bring peace and harmony back for His Majesty the King.

Leader of the Caravan of the Poor Khamta Khaenboonchan (คำตา แคนบุญจันทร์) said that his group does not want any more violent situation to heat up, adding that all sides should sit down and negotiate again to bring peace back to the country for His Majesty the King.

He said that the Caravan of the Poor will continue to support the Prime Minister and will campaign for the people to cast their votes on April 2nd. Meanwhile, the Election Commission will begin campaigning for election via the theatres.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 24 March 2006

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Abhisit pretty much spelled out all the main complaints against the Shinwatra family. He was very straight forward. It was quite easy to follow. I hope his words get out to those in the countryside. Information is power; Thaksin knows that so he is doing everything possible to keep it away from the masses.

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I hope his words get out to those in the countryside.

It won't until he actually goes and tours in the countryside of the North and Issan. Which i don't see him doing.

Even if they had a rally in the north or north east to get the word out, the numbers attending would be dismal, they just do not have any base in these rural areas anymore. That's why they stick to Bkk where they have some support.

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Even if they had a rally in the north or north east to get the word out, the numbers attending would be dismal, they just do not have any base in these rural areas anymore. That's why they stick to Bkk where they have some support.

If things here would go along some sort of "democratic" logic that should only be an incentitive to get back there and try to regain some support.

But the situation right now, looking at the ridiculous power struggle and dirty games played by both sides, only proves to me how far Thailand in reality is from what we might call modern democracy.

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The Northeasterners ARE beginning to protest... AGAINST Thaksin... on their home turf:

Stand-off in the provinces

Thai Rak Thai MP Wichai Chaijitwanichkul was at the centre of a clash with Udon Thani's People's Alliance for Democracy campaigners when they gathered to heckle caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

An alliance leader and activist Weera Somkwamkid led about 100 anti-Thaksin protesters from Rajabhat Udon Thani University to the regional airport where the premier was due to arrive.

Alliance members, calling themselves Udon Thani people, marched on the airport and Weera read a statement, demanding the cancellation of a deal allowing the Singapore airforce to use the airfield as a training ground for its pilots.

They displayed banners and distributed anti-Thaksin documents.

However, Udon Thani MP Wichai and his staff arrived to welcome the premier and walked straight up to the crowd and shouted: "You're talking nonsense! Go home!"

The demonstrators chanted back: "Tyrant get out! Thaksin's dog get out!"

A protester left the crowd and faced Wichai, almost causing a clash between the two groups and the MP's followers removed him and Public Health Minister Pinij Charusombat eased the tension.

About 500 Thaksin supporters lined the road near the alliance protesters and ruling party members called for peace.

Thaksin's supporters had risen to around 1,000 when the premier arrived but he used a different exit and avoided the PAD demonstration.


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Even if they had a rally in the north or north east to get the word out, the numbers attending would be dismal, they just do not have any base in these rural areas anymore. That's why they stick to Bkk where they have some support.

If things here would go along some sort of "democratic" logic that should only be an incentitive to get back there and try to regain some support.

But the situation right now, looking at the ridiculous power struggle and dirty games played by both sides, only proves to me how far Thailand in reality is from what we might call modern democracy.

You have to ask yourself why the PAD has abandoned the vast majority of Thailand?

It seems to me that they should be out there establishing themselves and actually assisting the people. However being a cynic perhaps they aren't interested in doing that?

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Even if they had a rally in the north or north east to get the word out, the numbers attending would be dismal, they just do not have any base in these rural areas anymore. That's why they stick to Bkk where they have some support.

If things here would go along some sort of "democratic" logic that should only be an incentitive to get back there and try to regain some support.

But the situation right now, looking at the ridiculous power struggle and dirty games played by both sides, only proves to me how far Thailand in reality is from what we might call modern democracy.

You have to ask yourself why the PAD has abandoned the vast majority of Thailand?

It seems to me that they should be out there establishing themselves and actually assisting the people. However being a cynic perhaps they aren't interested in doing that?

I think if they are establishing units in Udon Thani, that's a beginning...

The cynics will now be asking why Thaksin isn't interested in going to the South... you know, that area that he has abandoned and allowed a war to go on there with 1,300 Thais dead?:

Premier to remain in Bangkok next week

Caretaker Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra plans to stay in Bangkok for the whole of next week to help Thai Rak Thai candidates campaign for the election.

He returned to Government House on Thursday after being absent since March 10, when People's Alliance for Democracy-led protesters besieged the compound.

He has also cancelled plans to visit the South next week so as to concentrate on campaigning in Bangkok.

His schedule will see him visiting his party's constituencies in Bangkok on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings to speak to voters.

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