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Visa Extenton Rules- Non Imm 'o'

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Can anyone supply the official rules for holding the 400,000 Baht in a Thai bank for 2 months please?

A website link or PDF copy would be of great assistance to show of all people, my lawyer handling my case. They keep telling me its three months but I've only had it there for two, next year I'll have it there earlier anyway.

I will of course be very careful in pointing this out so not to cause loss of face, in fact I probably won't tell them but just ask them to ask the immigration officer very nicely.

Thanks in advance.


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Wow, great service Lite Beer!

Printed and saved both copies, now just need to work out how to handle the info with tact.

I decided to use a lawyer to save myself the hassle, clearly this was my first mistake crazy.gif

Oh well...happy days and thanks again.

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You don't need a lawyer. It is pretty easy to do yourself.

Immigration will tell you what you need to take.

Dump the expensive lawyer and do it yourself.

A Rough Guide.

(6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady,

the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than
40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than
400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.

Letter from your Thai Bank showing balance and up to date bank book.


If income from outside Thailand: Letter from your Embassy showing income. Now may also need proof of income as back up.

If Income from Thailand: Statements showing Income Tax reciepts.


Marriage Registry entry.

Wife's Tabbien Baan and ID Card.

Your Passport.

Copies of everything.

Photos of you and your Wife in and around the house.

A map showing the way to your house.

Passport size photos and 1,900 Baht fee.

Take your Wife to be interviewed.

One or two witnesses may be required.

You will be given a 30 day under
consideration stamp.

Go back in a month and get the remainder.

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Well I started now so I'll roll with it as I have a few other things happening, such as a four day work related training course in Bangkok.

But your advice is well noted and next year I'll do it myself for sure.

Cheers again, much appreciated.


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If working and your income is 40K baht or more you can show tax payments and your work permit to get the extension.

Nah, working on ships based out of Singapore so no can do. But thanks anway.

We got it sorted, she thought I didn't have the money in the account (I think?). It stemmed from having the lump sum in a 'online' account and not in my main account, it doesn't show up on the statements even though they are linked and instantly available.

Anyway, what could possible go wrong now! crazy.gif

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It's actually two letter.

One statement of your account.

One proving that funds have been over 400.000 for the last two months.

Last time I only got the first one and had to come back next day with the other one

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I just go to the bank in The Government Center at Cheang Wattana on the same day I apply for my extension. The bank gives me a letter (one) and charge 200 TB. I then add that to my documents and join the que.. Never had a problem.

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Oh dear....

OK, I got the letter and statements from the bank, I say statements because most of the money is in a online account joined to my current account. Together they show the money coming into my main account, then being transferred to the instant access online account. Its there so if I lose my card the losses are minimal as this is not accessed by ATM card. Anyway, yesterday I gave them two bank statements and a letter from the bank saying the required funds are there.

Just had a call from lawyers assistant doing the work for me. She says the immigration officer does not believe I have the funds and I need to transfer the funds into the passbook account, get it updated and show them asap.

I said if I do that then it will look like I didn't have the funds until today, not two months ago. Hmmm...

Any ideas TV members???? Here is my thoughts/ actions.....

The wife will talk with another immigration officer she knows tomorrow and see what he says...

I would like to talk with the bank manager and tell him nobody believes in his bank anymore, explain the situation to him and if I could have his business card to give to the immigration officer maybe that would help as well.

I explained (again!) that I work on a ship all over the world and ALL of my accounts are online, the Thai one is the only one with a bank passport. The money is instantly available bla bla bla....

Long shot, but I would also like to talk with Lawyer man and say if my visa extention fails because of this I would like to start legal proceedings for defamation. Maybe it would filter down to the officer in charge. Long shot, but the more wine I drink the better it sounds! burp.gif

So all in all, I think its a communication problem with the assistant dealing with this, she took ages to comprehend where the money is and for two days she thought the money was still overseas and not Thailand.

Last but not least, I won't be useing them again. IMO a lawyer is just a overpaid, smart grass of a mouth piece who should be going into bat for you, not rolling over at the slightest hiccup. If I was in court with this bunch I would have no hope.

Any ideas?


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Thai Immigration are used to dealing with Thai Bank Savings Accounts.

That means an up to date bank book and a letter from the bank.

Anything else might confuse them.

You are 100% correct there!

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You don't need a lawyer. It is pretty easy to do yourself.

Immigration will tell you what you need to take.

Dump the expensive lawyer and do it yourself.

A Rough Guide.

(6) In case of marriage with a Thai lady,

the husband who is an alien must have an average annual income of not less than

40,000 baht per month or a money deposit in a local Thai bank of not less than

400,000 baht for the past 2 months for expenses within a year.

Letter from your Thai Bank showing balance and up to date bank book.


If income from outside Thailand: Letter from your Embassy showing income. Now may also need proof of income as back up.

If Income from Thailand: Statements showing Income Tax reciepts.


Marriage Registry entry.

Wife's Tabbien Baan and ID Card.

Your Passport.

Copies of everything.

Photos of you and your Wife in and around the house.

A map showing the way to your house.

Passport size photos and 1,900 Baht fee.

Take your Wife to be interviewed.

One or two witnesses may be required.

You will be given a 30 day under

consideration stamp.

Go back in a month and get the remainder.

In addition to this forest of paperwork my wife and me had to sign a statement stating that we were still married and that the marriage was subsisting. This was at the Chiang Mai I.O.

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I posted my current situation in another topic is this section but now it has been closed, so I'll reply here instead.

The reason I haven't sacked the lawyer is its his assistant handling the case, and I'll report to the lawyer if there is any further problems on Monday. It was also after 5pm Friday when she rang with the latest problem so I'll give her until Monday to sort it. Also, I use a lawyer because I have a short fuse with incompetent officers and prefer to pay someone to deal with it. Inexperience I can handle as we all start somewhere, but incompetence (perceived or actual) riles me profusely.

Anyway, will see what Monday brings but I have a few other options, including my company getting me a work permit. I'll call them Monday as well and see what they want.

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I posted my current situation in another topic is this section but now it has been closed, so I'll reply here instead.

The reason I haven't sacked the lawyer is its his assistant handling the case, and I'll report to the lawyer if there is any further problems on Monday. It was also after 5pm Friday when she rang with the latest problem so I'll give her until Monday to sort it. Also, I use a lawyer because I have a short fuse with incompetent officers and prefer to pay someone to deal with it. Inexperience I can handle as we all start somewhere, but incompetence (perceived or actual) riles me profusely.

Anyway, will see what Monday brings but I have a few other options, including my company getting me a work permit. I'll call them Monday as well and see what they want.

Thailand is NOT the place for anyone with a shot fuse to be ! coffee1.gif

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At my last go round, I had the bank letter dated same day as my visit to immigration and my passbook showing the money. I had not used the account for anything in over three months so the passbook, although it showed more than 400K, had not been updated. This is how it has been every year in the past with no problems.

They said, "How do we know the money is still in there? Maybe you took some out." I said, "Because I have a bank letter dated today that says it's in there and has been there continuously for over two months." They said that was not good enough and made me go deposit 100 baht in my account and get the book updated while my wife waited for me at immigration.

I go in there super prepared, but it always seems they have something extra for me to do. With all I have read on here lately, it really makes me nervous, because I have made my life here and my life is totally here. I have nothing in the US, no home, no place to go. Except for this, my life is very stable, secure and happy here. It is frightening to think they could tell me to get out, leave you wife and family and just get out.

It seems to me that everything depends on the office you attend, as i have always just produced my bank and asset statements in my own country. Have done this every 15 mths for the last 7 years. And received my Non Imm O, no problems.

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You posted your current situation in this thread - this is your thread - the closed thread only had a link to this thread and was not about you.

Yes correct. Same same but different.

My fuse is ok, can be short at times but not the shortest one in the country by a long way. No problems so far, but if I can avoid the sort of things mentioned on other threads then it would be prudent.

At my last go round, I had the bank letter dated same day as my visit to immigration and my passbook showing the money. I had not used the account for anything in over three months so the passbook, although it showed more than 400K, had not been updated. This is how it has been every year in the past with no problems.

They said, "How do we know the money is still in there? Maybe you took some out." I said, "Because I have a bank letter dated today that says it's in there and has been there continuously for over two months." They said that was not good enough and made me go deposit 100 baht in my account and get the book updated while my wife waited for me at immigration.

I go in there super prepared, but it always seems they have something extra for me to do. With all I have read on here lately, it really makes me nervous, because I have made my life here and my life is totally here. I have nothing in the US, no home, no place to go. Except for this, my life is very stable, secure and happy here. It is frightening to think they could tell me to get out, leave you wife and family and just get out.

It seems to me that everything depends on the office you attend, as i have always just produced my bank and asset statements in my own country. Have done this every 15 mths for the last 7 years. And received my Non Imm O, no problems.

And that looks like the option I will take as well, just see what happens monday. My employer will send me anywhere I want after I finish, so I'll head somewhere and get a new visa after this one expires next month.

I appreciate the comments as well guys, helps clear things up to hear other perspectives.


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At my last go round, I had the bank letter dated same day as my visit to immigration and my passbook showing the money. I had not used the account for anything in over three months so the passbook, although it showed more than 400K, had not been updated. This is how it has been every year in the past with no problems.

They said, "How do we know the money is still in there? Maybe you took some out." I said, "Because I have a bank letter dated today that says it's in there and has been there continuously for over two months." They said that was not good enough and made me go deposit 100 baht in my account and get the book updated while my wife waited for me at immigration.

I go in there super prepared, but it always seems they have something extra for me to do. With all I have read on here lately, it really makes me nervous, because I have made my life here and my life is totally here. I have nothing in the US, no home, no place to go. Except for this, my life is very stable, secure and happy here. It is frightening to think they could tell me to get out, leave you wife and family and just get out.

It seems to me that everything depends on the office you attend, as i have always just produced my bank and asset statements in my own country. Have done this every 15 mths for the last 7 years. And received my Non Imm O, no problems.

the thread is about extension of stay based oon marriage to a Thai national issued in Thailand, i think you are talking about a non immigrant visa as issued outside Thailand

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To all comments i have read here you live here like me over 22 years then you accept the immigration visa trail,or head home.Easy to do if you follow thai immigration visa requirements wether retirement or marriage visa,never a problem every year i renew my visa.Understand requirements in our home countries when our asian wife or girlfriend applies for a tourist visa then the nightmare really begins.

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