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Requirements For Obtaining And Renewing A 2 Year Driving Licence


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I no longer have a valid drivers license in the USA, expired years ago but I still have the expired Hawaii license, and also a valid drivers license in the Philippines. What do I need to do to get a drivers license for cars and motorbike in Thailand? I have a retirement visa good for a year. Living in Pattaya. Thanks to all.

You don’t have to do the tests if you have a valid license from your home country, not sure how they would react to your current license from the Philippines. It wouldn’t hurt to bring that along with copies of it, to see if they accept it. If not you’d have to take the practical and written tests here.

Here’s a list of the required paperwork:

Copy of main Passport page

Copy of visa or visa extension stamp and TM card.

Medical Certificate

Residence certificate, (yellow book or work permit)

One copy or original per license.

"Medical Certificate"

do you need to get it by yourself or is it done there? how much does that cost? where to get it? what's being checked exactly?

See post #47.

It'll be one of the easiest exams you've had, doc will probably check your blood pressure and talk to you for a few minutes.

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I no longer have a valid drivers license in the USA, expired years ago but I still have the expired Hawaii license, and also a valid drivers license in the Philippines. What do I need to do to get a drivers license for cars and motorbike in Thailand? I have a retirement visa good for a year. Living in Pattaya. Thanks to all.

You don’t have to do the tests if you have a valid license from your home country, not sure how they would react to your current license from the Philippines. It wouldn’t hurt to bring that along with copies of it, to see if they accept it. If not you’d have to take the practical and written tests here.

Here’s a list of the required paperwork:

Copy of main Passport page

Copy of visa or visa extension stamp and TM card.

Medical Certificate

Residence certificate, (yellow book or work permit)

One copy or original per license.

"Medical Certificate"

do you need to get it by yourself or is it done there? how much does that cost? where to get it? what's being checked exactly?

See post #47.

It'll be one of the easiest exams you've had, doc will probably check your blood pressure and talk to you for a few minutes.


Do you know if it has to be done within any period of time prior to getting the driving licence?

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"Medical Certificate"

do you need to get it by yourself or is it done there? how much does that cost? where to get it? what's being checked exactly?

See post #47.

It'll be one of the easiest exams you've had, doc will probably check your blood pressure and talk to you for a few minutes.


Do you know if it has to be done within any period of time prior to getting the driving licence?

Yes, it can't be more than 30 days old.

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question when u get tired and answer u take amfetamine pill is best smile.png

I just did 2 for car and bike. For car i had uk international permit, but thay not need it i think as they not want copy of it. So for car i just swaped thay give it to me stright away pretty much. For bike i had to do eyes reaction test computer test and driving, skipped 2h movie. Funny thing is i come.with my brothet who got uk car and he wanted for bike. He did not show them car licence so he had to watch 2 h movie and do computer test next day. Driving was same day. So i walked out with 2 licences and he with none, he passed next day. Well eyes reaction test is easy. Driving bike, as car i dont know. Bike is easy theres 9nly 1 bit people fail they got thin path of asphalt and u need drive on it without falling or touching leg to ground. Not so easy as u thing need good balance. So before u trubu practice going in stright line with ur bike... Computer test is confusing, as theres language problem gramma etc. I did it clever way. When u wait ur turn go near ur screen in middle of room, stay near farang. While thay do it u read and try learn. At the end of it it says fail or pass, my man failed so it shows u ansswers u choosed and correct one i learn, we click it through and that way i learned like 6 questions... i did 26 correct and 4 wrong still My bro 23 correct 7 wrong pass just about. There is online test most questions are same i thing few missing but not sure if u go through it all u will see. It helps u will learn few most questions. Theory test eng: http://apps.dlt.go.th/driving_hp/ELearnning/E-Learning2.swf Hope it helps. And tip is show ur car licence if u do bike u will skip boring 2h movie that everyone is sleep on..

Wow the questions are really... blink.png there is no word. Here is an example:


The good answer is the first one.

So you should figure out YOURSELF how much meters is a secure distance allowing you to stop in case of emergency.

In Europe, you need to remember precisely the amount of meters, and how to represent them in the real life on the road using the white lanes. Different distances for different speeds. Wow.. it's monkeyland here!!

Here is a big version by the way: http://apps.dlt.go.th/driving_hp/ELearnning/E-Learning2.swf

Follow the 2, or better 3 second rule to stay behind the vehicle in front. It applies at any speed.

I get my medical cert from the local clinic for 60 Baht, certified and stamped by the receptionist as she can see I am still breathing, no need to pay and consult a doctor.

In BKK they have never been interested in my International DL, a very quick look at my UK licence is enough.

Edited by Bpuumike
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question when u get tired and answer u take amfetamine pill is best smile.png

I just did 2 for car and bike. For car i had uk international permit, but thay not need it i think as they not want copy of it. So for car i just swaped thay give it to me stright away pretty much. For bike i had to do eyes reaction test computer test and driving, skipped 2h movie. Funny thing is i come.with my brothet who got uk car and he wanted for bike. He did not show them car licence so he had to watch 2 h movie and do computer test next day. Driving was same day. So i walked out with 2 licences and he with none, he passed next day. Well eyes reaction test is easy. Driving bike, as car i dont know. Bike is easy theres 9nly 1 bit people fail they got thin path of asphalt and u need drive on it without falling or touching leg to ground. Not so easy as u thing need good balance. So before u trubu practice going in stright line with ur bike... Computer test is confusing, as theres language problem gramma etc. I did it clever way. When u wait ur turn go near ur screen in middle of room, stay near farang. While thay do it u read and try learn. At the end of it it says fail or pass, my man failed so it shows u ansswers u choosed and correct one i learn, we click it through and that way i learned like 6 questions... i did 26 correct and 4 wrong still My bro 23 correct 7 wrong pass just about. There is online test most questions are same i thing few missing but not sure if u go through it all u will see. It helps u will learn few most questions. Theory test eng: http://apps.dlt.go.th/driving_hp/ELearnning/E-Learning2.swf Hope it helps. And tip is show ur car licence if u do bike u will skip boring 2h movie that everyone is sleep on..

Wow the questions are really... blink.png there is no word. Here is an example:


The good answer is the first one.

So you should figure out YOURSELF how much meters is a secure distance allowing you to stop in case of emergency.

In Europe, you need to remember precisely the amount of meters, and how to represent them in the real life on the road using the white lanes. Different distances for different speeds. Wow.. it's monkeyland here!!

Here is a big version by the way: http://apps.dlt.go.th/driving_hp/ELearnning/E-Learning2.swf

Follow the 2, or better 3 second rule to stay behind the vehicle in front. It applies at any speed.

I get my medical cert from the local clinic for 60 Baht, certified and stamped by the receptionist as she can see I am still breathing, no need to pay and consult a doctor.

In BKK they have never been interested in my International DL, a very quick look at my UK licence is enough.

"Follow the 2, or better 3 second rule to stay behind the vehicle in front. It applies at any speed."
Yeah this is a good tip to remember too, however in some countries of Europe, including mine, you need to remember the exact distance for the exact speed range, combined with the weather condition (i.e. the distance must be greater when it's raining, snowing, etc.).
I completely forgot the precise numbers... and it's been less than 10 years... unsure.png
Knowing the distance required is still an advantage as it still allows you to use the time to measure the distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. One can easily make the conversion from distance to time in one's head, e.g. if you need to keep 100m between you and the next vehicle, and that you're driving at 100km/h (that's about 30m/s) then you need about 3 seconds to travel that distance. Once you know that, it's very easy to quite precisely calculate the distance between you and the next vehicle by referring to an object like a tree: as soon as the vehicle in front of you reaches the tree, start counting, and when YOU reach it, stop counting, here you go!
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Follow the 2, or better 3 second rule to stay behind the vehicle in front. It applies at any speed.

I get my medical cert from the local clinic for 60 Baht, certified and stamped by the receptionist as she can see I am still breathing, no need to pay and consult a doctor.

In BKK they have never been interested in my International DL, a very quick look at my UK licence is enough.

"Follow the 2, or better 3 second rule to stay behind the vehicle in front. It applies at any speed."

Yeah this is a good tip to remember too, however in some countries of Europe, including mine, you need to remember the exact distance for the exact speed range, combined with the weather condition (i.e. the distance must be greater when it's raining, snowing, etc.).

I completely forgot the precise numbers... and it's been less than 10 years... unsure.png

Knowing the distance required is still an advantage as it still allows you to use the time to measure the distance between you and the vehicle in front of you. One can easily make the conversion from distance to time in one's head, e.g. if you need to keep 100m between you and the next vehicle, and that you're driving at 100km/h (that's about 30m/s) then you need about 3 seconds to travel that distance. Once you know that, it's very easy to quite precisely calculate the distance between you and the next vehicle by referring to an object like a tree: as soon as the vehicle in front of you reaches the tree, start counting, and when YOU reach it, stop counting, here you go!

I continually use reference points to keep a minimum 2 second separation, more in bad weather of course.

I forgot to add to the OP that when you renew/extend a 1 year licence that is what you should take. No need to produce an International or home country licence once you have a Thai licence.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I no longer have a valid drivers license in the USA, expired years ago but I still have the expired Hawaii license, and also a valid drivers license in the Philippines. What do I need to do to get a drivers license for cars and motorbike in Thailand? I have a retirement visa good for a year. Living in Pattaya. Thanks to all.

You don’t have to do the tests if you have a valid license from your home country, not sure how they would react to your current license from the Philippines. It wouldn’t hurt to bring that along with copies of it, to see if they accept it. If not you’d have to take the practical and written tests here.

Here’s a list of the required paperwork:

Copy of main Passport page

Copy of visa or visa extension stamp and TM card.

Medical Certificate

Residence certificate, (yellow book or work permit)

One copy or original per license.

"Medical Certificate"

do you need to get it by yourself or is it done there? how much does that cost? where to get it? what's being checked exactly?


Any clinic


Not even see a doc


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Went and renewed 1 year licenses to 5 years ones yesterday. In at 9:30am out by 11:30am. Cost for licenses, motorcycle and car, was 1060b to the land transportation office, 300b to immigration for a residence certificate, 100b for a medical certificate, total cost 1460b.

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Anyone had experience doing a first time test just out of pattaya?

Heard that pattaya can take several days for an initial thai license and wondering if laem chabang or sri racha etc may be quicker.

A comment in this thread said the Thais thought so but I dont know of those centers are equipped with translations and farrang friendly.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thai DL withOUT a license from your country of origin?

According to this link I cannot. Reliability of link source: ??? http://www.maxlawint.com/en/thai-visa-services/driver-license.html

Seems if this source is correct, my best bet would be a Laos license which gets me a Thai one in return, or so says the link.

Anyone with actual experience with this?

My DL from home country is lost, and expired anyway. Due to the ridiculous state I used to live in, fixing this is not in the cards for the foreseeable. Also, I won't be back there for a year. Nonetheless, I need a DL. So, how does one go about getting a new license in Thailand from scratch- with nothing to show them from another country aside from my passport, of course? Assume I have the proper Visa and other documentation. No employment agreement or the like- my income is non-Thai based and passive.

As an aside, if this is a tough do in Thailand, but easy in another SE Asian country, that option is fine. I just need a proper license. I can then get an International to cover me most anywhere I might need, as I understand it.


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First time license application at Bang Lamung

I decided to go for my first Thai license, read up on the requirements online, and after a bit of work, have received the license.

First got a residency certificate at Immigration in Jomtien. We were going anyway for our 90 day reports, so that made it easy. 300 baht, maybe 20-30 minute process.

Next obtained a medical certificate at the outpatient clinic at PIH. My wife was there for an appointment so it gave me something to do while waiting. BP test, a short series of questions, pay the fee (700 THB), and get the certificate. Likely cost more there than a small private clinic, but I was there already so saved having to find and travel to another clinic.

Then I went off to the LTO. Based on what I have read here, I decided to show up early - arrived at 0750 - and to my surprise, there were already 50-60 people sitting around waiting. At 0815, a guy came out and fixed up 2 lines - one for Thais and one for foreigners.

I had with me:


  • My New York driver's license
  • My passport
  • My IDP
  • The Residency Certificate
  • The Medical Certificate


  • NY Driver's license, front and back;
  • The face sheet of my passport, and the page with my visa retirement extension
  • The cover and info page from my IDP (the page with the photo) (**See Below!)
  • Copies of the Residency and Medical Certificates

The line started moving at about 0825 and you are handed a number and what appears to be a Thai language application (no need to try to fill it out they do it for you) when you enter. You then wait until the number comes up on an electronic board and head upstairs.

First desk is an initial check of the paperwork, and I was told that they needed a copy of the IDP page which in English explains the various codes that are used in the IDP. Back out of the LTO to a copy shop across the street, 3 baht for a copy, then back in and up the stairs. Bit of a queue on the stairs and several times, folks tried to jump the queue - all backed down when I challenged.

They went through the paperwork again, and handed me a new number on a green tab. Directed to wait in the seats until green was called and we lined up for the color, depth perception, and braking tests. Took about 15 seconds each for the tests, and told to again be seated.

Long wait - maybe an hour - for the woman at the desk to call out my name, have me print my name at the top of the application and sign (all in Thai), return my passport, IDP, and NYS license, and direct me to the desk to pay the fee (205 baht - car license only) There is quite a bit of background noise - and people flapping their jaws incessantly - so you have to listen carefully for your name.

Paid the fee and given a new number on a blue card, and directed back to the seats to await photo and license. A wait of perhaps 20 mites and my number called. Photo taken, then move over one desk and in a few short minutes, am handed the laminated license. Checked it over and all was correct.

Out the door at 1045.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After reading all the good reports here I went to DL office with all the documents this morning and was hoping for a few hours and that it would be easy , well I was wrong. First of all my local EU license was not accepted , since it was not written in English. So I had to do the practical car driving test and the queue was enormous. It took me 3 hours just to line up and finish the test. At the end of the dsy there was no time for the computer test so I have to go back tomorrow.

So that's 7 hours , I was outside the entrance at 8:15 but already at least 40 foreigners in front of me so just to get to the first desk it took 2 hours.

Maybe another 3 hours tomorrow before I will get my Thai DL.......

Sent from my SM-P601 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I renewed mine a couple of days ago and was disgusted by lack of manners by fellow visitors to Thailand.

Rude, Smelly, inpatient, loud etc, etc, No wonder we are looked down upon by others.

Some of those doing the simple eye tests and braking/ reaction tests showed such HIGH levels of anxiety they should probably reconsider driving here.

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I renewed mine a couple of days ago and was disgusted by lack of manners by fellow visitors to Thailand.

Rude, Smelly, inpatient, loud etc, etc, No wonder we are looked down upon by others.

Some of those doing the simple eye tests and braking/ reaction tests showed such HIGH levels of anxiety they should probably reconsider driving here.

That was my experience as well.

While waiting at the top of the stairs, several expats tried to jump the queue, and backed off only when I challenged them

While waiting for the paperwork to be completed and for the woman at the desk near the testing area to call out the names, I was surrounded by expats who never stopped loudly flapping their jaws; fortunately, it only took a look from me and they lowered the volume so that we could hear when names were called.

The experience there is quite disorganized and the last thing one needs is to have queue jumpers and loud expats adding to the confusion.

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My 1-year licence renewal is approaching - I read from somewhere that the renewal should be done after expriry of current 1 yr licence

as renewal during validity period would lead to shorter (1yr only instead of 5) validity for new licence.

Not sure if true, but if it is, I wonder how this works for people like me who does not have long term visa, only tourist (either visa or 30day stamp)?

Is it so that in any case I am only entitled to 1 year even in renewed license?

Will be doing in Pattaya.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Went and renewed 1 year licenses to 5 years ones yesterday. In at 9:30am out by 11:30am. Cost for licenses, motorcycle and car, was 1060b to the land transportation office, 300b to immigration for a residence certificate, 100b for a medical certificate, total cost 1460b.

Can extend 1 year to 5 years on tourist visa?

I got 1 year licence valid till dec.

Be able to change it to 5 y on tourist visa?

Or they dont check it..



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On a tourist visa they will only give you another 1 year ( sometimes they might make a mistake though )

short term visa = short term licence long time visa = long time licence

the first licence is always a one year temporary licence what ever visa you have.

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On a tourist visa they will only give you another 1 year ( sometimes they might make a mistake though )

short term visa = short term licence long time visa = long time licence

the first licence is always a one year temporary licence what ever visa you have.

Im okay as long they will renewe it

1 year is okay



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I renewed mine a couple of days ago and was disgusted by lack of manners by fellow visitors to Thailand.

Rude, Smelly, inpatient, loud etc, etc, No wonder we are looked down upon by others.

Some of those doing the simple eye tests and braking/ reaction tests showed such HIGH levels of anxiety they should probably reconsider driving here.

That was my experience as well.

While waiting at the top of the stairs, several expats tried to jump the queue, and backed off only when I challenged them

While waiting for the paperwork to be completed and for the woman at the desk near the testing area to call out the names, I was surrounded by expats who never stopped loudly flapping their jaws; fortunately, it only took a look from me and they lowered the volume so that we could hear when names were called.

The experience there is quite disorganized and the last thing one needs is to have queue jumpers and loud expats adding to the confusion.

some come in shorts and very skimy tshirt

i saw woman told them to go get dressed propely...

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Is IDP required when renewing 1 year license? If it is needed is copy of old IDP enough? My IDP was valid only for one year.

I have only short visa so I will apply for another 1 year license.

I have still valid EU driving license and thai driving license ( expiring soon ) and IDP ( not valid anymore ).

I will take copies of all current driving licenses, passport, medical statements, residency statements etc. Only thing which will be missing is valid IDP ( international driving permit ).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just completed initial issue of 1 year drivers license for car and motorcycle.



Passport with departure card

IDP (International Drivers Permit)

US Drivers License with motorcycle endorsement

2 residency certificates

Doctors letter

Copies (2 sets required , 1 for car and 1 for motorcycle)-

Passport photo page, visa page, entry stamp, and departure card

IDP title page, photo page, and endorsment page

UD Drivers License front and back.

1 copy of doctors letter (1 letter for each license)

Arrived about 8:30 am, was given a number for station 11, waited for about 30-40 minutes and number was called. the lady checked over my paper work, i had to sign every copied page. signed my full name on a thai form which they produced. I was given a green number and told to wait.

waited about 20 minutes for the red card group to finish the eye and reaction exam. then the gentleman called for the green numbers (about 12 of us, a variety in nationalities). everything was explained clearly on what we were required to do. finished that, waited with my group for the gentleman to finish the paperwork, told to go pay the cashier (360 baht) and handed a blue number. waited about 50 minutes, photo taken, verified for correctness. all finished at about 10:45 am.

Hopes this info helps

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  • 5 weeks later...

Quick question guys,

I only have a photocopy of my UK licence. oversight....

Is this suffice to flash to police if get routinely stopped, all other paperwork is legal & produced on the spot, if the situation arose....

My thoughts are that I need a family member to mail my original motor car licence with photo + motorcycle licence asap.....

Cheers all!


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Quick question guys,

I only have a photocopy of my UK licence. oversight....

Is this suffice to flash to police if get routinely stopped, all other paperwork is legal & produced on the spot, if the situation arose....

My thoughts are that I need a family member to mail my original motor car licence with photo + motorcycle licence asap.....

Cheers all!


Unlikely with only a copy. Also you really should have an IDP - UK licence by itself may not be accepted.

You do not say how long you are here for but an IDP is easy to get by post from the AA or even the post office for a very small fee. If longer then a month I would suggest getting a Thai licence.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For a Thai person who wants to get their first Thai motorcycle license and does not have a IDP, the wait for a test date is now 12 days. Only the first 80 people per day get a test date. If, you are not part of the first 80, you have to come back the next day, line-up again to get a test date. The line-up for the test date is at building 3, to the left of the main building. My friend got #46 by arriving at 7:40 a.m. Be aware that to get a test date, you have to bring a medical certificate, photo copies of front and back of your Thai ID card and a passport size photo.

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For a Thai person who wants to get their first Thai motorcycle license and does not have a IDP, the wait for a test date is now 12 days. Only the first 80 people per day get a test date. If, you are not part of the first 80, you have to come back the next day, line-up again to get a test date. The line-up for the test date is at building 3, to the left of the main building. My friend got #46 by arriving at 7:40 a.m. Be aware that to get a test date, you have to bring a medical certificate, photo copies of front and back of your Thai ID card and a passport size photo.

is this for real? now you need to come twice? once to get the test date and then another day for the actual test?!

photo copies of front and back of your Thai ID card and a passport size photo.

I don't have a Thai ID card... I guess I'll stay with my outdated international driving permit.

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