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Posting Under Your Real Name


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Some posters here use their real name as their handle. Most people don't.

There was a poster on my home sub-forum that posted under his real name, then, always took the moral high-ground by claiming that others that didn't "were hiding behind their keyboards".

Have seen this moral stance a few times with different posters.

Personally, I don't think it's a wise idea to let perfect strangers know your real name. Easy for them to use Google and then you could have a real-life stalker.

Good idea, or not? Would be interested to hear from those posters who use their real name why they do it.

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Stuff on the interweb is forever.

One day, employers, insurance companies and others will be able determine if you're a risk of getting cancer, or being a terrorist, or cheating on your wife, or.. or... by correlating the words and phrases you use. (It's happening already).

On the job front, I work in an industry that does a pretty good job most of the times, and I don't mind posting some favorable information to explain some aspects of our industry. But I don't want to feel obligated to be an apologist for the few times they (we) really screw up. And I do like the idea of continuing to draw a paycheck even if my current or future boss sees some rant that "impulse" went on.

Edited by impulse
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I think posting under your real name can be helpful in some instances, but not on a forum. For example, Amazon.com invites you to review under your real name and you can even 'verify' your identity - that has really cleaned up the review section and it gives others highly useful, free information. Amazon used to be trashed by nonsense reviews and now it's a good resource. Another good one is youtube. Lots of useful and free videos on youtube; if you have a google + account you will post under your real name; that clears up spammers and there are less arguments.

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Karen, your surname is not Bravo ?

No..............and I'm a bloke.

Dammit, Karen, couldn't you have left that fantasy alive for me??


BTW, that avatar is a close facsimile of my actual face.

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I use my real name, if they want to track me have fun. Anyone can be tracked by their posts if they really want too. I don't think people are hiding if they use a fake name but to think they are untouchable.. also not true.. unless they use some kind of IP masking service.

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I dont even use my real name on facebook ,just use it to check on familly posts . as for stuff hanging around on the internet ,try googling your own name ,stuff i did (not illegal before you start) 20 years ago is still on there and was even being discussed a year or two ago ,i have not used my own name for years .

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There are plenty of real world internet sites out there that, when you post, you receive a notice that your comment "Is awaiting moderator approval" and your chances go way up if you identify yourself and your official corporate or NGO positions.

Also Twitter search rankings are skewed toward real name postings. I do not use Facebook, LinkedIn or other social sites as they attack your stored email addresses and send out 'invitations' and other garbage.

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Karen, your surname is not Bravo ?

No..............and I'm a bloke.

Dammit, Karen, couldn't you have left that fantasy alive for me??


BTW, that avatar is a close facsimile of my actual face.

Maybe a female pretending to be a male or a male pretending to be a female...........after all he/she lives in Pattaya when here I think I recall and there are a lot of confused people there.

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Name or no name is irrelevant.

I can track your location (within a few houses) within a matter of minutes using readily available freeware and your IP.

If you live in a condo complex it may take a little more time to identify you...but, if you live in a street, and your neighbors either side are Thais...I got you sucker...

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Posting under your real name is a recipe for disaster unless your posts are bland and non-controversial.

...or pertinent, non-abusive, rational and balanced.

Not that I'd use my name either - most people can't spell Herman von Schippelgrubber. (In fact, I don't think I can spell it.)

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Agree with post # 2 & 4.

I think displaying the real name is a bit naïve.

God (and you fellow members) knows how many I have made angry over the years.

Guaranteed at least a few who would like to get hold of me.

Of those there probably are one nutter who would make me regret posting my real name.

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Karen, your surname is not Bravo ?

No..............and I'm a bloke.
Dammit, Karen, couldn't you have left that fantasy alive for me??


BTW, that avatar is a close facsimile of my actual face.

Maybe a female pretending to be a male or a male pretending to be a female...........after all he/she lives in Pattaya when here I think I recall and there are a lot of confused people there.
Nope, don't live in Pattaya. Have another guess.

Karen Bravo is the name of the ship in my avatar. I had some of the happiest days of my youth when I worked on her.

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Maybe a female pretending to be a male or a male pretending to be a female...........after all he/she lives in Pattaya when here I think I recall and there are a lot of confused people there.
Nope, don't live in Pattaya. Have another guess.

Karen Bravo is the name of the ship in my avatar. I had some of the happiest days of my youth when I worked on her.

I knew that....and you know all ships are female....

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