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Thai Society Sees Women ' As Lowly'


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This is just a smokescreen to diminish the wrongdoings of yingluck my gf and all her friends and female family members are all laughing about this and it was them who showed it to me...none of them feel insulted. Then again none of them are redshirts nor are they prostitutes but well educated people with good jobs...and even the siliest of them is smarter than yingluck...and that doesnt actually say a lot.

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coffee1.gif Does anyone really care? Yingluck 'has' sold out Thailand and the buck stops at the top with her. As is often quoted - madam we know what you are, we are now just negotiating the price.

Sexist misogynist.....bah.gif

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I am all for someone who is against demeaning of women but making a big issue of something so inane is more likely to damage credibility of the speakers. A reader of this article who has previously given only passing thought to women's issues would not be stirred into a positive awareness. They could easily be thinking "Dizzy broads. All that over a dumb newspaper cartoon."

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He only described her selling out of the country as being whor-ish. If he had REALLY wanted to put her down, he would have called her a "farang." But, if he wanted to insult her and call her the most vile, lowly, sub-human, disgusting, intolerable thing he could, he would have labelled her a .... are you ready for this?.... please forgive my language, .... a "non-thai."

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“She said Thai society sees women as lowly”

And so do I!

Just yesterday I had a chat with a woman in her early thirties. She has a well off family background owns a car some land and opened up a small shop with family money. One of her first sentences during our conversation was “I want to become rich!”

However, so far she did not work for her money. She continued talking: “Maybe I should go to the bars more often and find me a wealthy man.”

She is attractive, speaks acceptable English and makes an impression as a woman with an education beyond Thai-average. However, I look at her as “lowly” because of this typical local attitude beleiving all wealth has to come from somebody else. Unfortunately I talked to many women with a similar mindset from of all walks of life here.

Edited by TackyToo
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If you cannot see the misogyny in the cartoon and the attending remarks it simply means you're not looking deeply enough. Most of the respondents in TV are male, and it isn't surprising that many are incapable of looking past their own narrow, paternalistic view of society. No judgment intended. It's just a fact of life. But misogyny is there, and glaringly so in this instance. Most societies thrive on hypocrisy and double standards. They represent the marked differences between what we are convinced we should be, and what we really are. We live in a physical world and our actions are mostly driven by our bodies and the natural chemicals that enable us to function and survive. Religion and philosophy have given us aspirations. But (particularly) religious rhetoric has turned those aspirations into weapons with which to attack those who do not conform to the dominant doctrines. Put simply, we often say one thing yet are 'driven' to do another.

I don't know if Chai Rachawat has ever used a sex worker of either gender in his long life. But even if he hasn't he should have had enough life experience at the age of 72 to understand that all in any society is not as it seems, and Thailand is no different. But it would not be unreasonable to suggest that he is probably no different to most of us. While he may understand the 'truth' of the society in which he lives he chooses to conveniently forget such truths in the pursuit of either political capital or professional aggrandizement. Either way his remarks about Yinluck should be challenged at least as strongly as his personal attack on her.

Disingenuous attitudes abound in all areas of societal conflict.


Edited by dressedingreen
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If you cannot see the misogyny in the cartoon and the attending remarks it simply means you're not looking deeply enough. Most of the respondents in TV are male, and it isn't surprising that many are incapable of looking past their own narrow, paternalistic view of society. No judgment intended. It's just a fact of life. But misogyny is there, and glaringly so in this instance. Most societies thrive on hypocrisy and double standards. They represent the marked differences between what we are convinced we should be, and what we really are. We live in a physical world and our actions are mostly driven by our bodies and the natural chemicals that enable us to function and survive. Religion and philosophy have given us aspirations. But (particularly) religious rhetoric has turned those aspirations into weapons with which to attack those who do not conform to the dominant doctrines. Put simply, we often say one thing yet are 'driven' to do another.

I don't know if Chai Rachawat has ever used a sex worker of either gender in his long life. But even if he hasn't he should have had enough life experience at the age of 72 to understand that all in any society is not as it seems, and Thailand is no different. But it would not be unreasonable to suggest that he is probably no different to most of us. While he may understand the 'truth' of the society in which he lives he chooses to conveniently forget such truths in the pursuit of either political capital or professional aggrandizement. Either way his remarks about Yinluck should be challenged at least as strongly as his personal attack on her.

Disingenuous attitudes abound in all areas of societal conflict.


You see it as misogyny and an attack on women.

Many see it as someone attacking Yingluck and Yingluck alone for acting like a whore and trying to sell out her own country for her brother.

Is it misandry to call Thaksin a bastard whoremonger because he treats this country and the idiots he pays like prostitutes to do his bidding?

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Many Thai men are hypocritical, said Virada, as they use the service of sex workers and push the notion of prostitute to elevate themselves and
degrade women at the same time.

well nothing new, the machist hypocritical world asn't change since,because the society dont want to change this anyway.

it is like the man as to repair the car and the woman wash the dishes,clinton got a blowjob at the white house,berlusconi contract young women for an up and down bed partys and the french diplomat is acused of rape in an american hotel room with a house keeper.

first prostitutes or sex workers (men or woman)should be 100 % recognized, have a legal status like every worker,a legal place to work and pay their taxes.

prostitution is the oldest work ...ever

I showed this to my husband and he just told me to shush and go make him a sandwich

You can make me one while your there too ... Ahh yeah and grab me a cold beer wink.png

i join the party...one for me too!cheesy.gif


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coffee1.gif Does anyone really care? Yingluck 'has' sold out Thailand and the buck stops at the top with her. As is often quoted - madam we know what you are, we are now just negotiating the price.

Sold out Thailand to who? If you have evidence of this then post links.

Well let's see... AEC for starters. Puts Thai nurses and those concerned in a pretty bad position. Especially since the country has no REAL intention of educating the masses (you would know this if you taught in the industry for a decade as I have).

Thaksin selling his company to Singapore -- TAX FREE. All that money could have gone to Thailand -- but why do that? It's much better to SELL OUT the country to seal the deal.

Most businesses here are owned by Chinese families. I used to teach in an EP (English Program) as well as the regular program in a government school. Guess which one has mainly Thai students and which one has ones of mainly Chinese-descent?

Thailand has already been sold. I'm not saying we should have an all-out war against the Chinese... but it's plainly obvious how the governments work to keep the Thais in their place.

After all, the Chinese get treated like xxxx in their own lands as well.

Interesting comments - but Yingluck is hardly responsible for all of this, and neither is Thaksin. They simply take advantage of the legacy and continue.

The Thai masses will wake up one day, and we may then see a situation like Malaysia had when the Malays and ethnic Indians realised that the ethnic chinese had most of the wealth and power. Hope it gets resolved socially first, but no one seems interested in changing the status quo. Even China seems more concerned about the longer term effects of the increasing social divides.

Chinese are successful wherever they emigrate to. Has to do with 100's of years of ingrained work ethic, education ethic, saving money ethic rather than an evil conspiracy to run the world. Any Thai non ethnic Chinese that emulated these traits would likely succeed.

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coffee1.gif Does anyone really care? Yingluck 'has' sold out Thailand and the buck stops at the top with her. As is often quoted - madam we know what you are, we are now just negotiating the price.

Sold out Thailand to who? If you have evidence of this then post links.

Well let's see... AEC for starters. Puts Thai nurses and those concerned in a pretty bad position. Especially since the country has no REAL intention of educating the masses (you would know this if you taught in the industry for a decade as I have).

Thaksin selling his company to Singapore -- TAX FREE. All that money could have gone to Thailand -- but why do that? It's much better to SELL OUT the country to seal the deal.

Most businesses here are owned by Chinese families. I used to teach in an EP (English Program) as well as the regular program in a government school. Guess which one has mainly Thai students and which one has ones of mainly Chinese-descent?

Thailand has already been sold. I'm not saying we should have an all-out war against the Chinese... but it's plainly obvious how the governments work to keep the Thais in their place.

After all, the Chinese get treated like xxxx in their own lands as well.

You've been here too long. old lad. Inward looking people like yourself are what have left Thailand with a 'Dickensian' mindset based deeply in the mid-nineteenth century. If PTP have "sold out" by joining AEC then so have all the other ASEAN countries who have embraced this great opportunity.

Edited by PREM-R
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" ...Many Thai men are hypocritical, said Virada, as they use the service of sex workers and push the notion of prostitute to elevate themselves and degrade women at the same time."

Could also be said, "Many Thai people are hypocritical, as they use the financial support of farangs and push the notion of farang=kohn-mai-dee to elevate themselves and degrade farangs at the same time."

( Welcome to our world. wink.png )

Please be informed that without farangs, the Thais and Thailand can still survive and move on. Do not carry yourself so highly. It's the farangs who want to come to Thailand. Please have some decent respect for the country. Anyway if you feel you are short changed, you are always welcome to look elsewhere.

WOW, thats a true thai apologist. Keep up the good work "chrisloh"

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The widow of the founder of Thai Rath, Vacharapol, got to as high as 10th richest family in Thailand with a fortune estimated at over $1,000,000,000. Which may suggest to some people she is deeply entrenched in the infamous amart. Which would then explain why a cartoonist was allowed to use the word whore when speaking about the pM.

Any protest, patriots, pitak siam, pad, Prah Vaheer border dispute etc, against the current government is likely to be financed by one or all of the amart families

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hm. Kinda. I guess.

Personally, I think sex work is as legitimate a vocation as any other unskilled labor.

Why isn't anyone talking about how this insults sex workers?

I mean, they didn't accidentally call her a whore because she happened to be female. It was an intentional insult. When you insult someone you need to use language that will hit it's target. "Whore" is an historical insult for women. They could just as well have called a male minister a whore but it wouldn't have quite the same sting, don't ya think.

Not to defend misogyny, but, what were they supposed to call her? A fag? A sissy? Impotent? ... Any of the other insults that are historical insults to males the world over.

Unskilled is correct. Sex workers need to learn skills within their trade. Presently, it's pretty bad.

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I don't see the cartoon showing any hatred of women.

I don't see the cartoon showing women as lowly.

Obviously Thai feminists are taking a cue from western radical feminists where facts and reality don't matter, critical thinking is a weakness, and definitions of words change at will. Taking things personally and completely out of context is due process, and serves to focus peoples attention on a completely different issue than the one at hand. Marxist radical feminism... coming to a soi near you soon.

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Rather surprisingly, there was a burgeoning feminist movement among educated Thai women as early as the 1920s, with some biting satirical publications and cartoons complaining about the behaviour of Thai males. It somehow failed to grow, and virtually disappeared after the 2nd World War. This unusual (possibly unique) book is a terrific read for anyone really interested in the topic --->



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coffee1.gif Does anyone really care? Yingluck 'has' sold out Thailand and the buck stops at the top with her. As is often quoted - madam we know what you are, we are now just negotiating the price.

Sir you should respect Yingluck's position as Prime Minister. Second you should respect all women so that you may become a 'real man'. It is also important that you recognise that we men are interllectually inferior when compared scientifically to the females of our species. Finally you might consider discussing your irrational fear of women with a psycologist.

To be a "real man" you have to respect all women? Nonsense. You assume a lot.

I suspect you are the one that is intellectually inferior.

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" ...Many Thai men are hypocritical, said Virada, as they use the service of sex workers and push the notion of prostitute to elevate themselves and degrade women at the same time."

Could also be said, "Many Thai people are hypocritical, as they use the financial support of farangs and push the notion of farang=kohn-mai-dee to elevate themselves and degrade farangs at the same time."

( Welcome to our world. wink.png )

Please be informed that without farangs, the Thais and Thailand can still survive and move on. Do not carry yourself so highly. It's the farangs who want to come to Thailand. Please have some decent respect for the country. Anyway if you feel you are short changed, you are always welcome to look elsewhere.

Gee. What a surprising post. If you don't like it then you can leave. I didn't see that one coming.

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I don't see the cartoon showing any hatred of women.

I don't see the cartoon showing women as lowly.

Obviously Thai feminists are taking a cue from western radical feminists where facts and reality don't matter, critical thinking is a weakness, and definitions of words change at will. Taking things personally and completely out of context is due process, and serves to focus peoples attention on a completely different issue than the one at hand. Marxist radical feminism... coming to a soi near you soon.

Nice post.

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All countries in the world has an one stage in their history looked upon women as lowly.

So called male dominated societies have been around for ages.

This, or as I like to call it, "Macho Bullshit" attitude is about to die in modern civilized countries, although it still might take some time before it is eradicated.

Many countries still practice this, but will sooner or later catch up with rest of the modern world.

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The widow of the founder of Thai Rath, Vacharapol, got to as high as 10th richest family in Thailand with a fortune estimated at over $1,000,000,000. Which may suggest to some people she is deeply entrenched in the infamous amart. Which would then explain why a cartoonist was allowed to use the word whore when speaking about the pM.

The cartoon didn't appear in Thai Rath, it appeared in Facebook. The founder of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, is one of the richest men in the world worth multiple $1,000,000,000.

He must be deeply entrenched amart.

Edited by brd199
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Suppose the PM were a man and suppose a woman would have posted a comment along the line: A gigolo is not bad, he only sells his body. But the PM sold his country.... would anyone have criticized these remarks as homophobic or against men in general? I don't think so.

So why all this hype about degrading women etc?

The PM is a woman and she is compared to other women, nothing sexist about this.

Yingluck, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!

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All countries in the world has an one stage in their history looked upon women as lowly.

So called male dominated societies have been around for ages.

This, or as I like to call it, "Macho Bullshit" attitude is about to die in modern civilized countries, although it still might take some time before it is eradicated.

Many countries still practice this, but will sooner or later catch up with rest of the modern world.

Can I ask you where you got your facts from?

What exactly do many countries practice?

I hope the animal kingdom also realizes this as one gender (male or female) of a particular species is mainly dominant

I think what the world needs eradicating is people who believe they know the facts or as I like to call it "Mucho Bullshit"

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More Thai women need to grow balls, figuratively that is. In the US, i am glad to say that women are achieving the respect they deserve!

The traditionally Male jobs that women now do shows their merit. If Thai women, who are the true prime movers here, ever start to demand their true respect, it will rock this place as we know it! Pssss' my wife is standing behind me as i write this.

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Hypocrites and charletons, Perhaps if the government would do more to eliminate the rife prostitution that exists in this country then they would be better served that attacking this cartoonist.

I note that these ambassadors of rightousness use the term Sex Worker as they consider it less offensive than Whore, hooker or Prostitute, however, a rose is still a rose by any other name, furthermore prostitution is" illegal" in Thailand which would deem Sex workers under the same category.

You can not simply use a descriptive name change in order to vindicate your argument.

If you truly wish to stablish a society in which women can atain a better form of equality then simply remove the protensious sponsored sex industr that allow them to be shown in this light.

This will never happen until the government can provide gainful employement for its citizens and the tourist ministry will have much to worry about. BLOODY HYPOCRITES.

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