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Route 66 Club Bans Ladyboys

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Route 66 bans ladyboys


Route 66, a renowned nightclub in Bangkok’s RCA district, has apparently adopted a discriminatory approach towards ladyboys, or katoey, going so far as to ban them from entering the club.

In a video clip, uploaded by YouTube user Transgender4Equality, two ladyboys conducted an undercover investigation into Route 66’s controversial policies, seeking to determine whether or not they were actually being put into practice. It appears that at least at the time of the investigation, they certainly were.

Full Story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2013/05/09/route-66-bans-ladyboys

-- Coconuts Bangkok 2013-05-10

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There are no laws restricting this kind of thing in Thailand, correct?

Even if there were it could be argued nightclubs are different. You can be refused entry for just not having the right look in the west as well.

On the other hand, someone having the "right" look/age and banned for something like race would be disgusting.

Edited by Jingthing
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Insanity, the pick-up joint formerly known as Insomnia, bans them too.

They feel the ladyboys intimidate the working girls.

No working girls, no pissed up whoremongers to buy over-priced drinks.

Not sure how smart that is, though since ladyboys are extremely popular with more guys than you'd believe.

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Although the Press is likely trying to hurt this pub's business, I think that it may just increase their customer base.

I believe that their are many people that would be Happy to go to clubs that are free of the troubles that are usually associated with the third gender.

And then there is the old adage that any publicity is good publicity, especially when it is free publicity.

There is no 'third gender', no matter what people would like us to believe (and use, as a phrase). All too often we see reports and evidence that 'ladyboys' - or transvestites as they are correctly known - intimidate those around them with the intention of committing fraud or other crime.

If anyone cared to ask the owners or managers of Route 66 why they may - or may not - be discriminating against transvestites, we may find out a) real and genuine reasons (not press speculation and self-reporting by the group which is hungrily seeking publicity and B) sensible reasons for such actions.

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Although the Press is likely trying to hurt this pub's business, I think that it may just increase their customer base.

I believe that their are many people that would be Happy to go to clubs that are free of the troubles that are usually associated with the third gender.

And then there is the old adage that any publicity is good publicity, especially when it is free publicity.

+ 1//They are fast becoming a nuisance in many places...PF.

like many other drunk farang ...


That said, the drunk farang tends to spend money, or did to get drunk.

The katoy, on the other hand, tends to cater for a very small part of the clientele, irritates the majority, and thereby costs money, allegedly of course.

Mind, the real girls have no happy feelings, mostly, about the katoys either.

They sometimes take away customers, make other customers agressive in "connecting" with them, and bring less customers into the premises if it gets known katoys are operating on the premises.

The barowners, well, what do you think?

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Although the Press is likely trying to hurt this pub's business, I think that it may just increase their customer base.

I believe that their are many people that would be Happy to go to clubs that are free of the troubles that are usually associated with the third gender.

And then there is the old adage that any publicity is good publicity, especially when it is free publicity.

+ 1//They are fast becoming a nuisance in many places...PF.

+2 They are already a nuisance in many places.

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There is no 'third gender', no matter what people would like us to believe (and use, as a phrase). All too often we see reports and evidence that 'ladyboys' - or transvestites as they are correctly known - intimidate those around them with the intention of committing fraud or other crime.

You should do some reading and you would easily find out the difference between transvestites and transgenders / transsexuals...

And as everywhere... the media does not report about the majority of hard working decent ladyboys but only about the ones on beach road committing crimes...

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Racism is alive and well in Thailand, and promulgated from the top down. When it is okay to discriminate against people because of the color of their skin or ethnicity, then why should anyone be surprised when it is also done based on gender, religion or what not. When one lives in a racist society, racism can be expected as the norm. It won't stop until it is stopped from the top down.

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Yes discrimination is widespread and generally accepted as normal here. However, I am not so sure there is much to get excited about it when it happens at a nightclub. I don't see entry to such places on the same level as fair access to housing, employment, restaurants, etc.

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Yes discrimination is widespread and generally accepted as normal here. However, I am not so sure there is much to get excited about it when it happens at a nightclub. I don't see entry to such places on the same level as fair access to housing, employment, restaurants, etc.

In western Europe, it is mainly the Eastern Europeans that are denied access to night clubs, because the majority of the trouble makers in clubs are coming from Eastern Europe (no, I did not say that the majority of Eastern Europeans are trouble makers... that is a huge difference). In Thailand, the majority of trouble makers in night clubs seem to be the ladyboys coming to "work" the farangs...

You can call it discrimination, if somebody is denied access based an race or gender... for the business owner it is about protecting his business... he must decide whether he wants to prevent trouble already at the door (prevent entry) or let the people in and then later has fights in his club and must use force to throw the trouble makers out... as a business owner, I would know which of the two options to chose...

P.S.: In order to prevent being sued for discrimination, of course the people are denied access based on various excused, from wrong shoes to wrong clothes or to "already enough men inside"...

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There are different kinds of discrimination based on a variety of things. Sure it is discrimination. Some might say this specific kind of discrimination at a nightclub is no big deal and justified, and some would not, I reckon the ladyboys themselves would be included in that. I've already said that personally I don't think it is very serious to be barred from any NIGHTCLUB. I saw a club the other day: JAPANESE ONLY. As if I wanted to go in there!

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There are different kinds of discrimination based on a variety of things. Sure it is discrimination. Some might say this specific kind of discrimination at a nightclub is no big deal and justified, and some would not, I reckon the ladyboys themselves would be included in that. I've already said that personally I don't think it is very serious to be barred from any NIGHTCLUB. I saw a club the other day: JAPANESE ONLY. As if I wanted to go in there!

I agree with you about the discrimination... but what about the right of the business owner to announce and decide about who he wants to have in his nightclub? Would you deny him this right? How would you explain to him that he must leave people in his club, even though he knows that those people will cause trouble with a high probability? What would you do if you are a business owner and you know that a certain kind of guest cause trouble and cost and scare / trouble your other guest? Would you still let them in and hire more security personnel in order to keep these guests under control as good as possible?

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There are different kinds of discrimination based on a variety of things. Sure it is discrimination. Some might say this specific kind of discrimination at a nightclub is no big deal and justified, and some would not, I reckon the ladyboys themselves would be included in that. I've already said that personally I don't think it is very serious to be barred from any NIGHTCLUB. I saw a club the other day: JAPANESE ONLY. As if I wanted to go in there!

I agree with you about the discrimination... but what about the right of the business owner to announce and decide about who he wants to have in his nightclub? Would you deny him this right? How would you explain to him that he must leave people in his club, even though he knows that those people will cause trouble with a high probability? What would you do if you are a business owner and you know that a certain kind of guest cause trouble and cost and scare / trouble your other guest? Would you still let them in and hire more security personnel in order to keep these guests under control as good as possible?

You may want to reread my post. coffee1.gif

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To me, LB's aren't that much different from other people. You have the good, the bad (oh, yeah,and the ugly), but the same can be said for "straights" as well. Through my Thai wife, I've met some who are very decent, good people. But have also met a few I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw them. I can also say the same thing about a lot of falang I know as well.

However, the owner of the club has the right to exclude them from entry if he wants. His club, his rules, whether you agree with them or not. Although I can see the possibility of someone filing a 'discrimination" law suit against him at some point.

I have a 16 yr old TomBoy who used to live across the street from me with his drop dead gorgeous sister, who is a mia noi for rich BKK business man. Very handsome, would make a beautiful girl, and absolutely one of the best, nicest people I know. He calls me "Daddy" or "Father", comes to have me help him with English, or just come to visit when he can. Funny, smart, polite, and genuinely nice person. He/she has gone out to dinner with my wife and I a few times, and when he introduces me to his friends, he tells them I am his father.

A few months back I was seriously sick from a back injury. He came every day to try and help me & my wife. A few times even turning down requests from his g/f to come be with her, telling her that if she wanted to see him/her, that she would have to come to my house, because he could not leave me alone without someone here to help me even get out of bed to go to the bathroom.

I learned a long time ago not to judge people by their gender, race, etc, but only judge them as to how they are with me.

I would tend to agree with you Just1Voice, but for a few points:

A much higher percentage (from my own observations) of crime is committed on the streets of Thailand by Ladyboys. Particularly young ladyboys. The older ladyboys seem to be less of a problem. I have seen a large number of attacks on mostly foreigners by ladyboys, all being ladyboys under 30 years old dealing with a drunk foreigner or one that does not know how to deal with aggressive behavior. You either walk away, and if you cant, you get just as aggressive back and hope you are not the one that comes off second best.

Secondly, if we did not discriminate, our world would be a much more dangerous place. For the past several years our countries have been fighting a war against radical Islam, against those who would see us fall into the abyss simply because our belief system is different. By establishing which groups are responsible generally for wanting to attack us (MOSTLY Islamist groups who practice certain schools of Islam, particularly Wahabi and Salaafi Islam) our governments are able to concentrate their limited resources against this group to affect a greater result against the source of the problem.

I believe the issue is being poorly dealt with here, by simply "banning all lady boys". How about letting them in, but having security and under cover Police catching them in the act, photographing them, who they leave with etc.. and then when complaints arise nabbing them the next week? This would take a bit of work but would be the fastest approach do remove or slow down a very long standing problem in Bangkok.

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Racism is alive and well in Thailand, and promulgated from the top down. When it is okay to discriminate against people because of the color of their skin or ethnicity, then why should anyone be surprised when it is also done based on gender, religion or what not. When one lives in a racist society, racism can be expected as the norm. It won't stop until it is stopped from the top down.

What righteous politically-correct nonsense, get real!. If me and my mates are out on the lash, we will not

go in bars with Ladyboys outside. its become a strict rule. So a bar not wanting

them in gets my vote all day long. Firstly becuase we are straight.

However in my experience they are unpleasant and rude.

I've been sat there talking to girl and one has come up and got its fake tits out.

They have to be the centre of attention and if they're not they will play-up.

Twice I've been pickpocketed, yes I should give them the benefit of the

doubt cause not all of them are thieves but instead i give them a very

wide birth. Thats not Racism.

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There is no 'third gender', no matter what people would like us to believe (and use, as a phrase). All too often we see reports and evidence that 'ladyboys' - or transvestites as they are correctly known - intimidate those around them with the intention of committing fraud or other crime.

Although the Press is likely trying to hurt this pub's business, I think that it may just increase their customer base.

I believe that their are many people that would be Happy to go to clubs that are free of the troubles that are usually associated with the third gender.

And then there is the old adage that any publicity is good publicity, especially when it is free publicity.

If anyone cared to ask the owners or managers of Route 66 why they may - or may not - be discriminating against transvestites, we may find out a) real and genuine reasons (not press speculation and self-reporting by the group which is hungrily seeking publicity and cool.png sensible reasons for such actions.

kathoeys, as they are correctly known IN THAILAND, or the English equivilant "Ladyboys", as they are correctly known IN THAILAND, are generally considered BY THAI PEOPLE as a third gender or "woman of another kind". Transvestites, Transsexuals, or Transgender are about as well understood, by the majority of Thais, as Bisexual or even gay. And Thai people don't give a damn about what we outsiiders believe or don't believe!

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So they don't want ladyboys, big deal. I worked in clubs where we woild refuse admission to all kinds of people for all kinds of reasons. Ultimately it is managements decision, it's their club. A ladyboy we know told us there are many places that don't allow them in because of the toilet issue.

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Racism is alive and well in Thailand, and promulgated from the top down. When it is okay to discriminate against people because of the color of their skin or ethnicity, then why should anyone be surprised when it is also done based on gender, religion or what not. When one lives in a racist society, racism can be expected as the norm. It won't stop until it is stopped from the top down.

Yes discrimination is widespread and generally accepted as normal here. However, I am not so sure there is much to get excited about it when it happens at a nightclub. I don't see entry to such places on the same level as fair access to housing, employment, restaurants, etc.

In western Europe, it is mainly the Eastern Europeans that are denied access to night clubs, because the majority of the trouble makers in clubs are coming from Eastern Europe (no, I did not say that the majority of Eastern Europeans are trouble makers... that is a huge difference). In Thailand, the majority of trouble makers in night clubs seem to be the ladyboys coming to "work" the farangs...

You can call it discrimination, if somebody is denied access based an race or gender... for the business owner it is about protecting his business... he must decide whether he wants to prevent trouble already at the door (prevent entry) or let the people in and then later has fights in his club and must use force to throw the trouble makers out... as a business owner, I would know which of the two options to chose...

P.S.: In order to prevent being sued for discrimination, of course the people are denied access based on various excused, from wrong shoes to wrong clothes or to "already enough men inside"...

I actually got sick of being denied in Australia because of the 'too many guys' reason (and no, I'm not some drunk slob who turns up to a nightclub), but it's the reason for, we don't know you we don't want you in here. But in the end they are private businesses and they can do as the like.

Similarly, I have to pay to get into Route or any of the clubs at RCA, it bothers me a little, but you get over it. I actually don't see the point at Route with the door fee as I get vouchers equivalent to my door ticket price anyway...so what's the reason behind it? I have no idea.

Is it discrimination, probably, but it's a private business and they can decide to serve who ever they want and they should continue to be allowed to do so.

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Insanity, the pick-up joint formerly known as Insomnia, bans them too.

They feel the ladyboys intimidate the working girls.

No working girls, no pissed up whoremongers to buy over-priced drinks.

Not sure how smart that is, though since ladyboys are extremely popular with more guys than you'd believe.

For the record, a "monger" is a seller, not a customer.

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People get refused because they wear shorts or slippers. Although I personally disagree with their discrimination policy, It's their club they can do whatever they want. They have every right to do so and they are protected by their right to freedom of speech and choice. If you feel that strongly about them not allowing ladyboys then by all means boycott the club and ask your friends to do so.

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