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I have made many very judgemental comments, based on observations based on the majority.

Basically I have been doing the very thing I despise, judging all by the actions of some.

I will put it like this, most I believe are kidding themselves with the belief the younger girl loves them.

others are fully aware however and are enjoying the ride, a mutual beneficial relationship based on needs rather then love.

A lucky few have love, that is fantastic, I find it odd but If the girl loves the man she would be a fool not to jump in.

Sitting here with my wife and children, laughing and having so much fun, who am I to deny that to others who have it, and I know without a doubt there would be others here who do.

when I see any couple young or old, only they know whats really in their hearts and minds, I still think its a minority who are serious but i'm sure they exist so I really should stop judging now and shut my mouth.

well done mate,

i just wish other would look outside the box sometime, we are not all the same,

some have very very good personalities and can make anyone laugh, these people atract people of both sexes who want to be in there company, and in my opinion its people like this who could hold onto a young lady and make her happy,

its not just money in this world that makes people happy, i will say it does help not having to worry about how to pay bills and being able to take hollidays when ever you like, but money isnt everything in this short life of ours,

just please boys enjoy what you have in your life and dont worry to much what others have or are doing,


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I have made many very judgemental comments, based on observations based on the majority.

Basically I have been doing the very thing I despise, judging all by the actions of some.

I will put it like this, most I believe are kidding themselves with the belief the younger girl loves them.

others are fully aware however and are enjoying the ride, a mutual beneficial relationship based on needs rather then love.

A lucky few have love, that is fantastic, I find it odd but If the girl loves the man she would be a fool not to jump in.

Sitting here with my wife and children, laughing and having so much fun, who am I to deny that to others who have it, and I know without a doubt there would be others here who do.

when I see any couple young or old, only they know whats really in their hearts and minds, I still think its a minority who are serious but i'm sure they exist so I really should stop judging now and shut my mouth.

well done mate,

i just wish other would look outside the box sometime, we are not all the same,

some have very very good personalities and can make anyone laugh, these people atract people of both sexes who want to be in there company, and in my opinion its people like this who could hold onto a young lady and make her happy,

its not just money in this world that makes people happy, i will say it does help not having to worry about how to pay bills and being able to take hollidays when ever you like, but money isnt everything in this short life of ours,

just please boys enjoy what you have in your life and dont worry to much what others have or are doing,


If you are thinking a 60 year old foreigner could get and hold a 30 year Thai because of their personality, good looks or wit, you are sliding down a very slippery slope. Yep, I'm old, yep, I can get a young girl, and I'm horrible, grumpy and boring.

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Old men with young women aresad and strange, but all the women I know in this situation have a boyfriend nearer their own age and both benefit from the old mans money.

Sad really, but it is to be expected.

I find it especially sad when the old chaps dye their hair and wear a younger mans clothes thinking it will roll back the years, it looks stupid.

I don't agree with everything that has been said on either side of the conversation. I am neither old nor young but this one statement I agree with so much "I find it especially sad when the old chaps dye their hair and wear a younger mans clothes thinking it will roll back the years, it looks stupid."
I don't see why this would bother anybody as long as the guy is happy

Just so I don't fall into the trap....could you explain what is regarded as young mans clothes?

SKINNY JEANS.........................

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You're right; there isn't one blueprint for relationships that works out every time but when I look back on those I've had, I do so with a smile for the emotions and feelings underpinning those good times rather than the knowledge that much of the time they spent with me was motivated by my ability to compensate them financially. bah.gif


Perhaps you haven't had enough experience to realize that real feelings ("and emotions") can arise over time in any kind of relationship. In my experience their quality and the quality of the sexual side rarely have anything to do with each other, sometimes they come together and that's nice but hardly necessary, and plenty of rewarding emotional relationships in my life also don't require sex.


If the sight of a crotchety old fossil shuffling along with a teenage hottie warms your heart, how would you feel if your hypothetical teenage daughter brought a similarly infirm man home waxing lyrical about the size of his pension?

Would you give him a pat on the back (taking care not to crack a rib) or would you reach for the semi-automatic in the dresser?


Actually once they've reached the age of making those types of decisions, I don't presume to advise my children on their choice of partner, just let them know I'll continue to love them whatever happens. If they ask me my opinion I'll give it, and in that case I'll base my decision on whether or not I think their partner is a good person and is likely to give them the care and devotion they deserve.

Fortunately so far none of my children have been put in a position where they'd need to make such choices based solely on money, but if that was their choice - or if they decided to become porn stars or whatever, that's up to them even if I have a problem with it that's my problem not I won't add to theirs by trying to interfere with their choices.

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My points meaning that in general, young women who hitch themselves up with much older men are in it only for financial benefits and security and the men who become involved with much younger women are only in it only for the sex and this is the perception anyone on the outside is going to have of you, even if you consider yourselves as an exception to the rule.


Well I'd take out the "only" part, but otherwise that's mostly true. The difference between us is that for some reason you think this is a problem as opposed to realizing you're just expressing your preference to not base your own sexual relationships mainly on sexual criteria. That's up to you, but don't tell the rest of us how to choose our sex partners.



Not many though, I know someone who is 73 years old, his wife is 29, and they have a five year old daughter. His wife was shagged by his friend who is much younger. He found out about it, they are still together, but the house is in his wifes name, need I go on?


Sounds like the basis for a good alternative family arrangement. Why would the old guy have a problem with that?

Most of the time the main problem is that the woman isn't happy with everyone knowing about each other, or rather, everyone knowing that she knows that they all know - anyway you know what I mean.



Yes you're right about the pension not relevant, I've always drawn much younger women, even before Thailand, I guess some of us just have that ability, so when I met my Thai wife, nothing really changed....for some maybe maybe a young wife is a new experience.....for me it wasn't.......sorry to inform you young guys....smile.png ......it isn't all about money.....you've got to have 'it'

This is soo true, even in farangland some men find it very easy to get off with the best looking girls, while others can only get off with the drags(not saying looks are everything) in many cases it does't even relate to the man having good looks. Some men simple find it very easy to attract members of the opposite sex. Maybe this is what Hardensoul resent

Back in the UK, in the vast majority of cases, you will never see a handsome man with an ugly woman, but you will see plenty of ugly men with pretty women.

That's simply not true. There are loads of good looking blokes in the UK who are with women whose looks are, shall we say, less than optimal.


I have made many very judgemental comments, based on observations based on the majority.

Basically I have been doing the very thing I despise, judging all by the actions of some.

I will put it like this, most I believe are kidding themselves with the belief the younger girl loves them.

others are fully aware however and are enjoying the ride, a mutual beneficial relationship based on needs rather then love.

A lucky few have love, that is fantastic, I find it odd but If the girl loves the man she would be a fool not to jump in.

Sitting here with my wife and children, laughing and having so much fun, who am I to deny that to others who have it, and I know without a doubt there would be others here who do.

when I see any couple young or old, only they know whats really in their hearts and minds, I still think its a minority who are serious but i'm sure they exist so I really should stop judging now and shut my mouth.

well done mate,

i just wish other would look outside the box sometime, we are not all the same,

some have very very good personalities and can make anyone laugh, these people atract people of both sexes who want to be in there company, and in my opinion its people like this who could hold onto a young lady and make her happy,

its not just money in this world that makes people happy, i will say it does help not having to worry about how to pay bills and being able to take hollidays when ever you like, but money isnt everything in this short life of ours,

just please boys enjoy what you have in your life and dont worry to much what others have or are doing,


If you are thinking a 60 year old foreigner could get and hold a 30 year Thai because of their personality, good looks or wit, you are sliding down a very slippery slope...

And yet there was a time not long ago when you believed something even less likely than this, right?

I mean a 23 year old in love with a 63 year old after 2 weeks? Not impossible but more than a bit unlikely...


Old men with young women aresad and strange, but all the women I know in this situation have a boyfriend nearer their own age and both benefit from the old mans money.

Sad really, but it is to be expected.

I find it especially sad when the old chaps dye their hair and wear a younger mans clothes thinking it will roll back the years, it looks stupid.

I don't agree with everything that has been said on either side of the conversation. I am neither old nor young but this one statement I agree with so much "I find it especially sad when the old chaps dye their hair and wear a younger mans clothes thinking it will roll back the years, it looks stupid."

I take it you're not a big fan of the Stones then! smile.png

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So much bickering, bitching, offence and defence over not 1 woman but a whole horde of women !!

60 million Thai's? 1f 10 million are women, that is a whole batch of different personalities who have led different lives and had different outcomes in their lives.

Many are poor, many are single and many have children.

There are those women who only want money, those looking for security and love combination and those looking for love.

Does it really matter what their ages are and what the age of the man they are with if both people are happy, be it for one night, one month or a year or more?

Some men like to give money, some like to be loved or at least feel they are loved, it makes them feel good. Some like to stay alone and be grumpy. Up to them, all of them.

So what if a man is foolish enough to give away everything he has worked for? Isn't that his perogative?

Back home I'd be very lucky - as would most older men - to find comfort, sex and quite possibly love with women as beautiful as these Thai women. So what if it costs me a £ or two? What else am I supposed to do with my money?

I count my blessings to be here and to have made love to so many sexy, adorable women, especially considering if I was back in my home country I'd be going out for a beer on a weekend and back home alone.

i wish more would read this,

personalities are all different,

you put that better then i ever could, i agree tottaly with you,



If you are thinking a 60 year old foreigner could get and hold a 30 year Thai because of their personality, good looks or wit, you are sliding down a very slippery slope...

And yet there was a time not long ago when you believed something even less likely than this, right?

I mean a 23 year old in love with a 63 year old after 2 weeks? Not impossible but more than a bit unlikely...

As I repeatedly state, I'm not different and neither was my former girlfriend (nor my US wife before that).

But it didn't cost me any money, the sex was great, and it did help me get my citizenship processed very easily.

(And I still play golf with the prospective father in law who is my age)


It's not the business of anyone else and, in any case, who has the qualifications or right to decide what is an acceptable maximum age difference?

This subject is rather overdone on forums and, I suspect, by young and impecunious young men who may take a different view when they are older with some change to jingle in their pockets.

This is not just a Thai thing, look at Rod Stewart, his wives certainly did not marry him for his looks, we all know why they married him.

You're kidding aren't you? Rachel Hunter was doing quite well for herself before she married him.


It's not the business of anyone else and, in any case, who has the qualifications or right to decide what is an acceptable maximum age difference?

This subject is rather overdone on forums and, I suspect, by young and impecunious young men who may take a different view when they are older with some change to jingle in their pockets.

This is not just a Thai thing, look at Rod Stewart, his wives certainly did not marry him for his looks, we all know why they married him.

You're kidding aren't you? Rachel Hunter was doing quite well for herself before she married him.

Perhaps not well enough for her expenditure eh. coffee1.gif


Young, old, handsome, homely, wealthy, poor, in love or in lust, what does it matter except for the people involved? There are many types of love and people of far different age groups can love one another. It seems that some young men here think that "love" is the only criteria for marriage. Why the argument? You can love your mother, your father, your sister, your brother or your children. It doesn't mean you want to have sex with them. There are many sexless marriages that work quite well. That doesn't mean they are wrong or that they shouldn't be married. Anybody who has been married for 10 years or more knows that lust diminishes in time. Why do they call it the 7 year itch? If a couple are happy with their arrangement then that should be all that matters. In some ways I think the Thais with their secondary wife system (mai noi) have a more practical point of view. My husband and I were in love when we were first married, but after 10 years together he got the wander lust. However, after more than a year apart I'm beginning to think he did me a favour by leaving.

“A man can be happy with any woman as long as he does not love her”

as4.gif Oscar Wilde

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I have made many very judgemental comments, based on observations based on the majority.

Basically I have been doing the very thing I despise, judging all by the actions of some.

I will put it like this, most I believe are kidding themselves with the belief the younger girl loves them.

others are fully aware however and are enjoying the ride, a mutual beneficial relationship based on needs rather then love.

A lucky few have love, that is fantastic, I find it odd but If the girl loves the man she would be a fool not to jump in.

Sitting here with my wife and children, laughing and having so much fun, who am I to deny that to others who have it, and I know without a doubt there would be others here who do.

when I see any couple young or old, only they know whats really in their hearts and minds, I still think its a minority who are serious but i'm sure they exist so I really should stop judging now and shut my mouth.

Stop judging: yes

Shut your mouth: Please don't. Try this instead: filter your knee jerk thoughts through your pre fontal cortex before typing. That way your intelligence and humanity (which you posses in abundance) won't be outrun by your lizard brain. :)

I've enjoyed this thread. Thanks for contributing.


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I am in my late 50s, still physically look young for my age and fit for my age, but I would never consider going into a long term relationship with a girl young enough to be my daughter or granddaughter, mostly for reasons that mentally we would not be able to relate together.

There is no way that women in their 20s or even 30s can be expected to fall into the way of thinking and into the lifestyles of much older people. 20 and 30 year olds still have their whole lives in front of them, they still want to have new experiences, perhaps venture into new careers, have children and party, whereas people in their 50s, 60s and older should already have archived their life goals, just want to settle down and have a peaceful life without too much exertion and hassles.

My daughter is 26 years old, we are close and have a strong bond together, but mentally we are in different worlds and both my daughter and I do our own things, as of course it should be, that’s about being normal. Her friends think I’m cool, so they say; but I’m still only regarded as the dad, which again is normal. I do understand that for older guys perhaps with wife`s of similar ages that the sexual aspect of a marriage can dwindle over the years, becoming a non-event in many cases. Even the old guys, who are fit, still have desires and sexual needs, whereas the females of similar age groups may have lost their sexual urges years ago. It`s an imbalance of nature and one main reason why I never criticise any guys for using the services of sex workers in the commercial adult entertainment industries, which on occasions I use myself, as for some, it`s their only options of having sex or bringing more variety into their lives.

My points meaning that in general, young women who hitch themselves up with much older men are in it only for financial benefits and security and the men who become involved with much younger women are only in it only for the sex and this is the perception anyone on the outside is going to have of you, even if you consider yourselves as an exception to the rule.

30-50 is only twenty years and you say by that time you should have achieved all your life's goals,really?

You must have very few life goals in that case,that's all that I can think of!Most people are more competitive and ambitious at 50 than they are at 20,maybe you are an exception?


I think for successful marriage the age gap should be under 20 years I am 14 years older than my wife and it seems to work however I think people who are 30 years older than their wives once the wife is 30 the man is 60 and when the wife is 35 the man is 65 and perhaps getting too old for the wife.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ 6 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

or as one girl once told me....you are not too old for me...I am too young for you....and she was correct...


If you are thinking a 60 year old foreigner could get and hold a 30 year Thai because of their personality, good looks or wit, you are sliding down a very slippery slope...

And yet there was a time not long ago when you believed something even less likely than this, right?

I mean a 23 year old in love with a 63 year old after 2 weeks? Not impossible but more than a bit unlikely...

As I repeatedly state, I'm not different and neither was my former girlfriend (nor my US wife before that).

But it didn't cost me any money, the sex was great, and it did help me get my citizenship processed very easily.

(And I still play golf with the prospective father in law who is my age)

The point is that it brings to mind some questions regarding your credibility when you lecture others. More to the point, your experience - one of the relatively few you could have possibly had in a mere year's time - has left you with an outlook that is breathtakingly jaundiced, lacking in nuance to a truly remarkable degree and so bitter and biased as to be almost cartoonish.

If you had the advantage of Thai parentage, you didn't need to be so gullible with a young lady to get your citizenship processed easily and I'm guessing the only reason it didn't cost you any money - if indeed that is true - was that things fell apart before it did. You play golf with her father? Well, I'd want to keep better company myself...and again, I'm sure there are other ways to find golf partners than being played by a girl 40 years younger within 2 weeks of meeting her.

If you are for real, you're views would be pretty astonishing to me if I didn't know anything else about you. That they are from a person with that experience...well, they are almost a caricature.


If you are thinking a 60 year old foreigner could get and hold a 30 year Thai because of their personality, good looks or wit, you are sliding down a very slippery slope...

And yet there was a time not long ago when you believed something even less likely than this, right?

I mean a 23 year old in love with a 63 year old after 2 weeks? Not impossible but more than a bit unlikely...

As I repeatedly state, I'm not different and neither was my former girlfriend (nor my US wife before that).

But it didn't cost me any money, the sex was great, and it did help me get my citizenship processed very easily.

(And I still play golf with the prospective father in law who is my age)

The point is that it brings to mind some questions regarding your credibility when you lecture others. More to the point, your experience - one of the relatively few you could have possibly had in a mere year's time - has left you with an outlook that is breathtakingly jaundiced, lacking in nuance to a truly remarkable degree and so bitter and biased as to be almost cartoonish.

If you had the advantage of Thai parentage, you didn't need to be so gullible with a young lady to get your citizenship processed easily and I'm guessing the only reason it didn't cost you any money - if indeed that is true - was that things fell apart before it did. You play golf with her father? Well, I'd want to keep better company myself...and again, I'm sure there are other ways to find golf partners than being played by a girl 40 years younger within 2 weeks of meeting her.

If you are for real, you're views would be pretty astonishing to me if I didn't know anything else about you. That they are from a person with that experience...well, they are almost a caricature.

Yet you are the one stalking me!


I'm not a Father but if I was I know I'd be very happy for my daughter to find a caring man who loved her and will look after her for the rest of her life,what more could any parent ask for?
As for age,16-80 qualifies you for the above doesn't it?


I actually "laughed out loud" at that. The oldest and lamest one in the book. Up to now I wouldn't have thought you'd embarrass yourself that way...


But I can still use the quote system, and you can't!


My wife is 35 years younger been with her 14 years

My hair is dye Black everyone knows

I am fooling nobody but myself

The important one to fool

Do you pay for my wine, steaks or gas for the car or even pay for yes my huge Electricty Bill


sometimes times I go to comedy festivals for a laugh, other times I head to the circus and watch the clowns.

when I'm bored of that I watch the old guys walk around BKK with their woman's hand in the back pocket.

They certainly are living the dream, maybe one day they will wake up.

You younger guys are just jelaous! w00t.gif

Yes for a fit elder guy, it is certainly possible to live the dream here, if you got a little money.

Whenever I see a Thai woman walking with a young farang, I feel sorry for her, as there is nothing in the backpocket for her!

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sometimes times I go to comedy festivals for a laugh, other times I head to the circus and watch the clowns.

when I'm bored of that I watch the old guys walk around BKK with their woman's hand in the back pocket.

They certainly are living the dream, maybe one day they will wake up.

You younger guys are just jelaous! w00t.gif

Yes for a fit elder guy, it is certainly possible to live the dream here, if you got a little money.

Whenever I see a Thai woman walking with a young farang, I feel sorry for her, as there is nothing in the backpocket for her!

so young men don't have money, that's a foolish statement.

At least for one if he was broke he and she would know what's driving the relationship, besides that don't assume young people have no money.


sometimes times I go to comedy festivals for a laugh, other times I head to the circus and watch the clowns.

when I'm bored of that I watch the old guys walk around BKK with their woman's hand in the back pocket.

They certainly are living the dream, maybe one day they will wake up.

You younger guys are just jelaous! w00t.gif

Yes for a fit elder guy, it is certainly possible to live the dream here, if you got a little money.

Whenever I see a Thai woman walking with a young farang, I feel sorry for her, as there is nothing in the backpocket for her!

so young men don't have money, that's a foolish statement.

At least for one if he was broke he and she would know what's driving the relationship, besides that don't assume young people have no money.

I have yet to meet one who has enough to see him through retirement unless he expects to suck off an inheritance. That probably explains why so many come here to screw around and then bog off, leaving their hopeful partners with bugger all. Shame on you all.


Here are some other points of view about the subject... Seems there is no correct formula for this!

What Is the Best Age Difference for Husband and Wife?


Ideal Age Gap For Couples Revealed


Does age-difference matter in marriage?



A post in which having sex with an underage female was discussed has been removed. Having sex with an underage female would fall under this forum rule:

16) Not to post about gambling, betting, pornography, illegal drugs, fake goods/clothing etc and other activities that are officially illegal in Thailand.

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