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Baht Bus Drivers At Bus Station Demanding 30 Baht To Beach Rd.

Kaoboi Bebobp

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Why do the cheap charlie bashers even show up in a baht bus topic ? rolleyes.gif

The rich people I know either own a car or take the taxi if they don't have a car available... oh and most of all they wouldn't waste time on an internet forum arguing about such menial stuff as the price of a baht bus giggle.gif

If and when you become older and wiser, you'll begin to understand that this is not about the five or ten baht but about the type and nature of the increase and the relationship of that increase to local people and the prices they pay for other goods.

There are a number of reasonable excuses for a price rise though....

Assuming it has been 20 baht for many years prior to this increase, then the 10 baht increase could be considered fair to compensate for years of no price increases. Secondly, the cost of fuel and maintenance has risen. Thirdly, the volume of traffic has increased, making the ride and return trip much slower and more costly. Lastly... inflation.

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It depends when you arrive at the station . If you arrive around noon its normally 20 baht to the beach,. But 30 baht has been used in busy afternoons , also up to 50 baht to beach rd.

If you arrive late evening around 10-11 pm they will ask 100 to 200 baht so just walk away.

Well If it is the baht bus from the bus station from Bangkok and they are asking 30 baht it seems to me to be no big deal. How often do you make that arrival once a week twice a week once a month I average about once a year. Dammed if I would get my self all wound up over 20 baht. If you just want to go to beach road and you arrive late and they try to stick it to you 100 or 200 baht just walk away not sure where you would walk to at that time of night.

I see prices going up all over it is only reasonable that pretty soon the transportation industries will start to ask for more. Not saying I like it but it is common sense. When I was working I got every thing out of my boss I could. Same same here they are working for you and if you don't want to pay that munch don't just walk away.

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What a sad topic.

Agreed. We're talking less than $1 USD. The price difference we're talking about here ranges from 33 - 66 cents (20 - 30 baht depending who you believe).

I'm surprised OP had enough left over after getting jacked for 33 cents to purchase internet access so he could post this.

Usually by now someone should have proclaimed: It's not the money it's the principle!!

Several of them have, but none of them know the difference between 'principle' and 'principal'.

I've learned something new today, which is always a good thing. When a Thai shoots up a noodle stall over not getting enough sauce everyone puts it down to the Asian obsession with 'face'. But when a Farang gets the hump over being charged 10 Baht more by Johnny Foreigner then it's a matter of principle, or part of the world wide struggle against inflation.

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Oh how I wish that every place I visit had a transport system that would haul me around for less than a buck.

Pattaya transport via baht buses is one of the last remaining transportation bargains on the planet. Sure if you want to be driven to an off route location it will be a bit more but imagine asking a bus in the usa or Europe to drive off their route to drop you at your doorstep and see how that works out.

Pattaya pennypinchers need to get out more often....take a trip down to Phuket and see how you like those baht bus bandits.

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Why do the cheap charlie bashers even show up in a baht bus topic ? rolleyes.gif

The rich people I know either own a car or take the taxi if they don't have a car available... oh and most of all they wouldn't waste time on an internet forum arguing about such menial stuff as the price of a baht bus giggle.gif

If and when you become older and wiser, you'll begin to understand that this is not about the five or ten baht but about the type and nature of the increase and the relationship of that increase to local people and the prices they pay for other goods.

There are a number of reasonable excuses for a price rise though....

Assuming it has been 20 baht for many years prior to this increase, then the 10 baht increase could be considered fair to compensate for years of no price increases. Secondly, the cost of fuel and maintenance has risen. Thirdly, the volume of traffic has increased, making the ride and return trip much slower and more costly. Lastly... inflation.

Yes I agree but such increases are usually announced and managed, the problem comes when individual drivers take it upon themselves to make certain routes subject to their own tarrif.

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Why do the cheap charlie bashers even show up in a baht bus topic ? rolleyes.gif

The rich people I know either own a car or take the taxi if they don't have a car available... oh and most of all they wouldn't waste time on an internet forum arguing about such menial stuff as the price of a baht bus giggle.gif

If and when you become older and wiser, you'll begin to understand that this is not about the five or ten baht but about the type and nature of the increase and the relationship of that increase to local people and the prices they pay for other goods.

There are a number of reasonable excuses for a price rise though....

Assuming it has been 20 baht for many years prior to this increase, then the 10 baht increase could be considered fair to compensate for years of no price increases. Secondly, the cost of fuel and maintenance has risen. Thirdly, the volume of traffic has increased, making the ride and return trip much slower and more costly. Lastly... inflation.

Yes I agree but such increases are usually announced and managed, the problem comes when individual drivers take it upon themselves to make certain routes subject to their own tarrif.

I understand. I made my comment based solely on this particular service (bus station to Beach Road) now charging 30 baht when they previously charged 20 baht. I don't think a 10 baht increase is unreasonable here. One must also consider that many of these passengers have luggage.

If I need the baht bus here I do the "cheap charlie thing" and walk across the road to flag one down.

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meantime down in Phuket.......

Thuggish Phuket taxis targeted after 12 hotels complain

Tanyaluk Sakoot

PHUKET: A meeting of all concerned is to be convened in Karon later this month to attempt to address the problem of unpleasant – in some cases thuggish – behaviour by local taxi groups.


By no means a new problem: In September 2011 three Kamala taxi drivers were arrested for taking an iron bar to an ‘invading’ car (pictured). The case was eventually settled out of court.

Source: http://www.thephuket..._medium=twitter


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The 30 baht might even be the correct "official" fare - I had seen an official fare table a while ago with fares from 5 to 30 baht if I remember well.

That is misinformation.

The minimum BUS fare is 10 baht.

It is 20 baht for so called LONG HAUL.

The baht bus authorities fail to define long haul so in general it's OK to pay 10 baht unless the ride is REALLY long.

Clearly the buses at the bus station are playing a special game though. But as said you can go to the street and get a normal 10 baht bus.

If you talk to the driver about anything you can easily be seen as entering the high cost CHARTER zone of taxi fares.

Edited by Jingthing
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What a sad topic.

... and a sad state of affairs when Westerners grumble over such petty amounts of money, which those drivers need, and the stingy poster and his beer pot followers can most likely afford. It's pathetic.

Edited by TechnikaIII
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It's not the money, it's the principal.

If you let these guys take the piss and get away with it, the next thing you know, it will be taxi prices Phuket style.

There are several issues at play here. For those who are protesting for supposed economic laws being broken, perhaps you've forgotten the first rule of economics, a fair price is one which the market will bear.

Personally, I think the market will/can bear a price of 30 baht. The only people who will be dissuaded from coming to Pattaya because of the 10 or 20 baht price increase aren't likely to hurt Thailand's economy in the slightest.

And if the baht bus drivers see everyone walking out to the main road for alternate transportation, the price will correct itself very quickly. But since most people are willing to pay the 30 baht fare, there's little incentive for the baht bus driver to charge the lower fare since people are willing to pay the higher fare.

For those who are trying to compare it to Phuket, it's a slightly flawed analogy as in Phuket the prices have gone up past what the market will bear. And instead of allowing the free market to sort it out by encouraging lower priced rivals to enter the market, the local mafia is keeping the prices artificially high which is impacting hotels and other businesses who rely on those customers who are deciding to vote with their wallet and go elsewhere rather than deal with the price gouging in Phuket.

For those who are arguing that its a matter of principle, you have chosen a completely ineffective means of taking a stand. No baht bus drivers are members of TV so your message is going relatively unheard (at least by the people who might be able to do something about it).

You've also chosen a rather odd issue to take a stand on. Out of all of the corruption, exploitation, and other atrocities which happen on a daily basis, one's decision to take a stand over 33 cents seems, to me, rather comical. I mean, people do realize that labor costs are kept artificially low in Thailand, right? All of the low priced goods (especially things like food) and services that people come to Thailand for are only available because the government has an active policy of distorting inflationary pressures on the economy in order to keep labor costs down so Thai businesses can attract more export, tourism, and manufacturing customers.

Thailand already has one of the lowest costs of public transportation in the world. A big reason for that is because millions of people are having their wages kept artificially low. If one wishes to take a stand on pricing, they should realize that if everything did operate as it should the cost would be much, much higher for them. Even at 30 baht the cost is a bargain. Obviously not in relative terms but in absolute terms when compared to what the cost should be in a truly free market.

Likewise, in my previous comment in this thread about it being less than $1 USD, the amount of money is so trivial that even going to the trouble to write about it here on TV seems like poor ROI. Well, at least for me it is. I value my peace of mind higher than 33 cents. If the cost is actually burdensome to me, I would find alternative means of transport the next time or make less frequent visits. If enough others do the same the cost will correct itself and the market will have proved my sense of what the price should be to be correct. If not, then I have estimated the market incorrectly and I have to accept it or relocate elsewhere. Why bother getting annoyed or upset by that? That is Economics 101.

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Man what a waste of time this forum 10 baht,,guys get real this is paradise!!!!!!!!!.

LOL. Not always... and how much Pattaya resembles paradise also depends on how long people have lived here.

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Its useful information to hear what's happening at the bus station.

What's going on there isn't a normal part of the system, and has no reflection on the rest of the system.

To mock people for being interested in such information is just juvenile.

If such informational topics don't appeal, what's the point in posting just to hurl personal insults at people who are interested?

However there is a difference between reporting information and complaining. I think that's the subtle difference which has caused some to take posts in a dismissive manner.

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I'm so glad the first thing I did when I moved here was to buy my own motorbike... really cheap to run and keeps me away from all those transport scam artists. 10 baht here, 10 baht there and before you know it you've spent 1,000 baht for nothing bah.gif

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I take this bus to Pattaya maybe 20 times every year.

About 80% of the times I have paid 20 to 30 baht. But when I arrive late in the evening it's much more difficult , I have been asked anything from 50 baht and up so I normally walk away.

And please do not think we are cheap charlies , if you are a tourist you dont care if you pay 50 or 200 baht for a taxi. If you live here , you want to pay Thai prices wherever you go. Yes it's the principle.

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I'm so glad the first thing I did when I moved here was to buy my own motorbike... really cheap to run and keeps me away from all those transport scam artists. 10 baht here, 10 baht there and before you know it you've spent 1,000 baht for nothing bah.gif

One decent hospital bill could easily take care of the savings and more. My landlord had a small accident 18 months ago. He's up around the 1 million baht mark already and counting.... and still on crutches. That's a lot of baht bus rides.

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I take this bus to Pattaya maybe 20 times every year.

About 80% of the times I have paid 20 to 30 baht. But when I arrive late in the evening it's much more difficult , I have been asked anything from 50 baht and up so I normally walk away.

And please do not think we are cheap charlies , if you are a tourist you dont care if you pay 50 or 200 baht for a taxi. If you live here , you want to pay Thai prices wherever you go. Yes it's the principle.

Living here, just like in my own country I have my own transport, isn't self transportation one of life's necessities as opposed to nice to have?

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Living here, just like in my own country I have my own transport, isn't self transportation one of life's necessities as opposed to nice to have?


It depends if where you live has adequate public transport.

Whether Pattaya offers that depends on where you live in Pattaya, and where you mostly need to go.

For example, in New York City, running your own car is not only not a necessity, but arguably an insanity.

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Living here, just like in my own country I have my own transport, isn't self transportation one of life's necessities as opposed to nice to have?


It depends if where you live has adequate public transport.

Whether Pattaya offers that depends on where you live in Pattaya, and where you mostly need to go.

For example, in New York City, running your own car is not only not a necessity, but arguably an insanity.

The worst thing about the public transport system in Pattaya is that there are more than enough baht buses to cover the whole area, probably including East of Sukhumvit as well, but they all insist on congregating in the places where the potential pickings are most lucrative.

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Indeed. Pattaya's system is not a stellar system. It can be OK for some people depending on their location and needs. It would help A LOT if there was a decent fleet of REAL taxi meters to fill in the gaps when the baht bus system doesn't serve. So for some people, private transport will be a total necessity. For others, like me, it definitely is not.

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To go/see/do anything outside walking distance you then become a prisoner of the transport system, point in case I have never had to pay 20 or 30 baht from the bus station to Beach Rd, as I have never set foot on a Bus. If I want to go to BKK/Swampy/Nakhon nowhere, I do so in my own vehicle, in my own time and at a flat rate expense (cost of petrol/tolls). If you want to live at the behest of the Baht Bus Mafia then go ahead, but stop with the posts, its your bed, you made it and you have to lie in it.

Living here, just like in my own country I have my own transport, isn't self transportation one of life's necessities as opposed to nice to have?

It depends if where you live has adequate public transport.
Whether Pattaya offers that depends on where you live in Pattaya, and where you mostly need to go.
For example, in New York City, running your own car is not only not a necessity, but arguably an insanity.

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Has it been established that the fare has officially gone up to 30 baht? Last time I used it (2 weeks ago) the LED sign still said 20 baht (30 baht to Jomtien), and everyone on my bus paid 20 baht. This was at around 5pm on a Wednesday afternoon.

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I take this bus to Pattaya maybe 20 times every year.

About 80% of the times I have paid 20 to 30 baht. But when I arrive late in the evening it's much more difficult , I have been asked anything from 50 baht and up so I normally walk away.

And please do not think we are cheap charlies , if you are a tourist you dont care if you pay 50 or 200 baht for a taxi. If you live here , you want to pay Thai prices wherever you go. Yes it's the principle.

Yes, but if you moved to Thailand without knowing that this stuff goes on, that's sort of on you. I mean, the dual pricing thing isn't new.

I too mind paying 200 baht for a tuk-tuk in BKK the second it starts to rain and every taxi is full or being quotes 500 or 1000 baht to get a ride down to Sukhumvit from Mo Chit. But, I've factored that into that simply being a part of living in Thailand. You take the good with the bad. I sit down with my groceries and wait for the rain to stop and then jump in a metered taxi or walk a few blocks away from Mo Chit. What point is there in getting angry about it?

I'm not going to change it. And I'm certainly not going to change it by complaining to a bunch of my fellow farangs on some message board or getting into an argument with some Thai tuk-tuk driver. So what's the point? Isn't it better to just come to terms with it and be happy with your life? Complaining about dual pricing or scams in Thailand is like moving to the beach and complaining about sand.

I mean, you never see people complaining when racism or whatever works to their benefit. Dual pricing, racism, and the like are only annoying when you're getting the short end of the stick.

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How ridiculous.

You wouldn't find a reasonable person ordering people who use private vehicles to not post about PROBLEMS with their transport, such as road conditions, traffic congestion, parking, accidents, etc.

If you've got some kind of weird personal problem with reading about issues with baht buses, I suggest do not read such topics. Sorted!

If you want to live at the behest of the Baht Bus Mafia then go ahead, but stop with the posts, its your bed, you made it and you have to lie in it.

Edited by Jingthing
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I'm so glad the first thing I did when I moved here was to buy my own motorbike... really cheap to run and keeps me away from all those transport scam artists. 10 baht here, 10 baht there and before you know it you've spent 1,000 baht for nothing bah.gif

One decent hospital bill could easily take care of the savings and more. My landlord had a small accident 18 months ago. He's up around the 1 million baht mark already and counting.... and still on crutches. That's a lot of baht bus rides.

I have insurance for the motorbike (private, not the compulsory useless one) and also have an international health insurance.. Having an accident is not nice but you never know so I make sure I'm covered properly

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To go/see/do anything outside walking distance you then become a prisoner of the transport system, point in case I have never had to pay 20 or 30 baht from the bus station to Beach Rd, as I have never set foot on a Bus. If I want to go to BKK/Swampy/Nakhon nowhere, I do so in my own vehicle, in my own time and at a flat rate expense (cost of petrol/tolls). If you want to live at the behest of the Baht Bus Mafia then go ahead, but stop with the posts, its your bed, you made it and you have to lie in it.

I can't see why you would even enter into a conversation about owning a car on this thread. It would be the most expensive, least pleasurable, most aggravating and least convenient way to get to Bangkok.

Here's the easiest way. Ride your motorcycle to the bus station. Park it there for 30 baht per day and relax on the bus.

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