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Our dog killed this snake in our garden. I'm curious as to what it is.

The markings on the head tells me it could be a Malayan Pit Viper. Is there anyone who can tell by these pictures?

The snake was about 50-70 cm long. As the dog managed to sever it, I've edited the pictures for our snake lovers out there.



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I don't know anything about snakes but it does look dangerous, I mean the shape of the head scares me...

How is your dog doing? Give the dog a nice steak! Deserved it :)

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I don't know anything about snakes but it does look dangerous, I mean the shape of the head scares me...

How is your dog doing? Give the dog a nice steak! Deserved it smile.png

Yes, the shape of the head is what make me think it's a viper. Very scary snake.

Dog is doing well, Thank You. Watched her after the incident but she didn't show any signs of having been bitten.


May I ask what kind of dog you have?

I plan to get myself a cute beagle (sorry if I write it wrong, it's a small white one with black and brown areas), but I wonder if my "future" can catch a snake or is so slow it will never has a chance to grab (and kill) a snake?


May I ask what kind of dog you have?

I plan to get myself a cute beagle (sorry if I write it wrong, it's a small white one with black and brown areas), but I wonder if my "future" can catch a snake or is so slow it will never has a chance to grab (and kill) a snake?

I would hazard a guess that a local Thai dog is hardwired for killing snakes and a European or similar dog is not. Most European dogs will probably think it's something to play with and you can imagine the end result.


Looks like it is a MPV.

Must be a quick dog you've got.

Yeah, looks like it, doesn't it? That's a nice picture.

She's a little speed racer with fast reflexes, killed quite a few snakes before, but nothing this dangerous.


May I ask what kind of dog you have?

I plan to get myself a cute beagle (sorry if I write it wrong, it's a small white one with black and brown areas), but I wonder if my "future" can catch a snake or is so slow it will never has a chance to grab (and kill) a snake?

It's a Thai dog, some kind of mutt, we adopted her from a village up in Isaan a bit over 5 years ago. She's a great family and watch dog, but she gets into trouble, as she tries to kill pretty much any other animal she encounters, even tried to go for a pig once. She gets along with most other dogs, but they soon get tired of her rough play. Think overherebc answered your question about how a beagle would fare if it encountered a snake. Very lovely dogs though.

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yes... that is a malayan pit viper!

the deadliest snake in Thailand. smile.png

One more confirmation, Thank you. Guess I'll have to watch my feet in the garden nowadays.


Venom Toxicity: Very toxic. Venom is hemotoxic – it destroys red blood cells and tissue. With a quick hospital visit after a bite you may just lose part of your finger, or some tissue where the bite occurred. Most people don’t die if they can make it to a hospital within 30 minutes.


Are they common here? we seem to get a lot of snakes in the garden but never seen this one,

This is the first one I've seen. They are supposedly quite widespread, and according to a few sources on the internet, the Malayan Pit Viper kills more people in Thailand than any other snake.


...and according to a few sources on the internet, the Malayan Pit Viper kills more people in Thailand than any other snake.

quite true..

the problem with this snake, is that it does not move. Most snakes will sense you approaching and flee in haste.. this one doesn't. It sits motionless, often coiled, until the unsuspecting human comes along & treads on it or gets as near as. They are lightning fast strikers, & it's very easy to get tagged by one (especially at night). This is why it's Thailand's deadliest....


Not meaning to jinx myself, but where is the best place to go to get treated for snakebite in, let's say, Bangkok?

I can't imagine all hospitals, much less all local clinics, are set up with proper serum and facilities.

Is there a website with compiled information for different parts of Thailand?


Not meaning to jinx myself, but where is the best place to go to get treated for snakebite in, let's say, Bangkok?

if i was bitten by any snake in Bangkok, i'd instantly hail the 1st taxi i saw to Chulalongkorn Hospital... right next door to the QSMI

in Chiang Mai... Suan Dok.

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i like this dude... he knows what he's talking about......

Wow great vid! Man that's a fast striking snake. Not sure if this guy is a bit crazy, or what he's wearing for protection, but this reminds me of the late Steve Irvin.

I'd never put myself in this kind of situation without proper gear, and that does not comprise of just a tree branch. Then again, I'm a wimp when it comes to snakes.w00t.gif


Where did you see the Malayian Pit Viper? aka Finger Rotter?

I live on the dark side of Pattaya/Jomtien, or actually in a moo bahn just east of Sukhumit, slightly past the railroad tracks, not that far from civilization.


That's as far south as I've seen these found. Has their ever been any sightings in Bangkok? Bangkok seems to most have white lip green vipers which are less toxic.


That's as far south as I've seen these found. Has their ever been any sightings in Bangkok? Bangkok seems to most have white lip green vipers which are less toxic.

I'm surprised you'd state that, as from the sources I've seen on the internet, they'd be found way more south as well.

From Wikipedia:

Geographic range [edit]

Found in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, northern West Malaysia and on the Indonesian island of Java. The type locality is listed as "Java".[1] There are unconfirmed, but credible reports from southern Myanmar (Burma), northern Sumatra and northern Borneo.

Other sources: Source1 Source2.


That's as far south as I've seen these found. Has their ever been any sightings in Bangkok? Bangkok seems to most have white lip green vipers which are less toxic.

I'm surprised you'd state that, as from the sources I've seen on the internet, they'd be found way more south as well.

From Wikipedia:

Geographic range [edit]

Found in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, northern West Malaysia and on the Indonesian island of Java. The type locality is listed as "Java".[1] There are unconfirmed, but credible reports from southern Myanmar (Burma), northern Sumatra and northern Borneo.

Other sources: Source1 Source2.

No source to link to but read somewhere, 'widespread over Thailand but not common' ?


Actually I didn't express myself properly. They are found much further south as well. One guy posted a picture of one right outside his door in Samui. I've not seen any sightings in these forums north of Pattaya. Last night I was watching YouTube and came across this Frank guy who gets bit by a Russell's Viper and starts to cut the wound and sounds pretty desperate. It's certainly different.

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