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Foreigners And Thais Nothing In Common We Can Relate To, To Talk About


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<p>The disinterest in world politics has to do with the fact that most Thais believe it's the same as with Thai politics. On one hand you could understand them in this, especially if they haven´t been outside the border. Yet there are Thais that live quite well and often go abroad, some even stay 10 years like in the US but never ever mingle with other than their own, which would be Thai-Americans in this case. </p>

<p> </p>

<p>This is an uneducated guess of course but one could assume that they have problem socializing thus miss the opportunity learning something new. Although this occur even with westerners such as Americans, Brits and other Europeans, the impact is larger among the Thais due to their culture. There are just too many do's and dont´s in it and it never occured to them that now would be a good time to modernize that kind of thinking.</p>

Edited by maxme
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<p>The disinterest in world politics has to do with the fact that most Thais believe it's the same as with Thai politics. On one hand you could understand them in this, especially if they haven´t been outside the border. Yet there are Thais that live quite well and often go abroad, some even stay 10 years like in the US but never ever mingle with other than their own, which would be Thai-Americans in this case. </p><p> </p><p>This is an uneducated guess of course but one could assume that they have problem socializing thus miss the opportunity learning something new. Although this occur even with westerners such as Americans, Brits and other Europeans, the impact is larger among the Thais due to their culture. There are just too many do's and dont´s in it and it never occured to them that now would be a good time to modernize that kind of thinking.</p>

Thailand is the centre of the world !

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Music, motorcycles, cars, art (painting, sculpting, metalwork, drawing, and other crafts), politics, religion, travel, food, sports, history, architecture, exercise, conservation, meditation, movies, relationships, family, business, education, fashion design and textiles, and a myriad of other topics are what I talk about with my Thai friends and my girlfriend. The problem is lumping an entire population into one category based on a poor sampling.

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Most Thai men like Football and Beer so they are good subjects. My Brother-in- Law likes talking about Chickens and his Yellow Bus and my Neighbour likes talking about when he worked in the Middle East. Never really had a problem in this way.

A friend of mine who speaks Thai pretty well always told me that they can hold a 2 hour conversation about something as simple as a soup spoon.

Yes, very true and even more so if it's about Som tam.

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Most Thai men like Football and Beer so they are good subjects. My Brother-in- Law likes talking about Chickens and his Yellow Bus and my Neighbour likes talking about when he worked in the Middle East. Never really had a problem in this way.

A friend of mine who speaks Thai pretty well always told me that they can hold a 2 hour conversation about something as simple as a soup spoon.

Yes! It is true! Have you ever been to a Maw Laam performance?

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You seem to have taken a flier at this without thinking. Yes there are some Thai people who have poor access to media, and there will be plenty who are disinterested, but there are plenty more who are just as interested in world news and the like as the rest of us.

We will have to disagree on this.

Most Thais I know wouldn't be bothered if the rest of the world died tomorrow.

Trouble is TB, you're still essentially a tourist here, it's very hard for any foreigner to really interact with Thais, impossible for a tourist.

I'm not getting your point, so by not being " resident " in the country it's impossible for me to have meaningful conversations with Thais?

That's absurd.

Then again I'm used to seeing absurdities here.

My point being you don't speak or understand any Thai at all.

You associate with Thais that pursue foreigners (for whatever reasons).

Therefore I must conclude you understand nothing.

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No offense but wasn't it a bit stupid to tell people how rich your parents in the US are?

Isn't that the female equivalent of a man wanting so much for a girl to like him that he tells her he's got a huge pension fund and is then heard to complain when subsequent conversations or interactions seem to revolve around his finances?

Did you get on well with everyone within your socio-economic group back home? Lord knows I didn't in mine.

Truth can be pretty simple sometimes. you just didn't like the people you met.

Well, I can't say that I told anyone how rich my parents are. Some people met my parents when they came here, several times. They were at the airport, when they arrived in "not ecomony class." Some people asked detailed questions. Some people looked through my photos of life, homes, vacations, something I think is quite normal when you are becoming (or think you are) good friends with people. MANY people, asked me direct questions about what I had, earned, what things cost, etc, and I either did not answer or if it was something stupid, like a watch, or a shirt, I lied and said much less.

My Mother, also thought it was a good idea, to get a fake diamond ring, made to look like her real wedding ring, and wear it here!! I wanted to KILL her! She went to all that bother to show off her God damn stupid ring, but a fake! When I asked her, HOW Is someone, a criminal, who follows us home to kill us and steal your ring that should buy him a nice house and a good car, going to know it is a FAKE??? He won't KNOW until after we are DEAD and he tries to sell it. She even had it made in real gold, just a fake diamond! That was immediately locked up in my safe.

Also, some of the most "friendly people" were my lawyers, and since I have a legal education, maybe we might have something in common? Did we, no, not really. I found most of them to be massive scammers, with "fake" legal educations, who got annoyed by my constant questioning, and diligence, since they had at best the concentration and detail levels, as a McDonalds employee (except for some in BKK, who have major international names) I wasn't very impressed. They also asked very inapporopriate questions about my finances, that had NOTHING to do with my legal needs, even when I refused to say certain numbers, they tried to guess ..."do you have more than X but less than XX?" It was sickening. I was really worried about giving ANYONE here, real numbers, they wanted account numbers, amounts, etc, and I never gave anyone, anything!

I was and would be worried about various types of fraud, or kidnapping, or who knows what? I can say I have never been much of a liar, I find it very difficult to do. But in Thailand, on every document I have filled out, regarding anything, I have lied about my income, for sure. I put whatever I think the very minimum might need to be, in order to do what I want to do. If you were to look me up in Thailand you would probably find that I "earn" 20,000 a month and never more. I even lie on the tourist bullshit form I had to fill out all the time when I was doing toursit visas.

When I was really new here, I probably gave away too much info. But when you read about Thai culture or even Asian culture, you read that asking about your money, your education, your family is part of the deal. It certainly wasn't in the context of bragging. As you might know, bragging in Western culture if frowned upon, and I am pretty good about living up to my own culture. And please don't insult me by asking why am I doing it here, if I am, because this is, let me remind you, an anonymous forum. If you can point me out at Rimping or Tesco, okay, I give you some points, but otherwise, please refrain from stupid comments.

Anyway, I am not as well off as you might be thinking, so don't try to kidnap me please!

Your experiences with those Thais obviously were not pleasant. Maybe they saw you as an easy mark. I don't say that as an isult but because you mentioned elsewhere that you have to spend a lot on medical care. If your ailment/condition is obvious, maybe they associated that with vulnerability or something.

A hell of a lot of 'maybes' there I admit but only because I've never found questions about my income or what I pay for this and that an issue. It's just what they do. They have grown up in this hierarchical society where the ability to get by and get on has a lot to do with how much money you have. Nothing wrong with telling them, just shut them down point blank if they come asking for a loan.laugh.png

Strange but a few of them actually think better of you for being straight and firm when saying "NO" to requests for money.

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"Please Blether, don't go down to that level. REALLY??? I'm not living in Issan, I live in the 2nd largest city in Thailand, and have been here for 1nearly 10 years. I am a woman, I think you know, so I am not mixing with hookers or bargirls, have never been to a go-go place, beer hall, pool hall, whatever. I have a graduate level education, a decent amount of money, so have never slummed it here. (I don't mean to put people down who have, less of whatever, who love hookers, I am open to it all.) I have had as good an opportunity to meet good Thai people as anyone else, other than maybe those people with executive jobs in BKK.

And actually, after several years of "mixing" with Thais, I just gave up, and MIX with just about no people. Mainly because of things brought up in this thread. I have mixed with my educational and social and economical "equals" here, and did not find that we were really well matched. Most of the time, they seemed to be faking their opinions and discussions based on what they thought a farang wanted to hear, a common problem here, and also, hoping to make money from me, send their kids to live with my rich parents in the US, hoped to get a job from me, or any number of things. Feeling like we were "sympatico" was surely not part of their thinking.

I know you spend a lot of time here, and I respect that, but living here, year after year, and day after day, in a house, not a hotel, will teach you some things, that I believe you think you already know. However, you seem to have a good life in the UK and here, so I am happy for that, try to keep that if you can!"

What snob, your own company will suit you just fine!

Sorry you feel that way. Maybe I could go get a lobotomy to erase my past life and make you feel better.

You are aware, aren't you, that there are different levels of education in the world, different levels of just about everything right? Better one can be where one fits in the best. I think it is obvious that "theblether" was accusing me of only associating with the lowest of people here, and why would I not want to defend that, especially if it isn't true? If it was true, I suppose I would have said that and agreed with him. But on the other hand, are YOU or is HE saying people with a lower education/money, are all scum, stupid, or something along those lines? Because I wasn't saying that.

I actually suspect it may be TB that only associates with the lowest sort of Thai people here.

As a self proclaimed 1) millionaire, 2) free spending, 3) alcoholic 4) man age 46, 5) speaking no Thai, 6) weighing 156Kg, what other type of Thai can he realistically expect to meet?

(please correct me if I have any of those 6 points wrong, they were all gleaned from posts you made)

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Never really had a desire to hang out with Thai guys when I first came here.

Have much less now.

Some of the women seem okay as long as they're not wannabe hiso's or possessing the local crab-in-a-bucket mentality.

From (my) bolding above ... that seems to be more prevalent in the Philippines then Thailand ... though I don't say it doesn't exist here.


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Here is a few topics : why did the power go off last night ? again Lets buy more trees? why?

when will the road get fixed ? Why are you reading a book again? because I like books. I want to talk to you.

who got killed on a motorbike yesterday ? Its 10pm time to sleep. What are you watching ? my tv program. why? because

who is your brother having it off with now ? you wont talk to me. I'm reading. Why are you? because...... !! Now you're

When will it rain? or stop raining ? angry.

did you see the large snake in the driveway? Those orchids are beautiful.

do we want to go to the market today ? I love living here.

I don't like Leo beer anymore. I want to live in another country. You'll pay tax and earn less money. Why?

Isn't the garden looking good ? !!!?*!!

Who rang you? I'm going to stop FILS boxing chickens from coming in here ! You don't like my

Where are my keys ? father. grrrr!?

There is a few examples not that different from anywhere else really.

Problem here, and I got this from my Chinese students, is that if you ask questions like this, the Thais answer them and then they just give you a grin that says more or less that they don't want to talk about this any more. If you persist they just grin again and say they don't know.

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rolleyes.gif I've talked about such topics as my Thai wife's father who was once a policeman back in WW2 time and was a member (verified) of the Thai resistance to the Japanese occupation .

He had a certificate given to his group after the war by the Allies for helping to rescue pilots shot down during raids on Japanese targets in Thailand.

I've talked to her about her first husband, an Aussie who left her with no money and 3 kids to raise. He went back to Australia and eventually drank himself to death.

I got her a copy of the Australian Police death report, so she could legally get him declared dead and her marriage dissolved with the Thai government.

Or her uncle, the monk, who chose to die from cancer, rather than get the treatment he simply couldn't afford because that would put his family into a financial crises and it would mean they had to sell there rice land and not be able to send the kids to school.

Little things like that,

No, I've never had any serious talks with a Thai. We have nothing in common to talk about.


These are personal accounts.

Once these issues are solved, what do you talk about?

Thai people have limited access to the world news, politic, culture, current affairs etc, simply because they don't learn to have an interest in those

That's true,but there is also a complete lack of understanding that every Country, even has their own Culture,and it's much easier to become insular as a Country, and believe there is nothing out there worth learning about,or wasting your time on.

And when the daily grind of making a living,and providing for the family is the number one priority,who would care about idle chit chat communication with a Farang? who is perceived as never having had to work in his life,and was born into money,untrue of course,but fits nicely into the scheme of things.

So small wonder we have nothing in common that we can relate to, or to Talk about.For the most part the same thing happens when we exchange Countries,i.e Farang living in Thailand, and Thais living in Farangland,each form their Cliques and seek out each others company (excepting those that are happy in the village farming life, recluse, type existence) both parties have their own reasons for changing Countries,but it sure isn't anything to do with what we have in common,or natural communication skills,or anything much else to relate to.

Edited by MAJIC
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When a population is poorly educated, ( deliberately) taught to think along rigorous lines and forbidden to ask questions, or even be critical of leadership upon pain of incarceration... what on earth is one going to talk about with them?

Beside, aren't the majority of foreigners here to exploit local poverty for sexual satisfaction?

( well OK, personal body servants, too. )

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When a population is poorly educated, ( deliberately) taught to think along rigorous lines and forbidden to ask questions, or even be critical of leadership upon pain of incarceration... what on earth is one going to talk about with them? Beside, aren't the majority of foreigners here to exploit local poverty for sexual satisfaction? ( well OK, personal body servants, too. )

Seeking true love comes closer to the truth. Sex is the means only to that aim.

Don't you know ?

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When a population is poorly educated, ( deliberately) taught to think along rigorous lines and forbidden to ask questions, or even be critical of leadership upon pain of incarceration... what on earth is one going to talk about with them?

Beside, aren't the majority of foreigners here to exploit local poverty for sexual satisfaction?

( well OK, personal body servants, too. )

Except the sex exploitation line I agree with you.

I think you meant the majority of TV are here to have sex with locals

Loads of expats are just here with their family, sent by their company, a couple of years in BKK, after KL, Bangladesh, India, and Korea, etc

When a population is poorly educated, ( deliberately) taught to think along rigorous lines and forbidden to ask questions, or even be critical of leadership upon pain of incarceration... what on earth is one going to talk about with them?

Totally agree with you but when it's me saying it, it's "thai bashing" or "racist garbage" laugh.png

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You seem to have taken a flier at this without thinking. Yes there are some Thai people who have poor access to media, and there will be plenty who are disinterested, but there are plenty more who are just as interested in world news and the like as the rest of us.

We will have to disagree on this.

Most Thais I know wouldn't be bothered if the rest of the world died tomorrow.

Trouble is TB, you're still essentially a tourist here, it's very hard for any foreigner to really interact with Thais, impossible for a tourist.

You do get a completely different perspective

I'm not getting your point, so by not being " resident " in the country it's impossible for me to have meaningful conversations with Thais?

That's absurd.

Then again I'm used to seeing absurdities here.

When you live here full time you do get a completely different perspective on the Thai way. I visited Thailand 1or 2 times a year for 13yrs before I finally came here to live, I soon realized how little I knew about the Thai's. Having now lived here for a further 13yrs,

I can now say I know everything about Thai people, BUT equally I've come to the conclusion that I now know nothing about them whats so ever. One of the problems with having a meaningful conversation with a Thai is, are they being truthful with you, sometimes they may just simple lie to you while smiling, other times they will agree with you as they do not want to offend you or to be confrontational, this of course can happen to Expats as well as tourist.


I'll never live here full time. I'll always be in that massive brigade that wanders in and out of Thailand when it suits us. By the sounds of it making the decision to live full time in Thailand has made many of you miserable.

Forgive me if I pass on the opportunity to join you in wallowing in your misery, I want to enjoy life.

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@Blether - I'll never live here full time. I'll always be in that massive brigade that
wanders in and out of Thailand when it suits us. By the sounds of it making the decision to live full time in Thailand has made many of you

Forgive me if I pass on the opportunity to join you in wallowing in your misery, I want to enjoy life.

//Ehm, sorry B but then you agree with majority of the posters, or you agree to disagree? laugh.png

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@Blether - I'll never live here full time. I'll always be in that massive brigade that

wanders in and out of Thailand when it suits us. By the sounds of it making the decision to live full time in Thailand has made many of you


Forgive me if I pass on the opportunity to join you in wallowing in your misery, I want to enjoy life.

//Ehm, sorry B but then you agree with majority of the posters, or you agree to disagree? laugh.png

I'm not agreeing with the members that think that all the Thais are insular morons.

I am agreeing with the dozens of people I've seen flying out to spend the Summer in Spain, Malta and various other locations. I'm not having a go at anyone that has chosen to live in Thailand and enjoys the country for all it's faults.

I'm certainly having a go at the morons that have entrapped themselves in the country and come on here whining about " you don't know what it's like ". get over yourselves, it's your own fault your trapped.

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@Blether - I'll never live here full time. I'll always be in that massive brigade that

wanders in and out of Thailand when it suits us. By the sounds of it making the decision to live full time in Thailand has made many of you


Forgive me if I pass on the opportunity to join you in wallowing in your misery, I want to enjoy life.

//Ehm, sorry B but then you agree with majority of the posters, or you agree to disagree? laugh.png

I'm not agreeing with the members that think that all the Thais are insular morons.

I am agreeing with the dozens of people I've seen flying out to spend the Summer in Spain, Malta and various other locations. I'm not having a go at anyone that has chosen to live in Thailand and enjoys the country for all it's faults.

I'm certainly having a go at the morons that have entrapped themselves in the country and come on here whining about " you don't know what it's like ". get over yourselves, it's your own fault your trapped.

Honestly, I think both sides of the camp are acting immaturely. Yes personal attacks are never welcome and I think we are/should be grown ups. Yet calling some who are negative toward Thai culture for Thai bashers and racists isn't very kind either.

I´m not saying you are wrong TB, I think there are a number of racists on this forum but I also think there are some who want to prove a point but have a crude way of doing it. Even so, yes there are a number of TV members I would like to brandmark and send out to the wild wink.png

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Usually in my home countries my conversations with the plumber, taxi driver or the fat lady neighbor with the small dog are quite limited too.

Meaningful conversation depends a lot on education and personal interests.

Mine are computers, internet, programming, economics/investments, politics, movies, computer games and girls - plus exchanging general observations about the world.

I've had some interesting conversations with young professional people from Bangkok - in Pattaya, I have hardly even seen (Thai) people I could be interested in talking to.

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You seem to have taken a flier at this without thinking. Yes there are some Thai people who have poor access to media, and there will be plenty who are disinterested, but there are plenty more who are just as interested in world news and the like as the rest of us.
We will have to disagree on this.

Most Thais I know wouldn't be bothered if the rest of the world died tomorrow.

Trouble is TB, you're still essentially a tourist here, it's very hard for any foreigner to really interact with Thais, impossible for a tourist.

You do get a completely different perspective

I'm not getting your point, so by not being " resident " in the country it's impossible for me to have meaningful conversations with Thais?

That's absurd.

Then again I'm used to seeing absurdities here.

When you live here full time you do get a completely different perspective on the Thai way. I visited Thailand 1or 2 times a year for 13yrs before I finally came here to live, I soon realized how little I knew about the Thai's. Having now lived here for a further 13yrs,

I can now say I know everything about Thai people, BUT equally I've come to the conclusion that I now know nothing about them whats so ever. One of the problems with having a meaningful conversation with a Thai is, are they being truthful with you, sometimes they may just simple lie to you while smiling, other times they will agree with you as they do not want to offend you or to be confrontational, this of course can happen to Expats as well as tourist.


I'll never live here full time. I'll always be in that massive brigade that wanders in and out of Thailand when it suits us. By the sounds of it making the decision to live full time in Thailand has made many of you miserable.

Forgive me if I pass on the opportunity to join you in wallowing in your misery, I want to enjoy life.

Well I don't know how you can come to the conclusion that I'm wallowing in misery, far from it, PLEASE read my post in another thread " age difference with babies = happiness " posted yesterday The 8th at 22.54. What I did try to do, and obviously failed in your case, is to explain why many of us who have experienced life here in Thailand,find it very difficult to have a meaningful conversation with a Thai, and I repeat this also goes for the tourist as well as long time ex-pats. This I put down to MY realistic observation of life here in Thailand. I try to accept that the Thai are not the same as us, due to their culture, the same as my wife is not the same as I, due to her sex.

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A typical childish attack. Unlike many cowards on this forum I had the bottle to tell the truth about one particular aspect of my life, and when I did I knew it would bring out the most idiotic of posters.

I made the post in the health forum, a forum that deals with many of the issues that affects all of our lives. Some nutters, and you are not the only one, think it's smart to bring it up every time you are on the losing side of an argument. Childish trolling.

So you don't think your personal appearance has any connection with the way people treat you? Edited by AnotherOneAmerican
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You seem to have taken a flier at this without thinking. Yes there are some Thai people who have poor access to media, and there will be plenty who are disinterested, but there are plenty more who are just as interested in world news and the like as the rest of us.
We will have to disagree on this.

Most Thais I know wouldn't be bothered if the rest of the world died tomorrow.

Trouble is TB, you're still essentially a tourist here, it's very hard for any foreigner to really interact with Thais, impossible for a tourist.

You do get a completely different perspective

I'm not getting your point, so by not being " resident " in the country it's impossible for me to have meaningful conversations with Thais?

That's absurd.

Then again I'm used to seeing absurdities here.

When you live here full time you do get a completely different perspective on the Thai way. I visited Thailand 1or 2 times a year for 13yrs before I finally came here to live, I soon realized how little I knew about the Thai's. Having now lived here for a further 13yrs,

I can now say I know everything about Thai people, BUT equally I've come to the conclusion that I now know nothing about them whats so ever. One of the problems with having a meaningful conversation with a Thai is, are they being truthful with you, sometimes they may just simple lie to you while smiling, other times they will agree with you as they do not want to offend you or to be confrontational, this of course can happen to Expats as well as tourist.


I'll never live here full time. I'll always be in that massive brigade that wanders in and out of Thailand when it suits us. By the sounds of it making the decision to live full time in Thailand has made many of you miserable.

Forgive me if I pass on the opportunity to join you in wallowing in your misery, I want to enjoy life.

Well I don't know how you can come to the conclusion that I'm wallowing in misery, far from it, PLEASE read my post in another thread " age difference with babies = happiness " posted yesterday The 8th at 22.54. What I did try to do, and obviously failed in your case, is to explain why many of us who have experienced life here in Thailand,find it very difficult to have a meaningful conversation with a Thai, and I repeat this also goes for the tourist as well as long time ex-pats. This I put down to MY realistic observation of life here in Thailand. I try to accept that the Thai are not the same as us, due to their culture, the same as my wife is not the same as I, due to her sex.

If the cap doesn't fit, pass it on. There's plenty others here that it would fit.

We always end up in the same stupid circular arguments, backed up by the same stupid assumptions.

The bottom line is that Thailand is full of farang social cripples that can't even hold a conversation with their fellow countrymen never mind with the Thais.

We all know people like that don't we?

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A typical childish attack. Unlike many cowards on this forum I had the bottle to tell the truth about one particular aspect of my life, and when I did I knew it would bring out the most idiotic of posters.

I made the post in the health forum, a forum that deals with many of the issues that affects all of our lives. Some nutters, and you are not the only one, think it's smart to bring it up every time you are on the losing side of an argument. Childish trolling.

So you don't think your personal appearance has any connection with the way people treat you?
probably so, but specifically hinting at that is poor etiquette
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If the cap doesn't fit, pass it on. There's plenty others here that it would fit.

We always end up in the same stupid circular arguments, backed up by the same stupid assumptions.

The bottom line is that Thailand is full of farang social cripples that can't even hold a conversation with their fellow countrymen never mind with the Thais.

We all know people like that don't we?

Hey, that's me !!!

I am one of them.

But it doesn't make me unhappy, 555.

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A typical childish attack. Unlike many cowards on this forum I had the bottle to tell the truth about one particular aspect of my life, and when I did I knew it would bring out the most idiotic of posters.

I made the post in the health forum, a forum that deals with many of the issues that affects all of our lives. Some nutters, and you are not the only one, think it's smart to bring it up every time you are on the losing side of an argument. Childish trolling.

So you don't think your personal appearance has any connection with the way people treat you?
You entertain me with your stupidity, just another farang social cripple let loose in Thailand.
Unfortunately your posts don't entertain me at all, "I'm rich look at me" gets old quick..
eh? really?

I must have missed those posts. Can you point them out to me?

BTW, I am still looking for a proper driving range (on nice grass, no mats)

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