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Looking for a little bit of advice on what could be a sticky situation, I park my bike in the underground carpark below my condo, its well lit and has 24 hour security, on Thursday 4th July night / Friday morning a car knocked it over. Despite the building management having all my contact details and I was in most of the weekend, nobody from the condo Management team or security informed me. Today (Monday) at 4pm I found my bike in a corner, front clutch lever broken, scrapes on the handlebar end covers, bent left hand footpeg, number plate bent out of shape and number plate holder all out of shape (I might be able to bend these items back but it might put a strain on the rear mudguard), so its all cosmetic stuff but still pretty pissed off.

I went to the Buildings management, first they didn’t care, then they wanted to know what I wanted to do, I asked to see the video tapes of the area my bike was parked in so I could identify the car driver and also to ask why nobody in security had said / done anything.

It turns out Security had done something, they had made a note of the accident, and a note of the car owner and where they lived. After a bit of persuasion, the building management informed me who had done it and they would contact her.

It turns out, the car that did the damage is owned by my next door but one neighbour, there is literally 6 feet between my door and hers.

Later in the afternoon, I received a note from building management to inform me that the owner of the car is really really busy, but she will see me at 10am on Saturday to discuss.

How would you handle this situation, I have no idea about the women who drove into my bike, but I kind of figure that with the kind of attitude she has she must think her pooh doesn’t smell and maybe security and building management have the same idea, hence why nobody contacted me, but I had to find out for myself.

I will be honest the damage to the bike (CBR 150 in excellent condition, 12k on the clock, never been dropped or had an accident) is cosmetic, but Im still pissed, it will need to be replaced. What I don’t understand why she didn’t even have the common decency to inform me about what she had done, and that she is too busy to deal with it now but she will allow me to meet with her on Saturday to talk about this.

This being Thailand, face saving Greng Jai and all that other malarkey, how would you deal with this situation?

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Take the bike to Honda, get a quote for the repairs, pop it through her door before the weekend. Explain how you understand that it was an accident and you're pleased that she was a good neighbour and left her details with security. If she doesn't pay up, its probably a couple of thousand Baht, not worth worrying about. Pour some month old milk around her door daily.

Better yet start to have accidents around her car with heavy duty glue around the locks, screws getting into tyres - lol

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What I'd do and what I advise are probably quite different, but from this perspective, I'd agree with Naboo.

" Explain how you understand that it was an accident and you're pleased that she was a good neighbour and left her details with security. If she doesn't pay up, its probably a couple of thousand Baht, not worth worrying about."

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I'd do this: get a quote for repairs, talk to her and ask her to pay for it (now, not tomorrow, not later, not monthly, etc.) if she refuses, inform her she would be dealing with your insurance.


Take the bike to Honda, get a quote for the repairs, pop it through her door before the weekend. Explain how you understand that it was an accident and you're pleased that she was a good neighbour and left her details with security. If she doesn't pay up, its probably a couple of thousand Baht, not worth worrying about. Pour some month old milk around her door daily.

Better yet start to have accidents around her car with heavy duty glue around the locks, screws getting into tyres - lol

Leave a note on her car about the indecent. A4 size stuck to the windscreen/windshield with white glue right in front of the driver. Takes a few minutes to set. No physical damage just takes a while to remove!

Seriously. The letter under the door with the cost of repair is the first step. maybe she's a looker?


I'm wondering why people pay for insurance if they're required to handle issues like this on their own.

You have suffered a loss that her insurance should cover.

You've got an insurance company and she has an insurance company.

They handle crap like this every day and never get mad at each other or pour old milk on each others' offices steps.

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In Canada I'd deal with this matter with the person involved as dealing through insurance will leave a dent on person's (or even you both) insurance records which will lead to higher premiums. However shit like this wouldn't fly there when someone damages your vehicle and you find it out a few days later.

Different mentality here and I believe they don't have unified driving records in Thailand so if premiums at one ins company go up, they can always switch to the other company, but maybe it's still not worth the hassle for some?

No harm in avoiding insurance companies unless the other party being total <deleted>.


This is typical modus operandi.

Walk away from any responsibility, and hope the situation will just disappear ....

One has to be persistent, to force people to take responsibility...

Personally i like the "she is busy but agreed to meet"

OP, do not forget to file a police report,, she will find more time faster

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After you get her to pay for the damages, I would find another condo building to live in. The management and security of my building here in Chiang Mai would have notified me pronto if anything happened to my motorbike.


As others have said go and get some quotes (she has given you some time to do that before you meet to discuss the matter) for the work and then go to the meeting on Saturday where she will probably have a male there with her.

Both of them will look at the quotes, agree that she should pay for it and arrange for the sum to be transferred to you next week prior to the work being done. the meeting will be pleasant and cordial.

Simple really.

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Take the bike to Honda, get a quote for the repairs, pop it through her door before the weekend. Explain how you understand that it was an accident and you're pleased that she was a good neighbour and left her details with security. If she doesn't pay up, its probably a couple of thousand Baht, not worth worrying about. Pour some month old milk around her door daily.

Better yet start to have accidents around her car with heavy duty glue around the locks, screws getting into tyres - lol

Leave a note on her car about the indecent. A4 size stuck to the windscreen/windshield with white glue right in front of the driver. Takes a few minutes to set. No physical damage just takes a while to remove!

Seriously. The letter under the door with the cost of repair is the first step. maybe she's a looker?

What did i hear maybe shes a hooker? ;)


if she is a good looker maybe you can work out the cost of the damage in other ways if she is short of cash.

That's being creative.


You should inform the Hell's Angels from Phuket.... ( The Tattoo guys..) They'' have a word with her. ( Hope you're not as serious as your post sounds.)-coffee1.gif


Grin and bear it, welcome to Thailand.

Why? how about growing a pair of balls for a change and stop being scared of your own shadow

This might get you respect where you and I come from.

Here it will get you a poisoned dog, broken windows, nails in your tyre and alsorts of other fun by people who smile nicely at you each day.

You go right ahead though and fight Thai culture with all your huff and puff.

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If she has a registered car, she has insurance. She'll have property insurance if its a new car. If she doesn't have property insurance, than she is responsible to pay you for the damage. This isn't a matter of face unless you let it be.

I saw a farang rear-end a tuk-tuk. The police were called and the tuk-tuk driver sure didn't worry about saving face of the farang. They were negotiating money on the spot.

Trust me. If the situation was reversed and the shoe was on the other foot, Miss Lady Next Door would have the cops on you demanding you pay for her damaged vehicle. Get copies of whatever the building manager has. If the lady blows you off, report it to the police before it gets stale. Personally, I would have already filed a police report just to be on the record.

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After you get her to pay for the damages, I would find another condo building to live in. The management and security of my building here in Chiang Mai would have notified me pronto if anything happened to my motorbike.

A mate had his bike stolen from his condo. All CCTV cameras were turned off before it happened. The CCTV camera from outside an opposite condo however showed the condo security lifting his bike out and into a pick up truck.

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