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Jet-setting Thai monk found to have bought 22 luxury cars


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"The DSI yesterday also conducted a DNA test on an 11-year-old boy in Si Sa Ket, who is believed to be the monk's son. Luang Pu Nenkham allegedly had a sexual relationship with the young boy's mother when she was only 14. The result of the test should be ready in two days."

Typical of Thailand. We now have a monk who is a cheap knockoff of a Catholic Priest.

I don't think so! A catholic priest laying with a woman? now an 11yr old boy, that would be more like it.

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Another fine, upstanding Thai citizen, a shining example to the whole world of "Thainess" and their (screwed up) perception of Buddhism.

I just hope he paid full price for all those cars, and didn't cheat the tax man or he'll be in BIG trouble whistling.gifwai.gif

You don't honestly believe that he amassed this fortune legitamily and he did not cheat anyone, including the tax man. TIT

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"1. According to Wikipedia, his name was Rajneesh (not Rajaneesh) and he was also called Osho.

2. He was a well-known and respected religious teacher called a baghwan (a guru or revered person).

3. It is related to this news -- respected religious figure causes controversy by owning many luxury cars.

4. When pointing out the facts, maybe more accuracy is in order."

I lived in Oregon when his group tried to takeover, started with small town of Antelope, which they renamed Rajneeshpuram. I was there when he would do his Rolls drive arounds, with his guards on all flanks armed with Uzis. I was there when his group tried to take over Hood River county by lacing salad bars with salmonella just before election day, and his "helping" the homeless by moving them there (if they were not felons, Oregon had liberal voting laws and this was a blatant attempt to takeover the county). And putting bombs, poisonous snakes etc in DAs mailbox and so on. And when they caught his henchwoman Sheila in Germany, and his fleeing back to India and changing his name. The man and all his so called spiritual enlightenment was a typical load of shit stupid people bought into. He was well known, he is not respected. "Ye shall know a tree by it's fruits" applies here, by another welcome religious personage.

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hey . . . just wonder, how an average Thai would think and would feel on this subject ? anyone out there started a conversation with the Thai on it ?

certainly the noise here is loud and clear; would Thai discuss this close-to-heart subject as well do, or Thai just another mai-ben-rai ?

not who is right or not, just wonder ?

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"The DSI yesterday also conducted a DNA test on an 11-year-old boy in Si Sa Ket, who is believed to be the monk's son. Luang Pu Nenkham allegedly had a sexual relationship with the young boy's mother when she was only 14. The result of the test should be ready in two days."

Typical of Thailand. We now have a monk who is a cheap knockoff of a Catholic Priest.

Given that Buddhism preceded Christianity by over 500 years I think it'd be the other way round! tongue.png

A fair point but is Buddhism older than God?

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BANGKOK: -- After discovering that Luang Pu Nenkham Chattigo, who also goes by the moniker Phra Weerapol Sukpol, spent Bt95 million to buy 22 Mercedes Benz cars, the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) will also investigate to see if the monk was part of a money-laundering racket.

Buddha bless this stinking dude to HELL,.... Where the hell did he get the money from???

People gave it to him.

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Just wonder, as a non-Buddhist...

Catholic priests take personal vows of both poverty and chastity. In recent years, they haven't done so good on the chastity vow. But while The Church as a whole is very wealthy, I can't think of many/any instances of where priests have enriched themselves as individuals.

How about Buddhist monks. I know they're not supposed to have carnal relations with women... But do they take anything resembling a vow of [personal] poverty??? Or there's a loophole in Buddhist thought about monks and money?

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"The DSI yesterday also conducted a DNA test on an 11-year-old boy in Si Sa Ket, who is believed to be the monk's son. Luang Pu Nenkham allegedly had a sexual relationship with the young boy's mother when she was only 14. The result of the test should be ready in two days."

Typical of Thailand. We now have a monk who is a cheap knockoff of a Catholic Priest.

Cheap knock off of a Catholic Priest.....you didn't read the article properly He has sex with a 14 year old girl....not a boy :)

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Next step to remove the ATM machines from Wat Doi Suthep and quit the racist entrance fees, to remove lottery stands from temple grounds, to forbid the selling of environment-unfriendly plastic crap gift items, to forbid gifts to monks and buying their 'blessing' services, to force the management of Wat Doi Suthep getting rid of the giant slide that dumps ALL waste into the forest below and get proper waste management, and to nationwide forbid images and statues of Buddha etc. which not belong to true buddhism, tot forbid monks having bankaccounts and mobile phones.

Time for respect for Buddhism and educating the people. It might be the blessing and rescue of Thailand.

"Educating the people" would probably end Buddhism in this country. Youtube is doing a good job already.

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Maybe we are missing the boat here. I would hazard a guess that he did not amass these millions from miniscule donations form the locals, from where ever. They mention 22 cars were put into his name. The reporting did not state that they remained in his name. What better cover could there be than that of a temple abbott to really run an under cover laundry service. Laundry service for a fee or commission of course. Say you were a corrupt military or government offical and had been backhanding for a while [ maybe even a short while] and had accumulated a pile of black money. If , thru a network of similars, you knew of a completely unsuspectable person who would be able to take your cash and return to you a Mercedes of your choice , would it be worth paying a commission ??? Probably so as now your cash has been converted into something that will have others showing you much respect.

I think that that may be a good path to riches that may be this mans means to accumulating such a fortune ...Who would ever suspect a monk or abbott.

Just a thought.

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Jet-setting monk found to have bought 22 luxury cars

A Rolls Royce for every day of the year – Osho

Far behind than an Indian monk (late) OSHO who had an ownership of 93 Rolls Royces. cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

And this was in Oregon, Usa.

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Maybe we are missing the boat here. I would hazard a guess that he did not amass these millions from miniscule donations form the locals, from where ever. They mention 22 cars were put into his name. The reporting did not state that they remained in his name. What better cover could there be than that of a temple abbott to really run an under cover laundry service. Laundry service for a fee or commission of course. Say you were a corrupt military or government offical and had been backhanding for a while [ maybe even a short while] and had accumulated a pile of black money. If , thru a network of similars, you knew of a completely unsuspectable person who would be able to take your cash and return to you a Mercedes of your choice , would it be worth paying a commission ??? Probably so as now your cash has been converted into something that will have others showing you much respect.

I think that that may be a good path to riches that may be this mans means to accumulating such a fortune ...Who would ever suspect a monk or abbott.

Just a thought.

Yeh, I can go with that. thumbsup.gif

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BANGKOK: -- After discovering that Luang Pu Nenkham Chattigo, who also goes by the moniker Phra Weerapol Sukpol, spent Bt95 million to buy 22 Mercedes Benz cars, the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) will also investigate to see if the monk was part of a money-laundering racket.

Buddha bless this stinking dude to HELL,.... Where the hell did he get the money from???

Not hard to suss where the dosh came from.. a lot of money goes into 'the temple' as 'organised' religious institutions throughout the world; donations as per the size of the guilty consciences seeking redemption not to mention those using such 'fronts' to further their own agendas of power, wealth and greed.. As for 'HELL', more a concept of a dark realm you could find yourself in, in Buddhism.. seriously bad karma, ongoing lack of making merit and all that.. think this guy's pretty screwed in that sense and when he comes back as an earwig next time round and gets half-squished underfoot some old beggar's smelly old sandal he'll probably be REALLY sorry about the 22 mercs, private jets, designer gear and all that!.. as I said, probably... wai.gif

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A good journalist would be hunting the names of the persons making large donations to this Temple.

My guess.

Army / Police Generals, government workers and members of important families that can't be mentioned.

But have you seen high quality, Peabody, or Pulitzer Prize level investigative journalism here? One wonders why not?

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Get the bastard, strip him of all his money and assets (give it to the poor and needy in Thailand) Lastly, interrogate him to get all the names of those involved (including those in the gov't- this could not of been done without inside men/women in authority/administration) If he doesn't cooperate...the rest of his pathetic life in jail and learn to meditate on what he's done..

Put me in authority..and I'll restore and put this world back in pristine shape..all the bill gates, obamas, clintons, bushes rothchilds and rockefeller-types will be gone and under lock and key...if not, put to death for the multiple crimes against humanity and all of this world

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Get the bastard, strip him of all his money and assets (give it to the poor and needy in Thailand) Lastly, interrogate him to get all the names of those involved (including those in the gov't- this could not of been done without inside men/women in authority/administration) If he doesn't cooperate...the rest of his pathetic life in jail and learn to meditate on what he's done..

Put me in authority..and I'll restore and put this world back in pristine shape..all the bill gates, obamas, clintons, bushes rothchilds and rockefeller-types will be gone and under lock and key...if not, put to death for the multiple crimes against humanity and all of this world

Not quite that simple I think. Why pick out Bill Gates for developing something we all use ?. I hope not jealousy.

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BANGKOK: -- After discovering that Luang Pu Nenkham Chattigo, who also goes by the moniker Phra Weerapol Sukpol, spent Bt95 million to buy 22 Mercedes Benz cars, the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) will also investigate to see if the monk was part of a money-laundering racket.

Buddha bless this stinking dude to HELL,.... Where the hell did he get the money from???

The sheeple thats where baa baaaa baaaaaaaaaaaaa

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