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Assist Thai Visa Services

Mekong Bob

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When I had a business here, I had to pay my accountant considerably more to handle my visa needs.

I had a multiple re-entry stamp and was required to make the run to Mai Sai every three months as well as going out of the country every year to renew my Visa. A full day lost every three months, plus the cost of going to KL for three days, plus the cost of the Visa itself., PLUS the cost of the accountant's fees... Hey, if I can get all of this for under 6,000 baht, even under 10,000 baht, and no loss of seven full days time, I'm happy to pay it. On the other hand, I actually DID enjoy going to Mai Sai and KL.... giggle.gif It's nice to have the choice though.

Apparently there are some that enjoy going to Chiang Mai Immigration.

The only day out the wife and kids get. biggrin.png

Or the only day the wife and kids get a break from him.

But the reality is the 90 day is just a short time thing unless you do it the day before or after a holiday,

The extension can be a day trip unless you are lucky enough to get an appointment on line. There is only ten a day and probably at least 40 renewals a day so you not only have to be sharp to get it you have to be lucky.

Not sure but I have heard of people having to go in for about 5 minutes when they use a third party to get the extension for them.

I bet that the ones getting the third party to do it for them are probably in the lucky few who get the appointment on line. The third party does that to get the appointment and then charges you the 5,000 baht for that and filling in the papers.

Don't know that fort a fact but am reasonably sure that is how they can tell a person what time to come in and sign the papers when needed.

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Assist Thai Visa Services

It is all a matter of what people think is value for money , or what value they put on their time.

In my opinion 6,500 to Assist Thai Visa to do 4 - 90 day reports and a annual extension is value for money . Other people might not?. 6,500 baht is such a small amount of money that I for one am quite happy to use the service provided by them.

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The extension can be a day trip unless you are lucky enough to get an appointment on line. There is only ten a day and probably at least 40 renewals a day so you not only have to be sharp to get it you have to be lucky.


Not really, you just have to be organised.

You can book an appointment 100 days in advance, so all you have to do is put a reminder in your calendar 100 days before you intend to go for your next extension. Yes, the slots fill up within a few days, but as of this moment there are still openings for October 30th and 31st as well as for November 1st. I just booked my appointment for October 30th this morning.


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Assist Thai Visa Services

It is all a matter of what people think is value for money , or what value they put on their time.

In my opinion 6,500 to Assist Thai Visa to do 4 - 90 day reports and a annual extension is value for money . Other people might not?. 6,500 baht is such a small amount of money that I for one am quite happy to use the service provided by them.

I pretty much agree & was one of the first I believe using them for 90 day reports.

I would consider using them for annual but am not clear what they provide in that situation?

If you have used them can you clarify what all they do for you on that renewal?

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When I had a business here, I had to pay my accountant considerably more to handle my visa needs.

I had a multiple re-entry stamp and was required to make the run to Mai Sai every three months as well as going out of the country every year to renew my Visa. A full day lost every three months, plus the cost of going to KL for three days, plus the cost of the Visa itself., PLUS the cost of the accountant's fees... Hey, if I can get all of this for under 6,000 baht, even under 10,000 baht, and no loss of seven full days time, I'm happy to pay it. On the other hand, I actually DID enjoy going to Mai Sai and KL.... giggle.gif It's nice to have the choice though.

You say had your business.

I presume you no longer have it and are not required to go through all that rigamarole any more.

No more. I'm on a retirement visa now. No more paying tea money. No more dealing with work permits, no more trips to Mai Sai. Just relax and enjoy.

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The extension can be a day trip unless you are lucky enough to get an appointment on line. There is only ten a day and probably at least 40 renewals a day so you not only have to be sharp to get it you have to be lucky.


Not really, you just have to be organised.

You can book an appointment 100 days in advance, so all you have to do is put a reminder in your calendar 100 days before you intend to go for your next extension. Yes, the slots fill up within a few days, but as of this moment there are still openings for October 30th and 31st as well as for November 1st. I just booked my appointment for October 30th this morning.


How does being organized guarantee you one in five. You still have to be lucky. There are lots of people who try but are to late.

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The extension can be a day trip unless you are lucky enough to get an appointment on line. There is only ten a day and probably at least 40 renewals a day so you not only have to be sharp to get it you have to be lucky.


Not really, you just have to be organised.

You can book an appointment 100 days in advance, so all you have to do is put a reminder in your calendar 100 days before you intend to go for your next extension. Yes, the slots fill up within a few days, but as of this moment there are still openings for October 30th and 31st as well as for November 1st. I just booked my appointment for October 30th this morning.


How does being organized guarantee you one in five. You still have to be lucky. There are lots of people who try but are to late.

Being organized guarantees you a spot because more than four out of five people are not that organized. No need at all for luck. If you log into the system 99 days before you intend to go, there are always open spots. I have yet to log into the system and see all appointments fully booked. As I am writing this there are still 14 open slots.

Yes, "there are lot of people who try but are too late", because they are not organized enough to do it in time.


Edited by Sophon
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Well I've sent them 3 emails over the last 3 weeks asking about a specific service (getting an exit / re-entry stamp in my passport) and their fees. No answer to any of the 3 mails.

I also called once, the person who answered the phone said she didn't know the answer but would have someone return my call

within 1 hour. Never happened.

Do any CM members know of any similar agents here in CM who are reliable. Appreciate any comments you can offer, thanks.

No mails about 'lazy / do it yourself' thanks. My health not up to sitting around the immigration office for hours.


Sorry to say we never received any emails so there may be a fault in our system which I will look into. Monday and Tuesday we were closed, I am sorry no one returned your call, we always try to give the best customer service possible, sometimes mistakes happen and as such I am sorry. If there is anything you need please contact me.


My own 2 experiences with TV Assist were both very good, personal attention, being accompanied to government offices plus quickly arranged medical certificates.

What is the difference?

Utterly stress free ! That´s what retirement is supposed to be, that´s what is worth my money any time!!!!

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Immigration offices generally do not levy an overstay fine when the permission to stay expires on a weekend or holiday and application for extension is made on the first working day after expiration. Let us know how it goes in your case on Wednesday.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I take my hat off to you Maestro, CM Immigration do NOT charge you a fine for ¨overstay¨ if the day you are suppose to depart Thailand or extend your visa is a holiday. I was pleasantly surprised and the staff at CM Immigration were very good and courteous.

Being the 1st day open since the long weekend the office was rather full/busy. It took about an hour to get the 1 month visa extension but could have been quicker if people actually followed instructions. Sure it maybe a little daunting for the 1st timers but heck... read the form (TM 7). Its not really rocket science. If you need to provide a passport photo and dont have one then pop outside and get one, the same applies for the photocopies of various pages out of your passport.

I was amazed at the amount of delays due to people (Foreigners....like me) who hadnt completed all that was required. One guy hadnt even filled out the TM7. Not sure what he was expecting but hey I would have thought if one doesnt know then ask questions. (I think somewhere a village is missing their idiot).

Ok thats enough of my rant. From the time my number came through (Queue system) to the time I got my passport back was approx 15 minutes, pretty good by my books. Just goes to show where the delays occur.

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Immigration offices generally do not levy an overstay fine when the permission to stay expires on a weekend or holiday and application for extension is made on the first working day after expiration. Let us know how it goes in your case on Wednesday.

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

I take my hat off to you Maestro, CM Immigration do NOT charge you a fine for ¨overstay¨ if the day you are suppose to depart Thailand or extend your visa is a holiday. I was pleasantly surprised and the staff at CM Immigration were very good and courteous.

Being the 1st day open since the long weekend the office was rather full/busy. It took about an hour to get the 1 month visa extension but could have been quicker if people actually followed instructions. Sure it maybe a little daunting for the 1st timers but heck... read the form (TM 7). Its not really rocket science. If you need to provide a passport photo and dont have one then pop outside and get one, the same applies for the photocopies of various pages out of your passport.

I was amazed at the amount of delays due to people (Foreigners....like me) who hadnt completed all that was required. One guy hadnt even filled out the TM7. Not sure what he was expecting but hey I would have thought if one doesnt know then ask questions. (I think somewhere a village is missing their idiot).

Ok thats enough of my rant. From the time my number came through (Queue system) to the time I got my passport back was approx 15 minutes, pretty good by my books. Just goes to show where the delays occur.

That is a record....did you include the time it took to take your passport to the back office and issue a receipt etc?

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Assist Thai Visa Services

It is all a matter of what people think is value for money , or what value they put on their time.

In my opinion 6,500 to Assist Thai Visa to do 4 - 90 day reports and a annual extension is value for money . Other people might not?. 6,500 baht is such a small amount of money that I for one am quite happy to use the service provided by them.

All relative I suppose. I'm in the might not category.But then that's about 16 rounds of golf for me. That's where I prefer to spend the money.

I/we, plan both the 90 day reports and the annual "retirement" visa based on our past experiences by choosing optimum days and times and utilising the online booking for visa renewal appointments. So far it has worked and suited us, for those that it doesn't suit all power to Assist's and similar companies taking up the load.

Our opinion on the 90 days reporting. It's a daft and pointless exercise whichever way you choose to do it.

Annual visa. It's about time there was some form of dispensation for time served but there isn't.

But there are far too many upsides that completely outweigh the miniscule downsides.

That's why we live here.


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  • 2 months later...

"Apparently there are some that enjoy going to Chiang Mai Immigration."

​Masochist or Perverted comes ta mind.


An Assit TV user.

Totally agree with you JW. I feel that a day in immigration is a totally lost and at my age, I need all the days I can get. I'm currently an Assist TV user for the 90 day thing @ 1,000/year, but when my last stamp runs out, I'll maybe re think it @ 1,500.

Maybe they could 'grandfather' in those who have been with them?? 50% is quite an increase for any service!!

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"Apparently there are some that enjoy going to Chiang Mai Immigration."

​Masochist or Perverted comes ta mind.


An Assit TV user.

Totally agree with you JW. I feel that a day in immigration is a totally lost and at my age, I need all the days I can get. I'm currently an Assist TV user for the 90 day thing @ 1,000/year, but when my last stamp runs out, I'll maybe re think it @ 1,500.

Maybe they could 'grandfather' in those who have been with them?? 50% is quite an increase for any service!!

I just like the nice feeling of not even having to think about my 90 day renewal....ever, it just pops up on my email when it's done..... but its a personal choice.

I renewed mine for another year but I won't say how much I paid.

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Assist Thai Visa Services

It is all a matter of what people think is value for money , or what value they put on their time.

In my opinion 6,500 to Assist Thai Visa to do 4 - 90 day reports and a annual extension is value for money . Other people might not?. 6,500 baht is such a small amount of money that I for one am quite happy to use the service provided by them.

All relative I suppose. I'm in the might not category.But then that's about 16 rounds of golf for me. That's where I prefer to spend the money.

I/we, plan both the 90 day reports and the annual "retirement" visa based on our past experiences by choosing optimum days and times and utilising the online booking for visa renewal appointments. So far it has worked and suited us, for those that it doesn't suit all power to Assist's and similar companies taking up the load.

Our opinion on the 90 days reporting. It's a daft and pointless exercise whichever way you choose to do it.

Annual visa. It's about time there was some form of dispensation for time served but there isn't.

But there are far too many upsides that completely outweigh the miniscule downsides.

That's why we live here.


Tell me, how do you get 16 rounds of golf for 6500 baht-400bht a pop?? No caddie fee? Good course? I must be doing something wrong-again...

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I have used this Assist Thai Visa service for awhile now but will not be renewing this year.

I thought it was a good deal at 1000 baht per year for 4-90 day reports

but now with 50% increase + the fact that immigration has really settled down

I think I will just do it myself.

I do not think 1500 baht is much money but when the Falang man that works there today told me it was

because they have office expenses I did have to smile.

They pay these Thai girls what per day? 200-300 baht?

250 per 90 day report was fair both ways. You pay a full days wages for something that takes

the girl 15-30 minutes? Seems fair enough. But to then raise prices 50% seems a bit much.

I know they moved to a bigger building recently as they have had a large increase in customers.

But I think they may be heading in the wrong direction if that means 50% increases for services.

Again not because in this case 1500 baht is much money

but the justification for a 50% raise is weak at best.

Couple that with the calmed down pleasant Immigration recently & I think they may be making a mistake.

I always do my own yearly as it is based on marriage & they cannot really help with that & having just completed it

I have to say Immigration is much improved these days.

Today went back for my 30 days under consideration stamp & it was all of 10 minutes no appointment.

Hopefully this trend continues. If not there are other services

Do you really think those girls work for 300 a day -6000 a month??

I agree that a 50% increase in anything seems steep but I think it was a low-cost service before and, for me, it is still good value.

I dont have to remember to avoid overstay fines and I dont have to visit even the 'new, improved' immigration facility. Result.

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I have used this Assist Thai Visa service for awhile now but will not be renewing this year.

I thought it was a good deal at 1000 baht per year for 4-90 day reports

but now with 50% increase + the fact that immigration has really settled down

I think I will just do it myself.

I do not think 1500 baht is much money but when the Falang man that works there today told me it was

because they have office expenses I did have to smile.

They pay these Thai girls what per day? 200-300 baht?

250 per 90 day report was fair both ways. You pay a full days wages for something that takes

the girl 15-30 minutes? Seems fair enough. But to then raise prices 50% seems a bit much.

I know they moved to a bigger building recently as they have had a large increase in customers.

But I think they may be heading in the wrong direction if that means 50% increases for services.

Again not because in this case 1500 baht is much money

but the justification for a 50% raise is weak at best.

Couple that with the calmed down pleasant Immigration recently & I think they may be making a mistake.

I always do my own yearly as it is based on marriage & they cannot really help with that & having just completed it

I have to say Immigration is much improved these days.

Today went back for my 30 days under consideration stamp & it was all of 10 minutes no appointment.

Hopefully this trend continues. If not there are other services

200-300 baht per day is less than a manual laborer makes. you are wrong. they are getting much more.

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It really comes down to what each person thinks it is worth to not have to get ready make your way down to Immigration wait for between 1 minute and 30 minutes then make your way back to where you are going 4 times a year that will add up to quite a few hours. I do not think 1,500 Baht is excessive even though it as increased 50% I personally thought 1,0000 baht was cheap. It would cost me more than 375 baht per trip in transport costs and the cost of my time for maybe 1.5 hours a time. Which I can spend doing more than making a trip to the Immigration Office when I do not have to, but that is my personal choice.

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I suggest that there are both some good reasons and some not-so-good reasons for dealing with any paid service providing assistance at Immigration.

If people are quite some distance away from the office and they do not understand how easy it is to do 90-day reports locally, which you can do, then spend your money. Of course some just feel the price is worth avoiding some inconvenience. But you can practically get your cocker spaniel to do the needful!

If you are medically or physically unable, have some spare cash, or simply can't be bothered to learn how to do the needful, then get a helper. The aforementioned service is, from reputation and my own contacts (did not use their services) reliable for straightforward things if not always correct or reliable on more complicated matters. But that does not apply to the huge majority of need.

One personal dislike I have is of any service by agents taking precedence over individuals doing what needs to be done at the office. "Personal connections" built up on various friendships or previous employment with Immigration (I know that both apply) are simply not fair to me. And I have actually seen public acknowledgement by Immigration that such precedence is not acceptable! They are correct. It isn't.

But I must add that so many individuals seem to be so clueless on their own, don't do their homework, and don't come prepared, that if I were working in that office I would be praying for some relief. Agents can provide that. They should know all the details.

Finally, one warning for all innocent newbies !!! Beware of people who call themselves "legal assistants" or something like that.

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Why do people have to justify what they do. If it is worth it to you do it. If it is not an inconvenience don't do it. Now we are talking about a 50% increase in cost so what it is not like you were paying a lot to begin with. It is not your bossiness what they do with the money unless you are a shareholder.

It's got to the point now where people won't even tell what they pay. When It becomes inconvenient for me I will pay 2,000 baht for the service if that is what they want and not give it a second thought.

The wife and I make a day of it go to a show have a bite to eat and do a little shopping. I am retired that means I bring in enough money that I can give my wife some money she dosen't have to work. She enjoys it also.

Sadly because she feels that I couldn't do it with out her. But it does no harm to let her feel helpful and I think she actually does makes it easier being with me.

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I know that if I need to, I can sleep in the dorm of a cheap guest house. I know that if I need to I can wash my clothes by hand. I know that if I need to, I can repair the brakes on a car.

I've done all these things. None of them are difficult. I know I can do them IF I NEED TO.

I don't need to.

I can afford a better hotel room. I can afford a washing machine. I can afford to have a mechanic fix my brakes.

I know that I could handle my Immigration requirements IF I NEED TO.

I don't need to. Fortunately, I don't have to.

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"I know that I could handle my Immigration requirements IF I NEED TO.

I don't need to. Fortunately, I don't have to."

Yes Cheers, sums up my situation too.


I am not a well off Frang but I do feel that Thai Visa assist provides a Good service at a sensible place.

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Assist Thai Visa Services

It is all a matter of what people think is value for money , or what value they put on their time.

In my opinion 6,500 to Assist Thai Visa to do 4 - 90 day reports and a annual extension is value for money . Other people might not?. 6,500 baht is such a small amount of money that I for one am quite happy to use the service provided by them.

All relative I suppose. I'm in the might not category.But then that's about 16 rounds of golf for me. That's where I prefer to spend the money.

I/we, plan both the 90 day reports and the annual "retirement" visa based on our past experiences by choosing optimum days and times and utilising the online booking for visa renewal appointments. So far it has worked and suited us, for those that it doesn't suit all power to Assist's and similar companies taking up the load.

Our opinion on the 90 days reporting. It's a daft and pointless exercise whichever way you choose to do it.

Annual visa. It's about time there was some form of dispensation for time served but there isn't.

But there are far too many upsides that completely outweigh the miniscule downsides.

That's why we live here.


Tell me, how do you get 16 rounds of golf for 6500 baht-400bht a pop?? No caddie fee? Good course? I must be doing something wrong-again...

Actually THB 340 ,18 holes, including caddy fee at the expensive course which suits my hacking game.

Sometimes slum it for THB 240 including caddy fee at another course.

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I know that if I need to, I can sleep in the dorm of a cheap guest house. I know that if I need to I can wash my clothes by hand. I know that if I need to, I can repair the brakes on a car.

I've done all these things. None of them are difficult. I know I can do them IF I NEED TO.

I don't need to.

I can afford a better hotel room. I can afford a washing machine. I can afford to have a mechanic fix my brakes.

I know that I could handle my Immigration requirements IF I NEED TO.

I don't need to. Fortunately, I don't have to.

..........So yes I am glad you don't "Need" to go to Immigration.

Probably, not half as much as I am. :)

But it's not only a matter of 'need.' I don't 'enjoy' paperwork, dealing with bureaucracy or sitting around a crowded municipal office. It's not fun for me. And life is too short to spend it in ways I don't find pleasant... if I don't 'need' to. cheesy.gif

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I know that if I need to, I can sleep in the dorm of a cheap guest house. I know that if I need to I can wash my clothes by hand. I know that if I need to, I can repair the brakes on a car.

I've done all these things. None of them are difficult. I know I can do them IF I NEED TO.

I don't need to.

I can afford a better hotel room. I can afford a washing machine. I can afford to have a mechanic fix my brakes.

I know that I could handle my Immigration requirements IF I NEED TO.

I don't need to. Fortunately, I don't have to.

Correction you just think you are different. You do have to handle your immigration. You just choose to do it one way you do not have to do it that way there is another way.

Why do you feel the need to justify it. I can easily afford to pay some one to do it for me. I just prefer this way as it is just a part of a day out with my wife. I do have a physical disability that is getting worse but it still allows me this bit of shared time with my wife. A half hour at immigration a short walk a movie a bite to eat a little shopping. I feel no need to justify my preference any more than I do if I order my steak medium well or medium. It is just a preference that needs no justification. It does not make me more intelligent than any one else or dumber it is just a preference.

My progressive disability holds me back from the walks I used to do and just took for granite now I appreciate that I can still walk that far and dread the day when I can not.

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I know that if I need to, I can sleep in the dorm of a cheap guest house. I know that if I need to I can wash my clothes by hand. I know that if I need to, I can repair the brakes on a car.

I've done all these things. None of them are difficult. I know I can do them IF I NEED TO.

I don't need to.

I can afford a better hotel room. I can afford a washing machine. I can afford to have a mechanic fix my brakes.

I know that I could handle my Immigration requirements IF I NEED TO.

I don't need to. Fortunately, I don't have to.

Correction you just think you are different. You do have to handle your immigration. You just choose to do it one way you do not have to do it that way there is another way.

Why do you feel the need to justify it. I can easily afford to pay some one to do it for me. I just prefer this way as it is just a part of a day out with my wife. I do have a physical disability that is getting worse but it still allows me this bit of shared time with my wife. A half hour at immigration a short walk a movie a bite to eat a little shopping. I feel no need to justify my preference any more than I do if I order my steak medium well or medium. It is just a preference that needs no justification. It does not make me more intelligent than any one else or dumber it is just a preference.

You are aware, I hope, that you just justified your actions, right?

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I know that if I need to, I can sleep in the dorm of a cheap guest house. I know that if I need to I can wash my clothes by hand. I know that if I need to, I can repair the brakes on a car.

I've done all these things. None of them are difficult. I know I can do them IF I NEED TO.

I don't need to.

I can afford a better hotel room. I can afford a washing machine. I can afford to have a mechanic fix my brakes.

I know that I could handle my Immigration requirements IF I NEED TO.

I don't need to. Fortunately, I don't have to.

Correction you just think you are different. You do have to handle your immigration. You just choose to do it one way you do not have to do it that way there is another way.

Why do you feel the need to justify it. I can easily afford to pay some one to do it for me. I just prefer this way as it is just a part of a day out with my wife. I do have a physical disability that is getting worse but it still allows me this bit of shared time with my wife. A half hour at immigration a short walk a movie a bite to eat a little shopping. I feel no need to justify my preference any more than I do if I order my steak medium well or medium. It is just a preference that needs no justification. It does not make me more intelligent than any one else or dumber it is just a preference.

You are aware, I hope, that you just justified your actions, right?

You are right

"I just prefer this way as it is just a part of a day out with my wife"

is justifying it

The day will come when I can't and that will be justifying paying to have it done or having the wife do it.

In the mean time I choose to create fond memories.

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