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Crazy Witness requirement for 1 year extension Korat

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Has anyone experienced this before..

All my previous family extensions have been hassle-free but in Pattaya but I have since moved to Korat.

Went to perform my 1 year extension today and I have been asked to provide two witnesses from my street (Thai nationals) who confirm that I am living with wife and child in the house I am renting, copies of their Tabien Baans and ID cards, and also photos of us altogether outside the house..

They gave us some forms to fill-in.

However, we don't really talk much to our neighbours, and really don't know anyone well enough to ask them to provide the documents and go through so much trouble for us..

Has anyone had the same problem?? How did you overcome it?

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That's indeed a strange requirement.


Do you know any other Thai people in the neighborhood or village you could ask ?


Good luck

Op. Maybe just get your wife to chat to the local police. Couple hundred baht or a bottle whiskey should do it.... pictures etc

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

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This is often asked upcountry where home visits or checks are not funded and could be a distance away. From reports I have read people have been able to find others willing to provide the verification. Might be a good opportunity to know the village chief as am sure he will understand the requirement.

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I'm actually not that far from the immigration office in Korat (10 mins), I am just on the outskirts of the city in a modern housing estate. Many farang's about but these people have to be Thai.

I would fund them to visit, got no problem with that, how do you go about asking?

I know what my reaction would be if someone I barely knew wanted copies of my house document and ID, I'd tell them to P##s Off!!

Thanks for the input so far.

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Normal procedure here. And also acording to the rules and the law!!!! I guess that your extension is based on marriage?????

So why you find it strange??? because they are much nicer in Jomtien or Pattaya Immigration??
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I'm actually not that far from the immigration office in Korat (10 mins), I am just on the outskirts of the city in a modern housing estate. Many farang's about but these people have to be Thai.

I would fund them to visit, got no problem with that, how do you go about asking?

I know what my reaction would be if someone I barely knew wanted copies of my house document and ID, I'd tell them to P##s Off!!

Thanks for the input so far.

Pay them 300b each. Take photos, copy their docs, then all go to immigration together. They can give the docs to the officer themselves.

How to ask them? Simple, tell them you need two people to go to the immigration office with you and you'll pay them 300b for their trouble. When they say yes, tell them to bring their docs.

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Khon Kaen Immigration were doing this 12 months ago when I was changing from Retirement to Married. However, a few minutes later the officer said not worry as I am named as the natural father of our son on his birth certificate, which also shows our address.

I applied for my new one last week and went fully armed - just in case, but it was not mentioned. I also had a Yellow Tabien Ban that he kept copies of. Maybe that did the trick ??


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Khon Kaen Immigration were doing this 12 months ago when I was changing from Retirement to Married. However, a few minutes later the officer said not worry as I am named as the natural father of our son on his birth certificate, which also shows our address.

I applied for my new one last week and went fully armed - just in case, but it was not mentioned. I also had a Yellow Tabien Ban that he kept copies of. Maybe that did the trick ??


I've changed addresses since the boy was born, this might be the issue, In Pattaya it was painless, up in Korat though I'm sure they make the rules up as they go along...

I'm afraid that my neighbours do not live in tin shacks and drive better cars than me :-) I don't think they will be tempted by a 300 baht offer..

Anyone know of a fixer, please PM me??? I'd rather pay the tea money than sit in that wretched queue again!!

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Khon Kaen Immigration were doing this 12 months ago when I was changing from Retirement to Married. However, a few minutes later the officer said not worry as I am named as the natural father of our son on his birth certificate, which also shows our address.

I applied for my new one last week and went fully armed - just in case, but it was not mentioned. I also had a Yellow Tabien Ban that he kept copies of. Maybe that did the trick ??


I've changed addresses since the boy was born, this might be the issue, In Pattaya it was painless, up in Korat though I'm sure they make the rules up as they go along...

I'm afraid that my neighbours do not live in tin shacks and drive better cars than me :-) I don't think they will be tempted by a 300 baht offer..

Anyone know of a fixer, please PM me??? I'd rather pay the tea money than sit in that wretched queue again!!

What about Lopburi3's post to contact the village chief ?

This is often asked upcountry where home visits or checks are not funded and could be a distance away. From reports I have read people have been able to find others willing to provide the verification. Might be a good opportunity to know the village chief as am sure he will understand the requirement.

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What about Lopburi3's post to contact the village chief ?

I wouldn't know where to find him, I'm in a very modern estate, do new builds have village chiefs?

No idea sorry, just trying to help !

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When I did my first marriage extension years ago, upcountry, I had to take te village chief to the police station with me. Our appointment was ay luch time and guess who bought for the whole crew! The only one left in the station was the desk clerk and we bought back carry out for her.

Edited by wayned
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could it maybe be an opportunity to get to know the neighbours better? go to see them, explain the situation and offer to take them out for a nice meal as a thank you? if you're only 10 mins away from the immgration office, it's not too much of an imposition, and I would guess Thai people are familiar with the bureaucratic hoops and paper work required for a lot of things here. (They can only say no....)

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not performing very well are you.korat immigration are always swift and polite.

maybe you are changing your address too often,

dont talk to your neighbours either,

havent heard of the village head either,

calling people's house's tin shacks,

if someone asked you for help you would tell them to piss off,

change your attitude that helps.

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Live in the North East and this is the standard procedure. It is required by law (**edit**mean to say it is required by our local immigration) to have at least two witnesses to verify it is not a bogus marriage. Ask at the local Police Office for information on the village head chief they will know. This is not something new.

Does your wife speak Thai? Is she Thai? If so I suggest she have a little chat with some of the neighbors. Thai people are not as ignorant as people on TV forum make them out to be. Most are very helpful and courteous. At least here in the far North East.

Do not be tempted to "bribe" your way around. It is illegal, Yes I Know EVERYBODY does it, however word gets around fast and some people can make your life a little more difficult.

It is a bothersome process but one that happens once a year so not major HOOPS to jump through as one ignorant poster mentioned to have to live here.

Witnesses, photos of the house and you living together in it doing household chores sitting on a couch eating together etc are common to be asked for here.

If you have kids, check with their teachers in the school. Ask at the local condo complex for information, go to the local city hall and get information from them they are always polite and helpful, a local restaurant owner that you may frequent. And others......as one poster said it may be time to start accepting the fact you live in Thailand and have Thai neighbors (who are usually very helpful, at least mine are and I do not have to bribe them with booze, most don't drink).

Good luck, it is a bit of a hassle but for me it is worth it to live in this wonderful (up) country!

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not performing very well are you.korat immigration are always swift and polite.

I Don't think the words Swift and Immigration have ever been said in the same sentence before..

maybe you are changing your address too often,


dont talk to your neighbours either,

It's not that sort of community, all big houses and little conversation even between the Thais.

havent heard of the village head either,

I've heard of village heads, been here 8 years but wouldn't know where to find him.

calling people's house's tin shacks,

I said they do not live in Tin shacks, and won't be susceptible to bribing.

if someone asked you for help you would tell them to piss off,

Please send me (A total stranger) a copy of your passport and other important documents by PM please... Insert your response here ________

change your attitude that helps.

Nowt wrong with Attitiude..

Find a dirty homeless guy. Give him 100 bt to accompany him to immigration and be your witness. OR you could introduce yourself to your neighbors convince them to take a day off work - cash payment likely required - and take them .

Apparently the immigration "workers" have no concept of other people having job responsibilities during business hours. and that everyone can just take time off whenever they feel like it.

In all fairness they have not asked me to drag people down to the immigration office, just for copies of those important documents and a witness signature, which of course could be used to devious ends..

One neighbor has already made excuses and declined, and I can't say I blame her.

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Makes me laugh when people say " bribe someone", or " where is MrFixit".

These are the reasons that the rules are so tight now. If everyone only stood by the rules we would all be OK.

It used to be people borrowing money. So Immigration changed the law and said it must be in the bank for 2 or 3 months. At the same time there were sham marriages.

The rules only tighten when Immigration discover a loophole that is being abused.

Keep to the rules gentlemen. It is only once a year after all.

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maybe i am a little bit hard on you but korat imm.never seen any bad complaints about them

with me its find as you go,and a good morning and a thank you sir from me.

moving only once,as they say once too often.

get around and introduce yourself take a few leo's with you.

as for finding who your village head is have a house warming party,the temple will tell him.

where i live they are all big house's and big wigs and dont they just love it when a farang ask's for help just dont let your dog shit on their drive.

as far as i can remember all they have asked you for me and the wf.went through the same procedure,but neighbours id and signature were enough.never mind once you sort it all out korat is a wonderfull place to live we might even meet one day at immigration.

t.i.t.taffy in thailand.

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If you are legally married with a KR2 and Thai marriage cert' there would be no problem so I can only assume you are not legally married in which case you will need the help as previously stated of some local(s) (officials) but as you've only been there a short time I can understand it maybe difficult.

The local headman is the one to talk too and all your neighbours will know where he lives.

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