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All thai girls are money hungry women looking for a Falang?

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You got me STP ... but I guess to get up in that number range one has to be really good at getting over one's lack of social skills and just pour on that charm treacle thick.

Hung like a donkey might help,especialy if they want sex on the first date,they must be busy girls

That's the dilemma these days for a lot of the young high-end girls; they like p-n-ses, they just don't like what they come attached to.


I am more or less in the same situation as the thread starter.

I always joke to my wife and some others I married to her for money only.

Don't take things too serious. Who cares what other people think?


Any statement that says ALL ... ARE ... is never correct. I thought you would have known this

You're saying that ALL statements that says ALL.. ARE... ARE never correct !

that's what he said why?

Self defeating statement


Any statement that says ALL ... ARE ... is never correct. I thought you would have known this

You're correct! I in fact have met one who's MO was not about after money.

But then I have also met many "many" whose only interest has been money and how they can extract it with the minimum of effort expended blink.png


my pal thought he had cracked the problem by marrying a mature thai women to look after him.

but it turns out she has health problems he didnt know about and he is looking after her.

hers knees are badly arthritic and is always in pain and cant do any housework ,so regular trips to the GP and hospital for treatment on her dodgy knees .he thought he had found a diamond .


Is using chopsticks incorrectly a giveway that the girl in not chinese/Thai and therefore not Hi-So?

Not at all. From what I have observed in more than 5 years, it appears virtually NO Thai's use chopsticks properly regardless of socio-economic stratification.

This includes Hi-So Thai's as well.

Native Chinese seem to use chopsticks correctly as do Japanese. This observation could be a giveaway that the woman is not native Chinese.


Just a little footnote if I may;

A bar girl can be better company then a hi-so

One particular experience was with a thai woman that got a "trophy masters degree" abroad. She was eager to know me, spoke, read and wrote decent english, light complexion, good looking, etc etc. She could not understand why her foreign bf dumped her in such a demoralizing way. Said he was so disgusted he told her he never wanted to ever hear, see or talk to her again.By thai standards she was no "spring chicken" either, in her 30's, but attractive and outwardly personable.

I empathized with her relationship heartaches (there were more than one) and put significant time into organizing things to help her emotionally. Friendship basis as I realized she had lots of baggage and would not a wise move to get romantically involved. To make a long story short, her sheer selfishness, immaturity, lack of caring about my time, effort, and goodwill eventually made me feel repulsed to similar levels in which she'd described ex boyfriends sentiments. I've dealt with children that were more emotionally advanced than this woman.

It was a great relief to simply be able to play pool with a bg after the above.

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Is using chopsticks incorrectly a giveway that the girl in not chinese/Thai and therefore not Hi-So?

Not at all. From what I have observed in more than 5 years, it appears virtually NO Thai's use chopsticks properly regardless of socio-economic stratification.

This includes Hi-So Thai's as well.

Native Chinese seem to use chopsticks correctly as do Japanese. This observation could be a giveaway that the woman is not native Chinese.

Well, if your'e happy with the proper use of chopsticks being the Chinese way as described in an earlier post by Mr WorldWide, ok fine.

Japanese. Dainty, clean morsels of food, lifted by delicate sticks.

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Most have slept with him on the first date,are there many slappers in Bangkok then????

Whatever you want to call them BKK is packed full of women who will sleep with you on the first night you meet and we're not talking bar girls either. Dinner > drinks > apartment rarely fails if you aren't a complete retard (probably helps to be under 30 too but not sure it matters if you've gotten them to agree to meet you).

Yep. that's exactly my experience. They're not always impressed by the food either.

Try the restaurant on the 37th floor of the Sofitel Silom with your best farang buddy and a couple of ordinary

( non HiSo )Thai women.


A lot of Thai's have this preconceived notion they only like 'Thai food' and not 'farang food' which is anything from English to Indian to Mexican and everything in between (no distinction) and 99% of them love street or cheap restaurant food so it seems pointless to me to go to an expensive restaurant with them when they will be just as content eating a bowl of noodles on the street or probably won't like what they serve anyway. I'm more content with that too.

Fancy restaurants don't do it for me so why take a date there if I wouldn't go myself?

If I do go to eat at a 'proper' restaurant myself it's just somewhere in the mall like a chain Japanese or steak house though today went to a place that's apparently quite famous in BKK but was pretty cheap at 70-90B for most dishes. With food so good there I don't see the point in going to anywhere more expensive. fuc_k the street food around here is stupidly delicious IMO so I'm happy eating at them every day.


yep. Thai women seem to have this preconceived notion...

Even Thai women in London.

Blue Elephant down the Fulham Broadway doesn't impress 'em too much though.

Patara, Greek Street is the one. Black Cod. Fantastic.


They even have preconceived notions about what is and isn't Thai food. I know a few places in Bangkok that serve venison meat Thai style. I hear venison is quite common in Esan but not so common in BKK (which makes sense as I don't see it often) yet whenever I order stir fried venison in black pepper sauce or deep fried spicy venison (something I always order when I see it as makes a change from the usual suspects) Thai people will say to me "why you order farang food and not Thai, you not like Thai food?".

Isn't it Thai food?

It's food found naturally in Thailand, cooked in a Thai style, with Thai flavours and served in a Thai restaurant.

To them it's not simply because they've never eaten it or it's not common.


So there's a lot of Thai girls in Bangkok who are first night sleepers -- where are all the one's who are interested in a second night's sleep? I guess at least some the next morning are thinking: Girl, that was a really dumb thing to do.


I am more or less in the same situation as the thread starter.

I always joke to my wife and some others I married to her for money only.

Don't take things too serious. Who cares what other people think?

I don't but Thais do VERY VERY much.


Never take you're Thai date to an expensive (by western standards). Most Thai women find it hard to respect men that throw their money away needlessly.

I agree with this.

Unless you routinely go to these places yourself anyway and want some company whilst you eat then avoid fancy restaurants and over priced cocktail bars etc.

We had a guy on here the other week saying when he went on dates he spent 3,000B on dinner and then another 3,000B + on drinks afterwards. Bit of an expensive date.

Mines are usually under 1k and often me and the girls I meet will be laughing about the stupid farang who took her to some fancy place to show off whilst he threw money around and she thought he was a mug and boring.

Guys try and make up for their lack of social skills and charm by throwing money at it. You'll only attract the wrong types this way.

Hmmm, I have a very good Thai acquaintance who has travelled all over the world and, like me, really enjoys her food (guess one of the reasons Im attracted to her). We have eaten on the street and we have blown a couple of hundred Dollars on a dinner, actually just did that last night. And no, she is not laughing at me but then I guess she is not some bar girl from Isaan. I find the generalizations made on this forum amazing!


I don't know what you're talking about OP.

I've yet to encounter any Thai girl looking for money or wanting me to pay everything.

I've been here since January. Dated 5 Thai girls, with all of them they would offer to split bills in restaurants, take turns buying drinks in bars, etc. I was probably earning more than them, but it never came up in conversation and they certainly never asked me to give them anything.

The only girl I've had money trouble with was a Chinese girl, who expected me to pay for everything when we went out to eat, and got grumpy when I suggested she help. I stopped seeing her after the second time.. she was rich, had condos all over Bangkok, yet got butthurt over 500 baht? No thanks.

So I don't know OP.. are you meeting these girls in massage parlours or something?


I don't know what you're talking about OP.

I've yet to encounter any Thai girl looking for money or wanting me to pay everything.

I've been here since January. Dated 5 Thai girls, with all of them they would offer to split bills in restaurants, take turns buying drinks in bars, etc. I was probably earning more than them, but it never came up in conversation and they certainly never asked me to give them anything.

The only girl I've had money trouble with was a Chinese girl, who expected me to pay for everything when we went out to eat, and got grumpy when I suggested she help. I stopped seeing her after the second time.. she was rich, had condos all over Bangkok, yet got butthurt over 500 baht? No thanks.

So I don't know OP.. are you meeting these girls in massage parlours or something?

Been here since January and only dated 5 girls...what the hell have you been doing?

Also it's a small sample size.

Not all girls expect you to pay. A few I know always contribute because they can afford to quite easily. A few I know probably can't afford to contribute as they don't earn much but they do anyway, they insist on it.

There's also some I've met who definitely can afford to contribute because they have well paying jobs but still don't and will freak out if the waiting staff attempt to hand them the bill lest they get stuck with paying for it or put any money in.

On the whole though it is expected that the guy will pay for the date in Thailand. If they offer to pay I let them but I don't suggest they do because I wouldn't be asking them out if I wasn't able to afford to pay for us both and it would just make me look cheap and miserly if I INSISTED they put some cash in.

If I'm out for dinner with them and they offer to pay I often say it's OK you can buy the ice cream though if you like. I think it's a nice compromise and makes them feel like they aren't just taking advantage.

Like yourself though I quickly get rid of any girl who won't even consider buying a round especially if she can afford it. I don't like dating girls who are too poor to buy me a beer or see me as someone who'll take her out and spend money on her all the time.

Hmmm, I have a very good Thai acquaintance who has travelled all over the world and, like me, really enjoys her food (guess one of the reasons Im attracted to her). We have eaten on the street and we have blown a couple of hundred Dollars on a dinner, actually just did that last night. And no, she is not laughing at me but then I guess she is not some bar girl from Isaan. I find the generalizations made on this forum amazing!

Sure if you enjoy and go to expensive restaurants by yourself anyway then it makes sense to go to one with a Thai women who also likes them but it's the guys who don't actually go to these places usually and only do so to 'impress' their date by throwing money around and buying expensive dinners which are wasted on the girls that are being stupid.

So there's a lot of Thai girls in Bangkok who are first night sleepers -- where are all the one's who are interested in a second night's sleep? I guess at least some the next morning are thinking: Girl, that was a really dumb thing to do.

Just because they sleep with a guy on first night doesn't mean there can't be a second night too.


I must have hung out with Chinese Thais, or gals who have been in BKK way too long, because I've never seen a single Thai who couldn't use chopsticks properly. Having spent time in southern China, I know exactly how they were meant to be used : you get the bowl up to your mouth and scoop as much food into your gob as possible before the next famine / People's Revolution. The Chinese are many things, but dainty eaters isn't one of those things - from toddlers to octogenarians, they go at it with gusto.

I did have a Thai girl express surprise that I knew how to hold a pair of chopsticks, but then they bought the food out and all idle chatter ceased. Just wish I could burn it off as fast as Thai people seem to, the new generation of fatties notwithstanding.

Mr Worldwide,

The below video shows correct chopstick use. When used this way, one is able to pick up virtually any piece of food they so choose. This is in staunch contradiction to the "thai style" I have observed on countless occasions, which is to haphazardly hold the 2 sticks together trying to eat and using basically as an aid to the spoon. Their usage is not a function of thai ethnicity, beit chinese or whatever, but a function of deficient education in learning. I suppose you've never noticed "deficient education in learning" either in thailand?

The 2 sticks can also be used to rapidly push food into the mouth as you describe, however if not grasped correctly, discreet pieces of food are very difficult to be picked up.

I even recall sharing a streetside table in Yaowarat (bkk chinatown) There was a man and a women eating with me. The guy used chopsticks well, his female friend fumbling. A few politely phrased questions to the couple confirmed my suspicions.


I don't know what you're talking about OP.

I've yet to encounter any Thai girl looking for money or wanting me to pay everything.

I've been here since January. Dated 5 Thai girls, with all of them they would offer to split bills in restaurants, take turns buying drinks in bars, etc. I was probably earning more than them, but it never came up in conversation and they certainly never asked me to give them anything.

The only girl I've had money trouble with was a Chinese girl, who expected me to pay for everything when we went out to eat, and got grumpy when I suggested she help. I stopped seeing her after the second time.. she was rich, had condos all over Bangkok, yet got butthurt over 500 baht? No thanks.

So I don't know OP.. are you meeting these girls in massage parlours or something?

Think the Chinese girl sussed you out as a cheap skate. laugh.png Do you not know that in any country a guy takes a bird out and pays for it rolleyes.gif .

I think you are new to LOS and have a lot to learn. smile.png


Nice demonstration by the Japanese lady.

No demonstration of the infamous shovelling technique though.

Here is thai style chopstick technique direct from the proverbial "horses mouth"

click for bigger image


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I don't know what you're talking about OP.

I've yet to encounter any Thai girl looking for money or wanting me to pay everything.

I've been here since January. Dated 5 Thai girls, with all of them they would offer to split bills in restaurants, take turns buying drinks in bars, etc. I was probably earning more than them, but it never came up in conversation and they certainly never asked me to give them anything.

The only girl I've had money trouble with was a Chinese girl, who expected me to pay for everything when we went out to eat, and got grumpy when I suggested she help. I stopped seeing her after the second time.. she was rich, had condos all over Bangkok, yet got butthurt over 500 baht? No thanks.

So I don't know OP.. are you meeting these girls in massage parlours or something?

Think the Chinese girl sussed you out as a cheap skate. laugh.png Do you not know that in any country a guy takes a bird out and pays for it rolleyes.gif .

I think you are new to LOS and have a lot to learn. smile.png

It depends on the specific female and the conditions of the date/invitation. It is a very fresh surprise when the woman insists on paying the check or sharing it. I have experienced this with middle class and upper class women, and it is not uncommon. It is uncommon though among the internet dating demographic aka "fishing for a sponsor" demographic and other "fishing for sponsor" venues.


There are plenty of Thai girls out there who will split the bill and yes I've even had my share paid for too. Just 2 weeks ago was the last time.. Refreshing change. Even back home where women make the same money as men, want equal right and all that other feminism <deleted> some birds expect the guy to pick up the tab.

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