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Oh, and Blether, no I've never been assaulted in Thailand but then I'm 6' 8', 270 pounds. I'm a former Navy Seal and former NFL lineman. Posted ImagePosted Image

From your avatar, I figured you was a rodeo cowboy.

And even if Thailand is more violent, the odds are pretty well stacked against being a victim of violent crime. Maybe not 99.6%, maybe just 99%.

I think the odds may be much higher or lower depending on lifestyle.

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We use to expect more agressive behavior during the full moon. Booze, bar and full moon seemed to be like sounding the bell to bring them out of their corners.


Thailand-- one of the most violent ? 7 years here and the only time I have fear is a road rage who ended up spinning out of control while trying to show me how mad he was that I had cut him off while trying to get to the u-turn bridge, a girl on a bus running her hand in my front pocket as I pretended to be asleep( I am sure she was feeling for money) Mexico, 5 years, rifle held to my head, pick pocketed, almost mugged, a friend knifed, saw a snatch and grab at the train station. All separate times. A guy from my town killed for his bike, gang rape on the beach just a few K from where I was staying. I feel very safe here.

OT. I know a guy that becomes a totally different person when drunk. Its odd but the first sign of the change is that when his hand on the table his pinky finger curls up. His girl friend sees this and knows its time to shut him down or leave. He does become violent.


My ten pennys worth


I will answer the topics op, HAVE U BEEN MUGGED,AND I VOTED NO


Never even been close to getting mugged or Assaulted in 10 years of living in Pattaya. Had some lip from a pissed up farang young kid but he calmed down very quickly.


Why would you say that on post nr 94 while 116 has cast their vote ?

I'm also unfamiliar with english slang but i assume "mugged" involve theft,

of which i gave some examples in post 12.

No clue what "some lip" is suppose to mean, do you mean he kissed you ?



We have over 100 votes, 103 to be exact. Here are the figures......

Have you ever been assaulted in Thailand..........
Yes.....20 19.48%
No......83 80.52%
Very disappointing, but at the same time telling. 20% of the respondents actually being assaulted shows the level of casual violence, or capability of casual violence, is far too high. I didn't expect the figure to be that high, I was expecting single figures in percentages.
No we can easily split into two camps, one full of disbelief and condemnation saying that either it didn't happen or in some way it was they're own fault. Maybe the other being I thought the same way until it happened to me. No doubt as usual we'll get some clown saying that he voted yes but he was lying. xsaai.gif.pagespeed.ic._HvUA8p60E.webp
All we can run with is what's in front of us, and the idea that one in five of us has been assaulted is very concerning.
ps. Keep voting, the more votes the more representative.

Unfortunately I suffer from strong personality alteration after too many drinks, ...

clap2.gif Brilliant stuff. Ill have to remember that description next time i make a <deleted> of myself when pissed


Never been mugged in Thailand in 25 years, though I spent many a night walking home in Bangkok at 3.00 am when I was footloose and fancy-free back in the late 80s and early 90s.

2 black guys tried to mug me in Bristol in the UK in the early 80s, that was very common in the St Pauls and Montpelier area. Amazingly I outran them, fuelled by anger I guess.

Regarding drinking and violence, it's undeniable there's a connection with some folks.

There was an unpleasant Australian retired military man staying on the PS Guesthouse in Banglampoo in the 1990s, he had retired at 40 after 25 years service, joined at 16- he claimed to have taught the Crown Prince to parachute, anyway, his marriage and pig farm in Roi-Et failed, resulting in a hatred for the Thais and jealousy towards backpackers because they were having fun and he was a miserable git.

He closely resembled the Hunchback of Notre Dame and whenever he had a drink or 2 he would start clenching his fists and smacking his palms, he was itching for a fight and frequently got in one.

On days of no alcohol he would sit quietly reading paperbacks on the roof garden.

Thai guys on lao khao are often dangerous, basically out of control.



We have over 100 votes, 103 to be exact. Here are the figures......

Have you ever been assaulted in Thailand..........
Yes.....20 19.48%
No......83 80.52%
Very disappointing, but at the same time telling. 20% of the respondents actually being assaulted shows the level of casual violence, or capability of casual violence, is far too high. I didn't expect the figure to be that high, I was expecting single figures in percentages.
No we can easily split into two camps, one full of disbelief and condemnation saying that either it didn't happen or in some way it was they're own fault. Maybe the other being I thought the same way until it happened to me. No doubt as usual we'll get some clown saying that he voted yes but he was lying. xsaai.gif.pagespeed.ic._HvUA8p60E.webp
All we can run with is what's in front of us, and the idea that one in five of us has been assaulted is very concerning.
ps. Keep voting, the more votes the more representative.

The question at the top of your poll is 'Have you ever been Assaulted in Thailand?'

It is not 'Have you evert been mugged in Thailand'.

There are several responses in the discussion which indicate the respondent is considering mugging and perhaps ignoring non mugging related assault

If so there may be people not voting yes for assaults on the basis they are not a mugging - the true figure for assaults bight be even worse.

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'96 or possibly '97. On Sukumvit, having just crossed Asoke. There were (possibly still are), two or three phone booths on the kerbside of the sidewalk. No warning at all - guy stepped out from behind the booths and hit me in the face with a lump of wood and I went down. Semi-conscious, I was aware of him going through my back pockets and getting my wallet, then he was gone - it was very quick. As a result I lost four top front teeth and the top lip was split. A Thai couple offered assistance, managed to get a taxi and escorted me to my home in Huay Kwang.

Fortunately, I never keep money in a wallet. My cash was in a separate pocket and my wallet contained business cards, bank cards and a Foodland credit card, all of which were easy to cancel. Lip was nicely stitched but new teeth were a bit spendy. So, even on a main street like Sukumvit it can still happen. And yes, I was stone cold sober.



We have over 100 votes, 103 to be exact. Here are the figures......

Have you ever been assaulted in Thailand..........
Yes.....20 19.48%
No......83 80.52%
Very disappointing, but at the same time telling. 20% of the respondents actually being assaulted shows the level of casual violence, or capability of casual violence, is far too high. I didn't expect the figure to be that high, I was expecting single figures in percentages.
No we can easily split into two camps, one full of disbelief and condemnation saying that either it didn't happen or in some way it was they're own fault. Maybe the other being I thought the same way until it happened to me. No doubt as usual we'll get some clown saying that he voted yes but he was lying. xsaai.gif.pagespeed.ic._HvUA8p60E.webp
All we can run with is what's in front of us, and the idea that one in five of us has been assaulted is very concerning.
ps. Keep voting, the more votes the more representative.

The question at the top of your poll is 'Have you ever been Assaulted in Thailand?'

It is not 'Have you evert been mugged in Thailand'.

There are several responses in the discussion which indicate the respondent is considering mugging and perhaps ignoring non mugging related assault

If so there may be people not voting yes for assaults on the basis they are not a mugging - the true figure for assaults bight be even worse.

Mr. GH is on the money...I voted no, but in fact i was assaulted a couple of times, without mugging involved.

I one case, the nutter which was my neighbour even tried to involve passers-by to join him in beating me...Luckily they didn't bother, as they knew he was mad...Sorry to say, that guy seemed to be a friend, and that unfortunate event changed my attitude in befriending local lads.


Yes, 2 years ago in Phuket. There was 6 of them, 3 up on each bike. None of them over 20 i'd say. They stopped me at about 11pm. 1 pulled out a sword and cut my head open with it. After that i fell to the ground. Not sure if 2 or 3 of them went through my pockets but anyway, my iphone and wallet were taken. As this was all going on a trucker stopped, got out of his cab and ran at them with a piece of metal i think it was. They scarpered, i went to hospital for 16 stitches. Filed a police report but nothing ever came of it.coffee1.gif

Later that week the same thing happened to a lotus security guard in the same area. Exactly the same the thing, 6 kids, swords etc. Only difference was, the security guard died from having his throat cut by that sword. No arrests were made after that either, at least they weren't mentioned in the press.


if you want to be mugged [wear gold].

Ring included?

Yep - I know of one instance in another poor country where a farang was mugged and his finger cut off to get the ring off quickly......



We have over 100 votes, 103 to be exact. Here are the figures......

Have you ever been assaulted in Thailand..........
Yes.....20 19.48%
No......83 80.52%
Very disappointing, but at the same time telling. 20% of the respondents actually being assaulted shows the level of casual violence, or capability of casual violence, is far too high. I didn't expect the figure to be that high, I was expecting single figures in percentages.
No we can easily split into two camps, one full of disbelief and condemnation saying that either it didn't happen or in some way it was they're own fault. Maybe the other being I thought the same way until it happened to me. No doubt as usual we'll get some clown saying that he voted yes but he was lying. xsaai.gif.pagespeed.ic._HvUA8p60E.webp
All we can run with is what's in front of us, and the idea that one in five of us has been assaulted is very concerning.
ps. Keep voting, the more votes the more representative.

The question at the top of your poll is 'Have you ever been Assaulted in Thailand?'

It is not 'Have you evert been mugged in Thailand'.

There are several responses in the discussion which indicate the respondent is considering mugging and perhaps ignoring non mugging related assault

If so there may be people not voting yes for assaults on the basis they are not a mugging - the true figure for assaults bight be even worse.

Mr. GH is on the money...I voted no, but in fact i was assaulted a couple of times, without mugging involved.

I one case, the nutter which was my neighbour even tried to involve passers-by to join him in beating me...Luckily they didn't bother, as they knew he was mad...Sorry to say, that guy seemed to be a friend, and that unfortunate event changed my attitude in befriending local lads.

The topic was prompted by a mugging, hence the title of the thread. The specific question is "Have you ever been assaulted in Thailand".

I made the question as clear and brief as possible. If you have been assaulted, answer yes.



We have over 100 votes, 103 to be exact. Here are the figures......

Have you ever been assaulted in Thailand..........
Yes.....20 19.48%
No......83 80.52%
Very disappointing, but at the same time telling. 20% of the respondents actually being assaulted shows the level of casual violence, or capability of casual violence, is far too high. I didn't expect the figure to be that high, I was expecting single figures in percentages.
No we can easily split into two camps, one full of disbelief and condemnation saying that either it didn't happen or in some way it was they're own fault. Maybe the other being I thought the same way until it happened to me. No doubt as usual we'll get some clown saying that he voted yes but he was lying. xsaai.gif.pagespeed.ic._HvUA8p60E.webp
All we can run with is what's in front of us, and the idea that one in five of us has been assaulted is very concerning.
ps. Keep voting, the more votes the more representative.

The question at the top of your poll is 'Have you ever been Assaulted in Thailand?'

It is not 'Have you evert been mugged in Thailand'.

There are several responses in the discussion which indicate the respondent is considering mugging and perhaps ignoring non mugging related assault

If so there may be people not voting yes for assaults on the basis they are not a mugging - the true figure for assaults bight be even worse.

Mr. GH is on the money...I voted no, but in fact i was assaulted a couple of times, without mugging involved.

I one case, the nutter which was my neighbour even tried to involve passers-by to join him in beating me...Luckily they didn't bother, as they knew he was mad...Sorry to say, that guy seemed to be a friend, and that unfortunate event changed my attitude in befriending local lads.

The topic was prompted by a mugging, hence the title of the thread. The specific question is "Have you ever been assaulted in Thailand".

I made the question as clear and brief as possible. If you have been assaulted, answer yes.

If a mug gets assaulted - who gets mugged ? whistling.gif


@ theblether... Changed my vote.

Yep, the question was clear, but the headline was suggesting " Mugging related assault "


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Never been mugged robbed or any kind of violence against me. But I don't frequent the bars and such so that might make me less likely to get into trouble. Never had anything stolen from me either though I do watch my stuff and lock my home and keep a fierce dangerous killer monster dog. (be warned future burglar)

I hope you were wise enough to put such a warning on your fence smile.png



@ theblether... Changed my vote.

Yep, the question was clear, but the headline was suggesting " Mugging related assault "


I thought a mugging was trying to incapacitate someone to relieve them of something. An assault can be for any reason that doesn't involve theft.


if you want to be mugged [wear gold].

Ring included?

Yep - I know of one instance in another poor country where a farang was mugged and his finger cut off to get the ring off quickly......

Yes I saw it too, very good moovie wink.png


@ theblether... Changed my vote.

Yep, the question was clear, but the headline was suggesting " Mugging related assault "


I thought a mugging was trying to incapacitate someone to relieve them of something. An assault can be for any reason that doesn't involve theft.

You have to be assaulted to be mugged, but you don't have to be mugged to be assaulted.

Hope that's clear now :D

  • Like 1

@ theblether... Changed my vote.

Yep, the question was clear, but the headline was suggesting " Mugging related assault "


I thought a mugging was trying to incapacitate someone to relieve them of something. An assault can be for any reason that doesn't involve theft.

You have to be assaulted to be mugged, but you don't have to be mugged to be assaulted.

Hope that's clear now biggrin.png

Hmmmmmm, not sure about that. If you snatch an old ladies hand bag she has been mugged. incapacitated by fear.

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What's the difference between mugging and assaulting anyway? You can be verbally assaulted and intimidated by words only to hand over your wallet without anyone laying a finger on you. Conversely you can be hospitalised with your wallet intact.

It's a grey area -- we need theblether to adjudicate.......


My input is based on the UK meaning of being mugged, violence does not need to happen to be mugged. tongue.png

If someone whacks you with a beer mug, weeeeeell, that is definitely being mugged. laugh.png

Oooooooop's forgot, it also means a drunk Scotsman.............whistling.gif ....................laugh.png

Sorry tb, will buy you a beer when we meet again...............w00t.gif


Thailand was and has an under belly of violence..down in Phuket in the 70's I saw trouble when some Thai lads accused an American of not paying enough ( for his girlfriend) stones were thrown at his bungalow, motor cycles revved up..

Nothing has changed in 30 years for me to think otherwise..just re-enforced it..

Never did I think I would hear gun shots so near to my condo when they were shooting outside the prime ministers how during the yellow shirt/ red shirt fiasco..( we were warned to keep the curtains close)...

Tons of police down by the end of thonglor about a year ago..because it had become a Hotspot for motorcycle muggings..just off the sub sois with all the new condos being built..yet it is never reported anywhere..the deterioration of Thailand has been very marked this last 15 years.

A bit off topic just systematic of how Thailand is progressing..


Had a bit of good news. Last year in a two bit karaoke joint near me a guy was shot and killed, last week a guy was killed with a blade. sad.png

The police have now closed it down. intheclub.gif.pagespeed.ce.TVIbELwsxN.gi

  • Like 1

My Thai friends have been robbed. A few weeks ago, one had his laptop stolen after a car crash when he was knocked out and transported to hospital. My best friend is up in Ubon. He says there is no point in having anything of value, as the locals out in his village are thieves and consumed with envy.

In my case, I have had no issues, although I stay in relatively secure areas and usually have someone with me.


Thankfully never mugged which is impressive seeing as a lot of the time I can't even remember getting home. Though I suppose most of the times when I'm heading home it's already day light (and then some) again so that probably helps.

I'm lucky in that respect as I've been in a fair few 'dangerous' cities around the world and have went to places you're told not to go (favelas, slums, poor areas, dark streets etc), hung out with people you aren't sposed to (gangs, slum dwellers, favela residents, seriously poor people) and done thing you aren't supposed to (less said about this the better) and usually I'm wasted yet I've thankfully never got been robbed or had any major trouble.

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