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Aus Hon Con in tense talks over Phuket jet-ski incident


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Larry Cuningham has a spine, unlike the Australian Embassy in Bangkok which are pathetic and run by Thais that side with Thais when there is ever an issue.

M Cuningham is an honorary consul, not a Australian civil servant / diplomat. He's not protected by any law. I'm afraid his visa will not be renewed.

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He is pushing his luck. Having a business there and being critical of the Mafia. Accidents happen here!

Who would be surprised to hear he commits suicide? Good on Larry for speaking out but if I was him I would be getting out of the country quick smart now.

Edited by chooka
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Will we see some BOYCOTT PHUKET as we saw some Boycott Sochi ? I have to congratulate the Hon Con in this mater. Could be an example for the other consuls on the island. Anyway the threat from this lady is absolutely amazing .

It actually wouldn't be too hard for someone with the technical know how to have an Anti-Phuket webpage rank very highly on a google search using some simple SEO techniques. I don't feel the need to personally dissuade people from going, but a boycott campaign will really hit them where it hurts. I am actually surprised it hasn't been done already, given the amount of people who get ripped off there.

Edited by DaBloodyMess
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Will we see some BOYCOTT PHUKET as we saw some Boycott Sochi ? I have to congratulate the Hon Con in this mater. Could be an example for the other consuls on the island. Anyway the threat from this lady is absolutely amazing .

It actually wouldn't be too hard for someone with the technical know how to have an Anti-Phuket webpage rank very highly on a google search using some simple SEO techniques. I don't feel the need to personally dissuade people from going, but a boycott campaign will really hit them where it hurts. I am actually surprised it hasn't been done already, given the amount of people who get ripped off there.

Tell me how to do it, I will pay for it!

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I don't know the Hon Consul concerned, but if he has lived and done business in Thailand as long as he has, he should know that by telling the Thai authorities what to do about jet ski practices, he is on a slippery slope to a sticky end.

Instead of telling Thais what to do, he should focus on his duties of telling Assuies what not to do....renting jet skis being front and centre. That is his job, on an honorary basis anyway.

One of his principle tasks is to liase with Thai authorities and bring to their attention problems if and when they occur. Simply put he was very focussed on his duties and I wish there were many more like him.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Stop going to Phuket. Everybody should know this is the status quo.

A consular person being threatened by local government officials. Insane.

Agreed. I will never set foot there again and I advise anyone I know against it. Once the Thais have killed (and eaten) the goose that lays the golden egg, things will get better.

I agree with other posters most diplomats are too diplomatic to look after the own nationals in the face of such blatant corruption/intimidation.

All embassies should grow a pair & tell their Thai hosts what to do with their Thainess.

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The actions of the Governors office seem to suggest that the office is at the least indirectly involved in the jet ski scam.

Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Mafia-type setups are like any pyramid scheme. Everybody sends money up and everyone gets their portion of the take along the way. Money moves up and patronage flows down. The very top may only end up with a small percentage but the volume makes up for it. From the sound of things the top is becoming concerned about at least one aspect of the pyramid's integrity and is lashing out against 'external' threats. It will be interesting to see if they look for assistance from 'higher' levels. Mr Cunningham's committment is admirable but a phone call to the Australian embassy from the right office and he's history.

Edited by marell
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I'd consider that text a thinly veiled threat.

Just goes to show the system is rotten all the way to the core.

Nobody who has read this article should have any further question about how the system works in Thailand.

It's right there in a black and white nutshell. - kneel to the phuyai, blame the accuser.

...and the simple answer to all of this is that all governments should issue warnings to travelers not to rent jet skis in Thailand...!

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Wow, your Australians really got someone to look out for you. Great guy with a spine and good that he send those messages up. Also great that he got it in the paper. Hope these things get picked up in Australia too and I hope it impacts Phuket. I am pleasantly suprised by this hopefully the official ambassadors will get more tough following his lead. If other countries follow suit and embarrass the Thais more things might change. The Chinese also seem to have a lot of influence.

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Good for the Ozzie consul in refusing to be intimidated by this repulsive gang of thieves all colluding to rip off tourists.

He is actually acting in the best interests of Thailand. Now that the ruling party has botched economic management so badly with unproductive hand outs and growing corruption, the PM is desperation is saying they will have to boost tourism to avert a current account deficit, since exports have slumped. Firing all the corrupt government officials in tourist resorts from the provincial governors down to police station commanders would be a great place to start. But she wants her cake and eat it - allow rip offs, rapes and murders of tourists to go unpunished and hope that bare faced lying will always work to sweep the truth under the carpet and keep the mugs coming.

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It's very simple - word should be put out there that NOBODY should rent these jet ski's. Come on holiday to enjoy yourself - would you really have had a poor holiday had you gone home having not rented out a jet ski? doubt it.

How's the Phuket taste in your mouth now that this has happened tot eh kid? And what's he gonna do first thing he does when he goes home? Tell everyone his story and damage Phuket even more.

These toe rags need to be put out of business and it's only by stopping renting them that it will happen!

Good luck to mr Cunningham though - he's being very brave here doing his duty but i worry for him because these guys can be dangerous!!

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Will we see some BOYCOTT PHUKET as we saw some Boycott Sochi ? I have to congratulate the Hon Con in this mater. Could be an example for the other consuls on the island. Anyway the threat from this lady is absolutely amazing .

It actually wouldn't be too hard for someone with the technical know how to have an Anti-Phuket webpage rank very highly on a google search using some simple SEO techniques. I don't feel the need to personally dissuade people from going, but a boycott campaign will really hit them where it hurts. I am actually surprised it hasn't been done already, given the amount of people who get ripped off there.

Tell me how to do it, I will pay for it!

Actually, you wouldn't even have to set up a web site. You can set up a Facebook account where incidents and photos can be placed. The hard part would then be getting it listed on Google, and other search engines, so that it pops up when anyone does a search. Otherwise, simple enough to do.

1) Purchase, download and install a program that hides your IP address.

2) Set up a new email address to use when setting up the Face Book page, using the IP hiding software.

3) "Share" it with all of your friends, and ask them to also share with all of theirs, and so on.

4) Every time there is an article in regards to scams, attacks, murders, etc, against foreigners by Thai, post it.

I have a feeling it wouldn't take long for it to become "viral" and, of course, the Thai government would be looking for ways to shut it down because it gives Thailand a "bad image". lol

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i used to love thailand, over the two years i have lived here it has manifested into hatred, i am hoping to be out of here come new year

You are easily deterred and 90 percent of the things posted here have probably never affected you, Thailand is a big place, where do you live to have grown such a hate?

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Larry Cuningham has a spine, unlike the Australian Embassy in Bangkok which are pathetic and run by Thais that side with Thais when there is ever an issue.

M Cuningham is an honorary consul, not a Australian civil servant / diplomat. He's not protected by any law. I'm afraid his visa will not be renewed.

We don't know this to be true. Ms Siraporn's comments wwere not well thought out; however, I would think they are not rtepresentative of all Thai officials attitudes. (We live in hope...)

This will Never Stop happening as long as the authority's allow These Thai Thug Mafia Scammers to operate... Never.... They Know that they can and will get away with it.

Phuket, Samui and Pattaya all the same...

So sad....

True but tourists continue to rent jet skis.despite the increased awareness. So, other than superficial "We are on it" press releases from the Thai authorities, why should they change their ways? The money keeps rolling in thumbsup.gif

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Two course of action;

1: Since the locals don't give a ratsarse, the central government and TAT should step in or;

2: Leave Phuket to the mugs who think it is an OK place to spend their time and money.


I choose 2:

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In the end.it has nothing to do with jetskis or scammers,it has to do with enforcing the law...this is something they are not willing to do, even at the top.reminding the consul,that he has a business here and should be more catious with his words, there is no real law and order,end of story, we can discuss this till we are blue in the face, like water off a ducks back and guess what? tomorrow we will have another story to discuss, groundhog day guys....coffee1.gif

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Its worth noting over and over that in Thailand it is wise to enjoy the food, the fashion . . and whatever

and keep as low a profile as possible

As noted by many, Mr. Cunningham has stuck his neck out for a fellow Australian, somewhere a man

with his profile could easily be targeted.

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Good for the Ozzie consul in refusing to be intimidated by this repulsive gang of thieves all colluding to rip off tourists.

He is actually acting in the best interests of Thailand. Now that the ruling party has botched economic management so badly with unproductive hand outs and growing corruption, the PM is desperation is saying they will have to boost tourism to avert a current account deficit, since exports have slumped. Firing all the corrupt government officials in tourist resorts from the provincial governors down to police station commanders would be a great place to start. But she wants her cake and eat it - allow rip offs, rapes and murders of tourists to go unpunished and hope that bare faced lying will always work to sweep the truth under the carpet and keep the mugs coming.

Than you Arkady, for a well written comment.

I think the reason I still love Thailand after 8 years here, on and off, is because I have never set foot on Phukhet, Samui or in Pattaya, and avoid Bangkok unless I have to go to the Embassy etc.

Have spent my time in Chiang Rai, 4 years, and now Chiang Mai for the last 4 years, and really don't have too many bad experiences to relate. I am careful when I go out for a beer and avoid Karaoke bars like the plague. Have trouble feeling sorry for anyone ripped off by such well known scumbags such as jet-ski touts etc.

I do like the idea of a website telling overseas visitors of the dangers of local scams, probably the best way to get the message to the masses.

Would have to be set up outside of Thailand, of course, and even then it would eventually be blocked for telling the truth.

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