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That these geniuses, these so called leaders can dictate human behaviour in their own image beggars belief. That poor dear man. My heart is heavy for people subjected to such misunderstanding; I call for everyone to find a place in their heart for all good people, regardless of their sexual preference.

Edited by Dr Robert
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That these geniuses, these so called leaders can dictate human behaviour in their own image beggars belief. That poor dear man. My heart is heavy for people subjected to such misunderstanding; I call for everyone to find a place in their heart for all good people, regardless of their sexual preference.

I am not sure whether you include this researcher in "geniuses" or "leaders". I could not find any reference that his work was published in any international academic journal. That makes him a nobody in the academic world.

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I used to go to college with a guy from Kenya who was convinced that there was not one single gay man in the whole of Kenya.

I slept with a guy from Kenya who said the same thing ... coffee1.gif

Hey, the magnet dude has a test tube too. Science-ey.


Edited by Jingthing
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I used to go to college with a guy from Kenya who was convinced that there was not one single gay man in the whole of Kenya.

I slept with a guy from Kenya who said the same thing ... coffee1.gif

Back when I was young and attractive, I had sex with many a guy who considered himself straight. That was in Europe (with Europeans), and no money was involved.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to go to college with a guy from Kenya who was convinced that there was not one single gay man in the whole of Kenya.

I slept with a guy from Kenya who said the same thing ... Posted Image
Back when I was young and attractive, I had sex with many a guy who considered himself straight. That was in Europe (with Europeans), and no money was involved.
A common experience in Thailand. Many Thai men separate their behavior from their perceived orientation.
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I used to go to college with a guy from Kenya who was convinced that there was not one single gay man in the whole of Kenya.

I slept with a guy from Kenya who said the same thing ... coffee1.gif

Hey, the magnet dude has a test tube too. Science-ey.


The science guy also looks a little like he has more than a passing interest in homosexuality.

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I used to go to college with a guy from Kenya who was convinced that there was not one single gay man in the whole of Kenya.

I slept with a guy from Kenya who said the same thing ... coffee1.gif
Back when I was young and attractive, I had sex with many a guy who considered himself straight. That was in Europe (with Europeans), and no money was involved.
A common experience in Thailand. Many Thai men separate their behavior from their perceived orientation.

I think that all of us have SOME degree of bisexuality in us.

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I slept with a guy from Kenya who said the same thing ... coffee1.gif

Back when I was young and attractive, I had sex with many a guy who considered himself straight. That was in Europe (with Europeans), and no money was involved.
A common experience in Thailand. Many Thai men separate their behavior from their perceived orientation.

I think that all of us have SOME degree of bisexuality in us.

Except me. whistling.gif

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Is there something in the water in Africa?

Or perhaps they're trying to compete for a prize with Putin and the right wing American homophobes?


The president of Gambia denounced gays and lesbians at the United Nations General Assembly today, reports the Associated Press. In his U.N. address, he reportedly classified same-sex attraction as one of the three “biggest threats to human existence.”
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Is there something in the water in Africa?

Or perhaps they're trying to compete for a prize with Putin and the right wing American homophobes?


The president of Gambia denounced gays and lesbians at the United Nations General Assembly today, reports the Associated Press. In his U.N. address, he reportedly classified same-sex attraction as one of the three biggest threats to human existence.

All you can expect from a pig is an oink.

I am curious how members in the audience reacted, I would hope civilised nations left.

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Don't they have something important to discuss? Aren't there any wars or conflicts going on? Has world hunger been conquered?

When was the last time gays caused a war, or contributed to overpopulation?

(Let's leave my hero Alexander The Great Out of it!)

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I used to go to college with a guy from Kenya who was convinced that there was not one single gay man in the whole of Kenya.

I slept with a guy from Kenya who said the same thing ... coffee1.gif
Back when I was young and attractive, I had sex with many a guy who considered himself straight. That was in Europe (with Europeans), and no money was involved.
A common experience in Thailand. Many Thai men separate their behavior from their perceived orientation.

No, they don't have a "perceived orientation" over here. In the west, you are straight or you are gay (in general). Here, it is considered perfectly normal to love your wife and have sex with men on the side. That's why sociologists don't use the term "gay men" over here, they use MSM = Men having Sex with Men.

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