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All Non O Visas from Hull now need 800K Bht in the bank

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So under the new rules (both Thailand and the UK) some poor sods who are married to a Thai and have children together will be unable to live together as a family.

There are no changes for getting an extension of stay here from immigration.

Only in the UK for visas.

So basically it's just yet another case of a consulate making up their own rules (or more accurately their own interpretation of the rules).

Situation normal, then - no change whatsoever to the actual, official, Thailand Immigration rule book.

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A couple of points.

Firstly, under both Thai and UK law, a when a Thai lady gets married' in Thailand, the UK or any where else, she has the right to choose whether to change her name to her husbands or keep her maiden name.

Are the Thai Embassy in London and/or the Consulate in Hull removing that right?

Secondly, on the Birmingham Consulate Website, in the non immigrant visa section, there is no reference to the Thai wife's name on her passport/ID card needing to be the same as her husbands, and the only reference to required finance is the following:

- Evidence of adequate finance ( 20,000 Baht per person and 40,000 Baht per family )

There's no reference to needing to show 65K baht per month income or have 800K baht in a current account in the UK.

is your wife took the husbands name she should be able to show the paper that she get from the place where you registred your marriage that she changed her name , for use in uk this should also be translated certified by foreign affairs and again certified by uk embassy

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So under the new rules (both Thailand and the UK) some poor sods who are married to a Thai and have children together will be unable to live together as a family.


Correct. If you haven't got the wherewithall to meet the minimum financial requirements.


No difference as far as extensions are concerned but many have exploited 'soft' visa procedures and resided on Non Imm O's with border runs,



I have lived mainly in Thailand since 2004 but have had to return to the UK every year for a medical. I've never known exactly how long I'd be in the UK each time so my wife (and sometimes our daughter) has come with me and we've treated it as and extended holiday of one, two, or even three months.


Originally I went to immigration at Si Ratcha to get an extension to my first non 'O', based on marriage, but, because I had to go back to the UK every year they wouldn't (didn't want to?) do it. They told me to get a new multi non 'O' each time I was in the UK and do ninety day border runs while I was in Thailand.


And that's what I have done every year since.


Does that mean I (under Si Ratcha immigration instructions) have been exploiting the soft visa procedures for the last nine years?



I've been doing pretty much the same since 2006, with obligations to travel to the UK at least annually there seemed little point in getting an extension here.  I am supposing that with the financials now being needed that a lot will turn to the even softer option of purchasing a retirement extension for 20-30K/year.  That is of course unless immigration intends to take a look at this corrupt but common practice. 

Just because you are leaving every year does not mean you can't get an extension as long as you do your first extension at the time of year when you know you will be here for a couple of months. You only need a single re- entry permit to make your trip.

Why make border runs every 90 days unless you really have to.

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Just because you are leaving every year does not mean you can't get an extension as long as you do your first extension at the time of year when you know you will be here for a couple of months. You only need a single re- entry permit to make your trip.

Why make border runs every 90 days unless you really have to.

I'd agree with that if the UK was my only trip. But as I travel out at least bi-monthly I don't need border runs and so it has been convenient up until now. I'll likely try for another non-O next year (unless things change again), it will be interesting to see how that goes as my UK bank account (into which my income goes) has my Thai address on the statements.

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Applies to single men over 50 to.

If your 50+ and cant scrape 800 k baht together , I think you have bigger worries than being able to stay in Thailand.

would that we alll were so lucky!

My poor father-in law's 77 and he can't scrape together 800 baht let alone 800,000.There but for the grace of God springs to mind.

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This strikes me as the results of too many low lifes exploiting the system - I have been out here since 84 and have seen the mucking about so many tourists do .

Get a retirement visa..... makes life much easier.

Visas are the topic of discussion here.

Or are you trying to say extension of stay but incorrectly calling it a visa.

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So these new rules apply only to folks from the UK and Aus? Seems to me they don't like all you Brit's and trying their best to make things as F*cked up as possible.

Discrimination as I see it.

Edited by MILT
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Is this only for british or all farangs?

I saw someone from Australia say they had the same requirement in Perth........so should we naturally assume this will be for Yanks also?

I have had extremely good luck with getting a Type O at the Boston Consulate [read; one-room office] for 4 years, I even know the lady by now. And it's worked really well, in fact after 90 days I am ready to go somewhere else.

Not married, single guy doing 6 months there and 6 months here every year, and can show 800K in the bank.....I wonder if I will still be able to get one, I need to call them this week.

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Hull has a reputation of being lenient, time to tighten up. However, there seems to be an inaccuracy here on Marriage O visas financial requirements. I understand it to be 400,000 in the bank and for the past 5 years I've successfully renewed my marriage visa at CM Immigration showing 400k in our bank for at least 3 months. 800,000 is the amount for retirees, so clearly Hull have got it wrong or there's suddenly a new stipulation for marriage visas which would be big news. Need to clarify this!!!

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Applies to single men over 50 to.

If your 50+ and cant scrape 800 k baht together , I think you have bigger worries than being able to stay in Thailand.

I can scrape 800k Baht by myself, but there must be many ex pats who cannot. If you can scrape only half of that together, and have say between 20 and 25000k coming into Thailand every month, that is more than enough for the average UK citizen who lives or wants to live in Thailand outside the main cities, if you do not have a family to bring up.

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I dont think the requirment for 800,000 baht income per year pertains to someone married to a Thai .

Take a look at their website, the 800,000 baht in bank (or income is 65k per mnth) it says it in large font, bold and underlined text "For person married to thai national"

That's about as obvious as it gets.

Edited by Time Traveller
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This is madness. Now you need 800k in the bank simply for the privilege of spending 90 days with your spouse? What on earth is going on?

So you must have proof that your wife has taken your name? My wife does not have my name, there must be many other expats likewise. What does it matter if your wife takes your name or not? I know TiT.

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Lol! It appears the thais have it in for you brits!! here are the requirements in Canada!!

Non-Immigrant Visa Information

Information regarding Non-Immigrant Visas:

  • No Multiple-Entry Non-Immigrant Visa for Employment: The Non-Immigrant Visa is typically issued for a period of up to 90 days unless the Consulate receives special instructions from the Immigration Bureau of Thailand. The Non-Immigrant Visa may be extended in Thailand by the Immigration Bureau of Thailand.
  • Please note that we CANNOT issue the Non-Immigrant visas for study Muay Thai, Dive Training, Massage School, Studying Thai Language, Meditation, etc.without a letter from the Thai Ministry of Education approving the study. In addition, Non-Immigrant visas will NOT be issued for such purposes as tourism, visiting friends, seeking employment opportunities, looking for a school for teaching or studying purposes, etc.
  • The Consulate will consider Non-Immigrant Visa applications on a case-by-case basis and may ask for additional documents.
  • Standard Process for Foreigners who wish to work in Thailand
  • One-Stop Service Center for Visas and Work Permits
  • Office of Foreign Workers Administration
  • Immigration Bureau

Purpose of Visit:

  • To conduct business, or to work (Category “B”)
  • To study, to come on a work study tour or observation tour , to participate in projects or seminars , to attend a conference or training course (Category "ED")
  • To visit family (Category “O”)
  • To conduct scientific research or training (Category “RS”)
  • To perform missionary work or other religious activities with the concurrence of the Thai ministries or Government Departments concerned
  • To perform official duties (Category “F”)
  • Other activities (Category “O”)


6. For the purpose of visiting family in Thailand or visiting as a spouse of a Thai national:

  • The applicant must present a valid and effective marriage certificate and a copy of the spouse's Thai passport/I.D. card. Fiancés are not included in this category.
  • To visit as the relative of a Thai national, the applicant must show documents proving such a relationship.
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This is madness. Now you need 800k in the bank simply for the privilege of spending 90 days with your spouse? What on earth is going on?

So you must have proof that your wife has taken your name? My wife does not have my name, there must be many other expats likewise. What does it matter if your wife takes your name or not? I know TiT.
It's in the UK not Thailand that this mess is coming from.
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Many here need to learn the rules and the differences between Thai Immigration and Thai Embassies and Consulates. Immigration and Embassies are not remotely related ran by two different ministers so different rules. I agree with an earlier poster the few who have been thumbing there noses at Thai law have affected many who follow the law. Every time we have had one of these changes it has been the slackers who cry the loudest.

I have never understood how someone married could support there family on less money than a single retiree needs to live on about time they raised the amount.

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Hull has a reputation of being lenient, time to tighten up. However, there seems to be an inaccuracy here on Marriage O visas financial requirements. I understand it to be 400,000 in the bank and for the past 5 years I've successfully renewed my marriage visa at CM Immigration showing 400k in our bank for at least 3 months. 800,000 is the amount for retirees, so clearly Hull have got it wrong or there's suddenly a new stipulation for marriage visas which would be big news. Need to clarify this!!!

You haven't renewed your visa, you've got an extension of stay, different animal and nobody has said that the requirements for that have changed. There was previously no financial requirement for Non-O multi visas based on marriage from Hull, now there is. And it seems to stem from the fact that all applications in the UK have to be approved by the Thai Embassy, on whose own website similar financial requirements are indeed listed.

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This is madness. Now you need 800k in the bank simply for the privilege of spending 90 days with your spouse? What on earth is going on?

So you must have proof that your wife has taken your name? My wife does not have my name, there must be many other expats likewise. What does it matter if your wife takes your name or not? I know TiT.
It's in the UK not Thailand that this mess is coming from.

Yes, but I understand Hull are taking their orders from the Thai Embassy in London. Is the Thai Embassy in London or anywhere else not taking their orders from Thailand? In Thailand, the Immigration offices make a lot of their own rules, you know, some will allow this, some won't allow that. But I don't think that is what happens with Thai Embassies in other countries. Though I stand to be corrected.

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Many here need to learn the rules and the differences between Thai Immigration and Thai Embassies and Consulates. Immigration and Embassies are not remotely related ran by two different ministers so different rules. I agree with an earlier poster the few who have been thumbing there noses at Thai law have affected many who follow the law. Every time we have had one of these changes it has been the slackers who cry the loudest.

I have never understood how someone married could support there family on less money than a single retiree needs to live on about time they raised the amount.


What do you think sick pay is for?

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General Documents Required for all Non Immigrant Visas: - Your actual Passport or Travel Document. (Passport or Travel Document must not expire within 6 months and contain at least ONE completely empty visa page). - One visa application form completely filled out (download) - Two passport-size photographs (2"x2") (photocopy or photo taken from Photostat will not be accepted). Photographs must have a light color background with a full- face view of the person without wearing a hat or dark glasses. Photos must be taken within 6 months. - A copy of recent bank statement or evidence of adequate finance ($500 per person and $1,000 per family) - For non-US citizen, a copy of permanent resident alien card with employment verification or a copy of valid US visa with employment verification letter - For self-employed, business license or business registration indicating the applicant’s name


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This is madness. Now you need 800k in the bank simply for the privilege of spending 90 days with your spouse? What on earth is going on?

So you must have proof that your wife has taken your name? My wife does not have my name, there must be many other expats likewise. What does it matter if your wife takes your name or not? I know TiT.
It's in the UK not Thailand that this mess is coming from.

Yes, but I understand Hull are taking their orders from the Thai Embassy in London. Is the Thai Embassy in London or anywhere else not taking their orders from Thailand? In Thailand, the Immigration offices make a lot of their own rules, you know, some will allow this, some won't allow that. But I don't think that is what happens with Thai Embassies in other countries. Though I stand to be corrected.

the canadian embassy and consulates do not have this financial requirement for the non-immigrant type O

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General Documents Required for all Non Immigrant Visas: - Your actual Passport or Travel Document. (Passport or Travel Document must not expire within 6 months and contain at least ONE completely empty visa page). - One visa application form completely filled out (download) - Two passport-size photographs (2"x2") (photocopy or photo taken from Photostat will not be accepted). Photographs must have a light color background with a full- face view of the person without wearing a hat or dark glasses. Photos must be taken within 6 months. - A copy of recent bank statement or evidence of adequate finance ($500 per person and $1,000 per family) - For non-US citizen, a copy of permanent resident alien card with employment verification or a copy of valid US visa with employment verification letter - For self-employed, business license or business registration indicating the applicant’s name


We are talking about visa requirements.

What you highlighted is an entry requirement.

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