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Stuck in Thailand for years... questions about KB & Overstaying.

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Hey there, everyone. This is my first post on Thaivisa, hoping to get some answers to a few questions in hope to resolve a few issues that are slowly but surely killing me.

I've landed here in Thailand back when I was 16, about 8 years ago - had to follow my parents since I wasn't major, and I didn't dislike the idea back then. Ever since I've been here though, I became nothing but a vegetable. Simply put, this country isn't for me. And probably any country other than my native one isn't for me. I'll pass on the details of how pathetic my life has become.

About 2 years ago, my mother was expelled from the country for getting caught smoking weed in a club. Ever since, I've been doing everything I could to get us (myself, and the rest of the familly) out of here, but recent events makes it looks like this is simply not going to happen.

We - my father, little brothers and sisters and myself - are stuck in here since 2 years.

I run a business on the Internet (because all these little mouths needs to be fed and apparently I'm the only one able to deal with this nowadays), and, over the past few months, I've made enough cash to get us out of here. 425.000 Bahts were transfered from Paypal to the Kasikorn Bank account end of August, and on the same day - 396.000 were retrieved. But apparently not by my father.

The bank account is neither mine, neither my father one. A friend of my father opened this account for him. At first, we thought "the friend" was the one responsible for the disparition of this money, but apparently that isn't the case. My father claims to have asked his friend, and "they both ended up going to the bank to find out what's going on".

It turns out "an hack happened on tons of Kasikorn accounts" and the money wont make his way to us before 3 to 8 months. They were apparently "sent to deposit a complaint to the police". This money being unavailable for months is a real issue though - we do not have enough to survive during that time, my online business is pretty much dead and I'm more than tired of trying to make some money to get us out of here - after 2 years trying, finally managing and then this happening... I'm going crazy.

I've done some research on the net, but nothing relevant. All I could find was some ATM hacks stories, but if the card was somehow compromised - how could they retrieve so much money in one shot? shouldn't it be something like 40.000 Bahts max per day? everything leads me to think my own father is exploiting me, prolonging our stay here. Who knows, he may be enjoying his time here more than he pretend to...

Other than that, I'm having a few more questions, and while the answer to these questions probably wont be of any use before a long time, I'm still curious and hope someone will be able to enlighten me on these too.

All of us (my father, my little brothers and sisters and myself) are all overstay since a few years. I've read the maximum fine each of us can have will be 20.000 Bahts - but I've also read "childrens [MAY] be subject to a fine when over the age of 7". Does that mean there is a possibility that no fine will have to be paid for the little brothers and sisters that aren't major?

If I, let's say, go crazy, and end up going to an immigration center to let them know I'm overstay - what could possibly happen? if I do not have the money to pay the fine, I will be put in detention - for how long? what will happen afterwards? would they send me back to my native country?

Desesperately looking forward to some answers, thank you for taking the time to go through this thing.

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Not sure what to make of this.

In short, if you go to immigration you will be arrested for overstay and put before a court.

You will be sentenced to a fine, likely a lot less then 20,000, more like between 5,000 and 10,000 Baht.

If you cannot pay the fine, you will be jailed to clear the fine at a rate of 200 Baht per day. So 5,000 Baht for example would be 25 days.

Then you will get transferred to the IDC (immigration jail) for deportation. This is a pretty bad place, a lot worse then the regular jails.

You will stay there until you or somebody else comes up with a ticket to your home country, along with some other costs for your transfer to the airport.

You will remain in IDC until a ticket is produced, Thailand does not fund deportations! There are people in there for very long times as they have nobody to help/pay for them.

This is not a good way to go unless you at least can arrange for a ticket out!

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Then you will get transferred to the IDC (immigration jail) for deportation. This is a pretty bad place, a lot worse then the regular jails.

rubbish. How you can claim that IDC is worst than a regular jail.

Have you been there?

In a normal jail you are thrown with criminals, murders, drug dealers, rapists, paedophiles

while in IDC you found yourself with other unlucky foreigner.

Luckily i never been to IDC but i use my brain and i am pretty sure that a jail is worst.

Sometime i really wonder who are all these people who spreading myths, lies and BS.

Nice friendly post there Mr. Bender. People that have gone through the process report that IDC is worse.

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Then you will get transferred to the IDC (immigration jail) for deportation. This is a pretty bad place, a lot worse then the regular jails.

rubbish. How you can claim that IDC is worst than a regular jail.

Have you been there?

In a normal jail you are thrown with criminals, murders, drug dealers, rapists, paedophiles

while in IDC you found yourself with other unlucky foreigner.

Luckily i never been to IDC but i use my brain and i am pretty sure that a jail is worst.

Sometime i really wonder who are all these people who spreading myths, lies and BS.

So you have no experience of IDC and you have no experience of a regular jail yet you're able to make judgments about them both?

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Then you will get transferred to the IDC (immigration jail) for deportation. This is a pretty bad place, a lot worse then the regular jails.

rubbish. How you can claim that IDC is worst than a regular jail.

Have you been there?

In a normal jail you are thrown with criminals, murders, drug dealers, rapists, paedophiles

while in IDC you found yourself with other unlucky foreigner.

Luckily i never been to IDC but i use my brain and i am pretty sure that a jail is worst.

Sometime i really wonder who are all these people who spreading myths, lies and BS.

Nice friendly post there Mr. Bender. People that have gone through the process report that IDC is worse.

i did meet personally one guy, that have been throught the process few years ago. He is friend of a my good friend.

We know for a fact, there are some members who enjoy all the scaremongering stuff. You get my point?

So who should i trust, him that i meet personally, or virtual people?

And its common sense that nothing is worst than a jail full of criminals....do you have any logic at all?

And its common sense that BKK got pressure from foreign gvt, human right to keep these place clean.

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There will be no overstay fine for a child under the age of 15. All others will pay the maximum fine of 20,000 baht.

Once you get the money sorted out and have tickets you can just go to the airport and pay the fines on your way out of the country.

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