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When Thais talk **** about you right in front of your face...


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I genuinely believe I come from a superior race. Many of you wont like me saying that, but I believe it so. I come from a country with a better world history, far better education, better economy, more achievments..... Why do these rice monkeys genuinely believe they are superior to use and take every opporuntiy to say so?

Jesus... 100 years ago they were eating food out of a bowl with there fingers without shoes.

I dont get it. I realy dont.

By the way I walked back into the 7/11 3 times at 5 minute intervals, each time buying a 10baht chocalte bar and handing over 1000 baht note. On my third visit she looked pissed off so I said in Thai "you said you didnt care that I gave you 1000 baht so i thought i would get some change off you a few times, and I am polite because I am better than you". I needed the mrs to tell me what to say word for word in the car as my thai isnt good enough to just come out with that fluently. I did the trick, they looked like they wanted the ground to open up and swallow them.

Honestly you expect sympathy? Talking about the fact that all cos you are a farang you are somehow superior to them. If that;s how you think well then just take it. Let's be honest about it. If they were in your country they would have been insulted for being 3rd world free loaders living in the superior western world.

No, they wouldn't. You seem to have a very large chip on your shoulder.

They wouldn't?

Everyone knows how being a non white aka farang is treated like in the western world. It would be a miracle if you weren't racially abused.

You are so wrong Snake!

Most middle to upper class educated people of any color in the US are not racist.

O.K., Maybe some in the south who still haven't gotten over the "War of Northern Aggression" as they call it.

You can find racist anywhere if you look hard enough under the slime covered stones, but the majority of whites in the US are not Racists.

"Mixed marriages" like mine are now very common in the US.

Didn't the MAJORITY of voting Americans just choose a black man to be Commander and Chief twice?

Not sure where you are from, but it must be very different from the US I lived 59 years in!

If you are good enough to state where that is, I'll do my best to avoid the area on future visits to the states!

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Even knowing Thai most people will have at least one dialect up their sleeve. However, if they know you speak Thai and they have any self respect they will keep their views to themselves until you are out of ear shot. There are rule people everywhere and it may seem like it's an us against them situation but really:

Those rude people (talk bad about you in front of you or whatever), are rude to everyone!

If they can get away with it, they will. This is with other locals, foreigners of all nationalities, their boss and yes, probably even their parents. You are not being victimised specifically, you just aren't that important to them.

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Pisses me off, and no I wouldn't have bought from them.

It's a small minority but these people typically think they're so clever, and even when they are caught out and called up on their dumb assed behaviour they say no problem, think their winning smile and mai pen rai nonsense makes everything ok.

The last time I had it in a similar situation with other customers in a shop I let them continue until I was ready to leave and then told them (in Thai) that "some farang speak Thai as well" and left it at that.

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You are "farang" to them, that is, an object, rather than a human being. This is also why many Thais have very difficult to deal with the fact, that a white skin, a "farang", so totally different from a normal human being, can speak Thai.

In order for us to make ourself a little more human, less objectified, we should try to avoid calling ourselves "farang" all the time.

Hear hear!

Hear Hear again. The term Farang is nearly almost spat out as a curse word. It is I deem a derogatory racist term. I have said this before and have been taken to task. Fact is we are lesser beings in their eyes. Somehow flawed. We call them Thai. Not Asian, nouveau Chinese or black nipples.

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What I would do depends on what is said and whether I am sure of what was said.

But I will usually ignore as I am not sure. And also if it is a place/shop that I (have to) frequent a lot,

I choose my own convenience of some other random person's remark.

I choose to ignore because either way, going into a discussion, any discussion, leads to one certain thing: losing time.

And it doesn't solve anything.

I mean, what will happen after a discussion? Be best buddies? That's not gonna happen.

If a random Thai insults you and you catch them on it, and start a discussion, even with you

turning out the 'winner' by 'forcing' them to apologize, they have lost face to you.

And that makes they will not like you anyway.

However, if I would be absolutely sure that someone suggests I should fornicate with my mother as a previous

poster was suggested, well.........this person better not be saying that to me on a bad day.

Edited by arminbkk
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I speak Thai, but don't look Thai.

I've lived here for yonks. I've never had this happen to me.

Now, mind you, I'm not saying this doesn't happen. But has it every occured to anyone that if you are being called a d!ck by someone that you may actually be acting like d!ck in their eyes?

Just saying....

It's not so much the physical appearance but you demeanor or attitude or aura or vibes you give out. My first year here I had to walk up Silom road as it was faster than the bus most days. I would get hassled by every tuk tuk driver and vendor near Pat Pong. I walked along there recently and not one stopped me or asked if I wanted a massage etc. It has a lot to do with the way one walks too. I can tell a farang from a long way off by the way he walks. I guess I must be shuffling my feet now.

20 + years ago I was in a travel agent in Khao San Road and speaking with a nice pretty girl. She said, "I think you are a <deleted>". When finding out why it turned out that some guys had told her that if she fancied some farang guy to call him a <deleted>! Just mentioned that as in my country we do the same thing to people that can't understand English. Actually I've had real fun in London pubs taking the piss out of cockneys by speaking Doric with my mate. Cockneys also have their own 'language' and sure they insult/joke around with other who can't understand.

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Meanwhile in other news stories some asian guy was offended the Queen of england called him an asian guy which is an extremely offensive slur that his british gf invited all the elite of british society to.

The odd thing was the reaction of the british ppl when they heard that the asian guy was offended he was called "asian" by the queen of england. Yes he is an asian guy cos he is from asia and isn't western/white or african so they couldn't grasp the concept of why he was offended.

At the same time a white guy was offended he was called "farang" aka what they called european ppl in thailand by the queen of thailand nontheless.

The public clearly practiced double standards by being offended that a white/western person was called a "farang" by the queen of thailand but thought the asian person who was called "asian" by the queen of england was just being a prick.

There is a big difference. 50 years ago the word farang was not derogatory. Now it is.

It is equivalent to the Queen of England saying 'Chinaman' or other words that used to be acceptable but now aren't.

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I used to live with a Lanna Chao on an estate in Chiang Mai. Once she had a garden party and invited a couple of ex PM's, Thaksin's wife and the Queen. I heard the Chao and the Queen talking about me in a pleasant way and the Queen calls me "farang". It used to bother me just a little bit when people called me that but I can't really hold them to a higher standard than the Queen, now can I?

Once she had a garden party and invited a couple of ex PM's, Thaksin's wife and the Queen.

I thought I was reading a post from the blether.

Come to think of it yes it smells like BS.

I mean the queen of thailand? Seriously? Is thaksin's wife even cordial with the queen?

And this guy is offended that he got called a farang by the queen or the high ranking thais no less. cheesy.gif

What you expect the queen of thailand to apologize to you? whistling.gif For calling you a farang in which you are one? Mind you if you are chinese you would be called chin or khek for indian and is that supposed to be offensive?

Dude be glad the queen even acknowledged your presence if this story is even true in the first place. You could just be deported from thailand and maybe even charged in your home country cos let's be honest the leader of your home country accords more respect to the queen of thailand or any leader/diplomat of thailand compared to the likes of you.

No Chinese are 'jek' , Indians are 'kaek' and over the years have become very derogatory. 'farang ' is almost as derogatory as 'kaek' now. My point is that words become racist over time. There are many example is my country. What we call African/Asian/English people 40 years ago would get us into a fight these days.

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If Thai is Chinese Thai the best retort is calling them 'jek' Wow the fun I've had with that. Chines Thai HATE that word that 100% Thais use for them.

Other times I've said I'm not farang but 'kaek khao'.

My eldest daughter told me the other day that she find the farang word upsetting at times but she's grown up being subjected to it.

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Would in any civilized country in this world (at least in public) someone dare to shout out loud "FOREIGNER" just because you walk by and do nothing?? This Farang thing has been beaten to death many times and the word farang is clearly not meant in a good way often. Lack of education and good manners. Buddhists my ass.....

(Before someone complains, yes it may happen but imagine the looks on other people´s faces and the embarassment of everyone)

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The ditzy thing was right! You are fxxxxxng stupid!sad.png

They insulted you to your face, and you still bought from them??

She politely apologized. It's not about the mistakes you make, but how you handle them.

ROTFLMAO - Insults are reflections of ignorance, so mean absolutely nothing - why get upset.

However, when I hear any comment about a Falang (usually me), I merely say something like; "Falang - Tee nai - Phom my hen Falang" and walk away laughing.

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Me and Mrs.Trans were in a nice restaurant up here in the boonies, remember she is in her forties and l don't look like an ''old'' guy. We left and Mrs.Trans said to me the Thai folk on the next table had said out loud, ''look a farang come and take young girl'' whistling.gif . That pissed me off and I asked why she didn't give them some verbal ?. She said I am a Thai lady and just ignore, I said well the guy certainly isn't a Thai gentleman is he. sad.png

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You are "farang" to them, that is, an object, rather than a human being. This is also why many Thais have very difficult to deal with the fact, that a white skin, a "farang", so totally different from a normal human being, can speak Thai.

In order for us to make ourself a little more human, less objectified, we should try to avoid calling ourselves "farang" all the time.

Hear hear!

Hear Hear again. The term Farang is nearly almost spat out as a curse word. It is I deem a derogatory racist term. I have said this before and have been taken to task. Fact is we are lesser beings in their eyes. Somehow flawed. We call them Thai. Not Asian, nouveau Chinese or black nipples.

Yes, one problem is though, how are they suppose to learn, when so many of us even refer to ourselves as "farang"? And even worse, some of us really enjoy being the dancing monkey, and happily call ourselves "farang".

What signal does it give the Thais?

Clue: It means it is not only ok to view us as a dancing monkey, an object, we ourselves actually enjoy being the dancing monkey, as we like to call ourselves "farang" all the time.

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occasionally I say puut passat thai mai-dai na kap. That confuses them.

I use that all the time, it's a corker.

A few months ago, one young lad in a bunch of young lads was being quite offensive about a friend of mine who was stood some distance away, I looked him straight in the eye and said "Arai wha, poot ee khrang neung"

All the other lads turned on him, baying like a pack of wolves.

(only try this when they are sober and unarmed)

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Me and Mrs.Trans were in a nice restaurant up here in the boonies, remember she is in her forties and l don't look like an ''old'' guy. We left and Mrs.Trans said to me the Thai folk on the next table had said out loud, ''look a farang come and take young girl'' whistling.gif . That pissed me off and I asked why she didn't give them some verbal ?. She said I am a Thai lady and just ignore, I said well the guy certainly isn't a Thai gentleman is he. sad.png

Some old woman asked my wife (7 months younger than me) if she was my mum and if I was 17. cheesy.gif I very surprised she didn't get any verbal.

Of course the women wasn't old and batty of course.

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If Thai is Chinese Thai the best retort is calling them 'jek' Wow the fun I've had with that. Chines Thai HATE that word that 100% Thais use for them.

Other times I've said I'm not farang but 'kaek khao'.

My eldest daughter told me the other day that she find the farang word upsetting at times but she's grown up being subjected to it.

Try ee- esarn or ee-dahm they work wonders as well.

And if it's a self loving bimbo just say na-gead. That will cause them to post endless 'like' seeking photos on facebook.

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I speak Thai, but don't look Thai.

I've lived here for yonks. I've never had this happen to me.

Now, mind you, I'm not saying this doesn't happen. But has it every occured to anyone that if you are being called a d!ck by someone that you may actually be acting like d!ck in their eyes?

Just saying....

You expect that guy on his superior high horse to actually admit it.

He would lose face.. Oh yes he is farang so he doesn't care about face. whistling.gif but then his actions seem to betray what he claims.

Many farang are famous for the double standards they have. Like they say thais don't like to lose face but you read this thread about some thais just having a conversation amongst themselves about them and they get so butt hurt seems to be they are the ones with an even bigger face.

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You are "farang" to them, that is, an object, rather than a human being. This is also why many Thais have very difficult to deal with the fact, that a white skin, a "farang", so totally different from a normal human being, can speak Thai.

In order for us to make ourself a little more human, less objectified, we should try to avoid calling ourselves "farang" all the time.

Hear hear!

Hear Hear again. The term Farang is nearly almost spat out as a curse word. It is I deem a derogatory racist term. I have said this before and have been taken to task. Fact is we are lesser beings in their eyes. Somehow flawed. We call them Thai. Not Asian, nouveau Chinese or black nipples.

Yes, one problem is though, how are they suppose to learn, when so many of us even refer to ourselves as "farang"? And even worse, some of us really enjoy being the dancing monkey, and happily call ourselves "farang".

What signal does it give the Thais?

Clue: It means it is not only ok to view us as a dancing monkey, an object, we ourselves actually enjoy being the dancing monkey, as we like to call ourselves "farang" all the time.

Agreed... But maybe it is time to insist that we are Norwegian, Spanish, French, German or whatever and refuse to be categorized as farang any more. Refuse to accept and endorse the obvious racist slur. Many of the performing chimps you mention I would suggest that they do not realise that they are considered to be just bit part performers in the Thai scheme of things.Perhaps have a Farang day when everyteime teh word Farang is used by a Thai they are asked to explain what exactly a farang is... Jesting!

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If Thai is Chinese Thai the best retort is calling them 'jek' Wow the fun I've had with that. Chines Thai HATE that word that 100% Thais use for them.

Other times I've said I'm not farang but 'kaek khao'.

My eldest daughter told me the other day that she find the farang word upsetting at times but she's grown up being subjected to it.

Jek?? <deleted> is that?

Mind you some pure thais look chinese too. Northern thais and some issan thais look chinese.

Edited by snake24
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Agreed... But maybe it is time to insist that we are Norwegian, Spanish, French, German or whatever and refuse to be categorized as farang any more. Refuse to accept and endorse the obvious racist slur. Many of the performing chimps you mention I would suggest that they do not realise that they are considered to be just bit part performers in the Thai scheme of things.Perhaps have a Farang day when everyteime teh word Farang is used by a Thai they are asked to explain what exactly a farang is... Jesting!

When you see asian ppl do you bother to differentiate them from chinese, japanese etc or do you just call them asian?

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When you see asian ppl do you bother to differentiate them from chinese, japanese etc or do you just call them asian?

i dont categorize peoples at all, i dont care where they are from or how they look like to be from.

so NO i dont bother to differentiate i just go with Human wink.png

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If Thai is Chinese Thai the best retort is calling them 'jek' Wow the fun I've had with that. Chines Thai HATE that word that 100% Thais use for them.

Other times I've said I'm not farang but 'kaek khao'.

My eldest daughter told me the other day that she find the farang word upsetting at times but she's grown up being subjected to it.

Try ee- esarn or ee-dahm they work wonders as well.

And if it's a self loving bimbo just say na-gead. That will cause them to post endless 'like' seeking photos on facebook.

You better work on the pronounciation man.

The first one would mean dark right?

na-gead? It's na giat.

Tonal pronounciation is important in thai but oh you're going to be so sensitive and hurt and claim it isn't so.

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When you see asian ppl do you bother to differentiate them from chinese, japanese etc or do you just call them asian?

i dont categorize peoples at all, i dont care where they are from or how they look like to be from.

so NO i dont bother to differentiate i just go with Human wink.png

Oh really u see a group of tourists and you say a group of humans. whistling.gif

Yup it's really tough here cos 1 see some clear double standards. Calling a white guy farang = racist but asian for an asian person isn't so.

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When you see asian ppl do you bother to differentiate them from chinese, japanese etc or do you just call them asian?

i dont categorize peoples at all, i dont care where they are from or how they look like to be from.

so NO i dont bother to differentiate i just go with Human wink.png

Oh really u see a group of tourists and you say a group of humans. whistling.gif

Yup it's really tough here cos 1 see some clear double standards. Calling a white guy farang = racist but asian for an asian person isn't so.

no i have never had the need to categorize someone in this way.

and if i see a group of chinese Tourists i simply see a group of tourists.

if i see a group of US Tourists .. i again see a group of tourists ..

my aproach to them (if needed would be the same, regardless where they are from)

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If Thai is Chinese Thai the best retort is calling them 'jek' Wow the fun I've had with that. Chines Thai HATE that word that 100% Thais use for them.

Other times I've said I'm not farang but 'kaek khao'.

My eldest daughter told me the other day that she find the farang word upsetting at times but she's grown up being subjected to it.

Jek?? <deleted> is that?

Mind you some pure thais look chinese too. Northern thais and some issan thais look chinese.

Jek?? <deleted> is that?

Get your Thai friends to explain, even better ask them, ai jek plae wa arai?

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It has happened a few times but not many and one of these times they were right. I was wearing shoes and my feet smelled a bit. I went to a massage shop and one of the ladies commented on it not knowing i fully understood. No problems there she was right, but i doubt if she would have said it if she knew I could understand her. This point i just acted dumb.

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