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Noisy B*******ds


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Maybe he thinks it's fair enough to make a noise after daybreak because his neighbours disturb his sleep when they come home late Saturday/early Sunday morning and make a fair amount of noise slamming car doors, parking bikes, talking loudly, generally having no respect for his early to bed and early to rise lifestyle. whistling.gif

I don't hear many of those noises at night., maybe dogs barking. You can't help making a sound when you close a car door, and I don't hear any loud voices here at all. But even if there were, I think angle grinding at 7AM is unacceptable.

But here is another strange brand of behaviour from a different neighbour (not noise related).

A family from down the road (about 6 houses away) used to have a dog that they would just allow to roam the street and crap outside every one else's gate, as a matter of fact, it crapped outside almost every house apart from its own. Some neighbours complained about it, but this <deleted> wasn't even fazed.

Up the other end of the street, a new family moved in, and as soon as they did, the dog crapped outside their gate, and within 3 days the dog was dead in the road. The new guy openly admitted to all us neighbours that he poisoned it. I am no dog lover, especially here, so I actually felt quite good about it. No more cleaning up dog shit. I don't feel bad about that at all.

A week later, the guy who poisoned it, went and acquired 2 dogs that bark almost constantly and they leave the gate open for them to wander around crapping all over the street.

You couldn't make it up.

Poetic justice?

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The other morning he was out there real early with a drill, putting holes in his exhaust manifolds trying to make his pickup sound like a clapped out Ferrari (Yes, he's one of those idiots) Then sits there revving the engine constantly with a big stupid smile on his face. Now when he drives down the street he drops the revs, puts the clutch in and revs up like he is in a hot rod.

Hey! I didn't realized there was a fellow westerner living in Rhek Thum!

Kidding aside, I actually thought my town was unique for this.

They drill holes or, in the case of one guy, come home with a brand new pickup, and proceed to cut off the exhaust, including the catalytic converter. The same goes for motor bikes.

Thais generally, as another poster put it, don't see beyond the end of their noses. Something in the culture prevents them from thinking anything they do, might disturb another human.

Thai's thinking cheesy.gif

That's a novel thought cheesy.gif

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It's nothing to do with weekdays or the weekend, and everything to do with inconsiderate bar stewards. Like the a-hole that sat next to me in Mega Cineplex today playing on his iPhone through the whole movie.

Next time you go to the cinema, take a small sling with you made of elastic bands, fix it between your finger and thumb, use small bits of paper as ammunition, pull the elastic band back holding the ammunition with your other finger and thumb, pull back, take aim at the back or side of his head, then PING. That will teach him.

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It is only noisy one morning a week where you live, and as late as 7am!!!!

My local Wat puts the chanting on at 4am daily, on the speaker system that runs around the village, loud.

Followed by some religious advice radio station from 5-6am, phones ringing and such.

Then the soi dogs join in choir practice at 6am.

Double glazing and screening walls or plants is the best you can do!

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Maybe he thinks it's fair enough to make a noise after daybreak because his neighbours disturb his sleep when they come home late Saturday/early Sunday morning and make a fair amount of noise slamming car doors, parking bikes, talking loudly, generally having no respect for his early to bed and early to rise lifestyle. whistling.gif

I don't hear many of those noises at night., maybe dogs barking. You can't help making a sound when you close a car door, and I don't hear any loud voices here at all. But even if there were, I think angle grinding at 7AM is unacceptable.

But here is another strange brand of behaviour from a different neighbour (not noise related).

A family from down the road (about 6 houses away) used to have a dog that they would just allow to roam the street and crap outside every one else's gate, as a matter of fact, it crapped outside almost every house apart from its own. Some neighbours complained about it, but this <deleted> wasn't even fazed.

Up the other end of the street, a new family moved in, and as soon as they did, the dog crapped outside their gate, and within 3 days the dog was dead in the road. The new guy openly admitted to all us neighbours that he poisoned it. I am no dog lover, especially here, so I actually felt quite good about it. No more cleaning up dog shit. I don't feel bad about that at all.

A week later, the guy who poisoned it, went and acquired 2 dogs that bark almost constantly and they leave the gate open for them to wander around crapping all over the street.

You couldn't make it up.

A bowl of anti-freeze...

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There is a similar thread going, "Neighbors from Hell".

There are just inconsiderate people, among Thai and foreigner alike, in many different kinds of situations.

I can appreciate that Thailand is not the same as the West, but the OP's neighbor can also wait until 8am, still cool enough.

It's never really quiet in Thailand, not even in the country side.

Whenever I visit my home country, I am always amazed at how quiet it is, especially before 8am.

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The other morning he was out there real early with a drill, putting holes in his exhaust manifolds trying to make his pickup sound like a clapped out Ferrari (Yes, he's one of those idiots) Then sits there revving the engine constantly with a big stupid smile on his face. Now when he drives down the street he drops the revs, puts the clutch in and revs up like he is in a hot rod.

Hey! I didn't realized there was a fellow westerner living in Rhek Thum!

Kidding aside, I actually thought my town was unique for this.

They drill holes or, in the case of one guy, come home with a brand new pickup, and proceed to cut off the exhaust, including the catalytic converter. The same goes for motor bikes.

Thais generally, as another poster put it, don't see beyond the end of their noses. Something in the culture prevents them from thinking anything they do, might disturb another human.

Ah yes, another reference to things viewed as a part of Thai culture by our resident team of TV anthropologists.

"Something in the culture prevents them from thinking anything they do, might disturb another human."

Always ignoring the disturbance to other humans caused by the wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc., colonialism as viewed by the likes of Cecil Rhodes, the threat to shut down the US government, noise and air pollution generated in the "developed" countries, landmines, school shootings ...the list of demonstrable indifference to other humans, whether on the international, national or neighborhood level is hardly unique to Thailand, but let's just blame some one-on-one boorishness on Thai culture rather than accept it's really an unfortunate matter of human nature far more prevalent outside of Thailand than in.

I guess this newspaper headline suggests that Thai culture is spreading worldwide.


Edited by Suradit69
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Maybe he thinks it's fair enough to make a noise after daybreak because his neighbours disturb his sleep when they come home late Saturday/early Sunday morning and make a fair amount of noise slamming car doors, parking bikes, talking loudly, generally having no respect for his early to bed and early to rise lifestyle. whistling.gif

I don't hear many of those noises at night., maybe dogs barking. You can't help making a sound when you close a car door, and I don't hear any loud voices here at all. But even if there were, I think angle grinding at 7AM is unacceptable.

But here is another strange brand of behaviour from a different neighbour (not noise related).

A family from down the road (about 6 houses away) used to have a dog that they would just allow to roam the street and crap outside every one else's gate, as a matter of fact, it crapped outside almost every house apart from its own. Some neighbours complained about it, but this <deleted> wasn't even fazed.

Up the other end of the street, a new family moved in, and as soon as they did, the dog crapped outside their gate, and within 3 days the dog was dead in the road. The new guy openly admitted to all us neighbours that he poisoned it. I am no dog lover, especially here, so I actually felt quite good about it. No more cleaning up dog shit. I don't feel bad about that at all.

A week later, the guy who poisoned it, went and acquired 2 dogs that bark almost constantly and they leave the gate open for them to wander around crapping all over the street.

You couldn't make it up.

Grow up and get out of bed at dawn, like a man.

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The other morning he was out there real early with a drill, putting holes in his exhaust manifolds trying to make his pickup sound like a clapped out Ferrari (Yes, he's one of those idiots) Then sits there revving the engine constantly with a big stupid smile on his face. Now when he drives down the street he drops the revs, puts the clutch in and revs up like he is in a hot rod.

Hey! I didn't realized there was a fellow westerner living in Rhek Thum!

Kidding aside, I actually thought my town was unique for this.

They drill holes or, in the case of one guy, come home with a brand new pickup, and proceed to cut off the exhaust, including the catalytic converter. The same goes for motor bikes.

Thais generally, as another poster put it, don't see beyond the end of their noses. Something in the culture prevents them from thinking anything they do, might disturb another human.

Ah yes, another reference to things viewed as a part of Thai culture by our resident team of TV anthropologists.

"Something in the culture prevents them from thinking anything they do, might disturb another human."

Always ignoring the disturbance to other humans caused by the wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc., colonialism as viewed by the likes of Cecil Rhodes, the threat to shut down the US government, noise and air pollution generated in the "developed" countries, landmines, school shootings ...the list of demonstrable indifference to other humans, whether on the international, national or neighborhood level is hardly unique to Thailand, but let's just blame some one-on-one boorishness on Thai culture rather than accept it's really an unfortunate matter of human nature far more prevalent outside of Thailand than in.

I guess this newspaper headline suggests that Thai culture is spreading worldwide.


The difference being that "arrests as cops..."

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The other morning he was out there real early with a drill, putting holes in his exhaust manifolds trying to make his pickup sound like a clapped out Ferrari (Yes, he's one of those idiots) Then sits there revving the engine constantly with a big stupid smile on his face. Now when he drives down the street he drops the revs, puts the clutch in and revs up like he is in a hot rod.

Hey! I didn't realized there was a fellow westerner living in Rhek Thum!

Kidding aside, I actually thought my town was unique for this.

They drill holes or, in the case of one guy, come home with a brand new pickup, and proceed to cut off the exhaust, including the catalytic converter. The same goes for motor bikes.

Thais generally, as another poster put it, don't see beyond the end of their noses. Something in the culture prevents them from thinking anything they do, might disturb another human.

Having said that, I've just been sitting in my favorite guest house in Trat, eating while checking the news. I sighed a lot. Human stupidity has that effect on me.

It's a cozy place, people sitting at the same table, family style. The westerners are boisterous and confrontational. Annoying. I stay away from them. But tonight they left, as a group, early. I sat alone for some time before a well-dressed, middle-aged Thai sat down with a younger guy and a bottle of whiskey. Suit and tie in a 250 baht a night guest house.

They spoke sotto voce to each other for thirty minutes, until I closed the computer, took a last swallow of wine, sighed big.

The older guy, in beautiful English, then said, "Do I disturb you?"

Shocked. At a loss for words for a few beats. I'm not in Rhek Thum anymore.

Finally I said, "No sir, not at all, I was reading the news. The news disturbs me. You're quite considerate, thank you."

He gave me a smile and a nod and I headed for my room.

Have to keep reminding myself: There's always exceptions.

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Heck, if the OP was my neighbor, and I knew he was hungover, I'd crank it to 11 with full fuzz tone. Probably play "Psychotic Reaction." GF loves that song.

Because that is exactly what a dick head does..... yes?

If you were MY neighbour, I would kick your door in and put my foot straight through the front of said Hi-Fi or whatever, and drag you outside and slap you up and down the street and wouldn't stop till you were crying in front of your GF.

Edited by klubex99
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Yep, Thais are loud adn fairly inconsiderate when it comes to noise a lot of the time. The way in the tropics it seems. I love it.

I believe the concept of 'noise' doesn't exist in third world countries...

Is it just me, or has anyone else not seen anything that indicates this noisy neighbor is Thai??? I certainly have not, in fact the antics are very Falung to me thumbsup.gifthumbsup.gifthumbsup.gif

So, Poster, is your neighbor Thai or Falung

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Heck, if the OP was my neighbor, and I knew he was hungover, I'd crank it to 11 with full fuzz tone. Probably play "Psychotic Reaction." GF loves that song.

Because that is exactly what a dick head does..... yes?

If you were MY neighbour, I would kick your door in and put my foot straight through the front of said Hi-Fi or whatever, and drag you outside and slap you up and down the street and wouldn't stop till you were crying in front of your GF.

My last neighborhood in Sattahip, a German tried the same thing to a Thai guy, he got a Machete across his back, I believe he is back in Germany in a wheelchair.......circa 1998 if I remember right.facepalm.gif

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Maybe he thinks it's fair enough to make a noise after daybreak because his neighbours disturb his sleep when they come home late Saturday/early Sunday morning and make a fair amount of noise slamming car doors, parking bikes, talking loudly, generally having no respect for his early to bed and early to rise lifestyle. whistling.gif

I don't hear many of those noises at night., maybe dogs barking. You can't help making a sound when you close a car door, and I don't hear any loud voices here at all. But even if there were, I think angle grinding at 7AM is unacceptable.

But here is another strange brand of behaviour from a different neighbour (not noise related).

A family from down the road (about 6 houses away) used to have a dog that they would just allow to roam the street and crap outside every one else's gate, as a matter of fact, it crapped outside almost every house apart from its own. Some neighbours complained about it, but this <deleted> wasn't even fazed.

Up the other end of the street, a new family moved in, and as soon as they did, the dog crapped outside their gate, and within 3 days the dog was dead in the road. The new guy openly admitted to all us neighbours that he poisoned it. I am no dog lover, especially here, so I actually felt quite good about it. No more cleaning up dog shit. I don't feel bad about that at all.

A week later, the guy who poisoned it, went and acquired 2 dogs that bark almost constantly and they leave the gate open for them to wander around crapping all over the street.

You couldn't make it up.

A bowl of anti-freeze...

Then listen to the dog crying constantly in excrutiating pain for days afterwards???? Man, even an a-hole like me couldn't have the heart for that, its a F'd up way to die, even for a dumb obnoxious animal................mad.gif.pagespeed.ce.z6RtN005qs.gif

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Heck, if the OP was my neighbor, and I knew he was hungover, I'd crank it to 11 with full fuzz tone. Probably play "Psychotic Reaction." GF loves that song.

Because that is exactly what a dick head does..... yes?

If you were MY neighbour, I would kick your door in and put my foot straight through the front of said Hi-Fi or whatever, and drag you outside and slap you up and down the street and wouldn't stop till you were crying in front of your GF.

My last neighborhood in Sattahip, a German tried the same thing to a Thai guy, he got a Machete across his back, I believe he is back in Germany in a wheelchair.......circa 1998 if I remember right.facepalm.gif

Well I wouldn't do that to my neighbour, because he is Thai and justice is too one sided, that comment was against an obvious farang where I wouldn't really be too bothered about the same level of reprisal. The poster made it more than clear that he would do that deliberately, so he would get the treatment he would expect had he acted that way in his home country. My neighbour (for all his faults) is more child like in thought and action and probably doesn't know any different, and certainly not doing it deliberately out of evil mindedness.

Thailand sure attracts some really oddball and evil minded farangs to its shores.

I fight contempt with contempt.

Edited to add...

If I was ever in a position where I felt I needed to take a Thai down, I would get my wife to make a couple of calls and have the problem sorted out Thai style. Trust me, it would end there and then.

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If you were MY neighbour, I would kick your door in and put my foot straight through the front of said Hi-Fi or whatever, and drag you outside and slap you up and down the street and wouldn't stop till you were crying in front of your GF.


Don't let the picture fool you.

That guy is an animal.

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Well I wouldn't do that to my neighbour, because he is Thai and justice is too one sided, that comment was against an obvious farang where I wouldn't really be too bothered about the same level of reprisal.

Thailand sure attracts some really oddball and evil minded farangs to its shores.

I fight contempt with contempt.

If I was ever in a position where I felt I needed to take a Thai down, I would get my wife to make a couple of calls and have the problem sorted out Thai style. Trust me, it would end there and then.

I don't know what nationality you are but I bet your country of birth was glad to see you leave their shores.

What you have written above is the type of confrontational diatribe that starts neighbourhood disputes. You are the epitome of the farang that many Thais hate.

Your second paragraph (above) would have to be a very accurate self-assessment and I bet those who are unfortunate to have you as their neighbour, rue the day that you arrived.

Your last paragraph (above) shows how you embrace Thai culture and Thais themselves. You have to be totally ignorant if you believe that Thai elders in your local village would "sort out" other village Thais, just on your say-so.

....and all this has come about because your next door neighbour sees a need to do some work around his house at an hour when your lazy ass is stuck in bed.

If you don't like it, do everyone a favour, and leave.

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Well I wouldn't do that to my neighbour, because he is Thai and justice is too one sided, that comment was against an obvious farang where I wouldn't really be too bothered about the same level of reprisal.

Thailand sure attracts some really oddball and evil minded farangs to its shores.

I fight contempt with contempt.

If I was ever in a position where I felt I needed to take a Thai down, I would get my wife to make a couple of calls and have the problem sorted out Thai style. Trust me, it would end there and then.

I don't know what nationality you are but I bet your country of birth was glad to see you leave their shores.

What you have written above is the type of confrontational diatribe that starts neighbourhood disputes. You are the epitome of the farang that many Thais hate.

Your second paragraph (above) would have to be a very accurate self-assessment and I bet those who are unfortunate to have you as their neighbour, rue the day that you arrived.

Your last paragraph (above) shows how you embrace Thai culture and Thais themselves. You have to be totally ignorant if you believe that Thai elders in your local village would "sort out" other village Thais, just on your say-so.

....and all this has come about because your next door neighbour sees a need to do some work around his house at an hour when your lazy ass is stuck in bed.

If you don't like it, do everyone a favour, and leave.

Actually, I think I am quite popular in our street. We always get invited to social functions by the neighbours.

But I am glad I pissed you off, because certain people like yourself deserve to feel that way, simply because of your reaction.

Keep it up. Your character assassination is quite remarkably good...It's entertaining.

I especially liked the old cliche that you just couldn't help type. 'do everyone a favour and leave'.... please, learn to be a bit more original.

By the way.... I wonder which thread you are going to follow me into next?

I suppose I should feel flattered that I have my own internet stalker ;)

Edited by klubex99
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