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Don't Stop for an Accident!


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Best hope a family member of yours is never laying injured on the side of the road in urgent need and everyone drives on by like you did.

Problem with your story is that you had 2 credible Thai witnesses with you.

I think your missus has an outstanding character, good for you.


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Problem with your story is that you had 2 credible Thai witnesses with you.

Doesn't matter when there are immediate claims of wrong doing and the police need to hold someone during their initial investigation.

Many Thai people don't stop because they know that they could end up being extorted for everything they have.

Got a problem with that, move out of the jungle and back to a developed society with real police and judicial processes.

Been here 5 minutes and you know that 'many' Thai people don't stop.

Is this from personal experience?

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Problem with your story is that you had 2 credible Thai witnesses with you.

Doesn't matter when there are immediate claims of wrong doing and the police need to hold someone during their initial investigation.

Many Thai people don't stop because they know that they could end up being extorted for everything they have.

Got a problem with that, move out of the jungle and back to a developed society with real police and judicial processes.

Many Thais do not stop, what a load of rubbish, have you ever seen an accident with the crowds gathering for a little bo peep?

There are sheep in Thailand?

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I've stopped to help a few times, no problem, at least, not for me. (Once I did not, there were lots of people around, and the "victim" was stupid.)

On the other hand, just came up to my room after having a conversation with a Thai friend whose "farang" friend had court today.

Seems he was scootering along on Koh Chang, sometime back. Minding his own business. A Thai on a scooter whizzed by, rear-ended a pickup. Go boom. Pickup keeps going. Kind farang stops to lend aid, but guy is toast.

Long story short, mother of DOA demands 200k. Cheap son.

Cops arrest farang. Farang says no. Today in court, mom says, okay, I'll walk away for 25,000. Farang pays.

Moral of story: well, you decide for yourself.

Do you have a link to this story ,or is it something you heard ? i have been involved in an accident where it was the Thais fault and they tried to get money ,i stood my ground and told them to deal with my insurance company . end of story ,they did nothing.

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Problem with your story is that you had 2 credible Thai witnesses with you.

Doesn't matter when there are immediate claims of wrong doing and the police need to hold someone during their initial investigation.

Many Thai people don't stop because they know that they could end up being extorted for everything they have.

Got a problem with that, move out of the jungle and back to a developed society with real police and judicial processes.

Many Thais do not stop, what a load of rubbish, have you ever seen an accident with the crowds gathering for a little bo peep?

There are sheep in Thailand?

Yes, not far from my home is the Pattaya Sheep Farm, and it's quite popular rolleyes.gif

They even have a restaurant that serves sheep steak.

Edited by jbrain
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@ uptheos

Just because peoples opinions or perhaps experiences are different to yours it does not make it "rubbish"

in my experience and from that of family members, it is generally considered best not to get involved, especially as a "ferang".

Thais as stated, and in my personal experience also will not get involved in many things that do not directly concern them.

Oh and by the way, I've been here more than 5 minutes.

A guy goes off the road on a scooter, could do with a bit of help no doubt. car following with 3 people, two being Thai citizens albeit two hysterical Thai citizens and no-one helps!!

I'll give you one better, Guys comes off his motorcycle could be dead could be unconcious, people stood in a crowd at the roadside, body left in the centre of the carriageway, no one touches or moves him, the bus I am on drives right over him at 70kph (approx) THUMP ! no one batted an eyelid and the bus didnt even stop !

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Problem with your story is that you had 2 credible Thai witnesses with you.

Doesn't matter when there are immediate claims of wrong doing and the police need to hold someone during their initial investigation.

Many Thai people don't stop because they know that they could end up being extorted for everything they have.

Got a problem with that, move out of the jungle and back to a developed society with real police and judicial processes.

Many Thais do not stop, what a load of rubbish, have you ever seen an accident with the crowds gathering for a little bo peep?

There are sheep in Thailand?

yes and they stand upright and follow evreyone else around.

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Actually the same with giving to charities.

A few years ago gave some baht to the blind man singing while being led by his wife. Then watched as they walked down the road, got into their own tuk tuk and he drove off.

So not a baht more to anyone.

Amazing how becoming more Thai makes you a more selfish, uncaring person.

Odd that, eh.

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Driving my car a while back in the UK with my Thai ex husband in the car, came across an accident that had just happened, 2 cars had hit head on. I got out to help, phone an ambulance etc., my ex wanted me to keep driving, couldn't understand why I would want to get involved

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