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Only once have i not got Thai price with my licence and that was on the yellow submarine in Pattaya and as that was a birthday treat for our son ,i paid up .

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Only once have i not got Thai price with my licence and that was on the yellow submarine in Pattaya and as that was a birthday treat for our son ,i paid up .

Is that yellow submarine still in business by the way ?


just wait you have a nasty accident, and your thai -30 baht -health care not enough.

At the hospital they will tell you: 50 K. baht for thai 300 K. baht for you !

So what you gonna do?

You gonna show them your driving license? laugh.png

i guess you gonna have to sell your merc. benz.hit-the-fan.gif

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I thought there were enough subtle clues for people to detect the satire...but maybe i posted it too late in the day... the bar stools had been warmed up too long by then..

I too know how it is for brilliant but subtle humor to be totally missed.


But bear in mind these are the kind of people who, when you are earnestly trying to have a two-way conversation with them, are already thinking about what they want to say next even as you take your turn to speak, and rarely allow you to finish your sentence, before they start speaking again.

They only hear themselves.

Those type of people for sure not live in LOS.

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My chauffer climbed out of the Rolls to pay our entry fee. When those dastardly people asked him for 50% extra for the farang, he refused, climbed back in and drove us back home. At least it was a comfortable journey with no stress.

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If you don´t like it you can leave anytime......tongue.png

Seriously, waht do you want to hear? It´s wrong! What can you do? Nothing! 50Baht will ruin your family day? Come on.....

I have a BMW smile.png

and i have a tatty 10 year old wreck but smile.png no debt and plenty in the bank. I id have a rolla once does that make me fit to join this discussion. Who cares if they want to charge more. Its up to them. I do however refuse to go into national parks but only because they are not IMO even worth 20 baht thais pay

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and you, i guess you didn't meet your thai wife at some thai national park... as obviously you refuse to pay the double pricelaugh.pnglaugh.pnglaugh.png

sarcasm from the apo... is like a warm shakehand from the pallbearerthumbsup.gif


I happen to agree wholeheartedly with your principles Strad I believe double pricing is wrong in all

it's guises anywhere in the world but I can't help thinking that if the gate agent had given you the

Thai price on the strength of your Thai driving license that this thread would not be here???

Am I correct?? sad.png

I agree 100% with charging more to tourists and forang on the basis their income is probably 5-10 times that of most thais. It would be nice however if the extra went to improve the attraction and not into some corrupt officials little purse.

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Meanwhile in some western country a thai woman was having the same issue as her lukrang son wasn't considered even a part of the country even though he was born in the country.

His thai mother struggled to speak the indon european language of dutch/german/english.

Oddly enough the same people offended by the 1st post in this thread felt differently in this thread even though the situation was the same just that the nationalities was changed.


It HAS been a while since the obligatory double pricing thread hasn't it? thumbsup.gif

The recent ones ...







There was one really recently about a National Park ... can't find it ... but I don't wish to spend more time on this.

Just as an aside, I took my newly minted Thai Drivers Licence, thrust it into my gf's hands and marched her off to the ticket booth to get the Thai price for me. She was disbelieving.

She's now convinced ... I got the local price to a Tourist attraction.


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