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Dangerous Chinese Drivers


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A friend was run over by a motorcycle that fled afterwards. "She was Chinese and saw me and couldn't find her brakes." Everyday I see Chinese bicyclists and motorcyclists going down the road in the wrong direction or frozen in the road suddenly. Many are having accidents some involving innocent others. They should not be rented motorcycles unless they have proven ability.

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I would never had predicted this development.

It's well known now about Chinese drivers in CM.

Go figure.

The hit and run part surprises me a little.

I heard a Thai business owner say the Chinese have insurance that makes it advantageous to get into an accident in Thailand.

I just can't wrap my head around that to say it makes any sense.

Any feedback on this questionable claim?

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They are NUTS had 2 slowly strolling across the road staring at something so I blew my horn since they were in the ,middle of a busy road


NOTHING did not even look up just continued at their snail pace, there will be lots of deaths when they ignore the warning of a horn

They should not be allowed on the roads

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I was sure I was not the only one who has had some very close calls with Chinese motorists/bicyclists recently. Twice now I have come within an inch or two of hitting a Chinese tourist. The last one (on a bicycle) didn't even look back or respond to my confronting her when she pulled right in front of me as I was driving on the moat at about 30 km/ph. I could not swerve as another car was in the next lane. I braked very hard and almost hit her. The sound was so loud people were looking from every direction. She just took off as I was shouting at her! She was almost injured very badly or possibly killed and not a word or acknowledgement!

I agree, they should not be permitted to rent vehicles.


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Guys, I have lived in HK and China for over 35 years. They don't look up ? It's called loss of face and they ignore to keep that face, try confronting them and then you will see a very violent reaction.

Driving in China is a nightmare believe me, you are just seeing the tip of the iceberg. All my years, and I mean 20+ in HK it was noted that the HK Transport Dept were very strict on motorcycle ownership, then in Kunming, the roads were flooded with electric rechargeable scooters, which could do 80 kms per hour, but were classified as push bikes. No licence or crash helmets required and due to the shear volume, they controlled the roads and literally did what they liked. Mayhem.

Please acknowledge, but no need to accept, that all Chinese drivers, even with licences learnt their driving skills (or lack of them) on bicycles. You think it's bad in CM ? Come here to China and watch CARs,TRUCKS AND EVEN BUSES go against the flow of traffic and even reverse down expressways.

Don't even get excited, frustrated, angry just keep out of their way, but again you have to try and understand that standards are different, and yes the Chinese should not be rented motorcycles or vehicles anywhere in the world. I would even be shocked if they had valid licences.

Stay cool before you react and have the entires Chinese tour group on your back.

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While it's certainly true that many of the tourists (and please note that I said 'tourists,' and not 'Chinese tourists,') are pretty bad in Thai traffic, I don't seem them as much worse than the local drivers. Driving a motorbike along the west side of the moat heading north at 5pm is more of a quadrille than a drive. There are local drivers, both car and motorbike, making right turns from left lanes with no signaling, undulating like a snake trying to get home 27 seconds faster than if they stayed in their own lanes, and giving absolutely no ground to anyone else who is trying to do the same. The sidewalk (pavement?) on Huaw Kaew Road between Neimanheiman and Kad Suan Kaew after 5pm has almost as many scooter riders on it as pedestrians, and none of them are Chinese. They are Thai and Farang. And they are no more polite or 'aware' than what we are accusing the tourists of.

Let's call a spade a spade; drivers here suck. A common thought may well be "I (insert your own name here) am the only good driver. Anyone not me can't drive worth a dam_n, is blind as a bat, never pays attention to others on the road, and should get the hell off my street!" Think about this; how many people have you ever met who say "Gosh, I'm a piss poor driver."

Edited by FolkGuitar
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.......... I would even be shocked if they had valid licences.

Having recently gone through the Thai testing procedure for driving both car and motorcycle, I'd go so far as to say that there is little that is valid about a Thai license other than it has official writing on it. It certainly didn't require any driving skill to acquire it. It no longer surprises me that there are so many accidents on the road.

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My horn has had no reaction, but I found out their not used to hearing a 650cc bike rev to 10k, that gets a reaction and FAST.

I've had them stop at the corner of CM Ram and HK to look at maps, step out in front of me on my bike, come at me the wrong way on the moat etc etc.

They ignored traffic on the corner. When the first took a step into the road, I reved and she jumped back into the arms of her friends.

The wrong way people did nothing when I flashed my lights, stared blankly when i beeped, but physically jumped when i reved coming head on at them. Showing them a 1 and pointing behind them made them finally realize what was what.

I have also picked up a few choice words along the way...

But I would also like to say, I have seen plenty driving slowly in the slow lane and using turn signals while wearing helmets. The good and bad drivers have been about 50/50 for me, where as I nearly get run off the road at least 3-4x a week on the way to work by Thais...

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I was sure I was not the only one who has had some very close calls with Chinese motorists/bicyclists recently.

Just saw two go through a red light at a fairly big intersection with cars that had the right of way having to jam on the brakes to avoid hitting them. They acted like there was no light at all.

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This is just the tip of the iceberg. We'd all be better off just accepting the Chinese, as they will rule or own the world some day, and Chiang Mai very soon.

To any farang newcomer to Chiang Mai, I'd suggest you don't even bother to learn Thai. Learn Mandarin instead.

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Just saw two go through a red light at a fairly big intersection with cars that had the right of way having to jam on the brakes to avoid hitting them. They acted like there was no light at all.

Some countries call that multi-culturalism, yet some still say it's armageddon.It all really depends on where you happen to be at any given time and where they are.

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The funny thing is that I find them a bunch of dangerous pedestrians as well.

They don't cross the streets "correctly". The timing is all wrong. And they run whilst crossing.

But again, you can't blame them for being "uncultured". They grew up as a lost generation where manners were the luxury they couldn't afford.

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The thing I don't get that I've seen multiple times is Chinese tourists on motorbikes or bicycles waiting on the very far left of the left lane at a red light. Then as soon as the light turns green, they try to turn right, cutting directly in front of 2 lanes of cars that are trying to go straight.

Seen it many times at the Rincome intersection.

Granted, I've seen idiot Thai drivers trying to turn from the wrong lane as well, but never when stopped at a red light on a bike.

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I like their practice of standing in the middle of a busy road,especially around the moat, taking photos and wobbling down the roads on bicycles which they have obviously not ever ridden before.Try overtaking them, and not hitting them, is quite a challenge.

From previous posts it seems most likely the emergency departments at the hospitals are going to be quite busy.

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Anybody can afford manners - they don't cost anything.

We could probably remind the local shoppers in any market on a Saturday afternoon...

Courtesy can be found among the poorest of the poor in Thailand.

It can be found among the poorest of the poor in any country. Probably even your country.

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I was sitting at Thape Gate one afternoon . Four Chinese teen agers had all rented bikes . Well three could ride them and they were trying to teach the fourth one how to balence a bike . It was so funny . He would go three or four feet then crash ...... I will agree on a motor bike they are dnagerous they will stop anywhere .......

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Stupid question but; how does the OP know these dangerous drivers are Chinese?

Do they wear loud tee-shirts with the face of Mao Tse-tung printed on them? Or wave a copy of the Chairman`s little red book at their victims?

60 % of the tourist are Chinese at the moment and when you see Asians driving on a rented motorbike it is 90% sure that they are Chinese.

I see them every day when i go in and out of the center twice for my work and they drive very dangerous.

It would help if the rental company's would ask for a driver license.

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Stupid question but; how does the OP know these dangerous drivers are Chinese?

Do they wear loud tee-shirts with the face of Mao Tse-tung printed on them? Or wave a copy of the Chairman`s little red book at their victims?

60 % of the tourist are Chinese at the moment and when you see Asians driving on a rented motorbike it is 90% sure that they are Chinese.

I see them every day when i go in and out of the center twice for my work and they drive very dangerous.

It would help if the rental company's would ask for a driver license.

Right! They drive on the sidewalks... They drive the wrong way on a one-way street... They don't look before they make a turn... They turn right from the left-hand lane... They stop in the middle of the street... They turn left from the right-hand lane... They cut off other drivers... They 'park' their scooters blocking entrances... They 'park' their scooters blocking in other cars and bikes... They never signal before they make a turn...

What I can't figure out, though, is how this differs from Thai and Farang drivers... And there sure are a LOT more Thai and Farang drivers around town!

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Stupid question but; how does the OP know these dangerous drivers are Chinese?

Do they wear loud tee-shirts with the face of Mao Tse-tung printed on them? Or wave a copy of the Chairman`s little red book at their victims?

60 % of the tourist are Chinese at the moment and when you see Asians driving on a rented motorbike it is 90% sure that they are Chinese.

I see them every day when i go in and out of the center twice for my work and they drive very dangerous.

It would help if the rental company's would ask for a driver license.

Right! They drive on the sidewalks... They drive the wrong way on a one-way street... They don't look before they make a turn... They turn right from the left-hand lane... They stop in the middle of the street... They turn left from the right-hand lane... They cut off other drivers... They 'park' their scooters blocking entrances... They 'park' their scooters blocking in other cars and bikes... They never signal before they make a turn...

What I can't figure out, though, is how this differs from Thai and Farang drivers... And there sure are a LOT more Thai and Farang drivers around town!

I agree. Many awful Farang drivers/ motorcyclists around, they are easy to spot by the way and I have heard they all look the same to Asians!

Many Farang have adopted Thai style, wrong way, no helmets, no signals etc.

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Stupid question but; how does the OP know these dangerous drivers are Chinese?

Do they wear loud tee-shirts with the face of Mao Tse-tung printed on them? Or wave a copy of the Chairman`s little red book at their victims?

60 % of the tourist are Chinese at the moment and when you see Asians driving on a rented motorbike it is 90% sure that they are Chinese.

I see them every day when i go in and out of the center twice for my work and they drive very dangerous.

It would help if the rental company's would ask for a driver license.

Total, complete and utter crap..

Please enlighten us as to how you managed to acquire your statistics? Ignorance has no boundaries, they look Chinese so therefore they must be Chinese.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Stupid question but; how does the OP know these dangerous drivers are Chinese?

Do they wear loud tee-shirts with the face of Mao Tse-tung printed on them? Or wave a copy of the Chairman`s little red book at their victims?

60 % of the tourist are Chinese at the moment and when you see Asians driving on a rented motorbike it is 90% sure that they are Chinese.

I see them every day when i go in and out of the center twice for my work and they drive very dangerous.

It would help if the rental company's would ask for a driver license.

Right! They drive on the sidewalks... They drive the wrong way on a one-way street... They don't look before they make a turn... They turn right from the left-hand lane... They stop in the middle of the street... They turn left from the right-hand lane... They cut off other drivers... They 'park' their scooters blocking entrances... They 'park' their scooters blocking in other cars and bikes... They never signal before they make a turn...

What I can't figure out, though, is how this differs from Thai and Farang drivers... And there sure are a LOT more Thai and Farang drivers around town!

I agree. Many awful Farang drivers/ motorcyclists around, they are easy to spot by the way and I have heard they all look the same to Asians!

Many Farang have adopted Thai style, wrong way, no helmets, no signals etc.

Thailand, you forgot to also say all Asians look the same to farangs!clap2.gifcheesy.gif

In this respect, the "bashers" could be forgiven!laugh.pngbiggrin.png

I was once asked by a group of tourists to take a group picture for them. I thought they were Chinese, but turned out they were Malaysians - Malaysian Chinese, that is!

Unlike 10 or so years ago, mainland Chinese were easy to distinguih but today it's hard to tell them apart.

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Stupid question but; how does the OP know these dangerous drivers are Chinese?


Do they wear loud tee-shirts with the face of Mao Tse-tung printed on them? Or wave a copy of the Chairman`s little red book at their victims?

That's obvious....you can see before you even get near.....

They are the only ones who wear the helmets back to front.

Sent via tin can and string after pigeon shot

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