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Thousands march to US Embassy in Bangkok


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The reason for the demo at the US Embassy was that the embassy took Yingluck's side, which the demonstrators took as inappropriate!

I don't understand where you got the impression that the US has taken sides in an internal Thai matter. Very little has been said from the US side other than please respect life and property. (What government ever has told protesters in another country that seizing buildings etc is OK? They'd have to live with the results of that at home!)

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I'm not American, but have to question what on earth has to do with the current issues in Thailand? ...............................

Ask Thaksin facepalm.gif

I'm sure he has some unpleasant memories on Americas anti-democratic activities

in ousting a democratically elected government during the 2006 coup.

Maybe Ahisist remembers it too giggle.gif

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What the hell does the US embassy have to do with all this??? facepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif

All I can think is that it's shameless attention seeking, trying the internationalize the conflict ...

Isn't that a clever tactic? The more they internationalize the conflict, the more (real or imagined) pressure put on the government.


A peaceful protet marches to an embassy, gives a letter, holds a brief rally and moves on ....

Did they expect to get a condemnation of the current government? No. Did they get attention, and importantly international attention? Yes. Will it be very much harder to crack down on these protests after students went to the army HQ .. hung out, read a statement/request to the army chief and then left peacefully? While another group went to the embassy and left peacefully?

Those overseas that remember 2009 and 2010, will remember the burning and violence of the political opponents of those that have been on the streets recently.

Those overseas will have seen a month of peaceful protests before Jatuporn and the reds arrive to "teach a lesson" to Suthep ....

It must be embarassing living down knee-jerk "they are anti-american" reactions but hey .... take deep breaths, look at what is happening around you, do not limit yourself to a single news source ... and watch.

My only reaction today was to call my partner and make sure he's getting out of the city this weekend. Then again I do that every Friday :)

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This seems more of an arbitrary visit, they have been whipped up into patriotic fervor and are doing what small birds do when faced with a much larger bird, fluff up all their plumage to appear bigger. I don't think they actually have any specific problem with the US. Its funny also because my Thai friends are the only people I know who can still say the word Obama with a happy smile, and not suffixed with a string of expletives.

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Nothing wrong with a peaceful demonstration in my book ..

If you are for or against what these people believe in , its all well n good .no harm done ..coffee1.gif

USA puts itself on a pedestal that's why people turn to them ...555

USA is still convinced its top dog in the world , best let them continue to believe ...

Ironically top dog in the world also eat dog 5555 biggrin.png

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I am saddened to hear that Abhisit was involved in such a farce. What is the U.S. government supposed to do? Take a side in this internal conflict? It's normal to deal with the current legal government whatever it is when there are relations between nations, and there are relations between the USA and Thailand. It doesn't mean the U.S. government is endorsing the government or fighting the opposition. That's not their role. The USA can't win. When it acts imperialistic it is justifiably dissed and when it doesn't its dissed as well.

So does this mean more of this faction are becoming more anti-American? How does their level of anti-Americanism compare to the red and PTP side? As an American living in Thailand, I suppose it would be useful to know.

Exactly what part of this action leads you to believe anti-Americanism is involved here? They simply went to the embassy to ask the US government not to support the current Thai administration. Did you just misinterpret what was written? Help us out here...

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Bizzare that they would march and protest the American embassy. These are supposedly educated class people?


Yeah. Why not just go and bother the Brits? They were here first. Make 'em feel important.

Sorry old chap it's time for a spot of tiffin and we don't want a bunch of oiks bothering that. One lump or two? biggrin.png

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Even the most educated Thais are clueless as to what happens outside of Thailand, so I can't fault them for not knowing that swarming a US Embassy after the Libya fiasco is a horrible, horrible idea.

If they are seeking an international incident, let them go ahead and breach the walls.

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Why does every country that has a problem turn to USA either to blame or to ask for support. How come I never see then ask China or Russia or India. I think American citizens are pretty sick of being the police of the world. This is a problem of Thailand and it needs to be settled in Thailand. I feel that Yingluk is a poor leader but she was democratically elected and must finish her term unless she commits a crime and is impeached. We were stuck with Bush but he was legally elected and was allowed to finish his term as god awful as he was.

Same sentiments for the current US president worthless piece of **** never actualluy acheived anything but being black and rewarded with a prize for it.

True example of the degradation of the American voter simply bcoz gropus of misaligned citizens voting for any candidate that provides entitlement programs and other self serving BS.

Same sentiments towards your version of Thai's tolerating the duly elected Yingluck is the same equation that US citizens must tolerate duly elected Obama.

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The Americans don't butt in and issue "interfering" statements without reason. The US has interest in Thailand on various issues whether it be geopolitical, military, bilateral trade, etc.

Try looking into the relationship between Thaksin and the US and you might see why the US can't stay out of this country's affairs.

The US Embassy's statements weren't meaningless, however short and subtle they seemed. The protesters had very good reason to respond.

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Is Thailand technically still at war with the US?

Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Declarations of war to the USA and the UK were announced but never delivered to the respective countries.

The Dutch, Norwegians, Swedish, French and the rest of the countries in Eastern Europe surely must appreciate the fact that Thailand (allowed the Japanese to occupy the country for almost 2 years to build the Railroad of Death) and sided with the Axis: Japan, Germany and Italy.

A Thai professor I know at Thammasat (who got his degree in a university outside of Los Angeles County in California) rebutted this notion by saying: " But that was a long time ago!"

He was right. How long do you say someone is an enemy? 50 years, 100 years...1000 years? The Trojans? The ancient Egyptians? Hannibal? Attila? Ghengis?They all fought and ultimately colonized the western world in one form or another.

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Even the most educated Thais are clueless as to what happens outside of Thailand, so I can't fault them for not knowing that swarming a US Embassy after the Libya fiasco is a horrible, horrible idea.

If they are seeking an international incident, let them go ahead and breach the walls.


Even the most educated Thais are clueless as to what happens outside of Thailand,


Most US citizens are clueless as to what happens outside of the US

and you will get close to what my experiences have been in the US.

Not knocking anyone, just my observation.

For Americans living in the USA, I would say that sums up 80% of them. So no argument there.

Hooray! Tweedledee and Tweedledum have reached a consensus! (concerning 300+ million people in the US and more millions in Thailand)

Edited by rijb
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Abhisit can do what he wants. When he destroyed the country he can always go back to the UK and show his UK passport. For Suthep hopefully he will be jailed.

The army this time will not get involved. Bad Luck for the Democrat Party.

Democrat Party enjoy your time, the spook will be over on December 4.

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The way I remember it

It was the USA that wanted it this way

They believe they are the only superpower that can save the world

Why does every country that has a problem turn to USA either to blame or to ask for support. How come I never see then ask China or Russia or India. I think American citizens are pretty sick of being the police of the world. This is a problem of Thailand and it needs to be settled in Thailand. I feel that Yingluk is a poor leader but she was democratically elected and must finish her term unless she commits a crime and is impeached. We were stuck with Bush but he was legally elected and was allowed to finish his term as god awful as he was.

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Yes, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's back in Wireless Rd in the near future, knocking on the door and begging to be let in...

There was no "he" in my post, but I will assume you mean Abhisit. I am sure he will be back on Wireless Rd. in the future, as an invited guest and not begging to be let in.

Let's not forget that Abhisit holds dual Thai/UK nationality, nor that he probably has never had to beg for admittance anywhere (unlike certain other ex-PM's)

You can forget Abhisit has dual Thai/UK nationalities.

He was born in England during the time you could APPLY for the British nationality, he has the right to do that, but he never did.

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