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Grandson of Red Bull what was the outcome ?


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I may be wrong, but I thought he had only been charged with speeding. The statute of limitations on that expires after one year and that deadline passed while he was in Singapore receiving medical treatment.

The family of the deceased were paid off as is normal. Cash in hand is more helpful to them than an improbable attempt to get justice.

So as far as I know, he has no outstanding warrants on him and can carry on as usual.

Actually that was part of the controversy, the police wanted to charge him with speeding, but the prosecutor would not do it

As far as I know, the police are still waiting for him to come in for an interview

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With no shortage on funds, he's no doubt in a sunny place biding his time, sticking

the authorities in Thailand with the horn on the (red) bull......

If that is you on your Avatar, why don't you change your username to Kojak? Sorry for being off topic, I couldn't resist that.

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The most curious part to me is...the apparently total silence of follow-up coverage on the case by any news media anywhere.

Haven't seen a single article anywhere asking...where is he now...and what's become of the case against him? Or what are the authorities doing about him?

Not that I expected a lot of news reporting on this... But at least I would have hoped some news outlet somewhere would have had the backbone to at least ask the pertinent questions and publish the answers received.

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He's likely bribed a few people to slip back into the country incognito, back livin' the high life again.

Whatever happened to the Honda girl (killed/injured a van full of people whilst texting) and the Mercedes rich kid (lost his temper and ploughed into passengers waiting at a bus stop) ?

In response to the first part, I assume he's back home, after passing through immigration, passport in hand.

To answer the follow up question, The "Honda girl" got off with probation, while it was determined that the "Mercedes rick kid" has a disorder that causes him to "lose control while under stress". He was cut free.

"Mercedes rick kid" has a disorder that causes him to "lose control while under stress".

And I'll bet he still has a driver's license. Amazing. Truly amazing.

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He's likely bribed a few people to slip back into the country incognito, back livin' the high life again.

Whatever happened to the Honda girl (killed/injured a van full of people whilst texting) and the Mercedes rich kid (lost his temper and ploughed into passengers waiting at a bus stop) ?

In response to the first part, I assume he's back home, after passing through immigration, passport in hand.

To answer the follow up question, The "Honda girl" got off with probation, while it was determined that the "Mercedes rick kid" has a disorder that causes him to "lose control while under stress". He was cut free.

"Mercedes rick kid" has a disorder that causes him to "lose control while under stress".

And I'll bet he still has a driver's license. Amazing. Truly amazing.


In the real world, in the context of driving, we call it "road rage".

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Well, I know of shops in Europe which stopped selling Red Bull products for this very reason. Not that it would hurt the <deleted> but what else could they do. I, for one, am not surprised, that this society slime representative, like all those other oligarch murderers, walk free.

One day in far distant future maybe someone will clean up with these buggers. Sickening :-(

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The income $ = is the outcome.

He paid 300,000 Baht to the family, end of story. I would have refused the money and demanded 25 years.

I heard his family paid 40 million baht, but of course maybe only 300,000 trickled down to the wife of the deceased after the cops, lawyers, prosecutors etc. everyone took their cut.

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I wonder if this family is among the elite who wants to get rid of Thaksin because he skipped town to avoid jail.

His family along with the majority of the rich and influential consider themselves beyond the law which are there to control lesser beings. just part of the jaded sickness that envelopes this nation, Greed and omnipotence

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The income $ = is the outcome.

He paid 300,000 Baht to the family, end of story. I would have refused the money and demanded 25 years.

I heard his family paid 40 million baht, but of course maybe only 300,000 trickled down to the wife of the deceased after the cops, lawyers, prosecutors etc. everyone took their cut.

Just where did we hear this?

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The income $ = is the outcome.

He paid 300,000 Baht to the family, end of story. I would have refused the money and demanded 25 years.

I heard his family paid 40 million baht, but of course maybe only 300,000 trickled down to the wife of the deceased after the cops, lawyers, prosecutors etc. everyone took their cut.

Just where did we hear this?

Every bar in town will have its own version waiting to be heard. But undoubtedly it is true that a payment was made to the family of the deceased. That is standard practice. I doubt it was THB40mil since it is normally the social standing of the deceased that decides the amount, albeit that in this case the profile of the case will have given the deceased family some bargaining power. Countering that is the sheer scale of the social standing and wealth of the perpetrators family. Not good to piss them off.

In my village, a drunk driver that killed a fellow villager, had to pay 1 million baht, heard from the guy himself when he wanted to borrow the money from me. A police Sargeant will rank higher than an Isaan rice farmer! but not 40 times as much. And it wouldn't pay to be too hard nosed in negotiations with such a powerful family as Red Bull inc.

Take your own guess on the amount, but take it from me that payment was made. That is the system.

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The income $ = is the outcome.

He paid 300,000 Baht to the family, end of story. I would have refused the money and demanded 25 years.

This 300,000 Baht amount was in an article posted here from the news on TVF, not sure how long ago now, about 3 weeks after the incident.

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I wonder : will he also get a new Thai passport if his actual expires before statute of limitations enters into force .... or will he buy the passport of another country... or may-be he already had a second passport before he fled

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The income $ = is the outcome.

He paid 300,000 Baht to the family, end of story. I would have refused the money and demanded 25 years.

I heard his family paid 40 million baht, but of course maybe only 300,000 trickled down to the wife of the deceased after the cops, lawyers, prosecutors etc. everyone took their cut.

Just where did we hear this?

among talk between politicians

Sounds rather far fetched but usually the info is accurate.

As for the logic that the amount you pay is proportional to the status of the deceased I do agree but in this case the amount is substantially high because the Chief of the Metropolitan Police Bureau got involved and he rattled on how he would seek justice for his men. The higher up the more expensive it is to shut them up.

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The income $ = is the outcome.

He paid 300,000 Baht to the family, end of story. I would have refused the money and demanded 25 years.

I heard his family paid 40 million baht, but of course maybe only 300,000 trickled down to the wife of the deceased after the cops, lawyers, prosecutors etc. everyone took their cut.

Just where did we hear this?

among talk between politicians

Sounds rather far fetched but usually the info is accurate.

As for the logic that the amount you pay is proportional to the status of the deceased I do agree but in this case the amount is substantially high because the Chief of the Metropolitan Police Bureau got involved and he rattled on how he would seek justice for his men. The higher up the more expensive it is to shut them up.

Very believable. This incident with the family connections of the perpetrator would have been seen as an opportunity by any and everyone to get their snout in the trough. Doubt the Chief could care less about justice for his men, but the opportunity to get a sizable pay out would have woken him up with a start. Only to get back snoozing once his cash arrived.......and justice forgotten.

I take back my previously low estimate of what might have been paid.

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It appears than 'Toss' has flown.

So it looks like Red Bull really does give you wings.

What is money good for if u can't get away with murder? Just ask OJ. We get all the justice money can buy. World wide philosophy

OJ's in prison... At least in some places, unlike Thailand, justice does eventually catch up with even the rich and famous.

In September 2007, Simpson was arrested in Las Vegas, Nevada, and charged with numerous felonies, including armed robbery and kidnapping.[3] In 2008, he was found guilty[4][5] and sentenced to 33 years' imprisonment, with a minimum of nine years without parole.[6] He is serving his sentence at the Lovelock Correctional Center in Lovelock, Nevada.[7]
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It appears than 'Toss' has flown.

So it looks like Red Bull really does give you wings.

What is money good for if u can't get away with murder? Just ask OJ. We get all the justice money can buy. World wide philosophy

OJ's in prison... At least in some places, unlike Thailand, justice does eventually catch up with even the rich and famous.

In September 2007, Simpson was arrested in Las Vegas, Nevada, and charged with numerous felonies, including armed robbery and kidnapping.[3] In 2008, he was found guilty[4][5] and sentenced to 33 years' imprisonment, with a minimum of nine years without parole.[6] He is serving his sentence at the Lovelock Correctional Center in Lovelock, Nevada.[7]

But he wasn't rich at the time of the arrest. So no dream time legal assistance. Could THAT be why he eventually ended up behind bars? Just maybe?

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Looks like he will not return until the statute of limitations has expired. He may of course be in and out of Thailand "incognito".

No attempt at extradition. Shows the state of law enforcement, justice and respect for law that exists in Thailand.

Interesting that these days the international press aren't interested either. The power of a major brand and enormous wealth.

Is there a statue of limitations on his crime. do they have an extradition treaty with Singapore. I believe that is where he is at. They obviousley don't have one with Dubai or Hong Kong.

Even if they did are they not limited to certain crimes. A death is a serious thing but this is still a traffic violation.

Why would the international press bee interested in it. there are far more interesting things in the world than months old news.

Do you think no money changed hands with the Hi So BIB ?

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In September 2007, Simpson was arrested in Las Vegas, Nevada, and charged with numerous felonies, including armed robbery and kidnapping.[3] In 2008, he was found guilty[4][5] and sentenced to 33 years' imprisonment, with a minimum of nine years without parole.[6] He is serving his sentence at the Lovelock Correctional Center in Lovelock, Nevada.[7]

But he wasn't rich at the time of the arrest. So no dream time legal assistance. Could THAT be why he eventually ended up behind bars? Just maybe?

Maybe they had competent prosecutors this time. For the murder trial, the prosecution could have been named the "Nightmare Team".

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In September 2007, Simpson was arrested in Las Vegas, Nevada, and charged with numerous felonies, including armed robbery and kidnapping.[3] In 2008, he was found guilty[4][5] and sentenced to 33 years' imprisonment, with a minimum of nine years without parole.[6] He is serving his sentence at the Lovelock Correctional Center in Lovelock, Nevada.[7]

But he wasn't rich at the time of the arrest. So no dream time legal assistance. Could THAT be why he eventually ended up behind bars? Just maybe?

Maybe they had competent prosecutors this time. For the murder trial, the prosecution could have been named the "Nightmare Team".

Had nothing to do with the prosecutors, it had to do with the stupidity of the Los Angeles District Attorney who wanted all the publicity that the OJ trial caused. Too bad he forgot that the jury pool would be all black. The murder occurred in Brentwood, so the the trial should have been at the Santa Monica Court House, so OJ could have been judged by a jury of his peers ( as was the civil trial that unanimously found him willfully and wrongfully caused the deaths of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson)

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