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Group 'ready' with nominee for Thai PM


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PDRC co-leader Thaworn Senneam also said;

"Now we have someone [a candidate to be the next PM] who is sincere and not corrupt. [if] we cannot find someone who is [totally] innocent [in life], we can choose the most innocent."[/indent]

Interesting. Several years ago, when I had been in Thailand a few years, I mentioned to one of the senior members of the Dem's that they are the clean party. He corrected me saying nobody is clean in Thailand, but that they were the relatively most clean party in Thailand.

If the PDRC can come up with the relatively most innocent person (regardless of affiliation), then that is a huge step in the right direction.

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Thailand find itself in a tight spot. Suthep promisses change which i agree should take place before any new election take place, otherwise we will have PTP's " we do whatever we want coz we got most votes" scenario again.

Are his mean justified? Could we trust him? But honestly, is there anyone else offering change? Surely not current goverment or it's future reincarnations.

yes he wants change from democratic to dictatorship. Why is it he cannot accept the reality that he is no good and maybe insane.

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Thailand find itself in a tight spot. Suthep promisses change which i agree should take place before any new election take place, otherwise we will have PTP's " we do whatever we want coz we got most votes" scenario again.

Are his mean justified? Could we trust him? But honestly, is there anyone else offering change? Surely not current goverment or it's future reincarnations.

yes he wants change from democratic to dictatorship. Why is it he cannot accept the reality that he is no good and maybe insane.

Or maybe a change from a democratic dictator to a dictating democrat.

In the end it's all same same.

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PDRC co-leader Thaworn Senneam also said;

"Now we have someone [a candidate to be the next PM] who is sincere and not corrupt. [if] we cannot find someone who is [totally] innocent [in life], we can choose the most innocent."[/indent]

Interesting. Several years ago, when I had been in Thailand a few years, I mentioned to one of the senior members of the Dem's that they are the clean party. He corrected me saying nobody is clean in Thailand, but that they were the relatively most clean party in Thailand.

If the PDRC can come up with the relatively most innocent person (regardless of affiliation), then that is a huge step in the right direction.

Democratically unelected of course. 1514066.gif

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Sounds like Nancy Pelosi on Obamacare. You can see what the bill contains after it's voted in. Trust me, everyone will love this new bill.

Good to read that there won't be too many members on the People's Council. I was thinking yesterday, maybe around, oh I don't know, 150 or so? By sheer coincidence, roughly that many Democrat Ex-MPs are available for work immediately.

No voting required, just discussion to reach consensus ~ the consensus, of course, will be determined and announced by the single party leader before any meaningless discussion is allowed to take place.

Just as it has been in the PTP for the last 2 years.

They all have a vote and the only vote that counts belongs to a concicted criminal fugitive whi isn't even in the country.

Good point.

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It will be a return to dictatorship. It is as simple as that. That interim government will then change the constitution so the weight of the Northern votes will be less in order to get the Democrats back to power forever. Is that the kind of democracy we should support. We as Westerners ought to be more intelligent.

By the way they did the same in 2006 but it did not work.

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PDRC co-leader Thaworn Senneam also said;

"Now we have someone [a candidate to be the next PM] who is sincere and not corrupt. [if] we cannot find someone who is [totally] innocent [in life], we can choose the most innocent."[/indent]

Interesting. Several years ago, when I had been in Thailand a few years, I mentioned to one of the senior members of the Dem's that they are the clean party. He corrected me saying nobody is clean in Thailand, but that they were the relatively most clean party in Thailand.

If the PDRC can come up with the relatively most innocent person (regardless of affiliation), then that is a huge step in the right direction.

So the implication is that amongst their ranks they cannot find an "innocent" person, nor a "non corrupt" person, so they'll gladly accept the most innocent (translation - least guilty), and least corrupt person.

That speaks volumes about Thailand, Thai politicians, and virtually the entire administrative, legal, judicial and military in the country. Not that any political party could claim to do any better I guess.

In 35 years or so, a Mandela type activist will eventually rise to power in Thailand. Somebody who grew up in the rice fields, educated himself, has kept his nose clean and his fingers out of the cookie jar, and actually possess morals, ethics, and charisma. Someone like that has a chance of dragging the place into the real world.

So until that happens, all this stuff at the moment is just "half time". The players will change ends and the game continues. The people involved might change, but absolutely nothing else will. Anybody who believes otherwise is naïve to the extreme.

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Not enough details - name names NOW, give a time for the transition back to elections, then run a referendum to see if it's supported. Suthep is digging himself into a hole and losing support but moderates every day. The democrats better make sure all ties with him are severed forever.

I agree, i think if he i serious about this, and it is the people's revolution he has to put the name or some candidates out there, at least for people too understand what type of person he has in mind. It cannot all be cloak and dagger agreeing with him and his idea and then release a proposed name which large amounts of people would be against. For the life of me i cannot think of someone in the higher echelons of society in Thailand who could be respected enough for him to be acceptable to both sides. Perhaps the guy Kanit na Nakorn who did that rather fence sitting report previously on reconciliation. Seems fairly harmless and quite happy to sit on the fence, perhaps both sides will be accepting of that. Plus he is probably old enough to not be to worried about his political future.

I think the waiting is quite prudent for the protection of the individuals involved until there is some certainty of the process being actioned - understandable IMO

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blink.png Ok, the guys here declared already many times between the lines they wanted to do a coup and install a dictatorship, but this interview confirms it in big style.

Hit them now, before it's too late. For the good of Thailand.

A dictatorship you say? Well that should scare the bejesus out of everyone. But weren't this guys in power for coulple of years already? I did not notice them concentrating all the power in one hands and ruining the country in the process, PTP did that altho they were elected by majority. I am scared of Suthep's buddies running the show much less than i am scared of "democratic" PTP and their pretending to be the next messiah leader from afar.

Maybe in the past they didn't try to get the power against an elected government with a coup?

And History is full of examples of politicians became dictators.

I still hope to be wrong. But doesn't need a scientist to understand what's going on.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by newcomer71
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"ready with nominee"Who is Suthep,who is PDRC?Did they win an election?It is bad enough Yingluk dissolved the government because a small minority is going on the streets.If Suthep comes through,it would either mean democracy is dead in Thailand,or in the future everybody who dislike a ruling government is going on the streets,threatning a bit and topples an elected government to be PM of Thailand.I think it's enough now.Suthep and friends showed their point,but now it's time to go home.Next elections are soon,and if people of Thailand decide for PTP,so be it.The people[Army,untouchables and elite]behind Suthep don't care at all about Thailand,all they care is keeping their status.Why democrat party did not win any election in the last 20 yrs?Why PTP won the last elections?Because democratic party gives a shit about the average t hai,they don't want to share the cake at all with the average thai.PTP is not much better but at least they give a tiny bit of the cake to the average thai.U don't win elections by telling PTP voters"you are stupid"You win election by promising money and better life to the people,and u win another election if u keep your promises,and this is why thais voting for PTP.As long army,untouchables and elite not change their thinking and doing,as long they won't win any election and Thailand will never come to peace.IF Suthep comes through,then what will happen with the 15 million PTP voters?They will come out and 2010 will happen again.Like that we are going in circles.IF the democratic party and people behind them care about Thailand,they should start work and come up with a program to beat PTP at next election

Paragraphs are very useful you know and there is a gap between sentences!!

sorry for that

I am not going to go there about capital letters and full stops.

Then don't please. You interrupt the flow of the thread. I don't think he's a native English speaker. He might even be Thai. He apologized which he didn't need to do. I understand him. What's your problem?

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PDRC co-leader Thaworn Senneam also said;

"Now we have someone [a candidate to be the next PM] who is sincere and not corrupt. [if] we cannot find someone who is [totally] innocent [in life], we can choose the most innocent."[/indent]

Interesting. Several years ago, when I had been in Thailand a few years, I mentioned to one of the senior members of the Dem's that they are the clean party. He corrected me saying nobody is clean in Thailand, but that they were the relatively most clean party in Thailand.

If the PDRC can come up with the relatively most innocent person (regardless of affiliation), then that is a huge step in the right direction.

Democratically unelected of course. Posted Image

Of course.
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Caretaker government, And then what happens when the dems lose again in Feb? Anarchy or peace ,will they act like spoilt kids jumping up and down on the spot if dont recieve candy .This is getting dire everyday .

You still don't know what is going on, yet you like to comment.

The committee is only there for the overhaul to remove corruption and make the constitution less vulnerable to manipulation and misinterpretation, as well as clamping down and eradicating vote buying.

Then the elections will happen, but not before the reforms.

The elections will not happen on Feb 2nd. They will be voided, they won't be accepted and nothing will change until the change is made.

That is what is happening.

You don't know what is happening anymore than anyone else does ThainyTim, so stop pretending that you somehow have an inside track on what will happen. The idea that your hero Suthep is the man to remove corruption is laughable, given his track record. Even if corruption was removed and vote buying,(By all sides) was eradicated, in any one person - one vote election the current ruling party would win hands down every time. Which is why Suthep and his elite backers will never allow an election if they seize power, in their eyes the only people qualified to rule the country are a small minority of the elite. They consider the vast majority as too stupid to be trusted with a vote. Their solution to this conundrum is to remove this basic democratic right, and disenfranchise millions of people, the overwhelming majority, the poor underclass of Thailand. After generations of being completely ignored by the ruling Bangkok elite, over the past decade this underclass in rural Thailand have realised that their vote counted and they found their voice. Like it or not, for the first time they have received material benefit from a government, roads, running water, internet, etc etc. If people think that these people will allow their democratic voice to be taken away, and just shrug their shoulders, get back in the box and go back to the bad old feudal days, they are living in dreamland. The box has been opened and the lid has gone. If Suthep and his Anti Democrats had an ounce of political nous they would recognise this, and formulate policies that would address the needs of the rural underclass, then they might, just might, have a chance in an election. But they won't, because the idea is complete anathema to them, they are too greedy and arrogant, they feel they have a sense of entitlement. They have the same mindset as dictators everywhere. For Westerners on here, who take their basic democratic right to a vote for granted, to be openly supporting this trampling over the same basic right for Thai people is shameful IMO.

Well written. Agree fully.

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So a full blown fascist takeover it is then. If I HD just started following this drivel I would be inclined to think suthep is a loony. However he is fr more dangerous and should be locked up pronto. Come on YL, SHOW SOME LEADERSHIP AND HAVE HIM ARRESTED PDQ

Sent from my Lenovo A516 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Talking of fascism, during the 2010 events, Thaksin played the anti-gay card to his conservative supporters and one wonders whether all the armoury will again be pushed out if things get ugly.

Thaksin is a criminal on the run, and his sister made such a big damage to her image and PTP that half was enough. I'd leave him out of this post where, we are talking about a group of madmen who wants to rule the country all under their game rules. So I guess Thaksin in a bit off topic.

And the funny thing is: they don't still know who will compose the Council, but the Council decided name of the PM ad interim. Curious!

Nice try to put all negative on Suthep.

The reality is that the paymaster cannot be pushed out of the discussion, he is the main catalyst which has caused this whole mess and the whole matter cannot be discussed or analyzed without strong and broad negative reference to him.

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So a full blown fascist takeover it is then. If I HD just started following this drivel I would be inclined to think suthep is a loony. However he is fr more dangerous and should be locked up pronto. Come on YL, SHOW SOME LEADERSHIP AND HAVE HIM ARRESTED PDQ

Sent from my Lenovo A516 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Talking of fascism, during the 2010 events, Thaksin played the anti-gay card to his conservative supporters and one wonders whether all the armoury will again be pushed out if things get ugly.

Thaksin is a criminal on the run, and his sister made such a big damage to her image and PTP that half was enough. I'd leave him out of this post where, we are talking about a group of madmen who wants to rule the country all under their game rules. So I guess Thaksin in a bit off topic.

And the funny thing is: they don't still know who will compose the Council, but the Council decided name of the PM ad interim. Curious!

Nice try to put all negative on Suthep.

The reality is that the paymaster cannot be pushed out of the discussion, he is the main catalyst which has caused this whole mess and the whole matter cannot be discussed or analyzed without strong and broad negative reference to him.

So you mean that the sick wish of Suthep to get total power over Thailand without people to have any word on it is because of Thaksin... Well, your opinion and not mine.

And I did not try anything. In my opinion the totally crazy words that come out from Suthep's mouth in last week are not connected with Thaksin. So Thaksin is off topic... in this topic (lol).

Or do you think that if for a magic, the Shin clan will disappear then Mighty Suthep will go back to his South and have a retiree life as a farmer and grandpa?

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Core PDRC co-leader Thaworn Senneam, who is a DP yellow from Songkla, said yesterday;

"the Yingluck government was illegitimate, since it had rejected the Constitutional Court's ruling on amending the charter to make the Senate a fully elected body."

The constitutional court's ruling has been widely confirmed as being unconstitutional.

PDRC co-leader Thaworn Senneam also said;

"I have no idea what will happen first. In some revolutions, a council is established first, but sometimes a prime minister is appointed first. The PDRC will make a decision in accordance with the prevailing situation," he added.

We now have a revolution, to be led by an unconstitutional revolutionary people's council without any democratic mandate who will make their unilateral decision on behalf of all Thai people to be announced at a time and place the PDRC best sees fit.

PDRC co-leader Thaworn Senneam also said;

"the people's council would not contain too many members, he said, because there would be no need for them to vote as they would use discussion and consultation to find a consensus in their important role, especially in the drafting process for a new constitution and related laws."

What is described above is a politburo, or rather a politburo in waiting;

"Overturning the constitution is not that difficult, but if we did so, the PDRC would have no mandate, according to the law, to order agencies [to carry out tasks]. We could use an interim constitution, and actually we have prepared and we can use the previous edition, but that's for the future," he said.

Overturning the constitution, again? This is a revolution. See above.

PDRC co-leader Thaworn Senneam also said;

"At this time, the PDRC cannot claim that it has absolutely won. But, once it does, it is preparing to call for the heads of government offices to report to the PDRC to perform as a caretaker cabinet. You know government officers always obey their bosses".

The above statement is Orwellian.

PDRC co-leader Thaworn Senneam also said;

"He said the most important condition that would show the PDRC had achieved victory was that it now had somebody who would become the next premier. "Now we have someone [a candidate to be the next PM] who is sincere and not corrupt. [if] we cannot find someone who is [totally] innocent [in life], we can choose the most innocent."

Who will the candidate be?

The situation in Thailand is certainly dire and spiraling fast from one state of lawlessness to another by the minute.

Who will save Thailand?

Not me since I'm from USA . But I'm for the king now now.

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PDRC co-leader Thaworn Senneam also said;

"Now we have someone [a candidate to be the next PM] who is sincere and not corrupt. [if] we cannot find someone who is [totally] innocent [in life], we can choose the most innocent."[/indent]

Interesting. Several years ago, when I had been in Thailand a few years, I mentioned to one of the senior members of the Dem's that they are the clean party. He corrected me saying nobody is clean in Thailand, but that they were the relatively most clean party in Thailand.

If the PDRC can come up with the relatively most innocent person (regardless of affiliation), then that is a huge step in the right direction.

Democratically unelected of course. 1514066.gif

Still, it is the democratically elected officials who instituted a rice pledging program that has led to the government defaulting on payments to the very people in the country it was designed to help. What have these elected officials done with the money? Why are their silo's full of unsold grain? Why has Thailand lost the reputation as one of the best rice producers the world? Why has the IMF told YL to stop this scheme, yet it continues? Why are unpaid rice workers blocking roads?

Thailand's democratically government at work.

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PDRC co-leader Thaworn Senneam also said;

"Now we have someone [a candidate to be the next PM] who is sincere and not corrupt. [if] we cannot find someone who is [totally] innocent [in life], we can choose the most innocent."[/indent]

Interesting. Several years ago, when I had been in Thailand a few years, I mentioned to one of the senior members of the Dem's that they are the clean party. He corrected me saying nobody is clean in Thailand, but that they were the relatively most clean party in Thailand.

If the PDRC can come up with the relatively most innocent person (regardless of affiliation), then that is a huge step in the right direction.

Democratically unelected of course. 1514066.gif

Still, it is the democratically elected officials who instituted a rice pledging program that has led to the government defaulting on payments to the very people in the country it was designed to help. What have these elected officials done with the money? Why are their silo's full of unsold grain? Why has Thailand lost the reputation as one of the best rice producers the world? Why has the IMF told YL to stop this scheme, yet it continues? Why are unpaid rice workers blocking roads?

Thailand's democratically government at work.

Still, if something like this will happen in any Westerner country, Suthep would have been locked and key thrown away 2 weeks ago.

Justify what he is doing with the fact Government had criminal behaviors is just so wrong.

There are democratic ways to pursue justice, not this Suthep utter nonsense.

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PDRC co-leader Thaworn Senneam also said;

"Now we have someone [a candidate to be the next PM] who is sincere and not corrupt. [if] we cannot find someone who is [totally] innocent [in life], we can choose the most innocent."[/indent]

Interesting. Several years ago, when I had been in Thailand a few years, I mentioned to one of the senior members of the Dem's that they are the clean party. He corrected me saying nobody is clean in Thailand, but that they were the relatively most clean party in Thailand.

If the PDRC can come up with the relatively most innocent person (regardless of affiliation), then that is a huge step in the right direction.

Democratically unelected of course. 1514066.gif

Still, it is the democratically elected officials who instituted a rice pledging program that has led to the government defaulting on payments to the very people in the country it was designed to help. What have these elected officials done with the money? Why are their silo's full of unsold grain? Why has Thailand lost the reputation as one of the best rice producers the world? Why has the IMF told YL to stop this scheme, yet it continues? Why are unpaid rice workers blocking roads?

Thailand's democratically government at work.

Still, if something like this will happen in any Westerner country, Suthep would have been locked and key thrown away 2 weeks ago.

Justify what he is doing with the fact Government had criminal behaviors is just so wrong.

There are democratic ways to pursue justice, not this Suthep utter nonsense.

I don't discuss Suthep. He has been in the sun too long. I am referring to members of the previously elected Thai government who have since realized it is better to not be a member of the Thai government. How much did the rice fiasco have on their decision to cut and run? How come it has been written that the farmers, who still haven't been paid since October, are now blocking roads? Who got the cash? Not the farmers and not YL, and certainly not Suthep. Who fed at this trough and how did that happen.

How did the democratically elected government allow this economic mess to happen?

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