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Obama to deliver State of the Union address on Jan. 28


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Obama to deliver State of the Union address on Jan. 28

WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Barack Obama will deliver the annual State of the Union address on Jan. 28 next year, the White House said on Friday.

White House spokesman Jay Carney said that Obama has accepted an invitation from John Boehner, speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, to make the address to a joint session of U.S. Congress on Jan. 28.

"He will be there," Carney said at a daily briefing.

By tradition, Boehner extended the formal invitation letter to Obama on Friday. The annual State of the Union address is set for 9 p.m. EDT (0200 GMT) on Jan. 28.

"In the coming year, Americans expect Washington to focus on their priorities and to look for common ground in addressing the challenges facing our country," wrote Boehner in the letter. "In that spirit, we welcome an opportunity to hear your ideas, particularly for putting Americans back to work."

Obama's annual address is coming in a year for the mid-term Congressional elections. The speech, a chance for the president to lay out his policy agenda the second year into his second-term, is expected to tackle some tough issues his administration is facing now.

Source: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/world/2013-12/14/c_132966678.htm

-- Xinhua 2013-12-14

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There will be some pretty sad faces in the USA and around the world...........if Obama tells the truth about the state of the union.

Actually, we are okay economically, but politically we are a disaster thanks to weak leadership losing control, respectability and confidence from the American public.

Hate to say "I told you so," but this is what I have been saying about where QE money has been landing, what it has done and why we will be okay.


For all the hand-wringing on Wall Street about the Federal Reserves possible winding down of a four-year effort to pump up the economy, youd think the central bank was considering a ban on helicopter flights to the Hamptons.

Take a deep breath. For most of the rest of us, the Feds upcoming tapering of its massive money flows into the U.S. economy could actually spell good news.

. . .

So where did all that money go? It had to go somewhere, right?

Much of it went to fill the giant crater left in the banking systems books after the industrys wildly reckless spree of bad mortgage lending. Today, U.S. banks balance sheets are in much better shape, and theyre sitting on big piles of reserves. (In Europe, where the central bank took a much more conventional approach to the crisis, banks are in much worse shape. So is the European economy.)


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Why is this blurb even on this forum? 99.9% of Americans won't watch the speech, or even give shit about what he says. All lies. Just sayin'

Projecting a rough estimatated percentage of American viewers from last's years address, I'd say you might want to bone up on your old maths before projecting your own ... blatantly FALSE misinformation.

About 33.5 million people across the nation watched President Obama’s State of the Union address, in which he told Congress that he will devote much of his second term to closing the income gap between rich and poor and called it “our generation’s task.”


Edited by Jingthing
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