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Soi dogs make me think... too much


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Im new to thailand so every thing sticks out at me.

I used to love dogs, but after coming to thailand they really started to really scare me, mostly beause I was on foot walking through thailand rural areas. I had a massive face off with an old big chested dog, I pointed sharp stick in his face, and we both yelled foul language at each other.

A thai man saved me. me and the dog looked embarrassed. ..

but it got worse, I rode a push bike into a random area, some dogs yapped at me but avoided me, I then passed a REALLY big dog surrounded by a few other dogs and a kid about 3yrs old. they were all playing in the dirt.

the big dig was frozen solid except for its eyes following ME....

I legged it out of there about 1min later I slowed down, my heart was absolutely pounding. nothing happened, but I knew instinctively it was a really dangerous situation.

I passed some thai guys and I gave them a big smile because I was relieved to be near humans again.

I turn my head to look back and my mouth hits thr ground, my heart starts thumping so hard I think im having a heart attack.

the first two yapping dog where taking thd lead of a big mob of dogs including the big one. they were all coming after me!!!!

I took the <deleted> off like lightning. kind of laughing at this mad situation.

but u know I love soi dogs now. good luck to the theives coming through my area. I just completely ignore them now even if they bark and we get along fine. I just don't wonder into areas I dont know. ..

but u know I often watch they soi dogs and they get me thinking.

think about all the animals human will not hesitate to kill, sharks, tigers etc

dogd play an important historical role in thailand.

and they far angs who allways talk about chopping dogs balls off just reminds my of the authortarian, police state, nanny state west back home

theyll have laws making sure you wipe your <deleted> arse properly soon over there.

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Did you mean to entitle this topic: Soi dogs make me think... too mutt?

And, what is the important historical role played by dogs in Thailand? (genuine question).

they just keep every one out of your area who doesnt belong there, I am in a bar right now one dog is its nose against my arm like its a bar girl lol

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I never had problems with soidogs. When they approach me then i walk right into them (no matter how many) and look like i will kick them all to the outerspace.. Then i just stand still and if they bark i will bark back. Then the first one will back off, the second one runs away and then they all act like they never had any plans to get me.

If you show fear then they sure will pick that signal up (smell it) and then they know they got you.

I also love dogs but i hate soidogs. They give too many problems and on my motorbike i 'm scared to get them under the wheels.

Also what works is to act like you pick up some stones from the floor to throw at them.

There are also very friendly soidogs though, yesterday on the beach i played with one and then he went to swim alone. They amaze me how fearless they are for traffic. They can lay on the road with their frontlegs to all the traffic and look like nobody will ever drive over their feet. Unbelievable.

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I never had problems with soidogs. When they approach me then i walk right into them (no matter how many) and look like i will kick them all to the outerspace.. Then i just stand still and if they bark i will bark back. Then the first one will back off, the second one runs away and then they all act like they never had any plans to get me.

If you show fear then they sure will pick that signal up (smell it) and then they know they got you.

I also love dogs but i hate soidogs. They give too many problems and on my motorbike i 'm scared to get them under the wheels.

Also what works is to act like you pick up some stones from the floor to throw at them.

There are also very friendly soidogs though, yesterday on the beach i played with one and then he went to swim alone. They amaze me how fearless they are for traffic. They can lay on the road with their frontlegs to all the traffic and look like nobody will ever drive over their feet. Unbelievable.

hahaha, even the poodles make me laugh, they r poodles but they r soy dogs at the same time, ive never seen such happy free dogs, with bunged up legs and and their no fear attitude

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I'm not so much afraid of them as I hate the noise. I live in a nice neighborhood and it's like living in a kennel and a nursery combined. Two big dogs that like to bark (one next door and one across the street), one or two smaller ones that roam the area and chase motorcycles and cars, and two young kids that scream, yell and cry at maximum volume (right next door -- 3 meters). So happy I'm renting so I can move is a couple of months.

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Best to learn dog speak, as in not showing fear, trying to ignore, having a snack supply on hand, a slingshot, or cracker balls to throw with a loud report. If these fail there is leggins and lower body Kevlar.

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A Thai lady got bitten quite badly on the arm by a soi dog in our village yesterday. Her German husband raced her off to the clinic for the first of 4 rabies injections. The soi dog wandered in from outside our village, so it's not like it was being territorial.

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Best to learn dog speak, as in not showing fear, trying to ignore, having a snack supply on hand, a slingshot, or cracker balls to throw with a loud report. If these fail there is leggins and lower body Kevlar.

Agree. I have learned that the best way to deal with barking aggressive looking dogs is to keep my eyes down, my hands hanging down and balled into fist, and don't start yelling at them or making aggressive motions towards them...but of course I do keep a glance/eye on them to make sure none of them are making a run at me...on the rare occasion when that happens I have found all it usually takes is to bend down like you are picking up a rock and they will hightail it out of there.

I've seen others try to deal with the dogs by getting into confrontations with them.....not a good idea generally.

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Cha-Am is dog central, the numbers are increasing day by day. There are many places where you can't walk without confrontation and the mix of motor bikes and dogs is dangerous. I know of at least three of my friends who have been involved in dog V motorbike accidents and the doctor of the local hospital has told me that the number one casualty admission is motor bike accidents but the no. 1 cause is dogs.

No sign of any local action but for tourists this is a major turn-off.


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Send the feckers to Vietnam.

I was told never look one in the eye, which is regarded as a challenge. Five hundred baht will remove the odd one, but clearly that gets expensive.

Chocolate can be used as well. Some time ago I put up a detailed post with a few links indicating how much was an adequate dose. Unfortunately some dog lover had the post removed.

Or you could go and live in Yala. The islamics don't like dogs.

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Did you mean to entitle this topic: Soi dogs make me think... too mutt?

And, what is the important historical role played by dogs in Thailand? (genuine question).

they just keep every one out of your area who doesnt belong there, I am in a bar right now one dog is its nose against my arm like its a bar girl lol
I am sure Bar girls nationwide,will be ecstatic at the comparison.

Please for your safety,don't tell them face to face.

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There's a dog who lives with a family near me; each and every day, he escorts the child to school, and comes to collect the (same) child every day. On the way, he has a good old barking match with a dog behind a fence, and a mutter at a cockerel who clucks every time the dog comes past.

Now that's loyalty!

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A Thai lady got bitten quite badly on the arm by a soi dog in our village yesterday. Her German husband raced her off to the clinic for the first of 4 rabies injections. The soi dog wandered in from outside our village, so it's not like it was being territorial.

The prevalence of canine and human rabies in Thailand has decreased significantly during the last decade. This has been associated with an increasing number of human post-exposure treatments. Educational efforts, mass vaccination of dogs and cats and the use of safe and effective vaccines have all made an impact. The proportion of fluorescent antibody positive dogs, among those examined for rabies averaged 54% indicating that rabies is still a major public health threat. Canine rabies vaccination is not usually performed in animals < 3 months old. However, this study revealed that 14% of rabid dogs were < 3 months old and 42% were < or = 6 months old. This is the age group most likely to interact with humans and other dogs. Our study also supports the World Health Organization's recommendation that observing suspected rabid dogs for 10 days is an adequate and safe practice.

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Best to learn dog speak, as in not showing fear, trying to ignore, having a snack supply on hand, a slingshot, or cracker balls to throw with a loud report. If these fail there is leggins and lower body Kevlar.

What's a cracker ball?

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Both OP and namdocmai above (the guy who barks back at the dogs!) clearly are inexperienced around dogs.

Its fair enough that you get anxious around them as described as you are inexperienced. You have to try to adopt a calm submissive approach when around the soi dogs. They will pick up on your anxiousness and aggressiveness.

In the situations you described above your best to keep calm and slowly walk away without saying a word or freaking out.

I often carry a small bag of dry dog food in my day pack and depending on the situation will feed them. As someone else pointed out above, they are extremely unlikely to bite you and it will all be for show

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I've had a few crazy ones attacking my motorbike, running after and snapping at my legs, just for passing by.
A few ones are completely bat shit crazy as far I've seen.

Most of em are pretty ok and acts just like any dog, barking at tourists but don't really care about us who are used to them.
Rarely i stumble on some crazy soidogs, but everytime I'm eager to get out of there.

They really are a pest as far as I'm concerned, all they are is a danger to motorbikes and people walking.

Ruined by inbreeding and streetlife, I don't see these as dogs really, just a problem.

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I'm not so much afraid of them as I hate the noise. I live in a nice neighborhood and it's like living in a kennel and a nursery combined. Two big dogs that like to bark (one next door and one across the street), one or two smaller ones that roam the area and chase motorcycles and cars, and two young kids that scream, yell and cry at maximum volume (right next door -- 3 meters). So happy I'm renting so I can move is a couple of months.

I echo your problem re noise pollution from tame dogs & not so tame kids as neighbours.

Our village is also peaceful under the mountains nr soi 6 but we sadly have bought the wrong house as Russian famiily from deepest hell with 3 yapping dogs & 3 loud mad children drive my wife & I to finally sell up & move to another part of Hua Hin .Plus the soi dogs as well ..came here for peace & quiet & for 2 nd time [had to move from our other home in Pattaya as 24hr retaurant open up 3 metrs from our house] we cannot find it but we will not stop until we do ....

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yes soi dogs everywhere, and the final solution cannot be implemented as there simply isn't enough rat poison in Tesco giggle.gif so I'll be investing in either a BB gun or a catapult, one of those crossbow things is probably taking it too far.

The crossbow thing is not taking it too far if the dog is going to attack you unprovoked. any animal or human who attacks anyone without provocation, can't complain if they are stopped by the person they are attacking by any method.

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