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Minister Yukol expects Thai rice exports to reach 7 mil tons next year


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Minister Yukol expects rice exports to reach 7 mil tons next year

BANGKOK, 17 December 2013 (NNT) – The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives predicts that Thailand will export 7 million tons of rice next year, while rice production in the country will be as high as 38 million tons.

According to Minister of Agriculture Yukol Limlamthong, there are over 3 billion rice consumers around the world, mostly in Asia. As the market has a tendency to grow wider and wider, it is essential that Thai farmers have the knowledge to enhance rice productivity in order for Thailand to be more competitive in the world market, says Mr. Yukol.

Thailand, according to the minister, is more advantageous than its competitors in terms of research which has helped add the value to Thai rice.

The minister believes that Thailand will next year export 7 million tons of rice, an amount close to this year’s figure, adding that the country's total rice output in 2014 will be 38 million tons.

The minister is also calling for grouping of rice producing countries in order for them to gain higher negotiating power in the world stage.

-- NNT 2013-12-17 footer_n.gif

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So is this an attempt at refuting the idea that the stockpile will take five years to sell?

I noticed on tv they were showing bags of rice being loaded into containers. I'm not sure if it's for shipping, or is it another way to store the rice?

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BANGKOK, 17 December 2013 (NNT) – The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives predicts that Thailand will export 7 million tons of rice next year, while rice production in the country will be as high as 38 million tons.

Believe nothing that comes from the mouth of a PTP minister.

According to Minister of Agriculture Yukol Limlamthong, there are over 3 billion rice consumers around the world, mostly in Asia. As the market has a tendency to grow wider and wider, it is essential that Thai farmers have the knowledge to enhance rice productivity in order for Thailand to be more competitive in the world market, says Mr. Yukol.

Well you won't increase competitiveness by pushing the rice farmers into a comfort zone of growing rice for far more than market prices. Also, all those rice consumers tend to live in countries that grow their own rice..... cheaper!!

Thailand, according to the minister, is more advantageous than its competitors in terms of research which has helped add the value to Thai rice.

But they fall short on every other determining factor to make them a serious competitor, also everyone around the world knows that the rice here is old, stale and moldy, I wouldn't risk buying from here.

The minister believes that Thailand will next year export 7 million tons of rice, an amount close to this year’s figure, adding that the country's total rice output in 2014 will be 38 million tons.

31 million tons to be bought and consumed by Thais then, that's only 467KG for every man, woman, child and baby... doable if you happen to be a nation of 8ft 350KG sumo wrestlers.

The minister is also calling for grouping of rice producing countries in order for them to gain higher negotiating power in the world stage.

Begging won't help.

Don't forget the 16 million tons sat in storage... That makes the remaining after exports 50 million tons... This report is supposed to make people feel good about the situation???

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What is wrong with you people. Why don't you believe Dr. Yukol about the rice production?

After all, he has been the DG of Livestock Development for many years. From a Thai government standpoint, this at least close to agriculture.

It could be worse. There will be a new government and then someone else will be the Minister of Agriculture. Maybe that person will have a lifelong experience in something like paint.

Never expect someone in a Thai ministerial position to have actual experience in what they are in charge of.

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Well if this report is true, and it must be because Minister of Agriculture Yukol Limlamthong said so then I am sure the government will

1 publish the cost that it buys the rice at

2 publish the storage and transportation costs which we can add together

3 publish the price it sells the rice at

If we see the difference between 2 and 3 we will know and be truly amazed at the wonderful sales technique of how to make a profit PTP style.


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On the one hand we are being informed that the government has reduced the price of the "vastly superior" Thai rice to the same as the "vastly inferior" Vietnamese paddy and still can't sell it because the market "expects Thai rice prices to drop further"

On the other we are told the above..........


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"Thailand, according to the minister, is more advantageous than its competitors in terms of research which has helped add the value to Thai rice."

... and here I was thinking the value of the Thai rice was added to with the 'rice price pledging scheme' only rolleyes.gif

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I am not allowed to quote because of forum rules so I will paraphrase :

The Hon Pres of the Thai Rice exporters Ass has said that the price of Thai rice is now the same as Vietnamese rice they but still cant find buyers.

If anyone is keen they should be able to find the whole article.

Who to believe the minister or the Pres of the REA ?

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it is essential that Thai farmers have the knowledge to enhance rice productivity in order for Thailand to be more competitive in the world market, says Mr. Yukol.

Oh my lordie lord. Whilst efficiency is one thing, its patently obvious that a huge percentage of the farmers can't survive without a subsidy so the best thing would be to pay them to retire to REDUCE production so that prices firm up.

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it is essential that Thai farmers have the knowledge to enhance rice productivity in order for Thailand to be more competitive in the world market, says Mr. Yukol.

Oh my lordie lord. Whilst efficiency is one thing, its patently obvious that a huge percentage of the farmers can't survive without a subsidy so the best thing would be to pay them to retire to REDUCE production so that prices firm up.

But prices wont firm up Thai at Heart because :

Stockpiles in India, Vietnam, Thailand, the U.S. and Pakistan, the five largest shippers, will expand 6.8 percent to a record 42.6 million tons in 2013-2014, said Darren Cooper, a senior economist at the London-based International Grains Council. Global inventories will rise 4.8 percent to 183 million tons, expanding for a ninth year and lifting the stockpiles-to- usage ratio to the highest since at least 2002-2003, according to the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization in Rome.

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it is essential that Thai farmers have the knowledge to enhance rice productivity in order for Thailand to be more competitive in the world market, says Mr. Yukol.

Oh my lordie lord. Whilst efficiency is one thing, its patently obvious that a huge percentage of the farmers can't survive without a subsidy so the best thing would be to pay them to retire to REDUCE production so that prices firm up.

But prices wont firm up Thai at Heart because :

Stockpiles in India, Vietnam, Thailand, the U.S. and Pakistan, the five largest shippers, will expand 6.8 percent to a record 42.6 million tons in 2013-2014, said Darren Cooper, a senior economist at the London-based International Grains Council. Global inventories will rise 4.8 percent to 183 million tons, expanding for a ninth year and lifting the stockpiles-to- usage ratio to the highest since at least 2002-2003, according to the United Nations Food & Agriculture Organization in Rome.

That's as maybe. Fact is, the model for thai rice was groaning before. Some wonderful premium rice that went for a very high price and the rest irrigated 3 or 4 crops of generic stuff to get volume.

The guys with the premium stuff get shafted so can't survive and the other stuff is just a commodity.

Thailand needs less generic and more quality.

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That's as maybe. Fact is, the model for thai rice was groaning before. Some wonderful premium rice that went for a very high price and the rest irrigated 3 or 4 crops of generic stuff to get volume.

The guys with the premium stuff get shafted so can't survive and the other stuff is just a commodity.

Thailand needs less generic and more quality.

Another prediction for you Thai at Heart from back in August, I doubt things have improved since then.

Global imports will decline this year for the first time since 2009 because of weaker demand from some African and Asian buyers, the FAO says. World trade may contract 2.5 percent to 37.5 million tons, the agency said in August.

As for quality I read recently that Cambodia had recently won the annual contest for the worlds best rice, if memory serves me correctly, for the third year running.

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Remember about 2 years back, an article about the US growing a brand of rice called "Jazzman". They could get 2--3 times more rice per harvest than Thai. Ag Minister gloated that it didn't matter because people would always prefer the higher quality Jasmine rice.

Hummm, I don't think so.

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I think all of us would agree that this rice pledging scheme is a cost that Thailand cannot bear and it needs to be dealt with once and for all.

My suggestion is that all Govt employees from the PM down and all politicians from whatever party should be paid in rice rather than baht until the mountain is clearedrolleyes.gif .

Sorry I am too busy to run the country and have not been through school of corruption.

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The farmers are great at producing the rice, its the GOVERNMENT that has

made Thai rice uncompetitive in the world market,buy paying 50% more for

the rice than its actual value,the have knackered Thai rice sales,and its

anybodies guess when it will recover,if I was Thai and a tax payer I would

be REALLY pissed off at the way tax money has been wasted.

regards Worgeordie

"The farmers are great at producing the rice........"

Wrong. Other countries produce higher yields per hectare, and labour intensive small-plot farming will never be efficient. A large section of the work force is engaged in producing a low value crop which requires big subsidies to allow them a miserable lifestyle.

When the rice scam collapses, and it will be soon, there is going to be a great deal of heartbreak and pain for these people, likely causing much civil unrest. Whether the man who conceived it is an idiot, or that unrest was his intent, is up to you to decide. When I look at his political manoeuvres over the last 10 years............

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