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I am sure that, frankly, people do not care what others think.

That is why they got a tattoo in the first place......

Arguably the opposite might be true,

Tattoos is a form of expression, and expressions are a form of communication,

unless you are communicating that expression to your self, in which case I would suspect a schizophrenic episode ,

Obviously you care enough of what others think to invest your hard earned gold, and endure pain ans suffering,to tattoo your expression on your body,mostly ,but not always, in areas visible to others.

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Personally i love them, it is up to the individual - it's their skin.

A look here might change some peoples blinkered vision. http://www.inkedandsexy.com/blogs/news

Thank You

I looked at this site to see the photos and the artwork, as a photograper i can say to an extant

that (i have seen it all) believe me sometimes i wish i haven't seen as much as i have BUT

in my case i worked as a manager in my younger days in a 1 hour photo shop (a long time ago)

there i got to see everything but what i still remember after all these years was to see a couple in their 70's maybe covered in tattoos and let me tell you it was not a pretty sight, let me tell everyone who wants to get a tattoo done, first look at the site

above then imagine the beautiful 20 year olds in 50 years time. YA CAN'T GET RID OF THEM....... that's the problem, todays fashion is tomorrows nightmare, ha ha just thought, get your girl to tatoo your name on her body,, put her to the test and see if she agrees, or would her body cope with all the names she would put on it in reality ????


For me it's a complete turnoff on a girl. Even the smallest tattoo turns a stunner into something completely repulsive. Its the same for me for belly button piercings. I cant explain why. Just something instinctive

I don't mind them on a young, really hot girl, but I try not to think about how terrible they will look in a few years when the bloom of youth has passed her by.

To me, getting anything other than a small tasteful one is foolish - for a man or a woman - but I do not obsess about it either.


I work in a business that takes foreigners to have sak yant tattoos done by Ruesi Masters. This trend is booming at the moment and we are getting bookings daily!


Not keen..... a little discreet one is of course not an issue.

But I dislike say a heavily tattooed limb where most of the skin is covered, it makes me think they have a badly infected limb!

And they sure look silly on older people.... I saw an old lady with some recently, most unappealing.


I think it's something that looks good on young people. As people get older they tend to look worse with them. But that's just my prejudice really... I guess it's actually quite nice for folk to add and a bit of colour and difference to the world.

That said, this site is a guilty pleasure of mine... http://wtftattoos.com/ smile.png




I for one am quite happy to touch tattoos on the first date!


Her tattoos look terrible, but I would still give her one anyway.



Personally i love them, it is up to the individual - it's their skin.

A look here might change some peoples blinkered vision. http://www.inkedandsexy.com/blogs/news

I just cannot see what mentality some people have that makes them want to permanently disfigure themselves. But as you rightfully say, it's their skin. Has nobody noticed that it's mostly ugly guys who have tattoos, and also facial hair?

Jeez, and beards too? <deleted> get a life! Each to their own. And never judge a book by it's cover.


Personally i love them, it is up to the individual - it's their skin.

A look here might change some peoples blinkered vision. http://www.inkedandsexy.com/blogs/news

I just cannot see what mentality some people have that makes them want to permanently disfigure themselves. But as you rightfully say, it's their skin. Has nobody noticed that it's mostly ugly guys who have tattoos, and also facial hair?

Jeez, and beards too? <deleted> get a life! Each to their own. And never judge a book by it's cover.

Beards is facial hair and I'm not judging anybody. My two best friends have facial hair, tattoos, wear simmets (wife beaters) and one of them is grossly overweight. But two more honest and decent guys you could not meet.

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I beleive the creativity behind a tattoo is crucial, the more unique and attractive it probably worth to have it. I never want to have tattoos but love to see there is some really great ones like these for example from the art point of perspective...

attachicon.gif593c10baba890323f9ea6f1ee81bccc1.jpg attachicon.gif0f1c6710ee1e894e258a7906df187510.jpg attachicon.gif4b6c65d352c5ae7c5b5cc026247b8789.jpg

I don't have a tattoo and don't plan on getting one anytime soon, but first and third ones here are simply amazing. I can certainly understand the desire to have something like that.


A tattoo is just a permanent expression of ''something'' . I can see no difference between folk plastering make-up on ever day to look different and the same every day. I can see no difference with folk dying their hair to change ''something'' , folk injecting themselves with botox, face lifts, the list could go on, the only difference to me is permanence. thumbsup.gif

Of course there are extremes with tattoos which do look daft, myself with a single one can only be seen by Mrs.Trans. giggle.gif


I have none... I'm a wimp when it comes to pain and I have a huge fear of needles. There is NO WAY I could ever sit through the process.

But I have always wanted to get one that says "Welcome to Jamaica, Mon. Have a nice day!" cheesy.gif

But on girls, it depends on the girl, the tat, the location, the quality of the design and the skill of the artist who did it.

I think some are really hot, but others look terrible. I agree that they look better when they are newer and not so good as people get older... but isn't that true of just about everything??

I recall seeing a young, hot, asian girl walking through a casino in Vegas last year wearing a sexy short little black dress and she had a garter tattoo on one thigh that was just screaming hot. As far as I could see, that was the only one... But that one tat was amazing on her, I would bet I wouldn't even remember her if she didn't have it. So... yeah... done well, in the right place, I think they look great.

However, one of the worst tattoo ideas I ever saw was on a girl on walking street in Pattaya... Honest to god, I'm not making this up, she had a lower back "tramp stamp" that said "<deleted> & Forget" in elaborate cursive writing almost 2 inches tall. blink.png

And, before you all pile on... I did NEITHER!


Every thing goes in cycles :)

In my life time, short hair was fashionable, then long hair and back to short hair.

Many WWII vets had tattoos so many of the post WWII generation (a.k.a Baby Boomers) rejected them, wanting to be different from their father's generation.

Tattoos are definitely back, but I predict some future generations will shun them. Not saying they are good or bad, its just fashion and fashions change :)


On some girls, tattoos look good. Nothing large, a small rose on the shoulder, a multi-coloured butterfly perhaps?

That said, there must be a time when enough is enough and bringing her home to meet mum would be a no-no...............sad.png



On some girls, tattoos look good. Nothing large, a small rose on the shoulder, a multi-coloured butterfly perhaps?

That said, there must be a time when enough is enough and bringing her home to meet mum would be a no-no...............sad.png

attachicon.gifButterfly Tattoo.jpg

Mate ... that's downright tacky!

So Ugly.

Those tacky, ugly tags ... she could at least cut them off ... pfffft


I think it's something that looks good on young people. As people get older they tend to look worse with them. But that's just my prejudice really... I guess it's actually quite nice for folk to add and a bit of colour and difference to the world.

That said, this site is a guilty pleasure of mine... http://wtftattoos.com/ smile.png



Thanks Mate ... that's why I reckon it's a Fake.

Actually, your version is much better because it doesn't have the pixelation around the outside ... the airbrushing is better.

You can still see the pixelation around the grim reaper from the originial.


Every thing goes in cycles smile.png

In my life time, short hair was fashionable, then long hair and back to short hair.

Many WWII vets had tattoos so many of the post WWII generation (a.k.a Baby Boomers) rejected them, wanting to be different from their father's generation.

Tattoos are definitely back, but I predict some future generations will shun them. Not saying they are good or bad, its just fashion and fashions change smile.png


the problem is when the fashion trend changes you can't take them off.

I've tried to think of something that I would like to have on my body FOREVER... Something I thought was cool 20 years ago.... I'm SO glad I didn't do it.

Like my first wife's name... or my second wifes name... or whistling.gif

But, I have no problem with other peoples tattoos... either the tats themselves or the people wearing them.


I saw a young falang girl in Tesco a couple of weeks ago, the tattoo covered half her back, it just looked like a big blue blob, couldn't distinguish what it was. Nice looking girl as well, I could only think "what a shame" to disfigure yourself like that. If the tat had been halfway artistic or even recognisable, but it just looked a mess.

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The thread title did not specify gender, however, it appears to be all about the girls.

..funnily enough, the kind of girl who gets her body tattooed probably doesnt give a rats arse what some lame old guy thinks of her.

I disagree, I would be thinking the kind of Thai girl who gets her body tattooed sees old white guys as her bread and butter.

But back to the OP

Artistic and colourful = great.

Blue prison quality = yuck.

I have reasoned that many bar girls that get tattooed do so after seeing the many Caucasian men and women that have tattoos. as thai's equate white skin with high social status they probably believe getting tattooed will inflect a status thing.

Have also seen tattoos among the thai females working in the strictly thai sex business, though usually low end business.


Tattoo on a girl = tramp stamp.

I caution against universal statements.

Sometimes it's cultural ... certainly is in New Zealand.

There is some Religious or Cultural signifience in Thailand.

... and yes, many entertainment ladies have them also.

But sorry ... "Tattoo on a girl = tramp stamp", I can't agree with, because everyone is different.

Every one is different... every one is different...good luck to convince some honorable TV members facepalm.gif... that not all Thais are made from the same mold.

Tattoo on a girl= tramp stamp xermm.gif.pagespeed.ic.TsZhDFyEQ-.webp = TV stamp...... no Christmas truce on TV biggrin.png


A tattoo is just a permanent expression of ''something'' . I can see no difference between folk plastering make-up on ever day to look different and the same every day. I can see no difference with folk dying their hair to change ''something'' , folk injecting themselves with botox, face lifts, the list could go on, the only difference to me is permanence. thumbsup.gif

Of course there are extremes with tattoos which do look daft, myself with a single one can only be seen by Mrs.Trans. giggle.gif

How old were you when you got it done?

Tatoos are usually what foolish youngsters get and then when they wisen up they regret it.

As for local women with them, it a sign saying I used to work ain Pattaya as hairdresser.

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I have seen some pretty tattoos though I would not have one myself. These days I see more and more middle-aged people looking pretty nasty with tattoos that might have looked good when they were young. And when I see young people with massive tattoos on their necks, hands, or other visible parts of the body I sure hope they realize that they have severely limited their career choices.

Like David Beckham for instance?


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Not that most readers will care . . .

Back in the day, before tattoos experienced their most recent surge, I was on temporary duty on the US East Coast. Discovery Channel was brand new, and they had two one hour shows on tattoos, one being on the Samoan and Maori methods. I don't have tattoos, but as with most new things, I was fascinated.

The next day at lunch, I went to a small tavern. I sat at the bar, and the bartender served me. She was a striking woman, very good looking. She also has small bits of tattoos peeking from under collar and along her wrists under her sleeves. I asked about them, curious. At first she was defensive as if I was going to criticize her, but as she realized I was interested in them, the process, etc, she warmed up. She told me her entire body was covered in them, gotten all around the world. At the end of my lunch, she told me she got off work at 8, and if I was interested, I could pick her up and she could show me more of them.

You have to understand that women just don't say things like that to me. In addition, I was newly separated and, well, somewhat lonely. Unfortunately, I had a flight back to California that evening, and with tremendous regret, I told her I couldn't make it.

To this day, I think about my tattooed woman and what might have been.

You probably avoided an STD.

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