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Maltese Man Beaten Up By 7 Motorbike Taxi Riders


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Apparently the sight of a penis on a Thai is enough to justify a broken nose, according to most members on this forum, so I've got no problem with rude and obnoxious foreigners suffering a few bruises (if my theory is correct).

Not according to most members, what you should be saying is "...according to a very small minority of TV members,... This forum has more than 200,000 members according to the people that run it.

I should have been more specific then...the members who actively post in the Pattaya sub-forum.

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As only one example, one evening sitting at a sidewalk bar, having a cold one (or two), I watched a motorbike taxi drive up and drop off a farang. The driver told him the fare and held out his hand. The farang just walked off, stiffed the driver without any expression at all, apparently never intended to pay for the service. This sort of treatment of Thais by oh so superior farangs is not unusual. Why do some Thais have such a low opinion of farangs? We bring it on ourselves and then are so sanctimonious when one of us gets mistreated.

Note...I do not in any way approve of seven beating up on one but as several posts have mentioned, there is more to this story than is being told. No one has asked the seven what provoked them.

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These guys will find any excuse they can to pound a farang.

Yeah, I think that's it as well. It's a SPORT for those thugs and they know they'll probably get off Scot Free or 500 baht in the worst case scenario. After all they were "protecting" something Thai against a foreign invader, weren't they?

And those poor bastards have to be seven to deal with him...

What has become of Thailand, once so peaceful ?

Farang invaded

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The transport thugs are in on the bank business too? Seriously, why would they CARE about an ATM machine?

Wild Speculation Ahead,but maybe...

Because he was beating on the ATM card Skimmer they were told to keep any eye on.

like I said wild speculation,probably was just another senseless beating,but then again,who would be better to throw a few baht(or bottles) to to keep an eye on your Credit/ATM Card ripper?,they have the perfect cover.

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Another daft farang...like beating on an ATM machine has ever resulted in ones retained card being returned! I can imagine tue Thais probable said to him to go to the branch to report it and get another card and the victim using some choice words telling them to mind their own business. If he happened to include the "F" word among them this is what probably set them off.

They wouldn't have got aroused to anger by a goofy farang beating on a metal box alone.

Which hospital did you get you thai apologist gene implanted at ?

Suppose you wear a polo shirt, walking shorts and sensible shoes while associating with the natives ?

And frown upon lower class farangs with tattoo,s and short hair ?

Soutpeel, you got it wrong. this person minces around in tight leahterette shorts and the only thing he had replaced in the hospital was his chromosones...

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Another daft farang...like beating on an ATM machine has ever resulted in ones retained card being returned! I can imagine tue Thais probable said to him to go to the branch to report it and get another card and the victim using some choice words telling them to mind their own business. If he happened to include the "F" word among them this is what probably set them off.

They wouldn't have got aroused to anger by a goofy farang beating on a metal box alone.

I wasn't there and I wonder if any TVF posters were. It would be presumptuous to pass judgement on the injured party based on the scant story. I also don't know him and would refrain calling him juvenile-like names such as goofy and daft.

Conjecture, presumption, pseudo-detective work, quessing, imagining, fortune-telling and alcohol enhanced statements do nothing but cloud an already murky story.

Those that take pleasure in another's pain are indeed worthy of self inventory.

Think, Think, Think.

The descriptive terms were used based on the reported actions of this person, i.e., beating an ATM that has retained one's card and expecting that to cause the machine to return the card. I'm sure that in his non-daft moments, this fella is a completely lucid individual.

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The transport thugs are in on the bank business too? Seriously, why would they CARE about an ATM machine?

Perhaps they had a scanner on it and concerned he may break it. biggrin.png


Yes,.. that sounds more plausible.

Why would 7 taxi drivers be so motivated to beat up a crazy farang who was attacking an ATM unless they had some vested interest?

4am,... and 7 taxi bike drivers all happen to be watching over an ATM and could care less that a farang was attacking the ATM. ?

Perhaps they were more concerned that his "attack" attempts would dislodge their "property" (ie. card scanner/capture device)?

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Another daft farang...like beating on an ATM machine has ever resulted in ones retained card being returned! I can imagine tue Thais probable said to him to go to the branch to report it and get another card and the victim using some choice words telling them to mind their own business. If he happened to include the "F" word among them this is what probably set them off.

They wouldn't have got aroused to anger by a goofy farang beating on a metal box alone.

Oh , so the F word inflames these pillars or society. for God's sake get a life. These scumbags, seven strong, who you appear to defend obtained glass bottles ,steel bars and wooden poles in order to show their dislike for the F word. You really need to get out more.

Nobody said they were pillars of society...usually just the opposite. Most of them are low educated issan lads, often with limited social and conflict resolution skills (like uneducated people the world over). Therefore, if one should find oneself in a confrontation with them it behooves one to walk away. Of course, all the tatted-up tourists and T-V posters will call you a coward for doing this but at least you won't find your picture in the paper looking like a cut-rate Egyptian mummy job.

As to the "F" word (and its variations and related finger gestures), anyone half clued in foreigner knows its a "fighting" word in Thailand. Just as in Thailand, there are certain verbal insults that if hurled between Thais immediately result in violence if not immediately retracted. It's the same in the West. Any boy/man knows that in the heat of an argument, if certain words or slurs are made against one's mother fists will fly. It's just not tolerated. Unfortunately, these trip-wires are culture specific...like my Brazilian friend told me never to make the "ok" sign (thumb and index finger touchimh in a circle) with my fingers in Brazil because there it's the F-you symbol. Something similar probably happened in this instance.

wow... you've managed to get on your virtual soap box and give everybody a lesson in the world of gestures and reactions to "bad words" all this based on your supposition that he MIGHT have used the 'F' word. Well done, good work. meanwhile in the real World...

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The transport thugs are in on the bank business too? Seriously, why would they CARE about an ATM machine?

Perhaps they had a scanner on it and concerned he may break it. biggrin.png


Yes,.. that sounds more plausible.

Why would 7 taxi drivers be so motivated to beat up a crazy farang who was attacking an ATM unless they had some vested interest?

4am,... and 7 taxi bike drivers all happen to be watching over an ATM and could care less that a farang was attacking the ATM. ?

Perhaps they were more concerned that his "attack" attempts would dislodge their "property" (ie. card scanner/capture device)?

Possible...but considering the quality of the average farang in Pattaya, more likely he was using a stolen or forged card and the machine confiscated it and he got pissed as the jig was up. Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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Stupid thing to do..attacking an ATM, BUT why are these guys always hunt as pack? A bunch of cowards..that's what they are..

Because they know that a one on one fight with a bigger and heavier farang is a lost fight. This pack behaviour has deeper roots though. It also has to do with the fear of acting alone. Thai's don't like to do things alone, especially whipping someones ass. What if the farang beats the hell out of the one or two guys. Big loss of face. At least when there are 7 of them, they can be quite sure that they wont lose face. Unless the guy is a navy seal wink.png

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The transport thugs are in on the bank business too? Seriously, why would they CARE about an ATM machine?

I doubt they care about ATM machines, they saw an opportunity to assault a foreigner, and they did, they attacked a man like a pack of hyenas.

The bank'll give them a reward big enough for a couple more yabba tabs each!

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These guys will find any excuse they can to pound a farang.

Yeah, I think that's it as well. It's a SPORT for those thugs and they know they'll probably get off Scot Free or 500 baht in the worst case scenario. After all they were "protecting" something Thai against a foreign invader, weren't they?

Yes and he seems such a nice guy, just because he went ballistic on an ATM because he put in the wrong pin number and maybe could not pay his girlfriend and taxi or whatever (speak to my elbow my hands tired) there was no need for them brutal taxi drivers to get involved. Never had a problem with these vicious thugs myself.

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Stupid thing to do..attacking an ATM, BUT why are these guys always hunt as pack? A bunch of cowards..that's what they are..

Because they know that a one on one fight with a bigger and heavier farang is a lost fight. This pack behaviour has deeper roots though. It also has to do with the fear of acting alone. Thai's don't like to do things alone, especially whipping someones ass. What if the farang beats the hell out of the one or two guys. Big loss of face. At least when there are 7 of them, they can be quite sure that they wont lose face. Unless the guy is a navy seal wink.png


Prove that crap,cheesy.gif go out and fight one, my moneys on the Thai. When did you last beat one up keyboard warrior. giggle.gif

Edited by lostinsurin
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We are only getting a side of the story. Did this guy get rude to the Thai guys? No excuse but play with a snake and get bit. Who fault is it?

You know how some Thai are. About losing face.

You know how some foreigners are. Trying to come up with theories and excuses what the Maltese man may have said, that got him beat up, almost murdered.

Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by valgehiir
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We are only getting a side of the story. Did this guy get rude to the Thai guys? No excuse but play with a snake and get bit. Who fault is it?

You know how some Thai are. About losing face.

You know some foreigners are. Trying to come up with theories what the Maltese man may have said, that got him beat up, almost murdered.

Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Trying to come up with theories........................................ almost murdered cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Good one Val

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So, did you hear at all if you start to attack on ATM it will give back your card ???

This Maltese misses medical treatment to his silly head.

About these 7 yaa-ba idiot taxidrivers, they didn't care about ATM, bank or Thai property, they only enjoyed to beat one farang, but 7:1 it is a bit coward smell bastards.

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Stupid thing to do..attacking an ATM, BUT why are these guys always hunt as pack? A bunch of cowards..that's what they are..

Because they know that a one on one fight with a bigger and heavier farang is a lost fight. This pack behaviour has deeper roots though. It also has to do with the fear of acting alone. Thai's don't like to do things alone, especially whipping someones ass. What if the farang beats the hell out of the one or two guys. Big loss of face. At least when there are 7 of them, they can be quite sure that they wont lose face. Unless the guy is a navy seal wink.png

Really? I've seen some 10 year-old boys training on muay thai at my gym who could likely whoop da ass of 90% of the farangs in Pattaya. So not fighting one on one isn't related to fear on their part but group solidarity. It's like this in most if Asia... You have a dispute or fight with someone you have it with their whole family/group/clan/school etc. Why fight alone when you can bring all your family and friends as backup? Makes sense to me.

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Trying to come up with theories........................................ almost murdered

Good one Val

Funny, isn't it!

7 guys, armed with steel bars. How many blows to mans head, you think, does it take to kill a man.

Maybe add couple of more smiley emoticons!

Oh, my username is valgehiir, not val.

Sent from my C6802 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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No they are sick of foolish foreigners acting like goats in there country. The verbal warning was to stop smashing up a machine and to behave. His response was to act like a pratt in public. Actually good to see, This is Thailand, know the rules and play by them or go back to where you come from. Seriously who attacks an ATM machine.

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As usual they will go free or get a 100 bath fine or something like that.

Then even less tourists wants to come here, and the "taxi-mafia" earn

even less money. Thai bath go down, I get more money exchange. wai2.gif

Everybody is happy, except the Maltese guy, the taxi-drivers and

others trying to make a living here..

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Stupid thing to do..attacking an ATM, BUT why are these guys always hunt as pack? A bunch of cowards..that's what they are..

Because they know that a one on one fight with a bigger and heavier farang is a lost fight. This pack behaviour has deeper roots though. It also has to do with the fear of acting alone. Thai's don't like to do things alone, especially whipping someones ass. What if the farang beats the hell out of the one or two guys. Big loss of face. At least when there are 7 of them, they can be quite sure that they wont lose face. Unless the guy is a navy seal wink.png

Really? I've seen some 10 year-old boys training on muay thai at my gym who could likely whoop da ass of 90% of the farangs in Pattaya. So not fighting one on one isn't related to fear on their part but group solidarity. It's like this in most if Asia... You have a dispute or fight with someone you have it with their whole family/group/clan/school etc. Why fight alone when you can bring all your family and friends as backup? Makes sense to me.

Makes sense to group up on a loner? Is that what they teach you in your Muay Thai gym? makes senseclap2.gif

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Stupid thing to do..attacking an ATM, BUT why are these guys always hunt as pack? A bunch of cowards..that's what they are..

Because they know that a one on one fight with a bigger and heavier farang is a lost fight. This pack behaviour has deeper roots though. It also has to do with the fear of acting alone. Thai's don't like to do things alone, especially whipping someones ass. What if the farang beats the hell out of the one or two guys. Big loss of face. At least when there are 7 of them, they can be quite sure that they wont lose face. Unless the guy is a navy seal wink.png

Really? I've seen some 10 year-old boys training on muay thai at my gym who could likely whoop da ass of 90% of the farangs in Pattaya. So not fighting one on one isn't related to fear on their part but group solidarity. It's like this in most if Asia... You have a dispute or fight with someone you have it with their whole family/group/clan/school etc. Why fight alone when you can bring all your family and friends as backup? Makes sense to me.

Makes sense to group up on a loner? Is that what they teach you in your Muay Thai gym? makes senseclap2.gif
Re-read my post slowly and maybe you'll comprehend it. Straw-men are so easy to slay even you managed it. Edited by OMGImInPattaya
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It seems there are some key details missing from this snooze-worthy bit of a summary written by a Thai in vague if not misleading language. Inserted somewhere in the story could be that the motorcycle taxi drivers had had enough of witnessing scads of aging farang men parade their mia chao (rented wives) around and act as if they own the joint. Their so-called wives are women who are or were sometimes barely legal and are often young enough to be their daughters or even granddaughters. These are women who are likely calling to and banking on their faen/saamii farang in other provinces or perhaps right around the corner. These are women who were almost certainly trafficked into the commercial sex industry from a young age, thus rendering them with diminished capacity in all respects, save the ability to stroke a needy ego. Does not anyone else wonder what a 48-year-old man is doing with a 26-year-old wife, or a girlfriend that much younger relative to him, aside from what would possess him to have a go at an ATM and what would spur the group of taxi drivers to have a go at him?

Edited by thefamilyjules
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The transport thugs are in on the bank business too? Seriously, why would they CARE about an ATM machine?

The ATM is Thai. On Thai soil. Or in a Soi stinking of sh!t anyway. Thai rak Thai.... How dare the farang assault it.

7 Thais cannot possibly watch that assault on their country without beating the living sh!t out of him.

Edited by 1ma
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