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next thing you'll want families to stop sharing the moto, or no more piling into the back of a pickup.

TiT - if you want well-regulated safety, head back home or to Singapore. . .

And yes, hitting the Enter key occasionally does make even long rants more readable

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keep digging kanga, coming from a country where parents buy 16 and 17 yearolds turbocharged V8 cars as soon as they get their learners permit, and one of the highest causes of teenage death is car connected ,up to now I have never seen children transported in a carboot in LOS but it is quite popular here amongst Australian teenagers, wont even mention car surfing, must admit I do get a bitnervous when I get overtaken by 6 on a moped incountry!!

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Kanga, there is another way of looking at this issue. You and I and many others know about safety, but in Thailand safety is just not top of the pile. From the policeman's viewpoint - getting money is the priority. So if you are a policeman sitting on your motorcycle, near a traffic intersection watching the cars, the two easiest things to spot are - no helmets, but mostly thais with no money, (then too much paperwork), or car drivers without seatbelts, - more likely to have 200 baht, - no paperwork - no problem.

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So I se everyone here is fine with children riding that way.

Sure that's why you have lots, bound to lose one or two, life is cheap

not long ago back home no one knew from child seats, even belts weren't used when I was a kid

human life is grossly overvalued in the nanny states

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So I se everyone here is fine with children riding that way.

Going back 30 years in my home country (as I'm sure was the same for you) everybody was fine with that as well.

Doesn't make it right that it is the law here for the moment, but give them time.

Perhaps then you can complain about the strict laws in force....................wink.png

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So I see everyone here is fine with children riding that way.

Mate, you're not in Australia any more... it is what it is.

Focus on your own life ... no need to go trying to make others do things the way you want them done.

Soon you going to tell us that you don't like when a Westerner wears his Sunglasses inside the TESCO ... biggrin.png

Or that a mature gentleman and a younger lady shouldn't have a relationship here because it's wrong to you.

Enjoy life with your wife and kids ... no need to stick you nose into other people's business.

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When I grew up, we didn't have seatbelts, or child seats, lots of people rode in the back of pickups. I only knew of two people killed in car accidents, and they were pedestrians. Just saying.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ X using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Op - what an excellent post....;.nearly as good as the double pricing......any other Thai stereo type topics coming? How about - why are there so many 87 year old Australian geezers with 18 something year old girlfriends? Actually this is less of a stereotype as it is truth....but I think you see the point.......or not.

Thai law stipulates under police order 77.8.1 that any passenger riding in the front seat of a vehicle must be wearing a safety belt. All others are deemed expendable when or if an accident happens.

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Kanga, there is another way of looking at this issue. You and I and many others know about safety, but in Thailand safety is just not top of the pile. From the policeman's viewpoint - getting money is the priority. So if you are a policeman sitting on your motorcycle, near a traffic intersection watching the cars, the two easiest things to spot are - no helmets, but mostly thais with no money, (then too much paperwork), or car drivers without seatbelts, - more likely to have 200 baht, - no paperwork - no problem.
When I grew up, we didn't have seatbelts, or child seats, lots of people rode in the back of pickups. I only knew of two people killed in car accidents, and they were pedestrians. Just saying.Sent from my i-mobile IQ X using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app
That clearly proves that seatbelts are useless. God thanks we have you.
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So I see everyone here is fine with children riding that way.

Mate, you're not in Australia any more... it is what it is.

Focus on your own life ... no need to go trying to make others do things the way you want them done.

Soon you going to tell us that you don't like when a Westerner wears his Sunglasses inside the TESCO ... biggrin.png

Or that a mature gentleman and a younger lady shouldn't have a relationship here because it's wrong to you.

Enjoy life with your wife and kids ... no need to stick you nose into other people's business.

David48 - not sure if you know Australians or have met any! This is what they do. In fact it is the only way I can tell an Australian from a Brit. Australians bitch and moan but feel obligated to tell you how you feel by sticking their nose in your business as well.

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Op - what an excellent post....;.nearly as good as the double pricing......any other Thai stereo type topics coming? How about - why are there so many 87 year old Australian geezers with 18 something year old girlfriends? Actually this is less of a stereotype as it is truth....but I think you see the point.......or not.

Thai law stipulates under police order 77.8.1 that any passenger riding in the front seat of a vehicle must be wearing a safety belt. All others are deemed expendable when or if an accident happens.

Also true in many jurisdictions stateside.

Statistically being in the back already offers a lot of protection without a belt.

But bigger point is still who cares, life is cheap here, roll with it, none of your business etc

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So I see everyone here is fine with children riding that way.

Mate, you're not in Australia any more... it is what it is.

Focus on your own life ... no need to go trying to make others do things the way you want them done.

Soon you going to tell us that you don't like when a Westerner wears his Sunglasses inside the TESCO ... biggrin.png

Or that a mature gentleman and a younger lady shouldn't have a relationship here because it's wrong to you.

Enjoy life with your wife and kids ... no need to stick you nose into other people's business.

David48 - not sure if you know Australians or have met any! This is what they do. In fact it is the only way I can tell an Australian from a Brit. Australians bitch and moan but feel obligated to tell you how you feel by sticking their nose in your business as well.

And I suppose its only Aussies that have posted about a road widening, gym closing,aircon temp, etc,etc. No cobber, its not just Aussies who have nothing better to do than write about crap all the time. Aveagoodday. Almost forgot, the enthralling jet sky saga.

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So I see everyone here is fine with children riding that way.

Mate, you're not in Australia any more... it is what it is.

Focus on your own life ... no need to go trying to make others do things the way you want them done.

Soon you going to tell us that you don't like when a Westerner wears his Sunglasses inside the TESCO ... biggrin.png

Or that a mature gentleman and a younger lady shouldn't have a relationship here because it's wrong to you.

Enjoy life with your wife and kids ... no need to stick you nose into other people's business.

David48 - not sure if you know Australians or have met any! This is what they do. In fact it is the only way I can tell an Australian from a Brit. Australians bitch and moan but feel obligated to tell you how you feel by sticking their nose in your business as well.

It usually takes a accident for some people to prep themselves better afterwards I think the roads over there been congested as they are makes most peoples reflexes quicker but god forbid if new zealand drivers go there they panic in proper 4 lane roads let alone 4 on a single lane.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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So I see everyone here is fine with children riding that way.

Mate, you're not in Australia any more... it is what it is.

Focus on your own life ... no need to go trying to make others do things the way you want them done.

Soon you going to tell us that you don't like when a Westerner wears his Sunglasses inside the TESCO ... biggrin.png

Or that a mature gentleman and a younger lady shouldn't have a relationship here because it's wrong to you.

Enjoy life with your wife and kids ... no need to stick you nose into other people's business.

David48 - not sure if you know Australians or have met any! This is what they do. In fact it is the only way I can tell an Australian from a Brit. Australians bitch and moan but feel obligated to tell you how you feel by sticking their nose in your business as well.

As does david48, believe he is Australian?

Edited by simple1
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So I see everyone here is fine with children riding that way.

Mate, you're not in Australia any more... it is what it is.

Focus on your own life ... no need to go trying to make others do things the way you want them done.

Soon you going to tell us that you don't like when a Westerner wears his Sunglasses inside the TESCO ... biggrin.png

Or that a mature gentleman and a younger lady shouldn't have a relationship here because it's wrong to you.

Enjoy life with your wife and kids ... no need to stick you nose into other people's business.

David48 - not sure if you know Australians or have met any! This is what they do. In fact it is the only way I can tell an Australian from a Brit. Australians bitch and moan but feel obligated to tell you how you feel by sticking their nose in your business as well.

As does david48, believe he is Australian?

Why then do poms pay 10 quid to go live in Oz? Never heard of an Ozzie going to live in pommieland. Short visit to taste warm beer and coach cricket maby.

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When I grew up, we didn't have seatbelts, or child seats, lots of people rode in the back of pickups. I only knew of two people killed in car accidents, and they were pedestrians. Just saying.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ X using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Maybe I should add, after saying the above, I always wear my seatbelt and have done so way before it became the law in my country. As a matter of fact doing so saved my life once.

Sent from my i-mobile IQ X using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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sorry mate but you are still going through the learning curve, here it is ok to do what ever you like, laws do not come into it(except in car accidents, the farang is always in the wrong). Every person is allowed to make up their own rules as they go, if you asked every driver what the actual laws were they would look at you as though you were stupid as they have no idea and never seen them.

Double lines mean drive faster to get around the car in front, flashing headlights mean that the car has the right to make you get off your side of the road to avoid them, pulling out and not looking in your mirrow to see if its safe to do so means that you have right of way and multiple people in a car or baby in a lap means that they dont really give a shit about anyones life.blink.png

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So I see everyone here is fine with children riding that way.

Mate, you're not in Australia any more... it is what it is.

Focus on your own life ... no need to go trying to make others do things the way you want them done.

Soon you going to tell us that you don't like when a Westerner wears his Sunglasses inside the TESCO ... biggrin.png

Or that a mature gentleman and a younger lady shouldn't have a relationship here because it's wrong to you.

Enjoy life with your wife and kids ... no need to stick you nose into other people's business.

David48 - not sure if you know Australians or have met any! This is what they do. In fact it is the only way I can tell an Australian from a Brit. Australians bitch and moan but feel obligated to tell you how you feel by sticking their nose in your business as well.

And I suppose its only Aussies that have posted about a road widening, gym closing,aircon temp, etc,etc. No cobber, its not just Aussies who have nothing better to do than write about crap all the time. Aveagoodday. Almost forgot, the enthralling jet sky saga.

How exactly is starting a thread trying to make them live like me, it's not like I started a nationwide campaign.

Thanks for reminding me were I live I forgot until you mentioned it.

As for old men with young women, I never mentioned it yet as you said however why would you, do you have a complex about the age bracket in your relationship old timer.

Sit down and relax, have a cup of bonnox.

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Herein lies the reason. You tell your new tilac to put her seatbelt on. "But why?" In case we have an accident, it will help to protect you. "Huh? But we haven't had an accident yet." And that is exactly what my ex said to me. God bless all those merry souls waiting to have an accident.

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