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Minister Charupong fears Bangkok Shutdown may lead to a coup

Lite Beer

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How strange that it only seems to be the caretaker government, the PTP and the Red Shirts talking about a coup?

Nobody else wants it, least of all the Army yet this unfounded rumour keeps surfacing.

Of course if the government had any proof then something should be done but I suspect if they did have proof not that many people would believe them anyway given their track record so far.

Just as an aside were any children hurt in Bangkok on Childrens Day and the Army Day?

The government was so sure that they would be that they wouldn't allow children into government house.

Really??? Here are some recent quotes from Army chief Prayuth Chan-ocha:

"If every group does not stop trying to destroy their opposition, the army's soldiers will be ready to sacrifice their lives to protect the country."

"Soldiers will not allow themselves to be seen as taking sides with any group, because they must be the keepers of the rules and order of the society. They must finally stop the disunity to secure and bring the nation out of the crisis"

"It′s not only about [coup]. Everything happens because there is a cause. If there is no cause for something to happen, it won′t happen".

And my personal favourite:

"If a cow has a wound on its back, the crow will peck it. If there is no wound, there won′t be any pecking"

So you still think the PTP (and Thailand) has nothing to be concerned about??

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This remarkably tone-deaf administration actually has many plans that they will not disclose. But one can be rest assured that all of them reflect that they have absolutely no idea what they're doing or how they will proceed. The EC are providing the administration a way out of the crisis. But they can't see it, because they are frantically adjusting their frequencies to make sure their sykpe connection comes out crystal clear. This is what happens when people - who are naturally endowed to think - feel restrained from doing so until a man in a hotel suite in Dubai thinks for them. The problem is, that particular source of thought has a disastrous track record. But if the Pheu Thai administration ever deigns to come back to Earth, they may consider what the EC is suggesting. If the EC has the authority - and the Supreme Court has affirmed that they do - and they say that the administration can indeed postpone the election, they can do so. This will accomplish the following - it will immediately defuse the crisis. It will get the people off the streets, and it will allow the reform process to go forward peacefully, productively, and with real populace input, from all parties and sectors of society. This likely makes sense already to many in the administration - including Yingluck. If an election is held, parliament will be insufficiently populated to convene. It is truly impossible to think that will defuse anything. But a man in Dubai doesn't like the idea, because reform will squeeze him out of the process. So on with the police offensive and let power prevail over whistles. The most reasonable, mature thing for Pheu Thai to do would be to cut the sykpe connection. They can practice thinking for themselves. Who knows - they may find they actually like it.

Taksin has a house in Dubai.

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"there is no Act of God incident which will require the election to be postponed,” he added." But wait, there is no God in the Buddhist religion! Suthep is willing to play the part, although will downgrade his status and pay scale. Current elected government is like deer caught in the headlights of the Old Guard Bangkok Elite. The experiment with democracy didn't work out as planned, the common people do not love them for their decades of crony theft, and voted in new gang to mess things up. Bring back the efficient thieves! The army wants in on this, they are just trying to figure the cost and wonder about the loyalty of their troops, as the cannon fodder is from the common people.

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"A war room has been set up to closely follow the developments of the situation, he said but declined to elaborate the plan."

A plan ? Does anyone really think he has a plan ???

The guy has no brain and is useless.

Edited by xtof2
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This is a coup already. Or at least one in the making.

We all assume that coups are carried out by the military but that is only one scenario.

I re-post this from another thread.

By Wikipedia's definition (below) a coup can be conducted by any group (not always military).

Note the comment about civil war!

"A coup d'état, also known as a coup, a putsch, or an overthrow, is the sudden deposition of a government, usually by a small group of the existing state establishment typically the military to depose the extant government and replace it with another body, civil or military. A coup d'état is considered successful when the usurpers establish their dominance. When the coup neither fails completely nor succeeds, a civil war is a likely consequence.

A coup d'état typically uses the extant government's power to assume political control of the country. In Coup d'État: A Practical Handbook, military historian Edward Luttwak states that "[a] coup consists of the infiltration of a small, but critical, segment of the state apparatus, which is then used to displace the government from its control of the remainder." The armed forces, whether military or paramilitary, are not a defining factor of a coup d'état. Lately a view that all coups are a danger to democracy and stability has been challenged by the notion of a "democratic coup d'état", which "respond to a popular uprising against an authoritarian or totalitarian regime and topple that regime for the limited purpose of holding the free and fair elections of civilian leaders.""

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I got this picture in my head of the war rooms just like the police roadblocks over new years holiday.

You can just imagine half of them asleep, the rest sitting round watching TV, clipping nails, discussing what to eat next and arguing whos turn it is to get it in.

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They been watching to many Dvds eh !

The bars will still swing, the booze will still flow and nobody is going to give a butchers toss who is in charge ! its hardly worth 2 lines on page 99 of the Bangkok rag --They must have nothing to talk about ay !



Yep, basically what the Brits were saying in Singapore just before the Japanese invasion in 42 (minus the references to DVDs of course). They partied into the night as their world changed forever....

Sent from my GT-I9082 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Of course there is going to be a coup or at least an attempted coup or else the army would have stepped in the day Suthep declared a seizure and arrested him in his Hotel.

I just don't get it why he hasn't been taken into custady already?

"I just don't get it why he hasn't been taken into custody already?"

For the umpteenth time, people like Suthep, Thaksin, Sondhi, Chalerm etc etc do not just get arrested.Too powerful.

It's only the small fry that actually see the inside of a jail cell.

Remember where you are, if indeed you are.


He also doesn't seem to understand that it's not the army's job to arrest anyone. But in fairness it's a very confusing scenario in a land where even governments can break the law with impunity.

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This remarkably tone-deaf administration actually has many plans that they will not disclose. But one can be rest assured that all of them reflect that they have absolutely no idea what they're doing or how they will proceed. The EC are providing the administration a way out of the crisis. But they can't see it, because they are frantically adjusting their frequencies to make sure their sykpe connection comes out crystal clear. This is what happens when people - who are naturally endowed to think - feel restrained from doing so until a man in a hotel suite in Dubai thinks for them. The problem is, that particular source of thought has a disastrous track record. But if the Pheu Thai administration ever deigns to come back to Earth, they may consider what the EC is suggesting. If the EC has the authority - and the Supreme Court has affirmed that they do - and they say that the administration can indeed postpone the election, they can do so. This will accomplish the following - it will immediately defuse the crisis. It will get the people off the streets, and it will allow the reform process to go forward peacefully, productively, and with real populace input, from all parties and sectors of society. This likely makes sense already to many in the administration - including Yingluck. If an election is held, parliament will be insufficiently populated to convene. It is truly impossible to think that will defuse anything. But a man in Dubai doesn't like the idea, because reform will squeeze him out of the process. So on with the police offensive and let power prevail over whistles. The most reasonable, mature thing for Pheu Thai to do would be to cut the sykpe connection. They can practice thinking for themselves. Who knows - they may find they actually like it.

Point of order on " It will get the people off the streets".

In another thread on ThaiVisa (People's revolution 'will win'), Mr Suthep is quoted: "the 64-year-old veteran politician refused to give up - even if the government decides to postpone the election".

Hence Mr Suthep states that postponing the election will not satisfy him.

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PTP seems to think that declaring war on Thai people is "democracy" I hope Yingluck is held responsible for every death and every injury. I would dearly love to see her in court, maybe she could stop laughing then.

Huh!...PTP declaring war on Thai people?...Trying to preserve Electoral democracy is "declaring war"?.....Tell that to the millions who selected this Govt....A much better case could be made that 'political war' is being declared on them and their votes from last election....Ms. Y responsible for every death and injury?......Like AV/Suthep at R'song?...If that is the case. Ms. Y has nothing to be concerned about...Would love to see Ms. Y in court?....Like all those meaningful and substantive court appearances of AV/Suthep?.....If that is the case, again, she has nothing to be concerned about...Or are we possibly touching on something called "Double standards"
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"because the February 2 election is yet to take place and there is no Act of God incident which will require the election to be postponed,” he added."

these pesky farang are the cause of trouble, bring their "god" into Thailand...

unless he is referring to the highest authority inside Thailand, who has no role in politics of course..

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PTP seems to think that declaring war on Thai people is "democracy" I hope Yingluck is held responsible for every death and every injury. I would dearly love to see her in court, maybe she could stop laughing then.

Huh!...PTP declaring war on Thai people?...Trying to preserve Electoral democracy is "declaring war"?.....Tell that to the millions who selected this Govt....A much better case could be made that 'political war' is being declared on them and their votes from last election....Ms. Y responsible for every death and injury?......Like AV/Suthep at R'song?...If that is the case. Ms. Y has nothing to be concerned about...Would love to see Ms. Y in court?....Like all those meaningful and substantive court appearances of AV/Suthep?.....If that is the case, again, she has nothing to be concerned about...Or are we possibly touching on something called "Double standards"

where can a "Drone" be rented .. to send Osama bin Toxin a love letter

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How strange that it only seems to be the caretaker government, the PTP and the Red Shirts talking about a coup?

Nobody else wants it, least of all the Army yet this unfounded rumour keeps surfacing.

Of course if the government had any proof then something should be done but I suspect if they did have proof not that many people would believe them anyway given their track record so far.

Just as an aside were any children hurt in Bangkok on Childrens Day and the Army Day?

The government was so sure that they would be that they wouldn't allow children into government house.

Actually, the leadership of the current protesters want it. That's why they are pushing so hard. They want the Army to step in and oust the government. That's the whole idea behind this ongoing farce.

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"--- fearing that the situation may lead to a coup."
A fast thinker.
He now understood why all the people around him are so excited.
“The interior minister said he didn’t want to view the EC in a negative light for making such a proposal but
had sympathy for it for bearing a heavy burden at a difficult time.”
Yes to clear this bullshit rice scheme and all resulting damages.
May you money hamsters help them once and give the EC some accurate numbers.
How much open invoices/debs has the State today against the farmers?
Read only 10% of the harvest are always paid. 180 Billion or more?
That must be your "War room", nothing else.

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Sorry one more thought:
“Interior Minister Charuphong Ruangsuwan said on Sunday that the government was preparing for the rallies and discussing what needed to be done.”
What a lamp.
Perhaps the greatest demonstration is coming, and
On 12.01.2014 he begins to think what must be done for the 13.01.2014
And for that he gets paid his salary from the state?
What a waste of taxpayers money.
That's even worse than corruption.
Edited by tomacht8
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Why did not Suthep acth on the children's day? A better opportunity for him and his Clown'es and secondly, middle age ladies,(take a look on TV Blue, this after midnight!) and in order to teach the children on their future Cheik of Thailand?

Iv today spent a few hoer's in an industrial community (30 000 people) only 20 km outside Pattaya.Who being the owners, better their slaves? The owners from Bangkok, and at the same time as 96% of the labour from Burma & Cambodia. The men being paid THB 350 a day, and their "wives" 250,- which of the two sexes represents the best labour?

Why did we only see Thai youngster on motorbike and not working? ( All information given by the Chief of the village, he also the big landowner having sold or let land to the company owners, but did he have a word in favor of the behavior of Suthep?

When vi returned to Pattaya, why did we have to spend two hoer's in driving 30 km, if not kilometers with cars from Bangkok looking for safety in Pattaya? In normal weekend, people from Bangkok come on Friday, this for returning late Sunday. And we can only wonder on the % in the capital being supporters of the Clown?

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A war room has been set up to closely follow the developments of the situation

Some questions about war rooms, Mr. Charupong:

what's the minimum sq footage required?

does it have a/c, cable, internet?

do you rent or own?

is there a housekeeping service?

do you keep pets?

tell me about the neighbors...

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This remarkably tone-deaf administration actually has many plans that they will not disclose. But one can be rest assured that all of them reflect that they have absolutely no idea what they're doing or how they will proceed. The EC are providing the administration a way out of the crisis. But they can't see it, because they are frantically adjusting their frequencies to make sure their sykpe connection comes out crystal clear. This is what happens when people - who are naturally endowed to think - feel restrained from doing so until a man in a hotel suite in Dubai thinks for them. The problem is, that particular source of thought has a disastrous track record. But if the Pheu Thai administration ever deigns to come back to Earth, they may consider what the EC is suggesting. If the EC has the authority - and the Supreme Court has affirmed that they do - and they say that the administration can indeed postpone the election, they can do so. This will accomplish the following - it will immediately defuse the crisis. It will get the people off the streets, and it will allow the reform process to go forward peacefully, productively, and with real populace input, from all parties and sectors of society. This likely makes sense already to many in the administration - including Yingluck. If an election is held, parliament will be insufficiently populated to convene. It is truly impossible to think that will defuse anything. But a man in Dubai doesn't like the idea, because reform will squeeze him out of the process. So on with the police offensive and let power prevail over whistles. The most reasonable, mature thing for Pheu Thai to do would be to cut the sykpe connection. They can practice thinking for themselves. Who knows - they may find they actually like it.

Agreed. This administration seems about as incapable of dealing with crisis as the Obama administration has been. Except that president has more or less gone underground, whereas this one maintains her high profile. It is true that they seem devoid of solutions. Of course if they had any relations with half the Thai population there might be the possibility of a populist solution. But, alas, that is not a possibility. What will happen is anyones guess.

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How strange that it only seems to be the caretaker government, the PTP and the Red Shirts talking about a coup?

Nobody else wants it, least of all the Army yet this unfounded rumour keeps surfacing.

Of course if the government had any proof then something should be done but I suspect if they did have proof not that many people would believe them anyway given their track record so far.

Just as an aside were any children hurt in Bangkok on Childrens Day and the Army Day?

The government was so sure that they would be that they wouldn't allow children into government house.

Really??? Here are some recent quotes from Army chief Prayuth Chan-ocha:

"If every group does not stop trying to destroy their opposition, the army's soldiers will be ready to sacrifice their lives to protect the country."

"Soldiers will not allow themselves to be seen as taking sides with any group, because they must be the keepers of the rules and order of the society. They must finally stop the disunity to secure and bring the nation out of the crisis"

"It′s not only about [coup]. Everything happens because there is a cause. If there is no cause for something to happen, it won′t happen".

And my personal favourite:

"If a cow has a wound on its back, the crow will peck it. If there is no wound, there won′t be any pecking"

So you still think the PTP (and Thailand) has nothing to be concerned about??

I think that the PTP though NOT its rank and file supporters have everything to worry about.

A thought for you.

If the PTP is banned why don't all their supporters get behind Thida and the UDD and form their own political party.

They would certainly be far more welcome than Thaksin and the PTP and perhaps then they could prove to the country that they don't need to buy votes and that is not all about Thaksin.

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