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I’m meeting the gf’s parents on Sunday. They are worried that I don’t have a job


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have you ever thought about writing a book Sent from my TR736 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Post #262 was (MS Word count) 2874 words and still required to start a paragraph with:

"But what I am trying to say is that ..."

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i think once a thai woman hits the farang market that means shes finshed

with thai men or theyre finsihed with her or she knows she has no chance with a good one (with money etc )

i dont know many thai men who would marry a girl whos damaged goods (divorced or with previous children )

and there certaintly woiuldnt be massive sin-sods and gold and stuff involved if a thai man were taking her on

Utter Cobblers, unless it became publicly known she's a brass (or a former brass) then maybe. What are these Thai men going to do? Run a full background check of all her previous lovers? How about if she was a former karaoke girl servicing fat old Thai men? Would that be OK in the eyes of these Thai men or are you just making shit up?

How do you account for the fact that so many of the girls in the 'farang market' have Thai boyfriends? Back to your bar stool and come back when you've got some facts to share instead of spurious nonsense.

come on ,be honest

how many thai men will take a farang throwaway or a divorcee with kids ?

why do they always marry girls as young as possible ?

its a loss of face here and your either denying it or its a touchy subject for you personally ?

ps - i dont even have a barstool wink.png

why as young as possible ?

lets see... you want a dog or your children wants one...

you want a fresh new puppy or a soi doi ?

case closed

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OP has left the room......coffee1.gif

who needs an op on a thread like this loll ?

maybe his gf has been snapped up by a rich thai bachelor and hes afraid to come back

and tell us like some on this thread would have you believe



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why do think bar girl boyfriends are gay? or perhaps alcoholic and uninterested in anything else?

How do you imply that from that one line?

"I doubt the boyfriend does much in the bedroom....unless he's that way inclined..."

I dont know so I ask questions. I am not implying though. The one line quoted above seems it might not exclude being gay as a possibility.

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i think once a thai woman hits the farang market that means shes finshed

with thai men or theyre finsihed with her or she knows she has no chance with a good one (with money etc )

i dont know many thai men who would marry a girl whos damaged goods (divorced or with previous children )

and there certaintly woiuldnt be massive sin-sods and gold and stuff involved if a thai man were taking her on

Utter Cobblers, unless it became publicly known she's a brass (or a former brass) then maybe. What are these Thai men going to do? Run a full background check of all her previous lovers? How about if she was a former karaoke girl servicing fat old Thai men? Would that be OK in the eyes of these Thai men or are you just making shit up?

How do you account for the fact that so many of the girls in the 'farang market' have Thai boyfriends? Back to your bar stool and come back when you've got some facts to share instead of spurious nonsense.

come on ,be honest

how many thai men will take a farang throwaway or a divorcee with kids ?

why do they always marry girls as young as possible ?

its a loss of face here and your either denying it or its a touchy subject for you personally ?

ps - i dont even have a barstool wink.png

You mean like the Thai guy with my ex wife. He's making very good money insurance and she runs a tutoring center, making above 100k/month. They have purchased a house together new car and planning on trying for a kid. I've met him multiple times and he's great. (We're separated because we don't work well as a couple, but make great friends).

I read post after post on this forum about preconceived notions and ideas about relationships, money, and education of Thais on this forum, and all i see are a bunch of people who need to stop slumming it with shitty people.

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We need to send out a search party....
the OP didn't let us know what happen ... I'm wondering did pappa get shit faced on the whisky and didn't like the passive income and he did something sinister ???

Sent from my TR736 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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I think your story and situation is a very good example of the fact, that it is not only poor Isaan families to whom money is important. Actually, for some well off families, money and status is much more important, than for many poor families.

Personally, I could care less about what my In-laws thought about me. Luckily, mine are actually dead but my girlfriend still have brothers and sisters. They have never asked me about anything related to money and if they did, I would clearly tell them to Fxxk Off and mind their own business. I would also never give them any money at all, if they turned up and asked for it.

Just go to the meeting with the parents and see what they have to say. If they think you are not good enough for their daughter, then let her decide. After all she is an adult and can talk for herself. If she really loves you, she will find a way to be with you. So make this "problem" a problem for your girlfriend and not your problem. Because in fact it is her parents and her choice.

Good luck!

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OP update:

I met the parents and did not take any booze for them as they do not drink. I gave him a nice book on the Thai King and her a bunch of flowers. I had a rubber ball for the dogs running around and it resulted in a few laughs which was good at the beginning to break the ice.

Overall, I kept cool and my gf translated as they had limited English. They did not ask any personal questions re income etc and thus I did not divulge.

I was making an effort on my gf's mum as one of the posters advised this.

Feedback after the event suggests that they liked me and I will take my gf's word for this.


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OP update:

I met the parents and did not take any booze for them as they do not drink. I gave him a nice book on the Thai King and her a bunch of flowers. I had a rubber ball for the dogs running around and it resulted in a few laughs which was good at the beginning to break the ice.

Overall, I kept cool and my gf translated as they had limited English. They did not ask any personal questions re income etc and thus I did not divulge.

I was making an effort on my gf's mum as one of the posters advised this.

Feedback after the event suggests that they liked me and I will take my gf's word for this.


We were a bit worried about you...............smile.png

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I think your story and situation is a very good example of the fact, that it is not only poor Isaan families to whom money is important. Actually, for some well off families, money and status is much more important, than for many poor families.

Personally, I could care less about what my In-laws thought about me. Luckily, mine are actually dead but my girlfriend still have brothers and sisters. They have never asked me about anything related to money and if they did, I would clearly tell them to Fxxk Off and mind their own business. I would also never give them any money at all, if they turned up and asked for it.

Just go to the meeting with the parents and see what they have to say. If they think you are not good enough for their daughter, then let her decide. After all she is an adult and can talk for herself. If she really loves you, she will find a way to be with you. So make this "problem" a problem for your girlfriend and not your problem. Because in fact it is her parents and her choice.

Good luck!

Maybe the brothers and sisters have never asked you about anything related to money because they've already realized what a tight-wad you are and that asking for any money wouldn't be worth the effort.

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have you ever thought about writing a book Sent from my TR736 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

No, but I've thought about writing a book entitled Sent from my TR735 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app.

Sorry, it's been a long day. coffee1.gif

Edited by jackr
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You are wrong. Happens all the time in diplomatic circles - and dont tell me they rely on interpreters. You can tell a lot from observation-try watching a movie with the sound off, or in a language you dont understand.

And if relying on his gf is bad news, it matters little what her parents think. Not sure why you suggest he can not trust her.

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2 months. girl is pushing hard. too hard. it could be the girl is worried op doesnt have a job. she wanted info to spill the beans . who knows!

body language is only part of communicating for ex, a guy squirming in his seat-maybe he disagrees with your tone of voice of maybe he needs to have a bowel movement.

useless watching a foreign film wo subtitles.

Edited by oogster8
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it just gets worse. OP cant even speak with in-laws.....................lol. One cant judge people if you cant converse with them. Relying on girl is bad news!

It doesnt matter if parents is low or high society.

You say that like it is a bad thing.

I have not spoken to mine in 16 years.

Its bliss...

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OP update:

I met the parents and did not take any booze for them as they do not drink. I gave him a nice book on the Thai King and her a bunch of flowers. I had a rubber ball for the dogs running around and it resulted in a few laughs which was good at the beginning to break the ice.

Overall, I kept cool and my gf translated as they had limited English. They did not ask any personal questions re income etc and thus I did not divulge.

I was making an effort on my gf's mum as one of the posters advised this.

Feedback after the event suggests that they liked me and I will take my gf's word for this.


Thanks so much for (finally) following up, so rare here.

If you don't mind all the flak, do please keep us posted as things progress.

Do have a look at my post about how to negotiate on the sin sot if it turns out you're not getting all of it back.

Best of luck for a happy relationship as long as it lasts!

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A Thai guy I know got married in similar circumstances (wife a teacher, father Civil servant...) ฿100 000.- , not one million, counted out in cash during the ceremony to impress the guests, and returned afterwards (her mother doesn't know this).

One million is way over the top, I think you should have a figure in mind when you go visit and somehow bring half of that sum into the conversation. There will be a polite pause and a day or two later a counter offer will come. I agree about the expensive whiskey, maybe some other generous presents, don't forget the mother, she is the ultimate decider. If they stick out for one million or half a million I would see what your girlfriend suggests as a solution.

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You lost me at, "have been together 2 to 3 months and we love each other."

I cannot take anyone seriously who, at your age, utters such tripe like this.

Even the remainder of your OP supports your naievity in "going along with the flow" of what takes some couples many months to achieve before parading in front of family members.

I am describing a tree, that takes months to establish firm roots and have the ability to withstand nature's fury.

You are describing a ficus tree with 1000 baht notes instead of leaves.


Oh brother!

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