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Protesters in southern provinces to start shutdown on Monday

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tx22cb, on 19 Jan 2014 - 10:58, said:

Please can the protesters take some loudspeakers away to the South too?

They were blaring away until past 1 am last night.

Yes, this is the problem with some of us.

Only concerned about our little selves and convenience, disregarding the struggle and fight for a better future for the country we live in.

wow... it's true, there are people with less intelligence than amoebas. How would you feel if a load of Thais and other assorted foreigners pitched up in Greece and started putting their two bob opinions up for all to see. Come to that why are you not in Greece supporting somebody? I'll lay money you live nowhere near the protest sites. The local people there are for all intents and purposes prisoners iin their own homes and have to not only suffer thousands of dimwitted protesters outside their homes but they also have to suffer noise pollution until 2 in the morning! and you think that's all well and good?

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"The former Democrat MP on Saturday donated five million baht from his family’s account to the family of Mr Prakong Chuchan, a protester who was killed by a grenade attack at Banthanthong area on Friday. The PDRC, meanwhile, donated another one million baht to the family".

Blood money! bah.gif

Blood spilt by red zealots as they killed an innocent unarmed protester - shows the difference between kind and caring Suthep and arrogant Thaksin who thinks he is Mr Thailand!!!!

And of course you have indisputable, iron clad proof that it was a "red zealot" who did this? Please provide your information to the RTP, as I'm sure they would appreciate your stunning revelations.

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"The former Democrat MP on Saturday donated five million baht from his family’s account to the family of Mr Prakong Chuchan, a protester who was killed by a grenade attack at Banthanthong area on Friday. The PDRC, meanwhile, donated another one million baht to the family".

Blood money! bah.gif

Blood spilt by red zealots as they killed an innocent unarmed protester - shows the difference between kind and caring Suthep and arrogant Thaksin who thinks he is Mr Thailand!!!!

And of course you have indisputable, iron clad proof that it was a "red zealot" who did this? Please provide your information to the RTP, as I'm sure they would appreciate your stunning revelations.

......or the police, or black shirts (that did exist) then

Who else could it have been?

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No!! it is not sarcasm in any form, why do you ask??

Tell me, is not attempting to stamp out corruption and illegal practices leading us in the direction of democracy?

The PDRC are not seeking power they are simply intent on improving the election system so that populist policies (that harm the nation) are eliminated plus, in preventing illegal bills that diminish democracy from being put on the statute book.

Is eliminating checks and balances good democracy? or introducing an amnesty to benefit one fugitive democratic?

Not looking so ludicrous now, is it?

Sheesh, yet another one blinded by the Suthep light. Real Democracy is the LAST thing Suthep wants. He won't, and CAN'T explain what his so-called "reforms" are, other than to rid Thailand of the Shin influence. Why is it that when directly asked what his proposed reforms are, he comes back with something like: "I'll tell you later." Once he and his hand picked "People's Council" got into power, kiss ANY form of Democracy, even the corrupt ones, Adios, and say hello to Fascism, pure and simple. The man is every bit as crooked and corrupted as Thaksin, and I have no respect for either of them, but I will take the Democratic process, flawed as it may be, over Fascism any day.

Ohh!!....that fascism word again, how utterly boring!!

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"The former Democrat MP on Saturday donated five million baht from his family’s account to the family of Mr Prakong Chuchan, a protester who was killed by a grenade attack at Banthanthong area on Friday. The PDRC, meanwhile, donated another one million baht to the family".

Blood money! bah.gif

Blood spilt by red zealots as they killed an innocent unarmed protester - shows the difference between kind and caring Suthep and arrogant Thaksin who thinks he is Mr Thailand!!!!

And of course you have indisputable, iron clad proof that it was a "red zealot" who did this? Please provide your information to the RTP, as I'm sure they would appreciate your stunning revelations.

......or the police, or black shirts (that did exist) then

Who else could it have been?

Oh, so NOW it could be the police, red of course by your logical reasoning, or a black shirt (using your same logic), or how about a PDRC member used to stir up emotions and try to regain some of their waning and dwindling support? Try engaging brain before opening mouth, or using fingers. It might prevent you from looking slightly less than intelligent.

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No!! it is not sarcasm in any form, why do you ask??

Tell me, is not attempting to stamp out corruption and illegal practices leading us in the direction of democracy?

The PDRC are not seeking power they are simply intent on improving the election system so that populist policies (that harm the nation) are eliminated plus, in preventing illegal bills that diminish democracy from being put on the statute book.

Is eliminating checks and balances good democracy? or introducing an amnesty to benefit one fugitive democratic?

Not looking so ludicrous now, is it?

Sheesh, yet another one blinded by the Suthep light. Real Democracy is the LAST thing Suthep wants. He won't, and CAN'T explain what his so-called "reforms" are, other than to rid Thailand of the Shin influence. Why is it that when directly asked what his proposed reforms are, he comes back with something like: "I'll tell you later." Once he and his hand picked "People's Council" got into power, kiss ANY form of Democracy, even the corrupt ones, Adios, and say hello to Fascism, pure and simple. The man is every bit as crooked and corrupted as Thaksin, and I have no respect for either of them, but I will take the Democratic process, flawed as it may be, over Fascism any day.

Ohh!!....that fascism word again, how utterly boring!!

But true, of course a lot of the fringe stuff could easily be the southern insurgents getting some payback in and letting both sides blame each other, literally thousands killed in the south these last few years, Since so many southerners are coming back n forth atm it is entirely possible. They hate the Reds, they hate the Yellows and they hate the elite.

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No!! it is not sarcasm in any form, why do you ask??

Tell me, is not attempting to stamp out corruption and illegal practices leading us in the direction of democracy?

The PDRC are not seeking power they are simply intent on improving the election system so that populist policies (that harm the nation) are eliminated plus, in preventing illegal bills that diminish democracy from being put on the statute book.

Is eliminating checks and balances good democracy? or introducing an amnesty to benefit one fugitive democratic?

Not looking so ludicrous now, is it?

Sheesh, yet another one blinded by the Suthep light. Real Democracy is the LAST thing Suthep wants. He won't, and CAN'T explain what his so-called "reforms" are, other than to rid Thailand of the Shin influence. Why is it that when directly asked what his proposed reforms are, he comes back with something like: "I'll tell you later." Once he and his hand picked "People's Council" got into power, kiss ANY form of Democracy, even the corrupt ones, Adios, and say hello to Fascism, pure and simple. The man is every bit as crooked and corrupted as Thaksin, and I have no respect for either of them, but I will take the Democratic process, flawed as it may be, over Fascism any day.

Ohh!!....that fascism word again, how utterly boring!!

But true, of course a lot of the fringe stuff could easily be the southern insurgents getting some payback in and letting both sides blame each other, literally thousands killed in the south these last few years, Since so many southerners are coming back n forth atm it is entirely possible. They hate the Reds, they hate the Yellows and they hate the elite.

Or the Thai Taliban perhaps....you know, that lot that have adopted black as their uniform colour!!!!

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Shutdown their own provinces...

Ah ah ah laugh.png

Sent from my HTC One using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Well if anyone needs immigration services in the next couple of weeks you may be in trouble.

And Work Permit renewals too. Last year I took it in a few weeks early. " Oh no, bring it back one week before. No sooner " OK It expires the 31st , I was going to get papers and such from DBD and immigration next few days and have it there by 24th- ( or the desk as Big C where they are holed up the last week ) Looks like I'm screwed, and royally.

What will be consequences of work permits, and thus visa expiring due to this mess? Overstay? Arrest? Deportation ? Hanging? Beheading? JHFC!GA !

I really give up on this place.

Just think!!!

If Thaksin Shinawatra's parents hadn't been born then none of this would be happening!! There, you know where the blame lies now.


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Ok. Malaysia is just a few stone throwns away from where i live. I dont need even a Visa to stay for up to three month in Malaysia. Please, send me my new unpaid electric bill and True TV bill to Malay if im not able to pay that before i leaaave. thank you...

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The former Democrat MP on Saturday donated five million baht from his family’s account to the family of Mr Prakong Chuchan, a protester who was killed by a grenade attack at Banthanthong area on Friday. The PDRC, meanwhile, donated another one million baht to the family.

Whow! For this amount of money more suicide protestors will come, for sure.

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Protesters in southern provinces to start shutdown on Monday

Oh goody goody! My airport hotel business always does well when the locals decide to screw everything up...... I fondly remember the Yellow Shirts' 'dry-run' in 2009 prior to closing down Swampy when they shut down Phuket Airport - had the best low-season business for years...


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tx22cb, on 19 Jan 2014 - 10:58, said:

Please can the protesters take some loudspeakers away to the South too?

They were blaring away until past 1 am last night.

Yes, this is the problem with some of us.

Only concerned about our little selves and convenience, disregarding the struggle and fight for a better future for the country we live in.

You/Me/Us don't "Live" here. We only "exist" here. And your buddy Suthep is the head of the people who DON'T want us here. He hates farangs.

I believe the quote that people are using to make this specious argument is when he said 'I don't respect farangs' which forgive me if I am wrong was in response to a suggestion he should get foreigners to help. I believe it to be a mistranslation taaken out of context meaning ''why should I ask foreigners for help when Thais can do it ?'' Again, correct me if I am wrong.

If you have something else where he said 'I hate farangs' and you have some actual proof of that, please do share, I would be fascinaated to know...

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This is really going to hurt Yingluks support in the North East.

What is is showing is the PDRC cannot keep their Southern Supporters in BKK for many reasons. Money and lack of interest so they have come up with a work from home scheme basically.

Let them control the south. Then the rest of the country can see how despotic they are. Will also sort out the small boys from the very small boys then the Students are sent to Pattani to enfoce Sutheps law there.

Meanwhile to prove me right, Suthep is on a series of marches designed mainly to collect money for his failing putch. Support? Kidding me. He thinks there is more support to be garnered in Paholyothin after this being on the news for 80 days now? It's the money.

Yestedays sickening speach was also all about money and bleating that nobody believes him about the suspect bomb.

The donations yesterday are now PDRC money and only to go to the family if the doner specically reqested it. Look like they were just stuffing it into bags again... So... it's Sutheps money.

But at least the money was given freely, to a cause the doners actively support - Suthep!

Unlike the literally billions of baht of hard earned taxpayers money wasted on half arsed policies as exemplified by the last two years of mis-administration by the government. They have even failed their core voters the farmers who have been waiting 6 months nearly or their owed money.

Not that you know much or care about it, but as the Gov is in Cartaker mode they cannot pay. and the overseeing courts are refusing to let them pay.

Not the same thing, but if you want us to believe you can't see this anyoway other than this old chestnut.... thats ok.

The money flow increased because of the rhetoric, but the PDRC only gave 1 million of it back!! caring sharing.

I for one won't comment anymore one that sad fact as the grieving family should not be caught up in this. The lady obviously was in shock and bweilderment as well she might be and to drag her around BKK an on stage was just one more desperate disgusting ploy to add the the PDRC long long list of crimes and self serving actions.

Looking less likely there will be a coup. And its' looking impossible that if there was a coup that they could function at all or work with anybody. NObody will wear it this time. Everything is too transparent and Sutheps and the Cowards that back him are 30 years out of date with their tactics.

Unlike those lovely lovely red shirts who smeared the front covers of their propaganda rags with lurid uncensored photos of dead bodies and made up posters of them and covered every bus stop for miles around with them.....and didn't pay a single baht to the families until 3 years later after a court ruled to do it.....out of tax payers money rather than donations....So those who they were attacking when they died were forced to pay these payments from their tax money....Make of that what you want.

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This is starting to remind me of France. And not in a good way.

I said that today too, and more worryingly, Cambodia.

I don't worry about the PDRC doing it... I worry and I do mean worry about the Red side coming back after another Coup with no intentions whatsoever of engaging in Thai Democraxy and quango court systems....

The alleged educated followers of Suthep need to wake up and smell the coffee and get in bed with Chewit or the whiteshirt movement to try get Yingluck out next time.

The Dems will never do it and the reports coming over on TV now about Abhisits aide and the navy seals alegedly with Sutheps Nephew as commander. Allegedly again, but the tweets were not from your average joe and will be in the press in the morning.

Explains why Bluesky were very late out with the pics tonight. and if you want to be cynical, it also explains why the police have acted with lightening speed on this one..... They only started showing them later once they realised the whole world had already seen them..... We are not only talking about Thai Media reporting this!!!

Might be time for them all to consider the request from the Commander to sit down and shut that idiot Suthep up. Everyone else is on board... that matters anyway and the Dems should be finished now as a party unless they publically de-frock Abhisit at democracy monument

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Do they have wealthy backers in the south? someone who could pay for the protesters? They could always ask Raluek Leekpai to kick in a few Baht ( remember Chuan leekpai's brother ...charged with stealing 125,000,000 from Thai Farmer Bank,,,but fled to Taiwan until the Staute of Limitations expired). Worth a try.

Yes they do. With the big 3 tourist destinations of Phuket, Koh Samui and Krabi the amount of money that can be siphoned via the land development/owner/tourist services cartel is huge. One of the reasons that corruption is so difficult to attack in the south is that the amount of money flowing into the local power brokers/oligarchy is such that it allows them to buy as much influence as they need to thwart efforts to clean the place up. The classic illustration is the transport cartel of Phuket. As hard as everyone has tried, the transport gang(s) still have a chokehold on the island. Generating large amounts of cash that goes undeclared and unmonitored, the money flows into the coffers of the small group who have held power over the region for the past thirty years. They'll stop at nothing to protect their vested interests.

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As the role of the police has now taken on a very stark turn towards a distinctly totalitarian tone, this administration has indeed become truly dangerous. The police should have the key role in protecting the people and protecting the truth, but they are zealously dedicated to neither. That is a very, very dangerous situation. Because there is truly nothing now that separates the people from vigilante attacks and mini-armies, particularly when the administration is doing all they can to suggest that they do not exist. And that's anarchy. Anarchy is when an administration abdicates its responsibility to protect the lives of their own people. This administration - by their actions and by their inactions - have betrayed that trust, and are not invested in the protection of the people - or their right to protest - or their right to criticize this administration. Each day we are seeing atrocities enacted against the Thai people. Peaceful civil disobedience is the only option they have left to be heard. They must also now believe, unfortunately, that their voices can overtake the sound of a grenade, and overtake the actions of wanton, unspeakable cruelty.

Scamper - well said... and I thought I read that 20,000 cops and army would be helping "police" this extravaganza? now with 64+ injured in 3 days from hand grenades...I agree with the right to protest as it is a lot more than just the Feb 2 "election" call...it was the amnesty bill, and the bill #190 that would have let the PM sign international treaties without running it thru Parliment (kind of like the exectutive orders in the usa... ) and BTW it sounds like May 16 in the usa is going to be a smae protest as what is happening here... will have to wait and see how the usa cops in wash DC deal with a whole lotta unhappy people... but that is kinda off topic... anyway - 2 weeks till Feb 2 and is only going to get worse here..be safe and I hope some of the grenade attack victims do survive...

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Instead of just calling it a protest, they call it a "shutdown" of government. Therefore, the government should say that it has escalated beyond a protest to a planned and orchestrated "shutdown" and an act of anarchy and sedition.

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tx22cb, on 19 Jan 2014 - 10:58, said:

Please can the protesters take some loudspeakers away to the South too?

They were blaring away until past 1 am last night.

Yes, this is the problem with some of us.

Only concerned about our little selves and convenience, disregarding the struggle and fight for a better future for the country we live in.

So that'll be rule by an unelected Elite few then?

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tx22cb, on 19 Jan 2014 - 10:58, said:

Please can the protesters take some loudspeakers away to the South too?

They were blaring away until past 1 am last night.

Yes, this is the problem with some of us.

Only concerned about our little selves and convenience, disregarding the struggle and fight for a better future for the country we live in.

You/Me/Us don't "Live" here. We only "exist" here. And your buddy Suthep is the head of the people who DON'T want us here. He hates farangs.

I believe the quote that people are using to make this specious argument is when he said 'I don't respect farangs' which forgive me if I am wrong was in response to a suggestion he should get foreigners to help. I believe it to be a mistranslation taaken out of context meaning ''why should I ask foreigners for help when Thais can do it ?'' Again, correct me if I am wrong.

If you have something else where he said 'I hate farangs' and you have some actual proof of that, please do share, I would be fascinaated to know...

I believe it was to do with international observers of election practices. The response wasn't in English so could be some artistic licence in the translation?.

p.s. before anyone thinks i'm a Suthep fan boy...I'm definitely not!.....if he was on fire and I had a glass of water I'd drink it.

Sent from my GT-S7562 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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