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Red wave set to swamp Bangkok

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No you only want those agreeing with you whether they are Thai or falang

You are supporting a group which is trying to deny the fundamental right of voting! It does not get any more undemocratic than that! The Yellows have had multiple opportunities to make their so called "reforms" recently, in 2006-2008 especially.

Only some arrogant and ignorant Bangkok expats continue supporting them for some selfish reason obviously. Some are even hoping for a military coup.

Keep on voting is the only way to get rid of corrupted politicians eventually. Military coups only hand power back to the same corrupted elite in Bangkok and nothing improves. The Reds are not much better but at least it is a small step forward.

This arrogant attitude of Thai Chinese minority is very dangerous. The idea it is their birthright is to rule over Thailand. It could turn against themselves if the angry Reds really started flooding to Bangkok. All that decades long hate just waiting to be released. It could turn very ugly and very fast. When Thais lose their cool, they really lose it in very bad way. I hope it does not come to that.

In 2010 it was very close of starting a civil war. Government buildings already were burning all over the place but for some unknown reason it did not escalate beyond that. This time we might not be so lucky.

"in 2006-2008 especially"

Just to point out that Thaksin was PM, and then caretaker-PM, from January to September of 2006, and his PPP-led coalition-governments were in-power, from January-December of 2008, so I can't agree with your claim that that "The Yellows have had multiple opportunities to make their so called "reforms" recently, in 2006-2008 especially." , I think you're overstating your case based on inaccurate 'facts'.

The junta-appointed government, from September-2006 to December-2007, did make some changes/reforms to the Constitution during that time, reacting to flaws which had shown up under Thaksin, and these were (correctly IMO) validated by a national-referendum, the right way to see whether reforms are approved or not by the electorate.

I think that many posters, whichever side they tend towards, would agree that some further reform is needed. Caretaker-PM Yingluck & protest-leader Suthep both promise reform, followed by elections again, thereafter.

But the question in my mind is more, whether Yingluck & PTP can be trusted, to carry these out (and put them to a national referendum) while they are actually in-government. The way the Amnesty-Bill was extended & pushed-through would suggest not IMO. The temptation to "hang onto power at all costs", as her brother advises, seems too strong.

I'm not really any happier about Suthep's currently-proposed alternative.

Meanwhile holding an election in the current atmosphere, with supporters of both groups on-the-streets & a level-of-violence & intimidation unprecedented during the run-up to the election, seems certain to have flawed and unpopular results. Red waves or blocking polling-stations are equally undemocratic. This is already a failed-election, even before most have voted, IMO.

And the Electoral Commission will take their own (hopefully neutral) view on that.

Good post.
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I've always had a really active imagination, but...

I never Imagined that I'd one day find myself living in a country and wishing it would have a military coup soon...

Not been here that long then?

Only 13 lucky years, but I still manage to get surprised by what goes on here from time to time. wink.png

Yes.....look at all the fantastic results of the military's last effort.

Yes, that was tragic and a real shame, but as it is now, I personally think things will just go from bad to worse without any resolution either way if both sides are left to roam the streets at will. Just my humble opinion, and I hope I'm wrong, but..

Anyway, whatever the outcome, everyone please take care and stay safe.

Edited by Kimagure
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No you only want those agreeing with you whether they are Thai or falang

You are supporting a group which is trying to deny the fundamental right of voting! It does not get any more undemocratic than that! The Yellows have had multiple opportunities to make their so called "reforms" recently, in 2006-2008 especially.

Only some arrogant and ignorant Bangkok expats continue supporting them for some selfish reason obviously. Some are even hoping for a military coup.

Keep on voting is the only way to get rid of corrupted politicians eventually. Military coups only hand power back to the same corrupted elite in Bangkok and nothing improves. The Reds are not much better but at least it is a small step forward.

This arrogant attitude of Thai Chinese minority is very dangerous. The idea it is their birthright is to rule over Thailand. It could turn against themselves if the angry Reds really started flooding to Bangkok. All that decades long hate just waiting to be released. It could turn very ugly and very fast. When Thais lose their cool, they really lose it in very bad way. I hope it does not come to that.

In 2010 it was very close of starting a civil war. Government buildings already were burning all over the place but for some unknown reason it did not escalate beyond that. This time we might not be so lucky.

No good voting some maggots back in, same problem. The only way forward is to get the courts to kill the maggots off-get rid of them ALL.

Then you can sit down once the rabble has departed get your big changes in laws and reform. OOO la La Elections.

you mentioned abot getting rid of the Chinese Thai elite, good lets start with the rebel rouser first -the one that is still today causing thee problem--The big Chinese Thai himself Thaksin.

What do you not understand of a free election and the will of the majority?

What rabble are you talking about the elite along with the military, or the voting public, who's only crime they committed was exercising their constitutional right to vote!

How is that hurting you in an area where your support for the protesters is an extremely small group. that does not represent the will of the majority!


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In my opinion, Thailand at this point is incapable of solving these many problems without some sort of outside intervention. This outside intervention should be from a country or countries, where the rule of law is paramount and enforced regardless of race, religion or skin color. Part of the problem is that Thailand was never truly colonized by any country where the rule of law was followed.

As someone else said, where do you start, who do you put in jail? If every person in Thailand who had committed a crime was put in jail, you would have the entire population behind bars.

What Thailand needs is something like the Marshall Plan in Europe after the war or the likes of what MacArthur did in Japan. In the 50 years after the war Europe, Japan, Korea and Singapore have all come from the brink of death to functioning societies.

Thailand can not do it by themselves, they need outside intervention.

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Forget Thailand for a minute.. Don't you all think that most governments, politicians, presidents and senators are corrupt and full of <deleted> in one form or another!

Yes. But it is the corrupt politicians that hold the most forceful and fearfull control over the rest. Witness when there is a change of politicial power in Thailand then the rest quickly and fearfully kow tow into line.

But hey no prob...let's have another election...and a beer and some chips and watch the whole same shebang crippled mess start again.

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Many seem to be shouting war and trying to ignite one. All caused by one single person for greed and desire of greatness. 64 years old and gathered billions. Still it's not enough. How does he think he can return to Thailand and live? Become president of the north? It will not happen.

One really has to be a blind fool to write such rubbish. So you are against democracy?! Go back to your home country, Thailand does not need your kinds of expats!

Being anti-corruption or anti-Thaksin does not make someone anti-democracy. Thaksin used the politics of division to get elected, but putting the country back together is not so easy.

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Many seem to be shouting war and trying to ignite one. All caused by one single person for greed and desire of greatness. 64 years old and gathered billions. Still it's not enough. How does he think he can return to Thailand and live? Become president of the north? It will not happen.

One really has to be a blind fool to write such rubbish. So you are against democracy?! Go back to your home country, Thailand does not need your kinds of expats!

sorry my friend you are the blind fool

How can you vote for democracy when their is only 1 party to vote for

todays vote is for democracy or dictatorship

when there is only one party in power it is a dictatorship not democracy

Please state what your right is to tell someone to leave Thailand, that right is held only by a Thai citizen

There are 53 parties to vote for. Only 3 boycotted the election.

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In my opinion, Thailand at this point is incapable of solving these many problems without some sort of outside intervention. This outside intervention should be from a country or countries, where the rule of law is paramount and enforced regardless of race, religion or skin color. Part of the problem is that Thailand was never truly colonized by any country where the rule of law was followed.

As someone else said, where do you start, who do you put in jail? If every person in Thailand who had committed a crime was put in jail, you would have the entire population behind bars.

What Thailand needs is something like the Marshall Plan in Europe after the war or the likes of what MacArthur did in Japan. In the 50 years after the war Europe, Japan, Korea and Singapore have all come from the brink of death to functioning societies.

Thailand can not do it by themselves, they need outside intervention.

Too much loss of face asking for outside help. Only if it is forced on them if the fighting gets really bad & a peacekeeping force is sent in.

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I'm not sure that this is the point. They had been neglected for so long since 1932. Bangkokians have enjoyed far better services and living standards its not funny. I don't see this in red or yellow. We need to understand what only Thaksin did for the people of the north and northeast to realise this. 17 times the amount of government services in and around Bangkok compared to the North.. And now people trying to stop them and others from voting. This is not Democratic. I think we can lay the blame at successive governments who have spurned the people who are at fault. This is not so much about Thaksin but rather a semblance of democracy that I think the people desire. Not the elite of Bangkok infringing upon their rights. Be he good bad or ugly for all of Thaksins faults he did connect with the people. The Democrat's have not and cannot until they participate in the democratic process. In short Thailand needs to usher in a constitution that benefits all the people even the minority. Maybe they could take a leaf out of Australian or New Zealand democracy and copy this. But until both sides stop wanting power and money, it will be the people who revolt as we are seeing today and especially in the last 10 years. Marginalisation is Thailand's biggest problem as is the Ammarts, police, military and the judicial system. Their will be no real peace for any Thai until these items can be addressed. The revolution will continue until an equal balance of power and reform has been achieved. A rough road lies ahead.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Equality & minority rights are guaranteed by the Thai Constitution, but in practice often ignored, so then it becomes a legislation issue for enforcement of Constitutional rights. As you know enforcement of the law in Thailand is 'fragile' and undermined by institutionalised corruption. Therefore back to square one, how to overcome endemic corruption within Thai society.

enforce the rule of law, set a precedence and start throwing all parties in jail instead of letting them out on bail. It has to start somewhere. If a bunch of convicts can do it in Australia and do it very well, Thailand when they get serious can as well.

Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE 8.2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

The lack of rule if law is one of the fundamental problems here. Unfortunately, regardless of who "wins" the current mess, I can assure you that no politicians from either side will be going to jail. Only their pawns.

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Many seem to be shouting war and trying to ignite one. All caused by one single person for greed and desire of greatness. 64 years old and gathered billions. Still it's not enough. How does he think he can return to Thailand and live? Become president of the north? It will not happen.

One really has to be a blind fool to write such rubbish. So you are against democracy?! Go back to your home country, Thailand does not need your kinds of expats!

sorry my friend you are the blind fool

How can you vote for democracy when their is only 1 party to vote for

todays vote is for democracy or dictatorship

when there is only one party in power it is a dictatorship not democracy

Please state what your right is to tell someone to leave Thailand, that right is held only by a Thai citizen

Where do you get the information that there is only one party to vote for? Anyway it's wrong.

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Many seem to be shouting war and trying to ignite one. All caused by one single person for greed and desire of greatness. 64 years old and gathered billions. Still it's not enough. How does he think he can return to Thailand and live? Become president of the north? It will not happen.

One really has to be a blind fool to write such rubbish. So you are against democracy?! Go back to your home country, Thailand does not need your kinds of expats!

I suppose you think it needs expats like yourself, who have little education about the political apparatus but quite a strong opinion?

Democracy is far, far more than voting. And when the propaganda runs so deep and so strong through a nation that its people are rendered blind to the crimes of the propagandist, you can never have democracy -- not even if they voted every single day.

Democracy can only be in place with democratic principles safely guarded. Democratic procedures are corruptible. The process of voting is the least important aspect of democracy when the principles are eroded.

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The farmers need to stop rice farming, go into palm oil... Suthep knows a thing or two about that!!!

Sure does, wasn't he implicated in the palm oil price-rigging scandal a few years back? And if you look in the shops you'll see that Suthep's mob are ramping up the price of palm oil and coconut milk yet again. Never a family to miss out on a chance to rip off their fellow Thais!

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Many seem to be shouting war and trying to ignite one. All caused by one single person for greed and desire of greatness. 64 years old and gathered billions. Still it's not enough. How does he think he can return to Thailand and live? Become president of the north? It will not happen.

One really has to be a blind fool to write such rubbish. So you are against democracy?! Go back to your home country, Thailand does not need your kinds of expats!

One has to be a blind fool not to see Shinawatra corruption The original poster is clearly FOR democracy, that is why this unjust, biased, biggoted, corrupt election is a joke to many many Thai people!! Im Thai - YOU go back to your own country and take your copy of TRUTH TODAY and your red shirt propaganda WITH YOU!! By the way - my family is what you would call working class - NOT BANGKOK ELITE!!!!!!!!!

Edited by love1012
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My wife is just off to vote. Of the FIFTY THREE parties registered only 4 candidates are standing in my local electorate. the Democrats have chosen not to stand. My wife has indicated to me whom she will vote for and it is NOT the 'Red Shirt' Pheu Thai candidate.

Should my wife's democratic right to vote be denied because of Suthep or Abisit?

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No you only want those agreeing with you whether they are Thai or falang

You are supporting a group which is trying to deny the fundamental right of voting! It does not get any more undemocratic than that! The Yellows have had multiple opportunities to make their so called "reforms" recently, in 2006-2008 especially.

Only some arrogant and ignorant Bangkok expats continue supporting them for some selfish reason obviously. Some are even hoping for a military coup.

Keep on voting is the only way to get rid of corrupted politicians eventually. Military coups only hand power back to the same corrupted elite in Bangkok and nothing improves. The Reds are not much better but at least it is a small step forward.

This arrogant attitude of Thai Chinese minority is very dangerous. The idea it is their birthright is to rule over Thailand. It could turn against themselves if the angry Reds really started flooding to Bangkok. All that decades long hate just waiting to be released. It could turn very ugly and very fast. When Thais lose their cool, they really lose it in very bad way. I hope it does not come to that.

In 2010 it was very close of starting a civil war. Government buildings already were burning all over the place but for some unknown reason it did not escalate beyond that. This time we might not be so lucky.

No good voting some maggots back in, same problem. The only way forward is to get the courts to kill the maggots off-get rid of them ALL.

Then you can sit down once the rabble has departed get your big changes in laws and reform. OOO la La Elections.

you mentioned abot getting rid of the Chinese Thai elite, good lets start with the rebel rouser first -the one that is still today causing thee problem--The big Chinese Thai himself Thaksin.

What do you not understand of a free election and the will of the majority?

What rabble are you talking about the elite along with the military, or the voting public, who's only crime they committed was exercising their constitutional right to vote!

How is that hurting you in an area where your support for the protesters is an extremely small group. that does not represent the will of the majority!


If elections were not called, then the Majority are not in the reckoning.

The rabble -corrupt money pinching lot that has brought this Country into turmoil.

Lets leave out the military----police-----elite----red shirts---yellows--others. JUST FORGET THEM FOR 1 MINUTE.

What have we left in control---non of the above---NO, we have a family run franchise--for self gain bolstered by a man who cares not for Thailand only himself and his family. He is using the PTP and the poor for hi own ends HE SHOULD NOT be in a position to do it.

I support anyone who is willing to get rid of the leeches who have run the county down over 3 years.

The similar leaders of today who rule their countries by them having no freedom of speech-rights- Zimbabwe is a similar situation by the will of the people ???

Nth Korea--by the will of the people. Will of the people means Majority does it ??? Government 48% by the majority ??? will of the manipulated people YES.

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Many seem to be shouting war and trying to ignite one. All caused by one single person for greed and desire of greatness. 64 years old and gathered billions. Still it's not enough. How does he think he can return to Thailand and live? Become president of the north? It will not happen.

Again you post fooliness,at a time that the people that care about Thailand and "all" of its people, Should clearly advocate the peaceful solution to the present crises.

Thailand does not need war because the rights of the voting majority is cast away again by a military coup or the corrupt court system, all who care about Thailand pray that cooler heads should prevail and make a settlement that conforms to the Thai Constitution and the rule of law for the benefit of the total nation.

The article is a clear warning to the elite and the military, do not mess with the will of the majority, as expressed in an free and open election!


Thaksin Shinawatra is NOT a majority he is not even a THAI CITIZEN since he was impeached for corruption

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My wife is just off to vote. Of the FIFTY THREE parties registered only 4 candidates are standing in my local electorate. the Democrats have chosen not to stand. My wife has indicated to me whom she will vote for and it is NOT the 'Red Shirt' Pheu Thai candidate.

Should my wife's democratic right to vote be denied because of Suthep or Abisit?


And it will not be

This movement is:

PRO election

PRO democracy

against election NOW

PRO reforms before election

What IS it that is so hard to understand???

Good that Your wife, no matter WHAT side she vote for, use her RIGHT to vote - but in Thailand there are no RIGHT to vote - there are a duty to vote, the problem about duty and mandatory voting is that it can be misused...

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Things could get messy.

My wife is off to vote today, largely because she's heard that some people have turned up and their votes have already been used. Is this a new tactic? Probably cheaper than vote buying.

She wants to make sure that noone used her vote for YL.

At least the reds want the vote to go ahead which means that the polling stations should be 'bomb free'.

As for the red shirts in the picture, they look glad enough to receive the free t-shirt and beaten down enough by the govt that they're desperate enough to do anything for a few hundred baht. These are the same people who T told would be rich, how long ago?

Hows that working out for them?

Final thought, I wonder if the RS leaders will take their ID cards again, just for safe keeping (so caring). When will they learn?

This is a common Shinawatra practice did you not know about this - in 2006 thousands of people reported the same thing and were ushered out of polling stations by the police - I myself am going to the poling station today only to make sure no one uses my vote - another reason NOT TO SUPPOR THE CORRUPT PHEU THAI PARY!! More of the TRUTH TODAY!!

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Many seem to be shouting war and trying to ignite one. All caused by one single person for greed and desire of greatness. 64 years old and gathered billions. Still it's not enough. How does he think he can return to Thailand and live? Become president of the north? It will not happen.

One really has to be a blind fool to write such rubbish. So you are against democracy?! Go back to your home country, Thailand does not need your kinds of expats!

One has to be a blind fool not to see Shinawatra corruption The original poster is clearly FOR democracy, that is why this unjust, biased, biggoted, corrupt election is a joke to many many Thai people!! Im Thai - YOU go back to your own country and take your copy of TRUTH TODAY and your red shirt propaganda WITH YOU!! By the way - my family is what you would call working class - NOT BANGKOK ELITE!!!!!!!!!

clap2.gif ....... thumbsup.gif ........wai.gif

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Let them come, in the end the army will sort it out.

If YL is removed by the judicial system because her role as chairwoman in the rice scam then its a fair thing.

This rice scam where there are fake G2G deals and rice is being sold to friends of Taksin to be resold into the program (draining its finances) causing farmers not to be paid since October, some of them so desperate that they kill themselves. But you can be sure that the friends of Taksin with the rice they bought cheap under a fake G2G deal gotten paid first as have the core red districts. The rest could wait and were unimportant and the result is visible. Farmers killing themselves ultimately because of the corruption of the PTP.

Then the commerce minister comes out that they should stop the investigation as the Chinese might cancel the other imagined deals (some red supporters still believe this says something about the intelligence level)

The PTP and red cheerleaders blaming everyone from the EC / Suthep / Banks while payment stopped October and when a goverment resigns it should take steps to ensure it can pay out farmers. They did not that is at the least incompetence.

So all in all enough grounds to get rid of YL in a legal way. Now the reds are threatening to come to the streets if their darling is convicted for corruption.

So democratic those reds.

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